The SPD Q & A started out originally as a SPD helpline where visitors would submit questions and our resident OT, Michele Mitchell, would answer. Due to the sheer volume of questions submitted, It became impossible for Michele to keep up. However, all of the submissions that she was able to answer is listed below.
Check through previous submissions to see if your question has already been addressed/answered. Feel free to submit YOUR question if it has not already been addressed.
Welcome to the SPD Q & A, where questions, comments, thoughts, ideas, and gems of wisdom can be submitted via the form below. This is an interactive process. Click below to see answers to your questions and contributions from other visitors regarding it...
Sudden Sound Sensitivities Aged 8
Chapstick and chapped lips
ASD therapist near Conifer, Evergreen, Englewood, Littleton?
Rubbing Stiff Fabrics Under Fingernails, etc.
10 months old baby still not eating
Do I have SPD?!
Jumping involuntarily, climbing over furniture.
6 year old girl
Real SPD?
Hygiene and smelly clothes
Confusing the days?
Has anyone tried multivitamins, especially magnesium and zinc, to help with SPD, ADHD, Autism, etc.?
I Can't Wear Underwear Anymore
Sensory Overload And Mood
7 year old daughter refusing to put on clothes
What next?! Can't get my child to school because of not being able to wear shirts!
Dry Fingers/Hands on Fabric!!!
Is this a sensory problem ?
SPD question
2 year old hardly eats
Jumping and impulsive
Stumped about symptoms
Listening Therapy: Vital Links vs. iLs(integrated listening system)
4 year old wants everything tight (car seat , shoes) but won’t wear pants or long sleeves or closed toed shoes!
Sensory Processing Disorder or just very Anxious?
Pants and Underwear Sensitivity
Help !
Genital sensitivity
Trying to help a friend!
Looking for a SPD OT in the bronx or westchester for 4 year old with space issues
When we go see doctor how can i make him understand my concerns?
Pulling pants up too high
Kaiser and SPD
Disappointed I Didn't Tell My Daughter
Positives of SPD
Daughter hates brushing technique - any other effective methods?
Is it choice
Licking everything
6 year old daughter constantly invading personal space
Daughter will not change her underwear because she doesn't want it to touch her anywhere
Nose sniffing
Child covering his ears and not sounding words at 18 months?
SPD at home and school
Battle with 7 month old to sleep since birth
Sensory problem clothes
Picking and Pulling Things Apart
Hand washing
4 year old son won't swallow or spit out saliva, refuses to open mouth to speak.
Reporter looking for parents' stories of SPD
Billing codes for SPD
Does my child have sensory issues or are we making a big thing out of nothing like the school thinks we are?
Sensory Problem with All Clothing/Shoes & Shaken Baby Syndrome or head trauma
Car seat & SPD
SPD child with Anxiety
My son has SPD and a constant battle of Bum Picking
5 Year old must take off pants and underwear to ride in the car
Constant licking and spitting
Service/Therapy Pets
SPD vs Autism
I need help?!?!
Does SPD prevent a child from learning?
Help! 5 1/2 year old Still Uses Pacifier
I need help
Laws on kids with a SPD label in a classroom setting
Eye contact
2.8 year old avoids eye contact with strangers and runs around with humming sound
Touching knitted materials
Dealing with the flu and spd child any tips
Documenting Sensory In Occupational Therapy Notes
SPD and School Help
Extreme Dislike of Seatbelts
Orange ribbon
How can I help my child with SPD listen better?
Wrapped in a blanket
How do i know if its SPD?
Statistics related to SPD and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
5 year old with Anger Issue
SPD growling , hurting himself and negative talk (i wish i could die)!!!!!
My five year old nephew
My 2 and a half year old daughter is having a problem with clothing being too tight when it's not..
What age should an SPD child start Homeschool/School
Lots of symptoms
Help - my 4 year old boy is becoming increasingly stressed with clothes/seatbelts
Daughter's Friend is a sensory seeking child
Not understanding Sensory Processing Disorder
Trying to find strategies to help 7 year old
Can these symptoms come and go?
Our 4 year old has SPD
Did your baby get starved of oxygen?
Pubic hair
Daughter has a habit of shaking a pen or pencil all day
3.5 year old always wants to jump.
SPD related to getting dressed
Can quitting TV help?
Diaper removal
8 year old girl loses it at the smallest things
Is it possible to really tell if a 1 year old has SPD?
My son aged 2.8 yrs old is kind of putting nails, thumbtacks and other things on his mouth
Laughing uncontrollably
Disruptive Noises
Getting other people to understand SPD
My 9 year old Daughter is stealing!
Socks causing discomfort
What's going on here? New to this
SPD and Primitive reflexes.
How to get my grand daughter to wear clothes
Eight year old daughter constant bed time battle
Sensory seeker and language delay
Rispedral. Ritalin and SPD
Concerned mom of SPD 21/2 y.o.
Four year old girl with dramatic sensitivity on her bottom
My 8 year old son is dysgraphic and had attending problems he also has a 130 IQ
Eating, drinking, breathing, talking, laughing tooooo loud!
What is the appropriate age to test if a child has SPD
Back talk to adults
Can SPD interfere with socialization?
Anger and SPD
Does my 5 yr old have SPD?
