6 year old with a major tude

by Jacki Brockett

OMG!!! I don't know what to do my 6 year old daughter has been out of control for a long time now her father and I have been split up for 3 months now and it has gotten worse. I have had her in counseling for 3 years now and that seems to make it worse than it should. She tells me that she hears voices in her head and that they tell her to do mean things and to act mean all the time. She has even told me that she wants to kill me and that she is going to stab me and even do the same to herself and her siblings. We can not take this anymore what do I do I'm going to lose it. PLEASE HELP ME

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Jun 11, 2014
singulair side effects?
by: Anonymous

Have you read about the side effects of singulair? Some people have reported behaviors like this.

Nov 14, 2010
6 year old with a major tude
by: Anonymous

I almost cried when I read your story. I was going through the same thing and still am. My 6 year old has stabbed me, sexually molested her younger sister, tried to strangle her little brother while we were all in bed. She almost never sleeps and we can't lock her in her room but she wont stay in her room. We took her to see a therapist and they said she has RAD (Reactive Atachment Disorder). It is something adopted or foster children usually get and she is neither.

She has been out of control since she was about 2 years old. I thought it was because her real mother was always dragging her along on her unstable roller coaster. But she has not seen her mother in a year and a half and barely saw her before that. I also found out that this disorder tends to cause divorce. I cant help but be resentful towards her and I hate myself for feeling that way but with all she has done and continues to do. I just feel like I cant take it anymore, and that it would just be the straw that broke the camels back if I end up being a single mom because of her.

When we talk to the doctors about what she is putting the other children through all they want to say to us is, "Well it's gonna be hard". Well ok I get that but what are they gonna do to help us get the other two out of her reach. The only reason we found out that she was molesting her sister was at a doctors atp. We had thought that she had a UTI and instead she had a 1 in laceration. She was terrified to tell on her older sister, she looked up and said "If I tell she will just hurt me more mommy". I could have died. I just don't know what to do any more and I don't know if I will ever be able to love her again. She talks about killing me and her siblings all the time but she never lashes out at her dad. It drives me crazy.

She is still in counseling and I don't see any difference. I also have no faith in them since the trauma my other two children have gone through means nothing. I almost feel like they are just waiting to be able to throw them into therapy as well.

I have searched all over the internet for support groups of blogs and this is the first thing I have come across. I am just glad to see that it is not just me. I hate to think that anyone else would be going through this but I am also glad to see there are others I could possibly turn to.

Jul 16, 2009
You too?
by: mo2g

My 6yo has also told me she is going to kill me, has tried to smother me and her older sis w/ pillows and blankets, and physically attacks us. Once she said she was going to cut me up w/ a chainsaw, throw the pieces in the yard and stomp on them, and then give my parts to the neighbors. I asked her where she'd get a chainsaw and she said, Steal one. Doc and psych docs don't seem impressed. She is diagnosed as OCD w/ general anxiety and symptoms of ADHD (but not ADHD) and SI issues.

Do you think the stress of starting school has anything to do w/ this? I was afraid she was bi-polar b/c she acts like my mother and that's what the docs say when I describe my mother's behavior to them. She has some allergies so she is taking Singulair at night. It really helps her sleep better so she feels better and is calmer. She just started OT for the SI and loves it, but it is only 1 hour a week. I wish I had more advice for you, but all I can really give you is empathy. I do think sleep is a factor. Diet probably also factors in b/c she is such a picky eater that she doesn't get enough/ the right kind of foods. Her foodlist has gotten shorter in the past few months. :( I haven't had to call in the authorities yet, but there have been times when I thought I might need to. Good luck. You are not alone.

Jul 15, 2009
major tude
by: Jacki Brockett

WOW I am so sorry to hear that. That is one thing I have been trying to avoid and hope that it never gets to that point. I took her to the Dr. yesterday and he told me that she is bi-polar and is getting her into see a psychiatrists so I will see where it goes from there an let everyone know.

Jul 14, 2009
re: 6 yr old with major tude
by: Anonymous

I can seriously relate to this. If she is not getting better in therapy get a different therapist. Find all the resources you can. My daughter tried to smother me when she was 6. We had to put her impatient in a mental health facility. She has sensory processing disorder, ptsd, odd, seizure disorder and impulse control disorder.

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