Infant Oil Massage

by Syeda

Where we come from (Asia) babies a couple of days old (just as their umbilical cord dries up) are massaged very thoroughly and vigorously with warm olive oil every day for several weeks and months - even a couple of years. Special attention is paid to the extremities and the back. Some babies love it immediately and others protest initially but start enjoying it very quickly - one needs to be consistent with it and make it part of a daily routine - sometimes just before a midday bath.

This could explain why kids who have gone through such regular massaging rarely exhibit sensory issues and generally have fewer behavior issues as well. In any case, massage is well known for its therapeutic benefits and also encourages growth and vitality (the right antidote for FTT- failure to thrive syndrome which is linked to insufficient body contact. Perhaps both massage and Wilbarger technique could be combined to get maximum benefit - massage can however be continued indefinitely without ANY adverse side effects.

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