Does my 7yr old have SPD
Older children with Sensory issues
Help, my daughter has been kicked out of two daycares!
You are not alone
Shudders-Sensory Overload
Hypersensitivity to sounds
Getting her hair cut!
Barometric pressure and SPD
Night Light
What do I do??
Underwear Sensitivity
Touching paper
5 1/2 year old son
12 year old SPD Girl out of Control
Sensory processing disorder vs ADD
The listening programme
Selective about food,clothes and very very conscious about how he looks and smells.
Behavioral Poop Holding
No jacket
Star Center in Denver?
SPD and Restroom Issues
Serious Pain problems.. Is this SPD or not??
SPD tics?
Getting older children to sleep by themselves
Very confused over clothing issues
Does a child ever adjust and live independently
4 Year old girl... does she have SPD?
Can chronic skin picking or nail & finger biting be a sign of SPD in a 3yr old?
Is higher intelligence assosciated with SPD?
2 yr old son has SPD.
4 year old constantly jumping and running, always seeking touch
Non-verbal 3 year old, SPD only or Autism/SPD
Please Help! Does my 3 year old have SPD?
SPD and Hormones?
How can I get my 2 year old to talk?
Are his problems sensory related or should he be in pyshotherapy?
Pacified attachment
Our OT said she couldn't diagnose, only a doctor can.
Waiting on Kindergarten?
Personal Space
Is it wise to start my 6yr old SPD son sharing a room with his 3yr old brother?
Biting clothes
I think my 5 year old has SPD
Explaining SPD to a "sensory seeker"
Behaviour at school
Just diagnosed and not sure where to go from here
My 6 yr old loves to run and that is affecting her friendships
Weather and climate changes
Traveling tips
Almost 3 yr old doesn't answer questions and smells EVERYTHING he comes in contact with
Still not better
Do kids grow out of this?
Explaining SPD to a Child
My 10 month old rocks back and forth a lot
Everything 'hurts'
SPD and eating out at restaurants
Pre teen with SPD/ MRELD
Sensory problems
No sporting events, No parades
The need for touch
Can a district refuse to evaluate for special education services because they reject SPD as a disability?
Gluten free diet
Has anyone tried neurofeedback?
Help with low muscle tone of mouth, awaiting OT Eval in July, 2012
Language delay related to SPD?
Sensory problems
Peditricians missing the signs of SPD
Visual processing difficulties
Drooling and habit of tilting head left and right
Montessori better for SPD children?
Any body elses child likes this?
My 18 months son covers his ears
Sight of Swinging Motion
Gagging, throwing up
Son Likes to Touch Necks and "soft" arms
My son has been chewing and cutting his clothes
My son Has Sensory processing disorder
Hypersensitive and Hyposensitive?
DO children grow out of SPD symptoms?
504 Evalulation Requirements
School problems
Does my child have SPD and what type of doctor should i take for too for diagnosis?
"Graduating" from Occupational Therapy
Disciplining a child with Sensory Integration Disorder
School dress code
Why does my 2 yr old rock?
Aversion to buttons
Night and morning licking of feet and fingers
Independent writing in the classroom
Does My Child Have SPD?
Uk help for kids with SPD
Sucking on Clothes
Can SPD be considered a special health or medical condition?
Could I have caused this???
9-year old Aspie Daughter w/ SPD won't go to school
My five years old son licks over every soft thing
How do i know if my 4 year old has sensory processing disorder
4 year old "scared", new behavior, covers ears, "i'm scared"
Grow out of
I just found out my 2.8 year old has SPD
The type of Special Child
Toddler w SPD
Should I be concerned about my 15 Month old nephew's behavior?
19 month old only growls, no spoken words
Visitors are a trigger
ADD meds for a SPD kid?
Teenager personal hygiene
Intermittent periods of fatigue and slight regression
OT Recommendation
How can I help my 10 yr. old daughter's sensory issues! Losing patience....
Nail biting
Chewing everything
Pretend biting and putting her fingers in other children's ears
"Oh, He's just all boy"-- No, i think it's SPD
Three-Year-Old daughter. Please Help!
22 month old not talking
Child anxiety
My fiancee has a son who is my son's age. Her son has been diagnosed with SPD
Removal of Medication/growth spurt/Teething?
Pressure on chin
Treatment for SPD
Not sure If my 11 year old is really ADHD.
5yr old mouths and licks strange things
How to change the feeding bottle habit
5 year old with repetitive speech and behavioral problems at school
Finger flicking in front of eyes
Colic and Brushing program
Pulling hair of others
Help, I can't help feeling something isn't quite right with my 4 year old step son
8 year old still has need to chew things.
Low Energy - Fatigue Issues
where can i find a support group for teens??
Where to start?
7 year old hits herself and pulls her hair
33 month old trying to hurt his younger 9 month old brother
Helping my student:
How do I stop my son from hurting himself
Can a 16 year old male benefit from OT for SPD?
One hand in the mouth, one hand in the pants
5 year old can't play by herself
SPD help in NYC
Disruptive behaviour in class
My son is 26 months old, and was just diagnosed. Have some questions!
7 year old daughter wont wear certain clothes, says her legs itch and pushes socks down
Is it Sensory Processing Disorder?
Aggressive Behavior
Tic's, Fits and sleepless nights
Could it be SPD?
