7th grade teacher thought she was smart

She caught me a few times with my shoes off under the desk, and decided that the way she would handle it would be to make me put my shoes in a box on the bookshelf. I could ask for them back, but if I did I had to keep them on for the rest of the semester or be sent to the principal for defiance. She thought for sure I'd ask for them back. Little did she know. I was quite happy the rest of the semester shoeless.

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Sep 06, 2010
too many thoughts
by: Anonymous

My 13 year old has had very similar problems. He is not my one with SPD but does have some sensitivity. I would like to hear others comments on this as well.

Sep 06, 2010
by: ktf

Hi my son is 12 years old and shows a lot of the signs of SPD, my question is can it affect your thought processing to?

For the past 18 months (onset of puberty) he says he cannot concentrate as the thoughts in his mind are fast and jumbled, they are about lots of different things like a film, a game, school, all jumbled together...

He has taken to typing his thought onto the computer as he says it helps a little to get some out!

Almost daily he texts me from school saying his head is fuzzy with too many thoughts and it literally is driving him mad, does anyone know of this been related to SPD?

Any advice welcome

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