Tactile Defensiveness

by Jill

I feel like my 6 yr old son may have tactile defensiveness. I have been dealing with this for over a year and it is very frustrating for both my son and I. He has issues with clothes, mainly pants/shorts. He feels like they have to be tight. I buy his clothes,have them taken in in the waist and then he feels he has to wear a belt with them. He says that the pants are hurting him.I say they are too tight,but he won't agree.

He is in tears almost every morning about this. I believe I will take him to the pediatrician and see if she believes its a SPD. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't know how to handle this daily battle.

Thanks Jill

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Feb 17, 2012
6 yr old Son
by: Anonymous

My 6 yr old is the same. He always has his pants pulled up super high and hates when they are too baggy or too tight. He changes outfits numerous times each morning, going so far as to pull clothes out of the dirty laundry pile because he doesn't want to wear wny of the other ones. We have been fighting with him about it for over a year now. I bought different textured pants for him and it doens't help much. Now that I have read a bit more about these conditions, I feel terrible for giving him a hard time about it! How do you get your child diagnosed? Go to my family Dr?

Jul 30, 2009
There is hope!
by: Anonymous

I'm going through the same thing! My daughter was diagnosed with Sensory Integration Disorder and then focused in on Tactile Defensiveness. It was a war every morning with cloths. Many days, if we're in a hurry it still is! I do OT on her and she's getting better. Some days I have to warm her cloths up. I had to buy her a whole new wardrobe once we figured out the problem. Just know there is hope. I thought I was losing it!!

Jan 28, 2009
There is hope!
by: Summer Green

I feel your pain! Yes, yes take him to the doctor! My son is the same way. EVERY morning results in meltdowns about EVERY article of clothing. I seriously dread getting him dressed. He says the same thing all his clothes are hurting him or are so uncomfortable he can't stand it.

I finally took him to the doctor, I just learned there was such a thing as sensory processing disorder. he's 5 now. He's gonna see an OT. There is light at the end of the tunnel! I wish I'd known about this earlier, it would have saved us both a lot of tears!

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