Rocking Back and Forth
Concerned for my 4 yr old daughter and continued behaviour.
Pre-School Teacher Say's 3 year old requires ALOT of attention
8 year old fear of babies
Is sensory processing disorder something that is recognized within the uk schooling system?
Chanelling Excess Energy
Sensory Processing Disorder in a child born @ 25wks.
What states recongnize spd diagnosis
SPD mornings
Support Group for Parents
Sound Sensitivity Survey
We need a diagnoses for our 3 year old could this be it?
Previously Well Child with SPD Symptoms
Does SPD Get Better With Age And Occupational Therapy?
Very loud noises
Loud noise
SPD symtoms in the older child/teenager?
Constant talking
Does this sound like SPD?
Hyposensitive and hypersensitive to touch?
Pencil chewing
Sensitivity to noise
Tween needs help waking up for school
Could my daughter have SPD?
Does it tend to get worse with age?
Treating SPD in teenagers
Biting other children
Are these symptoms associated with SPD?
Does SPD effect a person into adulthood if they receive treatment at an early age?
how do I help my 7 yr old with SPD to deal with her sadness / mood swings?
Mild sensory processing disorder?
Is slow physical reflexes a form of SPD?
4 1/2 year old delays
Can you diagnose without a doctor?
Sensitivity to whistling
SPD and Asperger's & Autism
3 1/2 year old wont stay in her bed to sleep, any suggestions?
Anxiety attacks??
Pediatric neurologist
Puberty and SPD
How do I explain to outsiders?
SPD help
Could my 7 year old son have SPD?
Support groups
Sensory Processing Disorder in school
Is SPD linked to: A bad childhood illness or Rocky Mountain Spotted fever?
Emergency room visit
Sleep/lycra sheets/bunk bed
Disability Benefits
My son has been diagnosed with SPD
SPD Worse in March/April
Testing for SPD
Mild SPD?
Senory Disorder
Can this be cured?
SPD Help for an 11 year old in Maryland
SPD and abdominal pain/constipation
Help explaining to husband and family?
Body rocking and crying to sleep
Finding the right doctor
Financial assistance
Need help
Does being allergic to dog dander effect spd ?
Denise Fitz
9 month old with SPD
How and Where to Get Help
Long stay in NICU..possible SPD link?
Car seat
Is this a sign of sensory disorder?
Will my baby have a normal life or will she always need special services?
What did I do wrong?
How do you know if your child really has SPD?
Sensitive to smell
Our grandson hates buttons
Child is very possessive of his things
Schools and SPD
5 yr old boy with SPD?
4-month-old looking for help/feedback
How to discipline a 2 year old with SPD?
Biting/hitting when excited?
Possibly another sensory area?
My son has meltdowns and no attention span,
Is Sensory Processing Disorder related to genetics?
Why does my daughter of nearly 4 hate wearing knickers socks and anything with tight elsatic on her?
Does your child with SPD have trouble playing by themself?
Does your kid seem to get hot or cold easily?
My son hates one of his teachers
Completing Tasks
Misdiagnosis Austism
Aggression out of the blue
Sensory Processing Disorder
5 year old daughter with spd auditory processing
School Issues for 7 y/o in Montessori
Aggressive/compulsive behaviour
Hippo therapy
SPD and Counseling
Speech Therapist
My 7 yr old son help pls
6 year old licking hands
Think my son has SPD
Please Sleep :)
Child Sleeping in Parents' Bed
Teeth grinding, body shaking, and hand flapping
7 year old daughter seems miserable in car travel
My son makes loud sound outloud for no reason
Is it sensory or anxiety or medications?
Could I have SPD?
How can a preschool teacher best introduce the concept and encourage a parent to get evaluation?
Will i grow out of SPD?
More than one disorder
Finger biting
My Husband won't accept that something is wrong with our son.
Adult Sit and Spin
How do I explain that this is not just a behavioral problem?
Fever and SPD
Five year old won't interact in Kindergarten
11 Year Old Son with Confusing and Troubling Signs of SPD
Hand flapping and egocentricism
Introducing my son w/ SPD to holiday guests
Hyposensitive advice?
Medication for SPD
Chapped Lips
Parenting advice
Is this SPD?
A Doctor Script to have Evaluation done for SPD???
SPD or skin fetish???
SPD by itself
SPD - OT visit frequency
Need to know we're not alone!
Is there a sensory issue?
Experience with Listening Therapy?
So now it could be SPD???
Trouble with getting a diagnosis of SPD for daughter
Car solutions?
Child Repeating Sentence
NJ SPD Support Groups/Essex County
Explaining your child's sensitivites
Upside down baby
School modifications
Sleep and Stomach Pain
Schooling solutions
Constant noises in classroom
Depression and SPD
Going out of my mind - My son hits I on the right track here?
Should we pursue an IEP? And general hyposensitive advice.
SPD ...without Autism?
SPD and Scoliosis Brace
Trouble with testing
Discipline after a close emergency such as running into the street
Hand biting
Does my 5 year old have SPD?
Insurance won't pay
Back to school concerns
Can children older than age 7 benefit from an OT?
SPD meltdown on the plain
2 1/2 yr old with possible spd???
Non-verbal toddler
Need a school for 1st grader with spd
Self regulating in the heat
Son always on the go
Sleeping.... we finally are!!!
