SPD and Immunizations

by Tanya

Thank you everyone for your stories, I know now I'm not alone on this.

My daughter started a pre-k program back in August and we struggled until January of 2010. The teacher was having issues with her. I got my daughters therapist involved and the therapist and myself felt the teacher did not want to take the extra time with her. I was paying for this school and was told they are a small school which offers more one on one. That was not the case, so I pulled her out and found another school where the teachers were more understanding. That turned out to be the best situation. My daughter was wearing her pants where they needed to be, she would wear her shirts and not complain as long as the shirts were a big size. We still had issues but they seem to diminish some what.

She got sick and needed to be on 4 different types of medicine, it seems when she has to take antibiotics or steroids her issues get worse. She is not is school now and the issue went from mild to severe again. She is complaining about the buttons on her pants and other things now which she never did before.

I was told that vaccinations are the cause of SPD. I was trying to do some research on www.thinktwice.com. I have not had much time to really look at the information. I was hoping someone would have information about this. My daughter needs to get her shots before she goes to Kindergarten. I'm not sure thats a good idea. I'm concerned if they are the cause, then what else will happen. I talked to the doctor about this and of course the doctor said no the shots have no effect like that. If anyone has any information I would appreciate it.

Sorry So Long!

Thank you,

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Jun 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

I decided to wait for my child grow a bit older with mmr. In my country it should be taken at the age of 12-18 months and at the age of six.

We took the 1st one around the time she was closer to tree and the second one when she was 6,5year old.
I have worked with 1-4-year old children for over 15 years and for me it is a common fact that by the age of two the kids get into their "terrible twos".
Mine didn't. She was strangely like an angel. Very co-operative. Her 1st year was difficult but since then, very nice and easy.

In my country children start their school the year they turn seven. Before that they have one year pre-school. The pre-schoolaged children are said to have their "mini-puberty". It is common that they rage in strange ways during that year. Mine didn't.
But she did become very difficult at the age of three. And tactile sensitiveness became a BIG issue.

She also had a slight temperature every now and then 37,3 plus fatique. Very sensitive to hunger, also a need to pee made her loose her temper. She needed a LOT of sleep and was very difficult to wake up.
This took about two years. Then she begun her pre-school. By the time she finished her pre-school she was 6,5 years. She indeed did very well. Calm, happy, co-operative. No need to turn socks inside out, no need to be horribly picky when it came to clothes.

She had the mmr in June when she was 6,5. Her personality took a sudden switch in the middle of July in the middle of her summer holiday. Back to turning socks inside out because of the horrible seams, back to hitting, screaming...

Now it's June and schools out for summer. She has made a tiny bit of progress, but mainly perhaps because she doesn't have to put on all of those winter clothes.

I hope that this will go away in a year or two...
The next and last vaccine will be given at the age of 14-15. And let me quess...it will be the beginning of a terrible puberty-rage???

I've begun to think that was there ever such thing as negative age with raging kids a hundred years ago???

Jan 14, 2016
SPD, ODD, unlabeled processing and learning disabilities.
by: Anonymous

I'm really floored by the fact that many of us see the same reaction in our children. The data bases would say it's mostly coincidence. Well I vaccinated my first 2 they are six years apart. My oldest a girl now15 born in the year 2000 and my now 8year old boy born in 2007.

Both children had a slew of issues in regulates to sickness after receiving their scheduled vaccination. My daughter constant fevers, vomiting, loss of appetite, soar throat all symptoms either right away 2 weeks later or with in 30 days. All called viral. At school age she had processing issues emotional issues and delayed learning issues. She's now unable to function and has severe anxiety and depression. Which I'm being told is hereditary.

My 8 year old was the same symptoms plus chronic ear infections started when he was 7 months along with Eczeme, breathing issues that needed steroids and a breathing treatment. Ear infections lasted till he was 5 when I said enough is enough he's on ANTIBIOTICS 3 times a year lasting 30 days each time and got him tubes. HAD TO FIGHT FOR IT. not an infection since. He has processing in issues. And unlabeled learning disorders and now insomnia.

My 3rd child. I decided to NOT VACCINATE and he is 100% fine. Not one single issue. Not one single sickness not ones single little bit. Wtf?!

Sep 22, 2015
NOT required
by: Anonymous

IT'S NOT THE LAW. It's actually quite simple - find out what forms are required by your state and fill out the religious exemption and hand it into the school instead of the immunization record. We did it with several daycares and preschools, both private and public, without any issues. They kept asking for my child's shot records and "forgetting" that they had the exemption on file but I kept reminding them and that was that.

Aug 22, 2015
Exemption forms
by: Anonymous

I believe in most states there are still excemption forms that u can get from the health department so they dont have to be vaccinated.

Jun 30, 2015
How do you get your unvaccinated child into school?
by: Anonymous

I am very much a believer of vaccinations causing more harm than they cure. However, as much as I do not want to subject my child to them...how do I enroll them in school. NYS will not accept ANY child who is NOT vaccinated in their schools. It is the LAW. How are all these other people who are not having their children vaccinated getting them into school?

