Bowel Movements

by Suzin
(Kingston, ON, Canada)

Our son was easy to toilet train and was trained when he was 2.5. We have never had any bowel concerns. However within the last 2 months, he has been what he describes as having "wet farts."

He has had a couple of occasions in which he has actually pooped in his pants. He claims he does not know he is doing it-doesn't feel the urge to do, etc.

I could understand that with his difficulty processing his senses and I know that can be a symptom, however why out of the blue like this? Any thoughts?

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About BMs
by: Anonymous

I would like to know your son's age because I have had a similar situation with my daughter who is now 5.8 years old. She had been completely potty trained at about 2.5 yrs but had surgery to remove several lymph nodes on the right side of her neck for infection.

From about that time, she seemed less sensitive to any sensory input which now includes bowel movements. She also has had accidents which she says she is not aware of-I thought it might be behavioral but nothing had changed in her life to indicate a problem. She loves school and does well, and she has friends.

When she goes to the bathroom, she now looks down to see if she has had an accident. On one occasion, I saw that she has clean panties, then went outside in my view to play. As I watched, she turned to look at her backside, then stuck her hand under her waist in the back and was surprised to find that she had pooped. I was stunned - she really seemed to have little awareness until she had actually had a BM.

The dr seems less concerned about a child that seems desensitized than extremely sensitive to input

by: Anonymous

Is he still just 2 1/2? Because at this age these things still happen not so much from SPD but because toddler/preschoolers can get so engrossed in an activity that they wait too long to go to the bathroom!

If he's having a runny bowel movement often you might need to check his diet to make sure he's not eating something too hard on his tummy.

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