IEP suggestions
Does children with SPD really learn to cope as they get older
3 1/2 year old Formal Daycare/Preschool or not?
SPD cause speech delays?
Custody/Visitation arrangements
The begining of the end....hopefully
sensory intergration and the teenager
SPD symptom?
SPD therapy
My child has been excluded from school
Non-Verbal @ 2yrs
Parental Education on dealing with SPD children
Inner ear problems??
Is it to late for my eight year old?
SPD- school ideas?
Costs of being affected to the patient
I dont know what to do? Is it me or am I just worrying too much?
What can I do to help my daughter
Therapy process
Acting out behavior
Sensitivity to shirt buttons
Rubberband issues
Frustration and anxiety
Public School Options?
Tongue clicking
Sports/Activities for kids with SPD
Tip Toeing
Holding objects in your hands constantly
Clothing issues
Is it too early to stop OT?
OT Thinks my son has SPD but I'm not convinced?
School OT Consultant- SIPT Certified
Diagnosis for the first time in an older child
Downs syndrome and SPD... Any info???
Clothing issues in 6 year old daughter
PDD and feeding problem such as unable to chew
In need of practical advice
Private Diagnosis
Questions about my 7 year old
SPD and Memory
Auditory sensitivity
How can we get SPD listed on the DSM-V
What's wrong with Madeline?
School music class accommodations for SPD kid?
Noise sensitivity
SPD Teens
Is it really this hard?
SPD get better or worse with age?
Clothing sensitivity..... please help
Auditory defensiveness and music class
My son is 10
Son pretending to be pregnant
Possible Sensory Processing Disorder
5 yr old with SPD should I delay kindergarten?
Parent's reaction to hypersensitivity
Has anyone else read this book?
Anxiety and OCD symptoms in 4-year old
SPD and sleep disorders
Sensory processing disorder expert in UK
Hair pulling
Anyone know of things during pregnancy that cause SPD?
SPD touch/feeling
Sensory Awareness
Opinion 4 year old being labeled the "bad kid"
11 yr. old with possible Sensory Processing Disorder
Self regulation in over stimulating environments
Two year old son....
Touching other peoples hair
My 6 year old son SPD???
Crying upon awakening from nap
3 year old sensory seeker with no speech
Having trouble geting my childs doc to see Sensory Processing Disorder
Hypersensitivity to clothing/feeling "wet"
Can they grow out of SPD
Sensory Sensitivity and SPD - confused!
Husband Denial of Sensory Disorder
Home support/resources for coping? Programs that make a difference in everyday life.
Concerns for my 3 year old SPD daughter and school
Sensory processing vs anxiety
Son with spd?
Tummy ache
Daughter has started pulling out hair.
My niece chews on her coat zipper.
My 6 year old six grader
Where/Who to begin with?
Aggression towards dog?
Auditory processing or not?
What do I do for my son who screams
We don't know what to do about OCD symptoms
Advice or opinions on what you think is going on here.
SPD in 7-year old
Why does my child fatigue so easily?
7yr old always in space . Doc said it's ADHD but I suspect something else
Vestibular sensitivity, hyperflexability and low muscle tone.
SIRRI AZ Brain Training
Delay in response
Just diagnosed
SPD Influence on overall intellect/intelligence
Trying to get extra time at school for my Kindergartener
Any connection between SPD and Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome?
Issues with symmetry
Sensory Overload
Pre-K and my daughter with Integrated Sensory Disorder
Need a good OT in Seattle
Toddler cover's ears
504 vs. IEP
Symptoms seem contradictory
Treatment for SPD
Are SPD and CAPD the same thing?
4 1/2 year old son
How can I stop an spd child from doing something she's not supposed to do like unmaking a bed?
Is SPD, ADHD, Asthma and allergies all related?
Sensory IEP goals-is that possible? school OT says it's not
Where can I find specialists in my area that have knowledge about SPD and can help my daughter with her son? .=
My son wants everything as tight as possible.
Reglan use and Sensory Processing disorder.
Language Development for Infants
Recognizes words but can't prounounce
I think my 2 year old has SPD...I need answers.
Toy Organization
SPD Power Point?
Son with SPD/Ear Infections
Benefits of fish oil
7 year old...Does she have SPD?
Any Advice Appreciated!!! 4 year old with SPD - Major Issues with Clothes
What if the parents don't know?
SPD - How overstimulation can effect 10-48 hours later
Sensory Disorders
Help, please, does this sound familiar?
Tactile proprioceptive defensiveness? Or something else?
Water on her = screaming
20 month old with SPD
9 year old daughter wont wear shoes
To all the parents out there...
What if this was YOUR child / what would you want me to do?
Raise Awareness About this Very Real Problem
Emotional and Physical Abuse?
Is stimming behavior common in SPD?
Hands always feel dry
Auditory Hypersensitivity and Preschool
My 3 yr old daughter has developmental delays ....
SPS help?
Licking everything
Halloween Costumes
Homeschooling SPD child
How to wear a watch
My six year old daughter soils her pants and doesn't know it.
Special Education Advocate
Wrong Diagnosis??
New to this
biting, chewing, biting
Constant movement
Does not want to go to school.
SPD Son and School Complaints
Eye Protection
Tucking Shirt In
Are SPD Kids more Defiant?
