Noise sensitivity in adults with TS

by Laura
(Kinston, NC)

I'm a 51-yr-old female with Tourette's Syndrome. All my life I have had extremely acute hearing & seem to be extremely bothered by loud, repetitive, and especially random noises. Whenever I have complained about, say, a neighbor's stereo being too loud or being bothered by the gunshots from nearby hunters (I live in a rural area. I despise both hunting AND hunters, but that's another story) people, in a lot of ways, just don't seem to understand.

I certainly have never gotten any support or any kind of help concerning my problem. People (even members of my own family) treat me like some kind of freak. Please tell me, is SPD a symptom of TS, or maybe ADD? (I have that too). Any help that anyone could give would be appreciated.

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Apr 13, 2010
For Noise Haters
by: Karl


Well, our noise hating songbirds here in MitcHELL County, Kansass have another update on the boombox plague nearby.

They tell us that the No. 1 day-and-night boombox champion way over there in the city of Beloink is Aaron Adams in his white 1989 Merc, license no. 178-BJW. (We'll be happy to publicize any other lowlifes also and also notify their parents.)
I wonder if the folks supervising Aaron (when he has on his blue nurse-like clothing) are aware of his great impersonation of someone with neurotic - or worse - impulses! Sometimes it's hard to tell doctor look-alikes from patients.
Speaking of doctors, if any doctor will verify that the No. 1 noise-maker and law-breaker over there in Beloink has caused substantial injuries to at least one person, the city of Beloink and its Keystone Kops, who are well aware of erring Aaron, may soon be sued for damages if they can't put the clamps on Aaron!
PS - The "values" in Kansass are now no better than the "values" in New Yuck or Hell-A !

(from Karl in Karl's Kastle in MitcHELL County, Kansass)

Jan 24, 2010
Boombox Plague
by: Anonymous


Here's how to end the noisy boombox plague:
Ask some poor wretch if he'd like to have a ten- or twenty-dollar bill. If his answer is Yes, tell him about your noisy boombox neighbor and then say:
"The money is yours if you can figure out something so I won't have to hear that guy's boombox again. Don't kill him or beat him up. But do whatever you have to do to silence that Hollywoodized lowlife!"
Believe me, this is VERY effective. Heard of the VAB's? They're the "Vigilantes Against Boomboxes." Or you can start your own vigilante group.
Reactions, anyone?

[from Karl's Kastle in Mitchell County, Kansas]

Jan 22, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thanks, Kim, for the words of encouragement. Guess unless you have this particular problem it's hard to truly understand the challenges it presents. Tics/Tourette's run in my family, too--my dad (and I believe my grandma) had/have undiagnosed TS, & I'm pretty sure my dad has ADD as well. My daughter has OCD, so there's obviously somethin' genetic goin' on somewhere! Good luck with your coworkers & the radios. I know EXACTLY how it is. I keep a pair of earplugs with me at ALL times, at school, home, etc. Again, thanks for the kind words.

Jan 21, 2010
My daughter has noise sensitivity and I think TS
by: Anonymous

My daughter since birth has had a very low tolerance for noise. She is eleven now, but most of her noise sensitivity has gotten better. She goes to an occupational and speech therapist at school and they do different things to help her through her different issues she has.

She has been diagnosed with SPD, SMD, ASD, a seizure disorder, etc. I also think she has tourette's syndrome. I have researched it and it makes sense. She has a pediatric neurologist appointment on the fifth. She has been seeing her for a year to a year and a half. She mostly specializes in seizure disorders. I was wondering what doctor do you go to that knows the most about TS. I live in AR.

She had a 24 hour EEG and they ruled out seizures. She did have them only when she was sleeping, but I don't think they are that bad. They said they were mild complex-partial seizures.

The hospital report said she had a lot of verbal tics and some motor tics, but mostly self-stimulatory movement. It looks as if it is on purpose, but here lately she has verbal tics and motor tics all the time. It breaks my heart to see her go through this. I know one thing she is not doing it on purpose because now she can't control it at school.

I finally got her neurologist to put her on clonidine and she has been taking it for a week now. It has helped a little, but she still has some verbal and motor tics. Just hope we can figure this all out.

Jan 21, 2010
Me Too!
by: Kim Sullivan

I am 42 and have a similar situation. I have trouble at work with noises from my coworkers, especially radios. I keep noise blocking headphones made for drummers, and listen to books on tape to help distract me. My son has similar symptoms. We both have ADD. My son and father have tics as well as ADD. I think the ADD symptoms can be caused from various things, but I think all of this is connected in our family. You are not alone and not a freak.

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