Turning 4 - rage over so many things

My Son is Turning 4. I am an OT and have worked extensively with behavioral kids. My son is very rigid and tantrums with violence to himself, the walls/floors, me, or his sister. I am extremely consistent with behavior programs - it works against me at times but has also helped with the behaviors. I find I struggle with offering situations that will ease him through the day instead of punishing the fits, but when I able to find the energy to think and act ahead many issues can be avoided.... I need to somehow find the strength/energy to do this more constantly. So those are my insights and goals for myself.

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Oct 23, 2014
How to discipline five yr old with spd
by: Gma

All of these posts are so comforting to me. As the grandmother of a five yr old with spd (no official dx yet) who lives with us, as does his mom and dad. We are at a total loss as to how to proceed with discipline of any kind. He screams at the top of his lungs any time we tell him not to do something, i.e. Don't run into traffic, sit on the cat, throw the bop bag etc. or when he doesn't get his way. And we tell him in a very calm voice. Right now we just take his hand and take him to his room to calm down, but if we're in public of course people look at us like we're abducting a child or something. We used to try timeouts, which of course made things worse. He also has a LOT of anxiety with strangers. When he was three we took him to be evaluated by develop. Pediatrician, O.T.,..the whole gamut, but he had so much anxiety, that they could only evaluate him so much, as he spent the whole time screaming and crying, and then we couldn't,get him to go"bye bye" even for fun for about two months. So, basically we stopped going to see docs as it was making things worse. Now we're considering trying an ot again, but we're so put off by our first experience. He also has language delay, but has improved by leaps and bounds this last year. Anyway, we are just stumped as to how to stop the screaming when we have to correct him. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

Jun 10, 2011
what about fuctioning in society?
by: Sherry

Hi, your son sounds so much like my 3yr old grandson and we too have struggled with some sort of discipline or work hard at keeping things according to his standard. The world isnt going to treat him the same so I have some concerns about keeping everything his way. He has behavior issues over what is put in his sippy cup, can only wear long sleeves and pants, doesnt share easily with siblings. Does when forced. bedtime has to be his routine or else it major meltdown. He has to brush his teeth, check light(has to be on) wants no one in his room, kisses and hugs at doorway, then he locks the door and says night, slams the door. One cant interrupt the process or else. In his room is a mattress with dog pillow pet and a few of his favorite cars. He destroys any furniture put in there. He has appt. to be tested in Sept.

Aug 15, 2010
by: Anonymous

That sounds a lot like my son. He is 7 and we put him on ADHD meds which has helped some. Due to the cost involved in taking the meds we try to go without on Sat. There is a marked increase in the behavior problems and the rage. At least on meds his rage seems to be slightly less.

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