Dropping my daughter off at kindergarten
Teaching students with SPD
Very Sweaty?
Greater Sensitivity in Autumn
Chewing on everything
Getting Dressed
Is there any hope for my 12 year old son?
Eye problems
Frequent Urination
Cod Liver Oil for Help With Focus
Please Read!!!
IEP - should we do it? - Big classrooms and SPD
Extracurricular activities
PDD-NOS or SPD w/ Speech Delay
My son does not like shoes..
Connection between SPD and Auditory processing problems?
Husband not understanding
My son gets highly irritated with his siblings, making them cry all the time.
Springy Arms!!!
My child's school does not want to provide an IEP for SPD.
Separation anxiety
Sensory Integration Praxis Test
Public outings
Loud noises
SPD Grandparents Perspectives
Licking sometimes
SPD Duration
What kind of school does your child go to?
Aggressive Behavoir - Sugar or SPD
Immediate Help for Sensory Shutdown
Anxiety in school testing
Pain in my 16 yo son's knees
Seeking professional help
listening issues
EI in Florida
Getting therapy
2 1/2 year old who is overwhelmingly sensitive to others crying
"Don't let her say HI to me!!!" 4year-old SPD daughter with horrible fear of people talking to her
Eating Habits/ Encopresis
SPD and vision concerns
How do I get a diagnosis?
Can Star help my 7 year old daughter with her sensory disorder?
Medication for SPD
Pacifiers okay to use for SPD issues (of hyposensitive kind)????
Pushing objects into eyes/face?
Sensory Processing Disorder
My SPD 10 year old son is withdrawing and being bullied
Can SPD be treated with Horseback riding as therapy?
Teaching at 16 year old with SPD to drive
SPD versus PDD?
Bike Riding
Every other day fatigue, extremely low stamina=SPD?
Help for SPD
How can I help my child when I am worse off than she is?
OT Comment bothersome
My 14 month old just got an unofficial diagnosis of SPD. Does this sound like your child?
Heart pounding??
Getting Toddler to Ride in Carseat and Wear Clothes
Daughter entering first grade and struggling ... No help at school
Help for my daughter....
Of unusual symptoms in SPD
Is SPD always a problem?
SPD caused by birth injury?
Violent meltdowns
Vestibular dysfunction in infant???
Confused!!! My son!!
"Meltdowns" SPD, or Something Else
Speech/Language Development and SPD
Is it SPD?
Teeth pulling
Last Day of Kindergarten
Is SPD always link with something else?
Has anyone else had this experience in public school?
Exercises to show what SPD is like?
Is this SPD?
Early Intervention
Who gives the SPD Diagnosis?
Noises bother my son
How to explain OT to a child?
Chooses Friends over Family Members.
Sensitive to others crying
Sensory Issues
Where do you purchase clothes for your spd child?
Four year Old SPD Child Fear of Babies
Clonazepam tolerance?
My son possibly has SPD?
Is my Dr wrong? Please help me!
Does my grandaughter have SPD
Haircut Fear
Spike in sensory sensitivity
Could it be spd?
Can't Get Enough Visual Imput
Does my son has SPD?
Do I enter my son in kindergarden this fall or hold him back?
1 on 1 vs. group
Room color that helps
Tween with SPD
Financial help
Is wondering if any other parents are going through the same thing?
Early Intervention says NO
Am I overreacting or is there a prob??!?!
My Child Might Have SPD, Now What?
Explaining SPD to siblings
Sensory Integration Disorder
2 1/2 year-old with SPD???
Very Overwhelming
Ear tubes
New siblings
Dyslexia or Visual Processing Disorder
Is he too old to get proper help!
Can an adolescent perform "brushing" on themselves?
Does my son have SPD - please help!
16 month old with possible SPD?
Do i have spd ???
I am so frustrated
My four year old daughter was just diagnosed NEED Help
OT help at school
My SPD son will start Kindergarden next year
No help with school system
Issues with being wet
how to parent
Changing sensitivities?
Sibling SPD?
Kindergarten and socially already having problems
Tactile and Vestibular/proprioceptive SPD
Getting Dressed
My son hides his anxiety
Daughter with ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder not getting help at School
Hygiene with Theraputty
Fearful of Hair
Sleeping Problem
Doesn't want to go to school
Does SPD run in families
Two major fears
Growth spurts affecting SPD
The effect of pets on children with SPD??
Clothing issues
Long Term Diagnosis of SPD
Childrens fears???
Something is wrong with my baby?
Therapeutic Listening & Insurance
Concussion and SPD
Repeating words and sentences over & over
Sensory Processing Disorder and stress
I have a 12.5 year old with ADD / ODD and some LD... it seems to be turning into personality as well
How to deal with a child with SPD.
Birthday parties.
SPD, Nonverbal Learning Disorder, and Aspergers
SPD and child custody and visitation
Baby screaming in the car
How would you describe your childs daily moods?
Does anyone have twins?
Get an IEP
Any ideas on organizational skills?
8 year old daughter has SPD and Anxiety
Anyone else have trouble wearing skirts/dresses?
Husband doesn't support child going to OT
Not sure if my son has this
My 5 year old daughter..... Help!
Is it possible for a child to not be able to chew?
Sudden onset of much more severe SPD??
What do I do now?
School work
Urinary symptoms possible complication of SPD?
