I also have a child that I am suspecting has SID?

by Gaby
(Los Angleles)

I would like some advice for my situation please. I have a 3 year old that at the sound of a balloon popping goes ballistic! She is very sensitive to loud sounds from motorcycles, to lawnmowers, even beeping sounds. Also, she doesn't like big crowds, every B-Day party we have she cries most of the time.

We were at the county fair yesterday and when we would go through the section where all the games and rides were, she would cover her ears and cry uncontrollably. I didn't even know how to help her. I feel so helpless. What are some techniques I can use to help her calm down?

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Oct 01, 2010
by: Anonymous

my daughter is 2 and does the same thing!!! she hates crowds noise, and she has a very high pain tolerance but if i were to softly touch her she just cries! has your daughter been put in early intervention? my daughter has a OT, and SPED teacher. they have really helped she now wears a weighted vest, and a snug hug and got a weighted blanket to help her sleep 9she now only wakes up 1 or 2 times instead of 5 or 6 for hours!). my daughters doctor wrote a prescription for a "speech therapist" since she still eats baby food (because her low muscle tone in her jaw it makes her choke since she cant chew)

Sep 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hello Gaby, I have a child with SPD, including its problems also the same as your son. we avoid her sounds and places that can not tolerate, even if it's improved with age.

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