Feb 10, 2013
We're only numbers to them...
by: Terri-Lynn Hobbs

When my son was 16 months old, i let him receive the standard 12 month shots. Within that week he was feverish, runny nose, coughing, and had diarrhea. We we told it was just bacterial and we were given amooxicillin. A week later he was getting worse, he hadnt been sleeping, he wasnt able to take a sippy cup or bottle, he was very weak and the diarrhea was still there. Returning to the doctors again, we were told it was viral and we would have to treat the fever, keep him hydrated and wait it out. A week later my son wasnt drinking, eating, moving and i freaked out. I demanded that the ER/Hospital do something. He was admitted right away and over the next two weeks in the ICU he was a mysterious case. He had a fever that was always high and had to be treated from the outside-in, not inside-out how most medications work. He had a rash on the palm of his hands and soles of his feet but no where else. He was lethargic but unable to sleep. A lot of things in his blood work answered our questions.

My son had developed Neutropenia and when he was exposed to the vaccines his body did not have the right balance of red and white blood cells. So his body wasnt able to fight off the live-vaccine. Soon after treating the neutropenia so he could fight off the live-vaccine, we noticed that our almost 18 month old son was not the same. He would cry all the time. He was sensitive to light, sounds, touch, clothing, and worse of all he was not as lovable. He hated being hugs and kissed. He didnt want to be held or even spoken to. He would avoid contact with us at all costs. He stopped 'speaking' baby talk and little words. It took testing all of his clothing to find out what fabrics he liked. It took wearing sunglasses inside to have him stop squinting. We kept everything in our house peaceful so sounds didnt bug him so much. It took a long time before he would allow to even love him in small physical ways like holding his hand, kissing his forehead, and having him look me in the eye when i spoke to him. 2 years of speech therapy, 3 years of working with OT and lots of patience- we finally have a 'healthy' 6 year old who still has his sensory quirks but there were no more vaccines, no more dyes, no more plastics, no more preservatives, and no medication. We have worked very hard to get him back and we will never ever trust a vaccine again. We are also happy to share that our 4 year old daughter has never had a single vaccine/shot and she is one of the healthiest kids i have ever known in my 30 years of life. I dont blame anyone but myself for not doing the research about what i was putting in my children. I will never blindly follow anyone/anything that thinks of the living as nothing but numbers.

Dec 11, 2012
Proof vaccines kill
by: Anonymous

I am sorry to hear so many parents have not done enough research into the correlation between cancer autism add spd's ect. If you pull up on google dr.hilleman vaccines and cancer the man who invented the polio vaccine states it causes cancer! Pull up CDC Julie gerderberg admits vaccines cause autism. Pull up freedom of information act vaccines cause autism Hannah poling. Pull up university of Calgary mercury
Wake up people it's all in black and white Yes the Amish have virtually no autism and no they do not vaccinate. Why has the hep b vaccine recently been added to the day they are born vs only if mom was positive. Maybe to hide the fact that you had a normal child until the vaccines started then toxic overload I feel for all who also think flouride is safe look it up. Is mercury aluminum MSG aborted fetus rat poison good for your child??? Ask your doctor to sign a vaccine waiver form see if they will. Educate yourself is SIDS really just one tommy vaccines. Yes as is the fact that once ypur kid is damaged they have a pill to sell you for the rest of there life a sad fact. Also why all the new allergies. And have ypu ever read the vaccine insert. If your not willing to research it then you can't say it isn't the vaccines
And lastly where is the scientific proof vaccines even work oh yeah there isn't any. Or who is liable if ypu have vaccine dave oh yeah nobody but hurry jury youmay die without them. Very sad

Nov 23, 2012
My boys were fine
by: Anonymous

I have a set of twins boys they were doing fine before the mmr, i will say they were pretty advance for their age, few weeks after their vaccines, one started showing signs of spd, speech change considerably. The other one started a month later. It seems that my children change to a whole difference person. Now i'm dealing with it. their pediatrician doesn't want to hear about it. ES is helping with speech and behavior. They will be 3 in a few months, i'm not doing any more vaccine. I don't when they going to realize their vaccine is causing all this issue to our children? It seems like no one care. Base on my research i believe boys are more at risk than girl.

Aug 18, 2011
Research before you chose to vaccinate...
by: Anonymous

I believe that if a person has no experience with children who have had a negative affect from a vaccine, that person typically feels vaccines are safe and reasons that the government would not allow it if it wasn't safe. I have met people who have shared their stories and strongly feel every parent should thoroughly educate themselves prior to vaccinating. Parents need to understand what exactly they are putting into their child's body by researching the ingredients and affects of those ingredients.