What is spd
Preschool program
Running back and forth while humming/growling
Any advice for newly diagnosed SPD with temperature, clothing, and issues with being wet?
Getting tested
Possible SPD symptoms
Closing Doors
"Difficult Child"
adha depression anxiety unhappy
Spring horses with safety seats
Therapressure brushing
Fragile X Syndrome
Over sensitive hearing, smell and touch
Making your own body sock
Transitioning to Pants in the Fall/Winter
SPD and Migraines
Head Banging
SPD and exposure to depakote
Precursors to Sensory Integration Dysfunction
Diagnosing this disorder?
How to get my son to pay attention in class?
Hand Flapping
Overly focusing on objects close to face while making noises and walking around in circles
Son's hand flapping, jumping, head shaking
Hitting and Swatting
Excessive wiping after urination claims she cannot get dry enough...
Co-existing condition
Body Rocking
Sound Therapy Treatment
Help convincing parents their son has SPD!
Insensitivity to hot and cold
What do I do?
PDD and sensory issues with a 7 year old.
how to handle my sons sensory problems?
Need to Climb
Tomatis listening program
Social Withdrawal
Shoes and socks, which is the lesser of two evils?
Misdiagnosed?/Second Opinion
hypersensitivity to blood
SPD and post Tonsilectomy problems
To medicate... or not to medicate?
Support Group in Toronto, Canada area???
Support in Little Rock?
Is It Possible?
Intermittent SPD
Child who laughs at wrong times...
A happy ending... after all
Could seizures cause sensory disorders?
Sensory Disorder for my almost 3 year old?
Hair-Pulling (Trichotillomania) and SPD
Vomiting and SPD
Getting SPD diagnosis
Credentials for Speech Language Pathologist
Is putting a child on Risperdal for SPD common practice & does anyone have experience with this?
Transitions from camp to school
16 year old with clothing issues
Hypotonia/Seizure Link
Would like a friend
Origin of SPD not hereditary?
How do I get my child to brush his teeth with floride toothpaste?
Possible SPD in 7 month old infant
Summer School??
Does anyone else have a spouse that refuses to recognize SPD is a legitimate issue???
What If Your Child Isn't Full Blown SPD But Has Some Of The Qualities?
What to do with 2 opposite SPD children?
Eating Habits/Getting a Diagnosis
Spd And Relationship To Parents
Pre school teachers and discipline
Special Diets of Gluten, Soy, Dairy etc.
Correct evaluation name needed
How do I get my child to relax in the car?
How do I know if there is a problem or if my son is just being 8?
Epsom salt baths vs. Magnesium supplements
SPD for OHI eligibility
Summer Programs
Learning to focus?
Setbacks After An Illness
STAR Center, Greenwood Village, Colorado.
More about Magnesium (re: Epsom Salts Bath Newsletter)
Medicare and SPD
504 plans
Is Developmental Apraxia Of Speech (DAS) Hereditary?
Hunger Issues--underweight
Point of desperation...
SPD Resources in Canada (Ontario) - Are there any?
Therapy in the Seattle area, WA State?
Another speech/language question
Car Games suggestions?
Grinding teeth
How to get a diagnosis of SPD?
SPD kids have tough mornings? Is this typical? Transitions
Daily Clothing Struggles
Prickly sensations in my son's hands
Massage therapy for SPD?
How can I help my son?
SPD Awareness Ribbon Color(s)
Can a child outgrow SID?
Visual Processing Disorder?
Repetitive hand movements
Is this my fault?
What do I do as a parent... Where do I start?
i found a great shoe product for spd kids!!
what color theraputty for a 4 year old with delayed fine motor skills?
why is spd getting worse?
Daily Shoe Meltdowns
Vibrating mat for therapy table
Does stress make SPD worse? (husband traveling)
seeking testing in baltimore maryland
Can school make SPD worse for my child?
Teeth Brushing
Can younger siblings also have SPD? What can I do about my oldest son's regression?
Going Into College Life
Feeding Specialist Vs. OT
Clothing Doesn't Feel Good
Any SPD Seminars In New Jersey?
Learning How To Crawl
Paying For Therapy By Building My Own Website?
Special Ed In Kindergarten For SPD?
I'm An OT With A Daughter Who Has SPD (I think)...
Help, Overwhelmed With All This Information...
How Do I Have My Son Assessed?
Age of Onset of SPD
SPD And Hunger Issues
Chewing On Clothing
Reading Problems
Speech Apraxia
Nail Cutting Refusal
Help with the loss of our Pacifier!
Are We Doing Enough?
Parental Rejection?
What Type Of School Is Best For An SPD Child?
Need To Find Other Parents Of SPD Teens
Sweet Boy Became Aggresive...
Is SPD A Motor Skills Thing?
What Causes SPD?
Auditory Dysfunction... Epecially Hyposensitivity (Auditory Processing)
Why does our 3 yr old get stressed when his twin siblings suck on or put their fingers in their mouths?
SPD Outside Of Auditory, Visual, And Olfactory Processing
Therapeutic Listening
Desperately seeking help
Difficulty In Diagnosis Of SPD
SPD And Adopted, Orphaned, And/Or Institutionalized Children
Therapeutic Listening
How Do I Get A Referral To A Developmental Pediatrician?
