3yr old with Oral and Movement Hyposensativity

by Keri
(Philadelphia, PA)

I've always thought my son was just quirky. He's smart and polite, energetic and kind. Some of his odd behaviors include: always being naked even in the winter (but will put on minimal clothes if we are having guests over or he wants to go outside) Wanting to roughhouse continually, jump from heights, go as fast as possible on riding toys...some times I just lay him on my lap and rub him like a dog! A fast firm massage will actually calm him down.

And then there's the food...nothing seems right. He'll reject ice cream if it's too melted, mushy textures makes him cry like he's been badly frightened. He's the only person I've seen who puts salt on cookies. Now that I know oral hypo-sensitivity could be the problem maybe finding foods he's interested in eating will be easier!

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