#1 There IS proof that vaccines cause devastating affects. A child I know was neurologically impaired and treatment was funded by the government because they have a set fund for those children who have been damaged by vaccines. #2 I know a parent who had government officials come to the office to remove the child's medical records after she filed a complaint about vaccine damage so she no longer had access to it and got NOWHERE trying to retrieve it from the government so realize that SO MANY CASES are not even disclosed and why not??? #3 because Vaccines are a multibillion dollar industry. Getting a vaccine on the vaccine schedule is like hitting the jackpot. I wouldn't be so quick to trust someone with my child's life who is making a serious profit off of their product. #4 For parents who DO vaccinate it is important to be understanding that every parent is only making the best decision for their children.

So DON'T get upset that parents who don't vaccinate are putting your child at risk because #1 if you vaccinated then your child should be safe anyways, right?? #2 Since when is chicken pox so deadly? Polio hasn't been in this country for 40 years and many other diseases are treatable. An educated parent KNOWS IMMEDIATELY when something is wrong with their child and seeks medical attention promptly which avoids any long term affects. People are demonstrating FEAR over illness that are mild, almost non existent and lastly, treatable!! AND PLEASE DON'T SAY there is no proof!!! There are MILLIONS of parents telling their story. If your child did a 360 after a vaccine how would you feel if someone told you, "there is no proof" and dismissed you... you would be FURIOUS because YOU would want to be heard and something to be done about it. One of the most ignorant thing to say is "My child was vaccinated and he/she is fine." First of all, it is important to realize that everyone is different- We all have different sensitivities and general issues and our bodies all operate differently. Some children have lower thresholds or possibly weaker immune systems and are less tolerant to the TOXINS in the vaccines. Last thought, is your child really fine?? The numbers are rising exponentially of developmental and speech delays, sensory issues, learning disabilities, emotional problems, ADHD and the list goes on. Doesn't that count? Let's all respect one another's decisions but PLEASE educate and do your research!!!!

Feb 11, 2011
I have no answers..
by: Anonymous

...but what I do know, is I am not taking any chances. I am not getting any more vaccinations for my kids.

I have been through what all of you know if you are here, a most unpleasant experience. What is worse, is what my daughter goes through. I won't chance making it worse. I stay away from babies anyway. Because frankly, after four years of screaming non-stop... I really don't ever want to see another one.

She is finally getting to a point where she can function.

She will now eat, at least once a day, and sometimes sleeps through the night. I just got the letter from her school about her missing MMR. It almost is as if they have never heard a thing I have said to them.

Oh well. Time to send it back AGAIN. What shall I put this time? Amish you say?

Jul 24, 2010
No definite proof either way
by: Anonymous

Bottom Line- there is no definite proof of anything that causes autism or spd! Everyone chooses what they believe hopefully based on research and personal experience. I noticed symptoms of spd from birth so i am 100% positive that it was not caused by any vaccine unless of it was the Hep b shot they give while in the hospital which no research has been linked to that shot. Unless there is a community of children that have the exact same diet, environment, etc in which there is a 0% rate of austism or spd who also dont vaccinate then I am not convinced. I hope you do what you believe is right based on what you find or learn not just by someone elses opinion.

Jul 21, 2010
A different view
by: Anonymous

I will take a fairly unpopular view among those with children with SPD or ASD. I don't think vaccinations have anything to do with it. My child who is on the Autism Spectrum and has SPD is my 3rd. I noticed things were different from the get-go (and he is HIGHLY functioning). I have friends who children also suffer, and they, too, also noticed differences before any vaccinations--even those who do believe it was vaccinations.

Now, if you don't want to vaccinate, don't. I don't have a problem with people who choose not to vaccinate for whatever reason. I understand that we don't know the cause and we want a definite answer, and if blaming vaccines make you feel better, so be it. Just please don't get your non-vaccinated child near my newborn. Wait until he has been vaccinated so he can be protected from your child. Not being mean, just a practical plea.

Jul 20, 2010
First check the state law on vaccines.
by: Anonymous

Usually they will have a medical, religious, or moral belief exemption. You can find a copy letter stating your exemption of choice.
You fill it out and bring it with you when its time to enroll her.
I did it, they asked why...I said my son has autism! They didn't ask another thing.
He has aspergers, and SPD, and anxiety issues as a result of the two.
They like to play down the sensory, and almost convince me sometimes
But then i see it so much at home.At home he can go to sensory item of choice and i watch him do it about every 20-30 minutes.
But at school they want you seated and doing work, so you dont see it, until they have a meltdown and let him rock, or use the bean bags on top of himself. After 5-10 minutes, hes goood to go!!!
Yes, i do believe that the vaccines cause the sensory issues in our children. From birth, they, (the shots), ruin their nervous systems which arent fully developed. But that just my opinion and years of researching, conferences and observation, but i'm just a mom.....You know!
But i dont care, i will say it, Dont vaccinate!
Check out the rate of autism in the Amish community, they dont vaccinate!
Good luck sister, Kim

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