The Listening Program
Learning To Swim And SPD Related Issues
Could It Be SPD?
Insurance Coverage For SPD
Looking For Other Moms/Dads Of SPD Kids Struggling In The Chicago Area
Is Therapy Working??
Is SID Considered A Disability Re: Preschool Placement?
Funding For SI Therapy
Listening Therapy
SPD And "Burnout" By Midweek
SPD And Language Delays
Support groups in Ocean County NJ
SPD Kids And Amusement Parks?
SI Therapy For The Hyposensitive
Helping A Hypersensitive SPD Child Who Is Injured Or Sick
Spitting and Hitting
Nail biting?
Daytime pant wetting at almost 8yr
Night terrors
Sensory issues don't mean Autism!! right?!
13 yr old won't sleep in bed
My 5 yr old son is not walking normally, & falls frequently.
Question regarding my 5 yr old
OT is coming to an end after two years. What is the average time frame to be in OT?
Question about 3 year old daughter
Behavior during pregnancy and how it relates to Sensory Processing Disorder
Toe Walking
Has anybody tried hyperbaric oxygen therapy for SPD?
Sensory Processing
13 month old refuses to wear shoes
SPD and Swine Flu Vaccinations
Sensory disorder issues in learning to drive
Aggression in children with SPD
Who exactly diagnoses SPD?
Just a comment
Therapeutic Listening
Has anyone been to the STAR Center in Denver, Colorado?
Make your own SPD Products?
SPD And Fragile X
Hyper-Sensitive To Sound
Can SPD Go Away?
3 year old with hypotonia is smacking lips and grinding teeth
What is the Prognosis for a child with SPD
Is this appropriate?
SI and recreational drug use
Sound Therapy
Throwing Things
4 Yr Old Pee'ing and poo'ing in pants and on floor
Other disciplines aside from OT? Not rated yet
Hair sensitivities Not rated yet
Hereditary spastic paraparysia Not rated yet
Spitting continuously after brushing teeth Not rated yet
From sensory issues to car seat belts Not rated yet
Face masks with chewing tube inside Not rated yet
Hair Distress Not rated yet
SPD and sports Not rated yet
4 yr. Old gags with any food around Not rated yet
Increased bowel movements , one for each "brushing & compression" session. Not rated yet
Which has better schooling for SPD Albuquerque or El Paso? Not rated yet
Shaving Not rated yet
10 year old daughter underwear issues Not rated yet
SPD and BPD Not rated yet
Child stops eating? Not rated yet
Scratching and eating Not rated yet
Could this be SPD ? Not rated yet
Flipping sand, dirt, and mulch in the air to watch it fall. Not rated yet
I dont know what to do... I feel lie crying Not rated yet
Handwriting Not rated yet
2 yr 10 month old wont chew only on bottle feed and that while sleeping Not rated yet
Mother and homeschooler with SPD Not rated yet
Swimming painful feet and hands Not rated yet
More information on SPD Not rated yet
A guilt question for all SPD parents/grandparents Not rated yet
Looking for Los Angeles Area Provider to Eval & Tx SPD and/or Retained Primitive Reflexes Not rated yet
Biting and nipping Not rated yet
My 6 year old's habit Not rated yet
Teeth pulling Not rated yet
Son won't use his back teeth to chew Not rated yet
Jumping Not rated yet
Looking for a simple method to self report specific taste and texture experiences with Food Exposures Not rated yet
Sports Not rated yet
Sign of SPD Not rated yet
Lack of stamina in SPD teen (avoider) Not rated yet
Treatment options Not rated yet
Anyone know of any resources for adults with ASD? Not rated yet
How do I deal with the anticipation of being tickled? Not rated yet
Teen with SPD Not rated yet
Anxiety in Adult Autism Not rated yet
Underwear or bra & now, she also has her period but is refusing to wear underwear or sanitary pads. What can help me with this? Not rated yet
I stumbled on to this website by accident Not rated yet
Grandson age 16 diagnosed at age two with sensory processing disorder , speech apraxia. Not rated yet
SPD/OCD 5 year old? - help! Not rated yet
Noises Not rated yet
Neurosarcoidosis and SPD. Not rated yet
Hand flapping Not rated yet
Walking Not rated yet
Grandson 4... Burned house down Not rated yet
Clothing issue Not rated yet
Holding Toy Constantly Not rated yet
Sensory Seeking Regulation Not rated yet
Pressure applied to feet and arms only Not rated yet
Spitting and licking Not rated yet
Inconsolable and violent behavior Not rated yet
Five year old uncontrollable behavior Not rated yet
Spd meets Hearing aids? Not rated yet
SPD and Concussion Recovery Time Not rated yet
Need to find an occupation therapist in the Johnson City, Kingsport area of Tenn that works with SPD children. Not rated yet
Driving Not rated yet
Smelling strange items Not rated yet
My little man Not rated yet
Never been ticklish and can't have people touch me while I sleep and never wanted night light as child and didn't like being touched as child and felt weak for crying Not rated yet
Clothing issues 5 year old son - wants TIGHT and wears 2 pair socks + UGG boots 24/7! Not rated yet
SSRI and SPD Not rated yet
Whistling abuse...? Not rated yet
SPD genetic? Not rated yet
Empathy and SPD Not rated yet
Can SPD be episodic Not rated yet
