
by al
(boston ma)

just landed on site through google search, any help will be appreciated, i got a 2.5yr old who about a yr ago and once in a while eat greens, fruits and minor minor soft foods. when he was almost a year he couldn't let go of a chicken bone, he nibbled on those things like crazy, ate some food, i loved making him food, bought foods i couldn't afford myself on an everyday basis( organic, nutritious expensive fish ......)gradually he withdrew,he only drinks from a bottle and if he senses the slightest solidness, you gotta filter it out or make a new one, i'm beyond frustration especially the fact that daddy gets to play mommy and every position on top of starting to work from home( which requires a lot of concentration without an enclosed office)

Im considering sending him overseas to a relative for a year before winter, with their standard of living i can afford the best everything for him, plus he can interact with kids alot freely there, in plus with cost of day care, it feels like prison being home all the time.
Frustrated 1st time dad.

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Oct 28, 2015
Thank you for reaching out
by: Anonymous

I am thankful you are reaching out and I hope and pray that through your courageous act of doing so offers you some relief and some real help. I would encourage you to get help where you can. I know how alone one can feel when they think and feel that they are all alone in dealing with a problem, especially when it involves the our precious children. Please enlist the help of the medical profession and don't rely on it at the same time as the only answer. Stay connected to this community. Keep asking for help. See if there are any other parents that you can connect with. My daughter is now 36 yrs old and I didn't even know about this disorder until now. You are at an advantage, although I am sure it doesn't feel like it at times. Continue to seek answers, get help and be gentle with yourself. You are doing the best you can and as parents that's all we can do.

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