Gagging when touching certain things in a one year old Not rated yet
Research on whistling Not rated yet
Is my son"s SDP correctable Not rated yet
Diagnosis Not rated yet
Redness in foot and hand palms Not rated yet
Tubes in ear drums Not rated yet
Illness Not rated yet
Did checklist, still totally lost Not rated yet
Types of SPD and drooling? Not rated yet
My 15 month old licks everything Not rated yet
Is this a sensory issue? Not rated yet
What causes SPD? Not rated yet
Toddler licks everything Not rated yet
Grandma Not rated yet
Therapeutic Listening Headphones Not rated yet
My 11 year olds attitude and his SPD. Hard to know the difference Not rated yet
Teen falls out of bed from hanging his head off the bed in his sleep Not rated yet
Sensitivity while urinating Not rated yet
SPD and PCOS Not rated yet
Peeing the bed and can't sit still Not rated yet
Meditation Not rated yet
Commercials and sports on tv Not rated yet
Hereditary Not rated yet
SPD in adults Not rated yet
Line Leaders /Winning Not rated yet
Sensory Disorder Not rated yet
Repetitive finger licking Not rated yet
Does medication help a child with SPD? Not rated yet
How do I get my husband to acknowledge our daughters' sensory challenges? Not rated yet
3 yr old doesnt want to take off dirty diapers and dirty clothes in the morning. Not rated yet
Problems with friend Not rated yet
Husband's chewing food noises, loud music in restaurants, stores, bars. Not rated yet
Who's Theory is this Not rated yet
18 month old not talking yet Not rated yet
Positive side to SPD? Not rated yet
Behavior or SPD Not rated yet
Meth exposure in utero Not rated yet
Can taking oral steroids magnify sensory processing problems? Not rated yet
Socializing Not rated yet
What do I do to help my son? Not rated yet
Severe speech and language delays Not rated yet
16 Month Old- SPD? Not rated yet
Can we prove a negative Not rated yet
Help... my daughter is getting worse Not rated yet
My 4y/o daughter has to touch soft stuff. Not rated yet
Always hungry Not rated yet
Sensory seeking Not rated yet
Dark/Light Not rated yet
Almost 8 year old girl with clothing issues Not rated yet
Constant crying every fortnight Not rated yet
SPD and Autism Not rated yet
Muscle and joint pain? Not rated yet
Self-induced vomiting Not rated yet
Dear Therapist, Why are you doing that? Not rated yet
Nappy sensitivity Not rated yet
Help I'm lost... Not rated yet
Boyfriend with spd and dates Not rated yet
My son spits in the class room Not rated yet
A fourteen year old girl just diagnose with SPD Not rated yet
Uniform and Sensory Issues Not rated yet
Please help, 2 year, 9 month old very aggressive with 11 month old baby sibling Not rated yet
How do i find out what my sons sensory needs are? Not rated yet
Help new SPD mom Not rated yet
What causes pain in hands after they get wet Not rated yet
SPD Not rated yet
End point texture Not rated yet
Help, my son is struggling and I am lost Not rated yet
Not able to answer basic questions. Not rated yet
I can't eat anymore Not rated yet
Baby rocks and pulls her hair and eats it Not rated yet
Difficulty getting nails cut for 3 yr old Not rated yet
My son is 11 years old and....I am so lost, please help! Not rated yet
Inconsistant behavior at home Not rated yet
Texture Not rated yet
Sensory Processing Disorder Not rated yet
Please help Not rated yet
Clothing issues and hair brushing Not rated yet
My undiagnosed child....??? Not rated yet
Helping my 5 year old to stop wetting himself Not rated yet
Loud swallowing Not rated yet
Learning Not rated yet
Rocking Not rated yet
Big kid bed??? Not rated yet
Help Not rated yet
9 year old with SPD talks like a baby Not rated yet
Need help with my assessment Not rated yet
Homework Not Getting Turned In Not rated yet
Where to start for dx? Not rated yet
Maturity or growth level Not rated yet
My 4 year old has severe autism and is very unsteady and does odd things, what can i do? Not rated yet
Twin 8 yr old boys SPD & ADHD Not rated yet
Does my cousin have SPD? Not rated yet
Toddler who is inconsolable when some children cry or shout Not rated yet
SPD and Meares Irlen Not rated yet
Two year old who has spd Not rated yet
Nursery Not rated yet
My 3 year old is getting worse as time goes by with putting things in her mouth Not rated yet
SPD prognosis Not rated yet
3 1/2 year old with pacifier Not rated yet
Spd and sid Not rated yet
The Feeling of Your Own Skin Not rated yet
Bath Time Not rated yet
Language disorder Not rated yet
My 3 yr old with SPD starting preschool Not rated yet
CPSE concerns Not rated yet
Chicago Parents -- advice on schools? Not rated yet
Is this age of a 6 year old or a 3 year old Not rated yet
Hand washing, personal hygiene Not rated yet
SPD kid Not rated yet
S.P.D hereditary Not rated yet
Child Refusing to Leave Shoes On Not rated yet
Side effects of the Willbarger brushing Protocol Not rated yet
Holding objects Not rated yet
Hair Not rated yet
Oral sensory/tactile/proprioceptive seeking needs Not rated yet
To have 5 year old DD evaluated or not for SPD? Not rated yet
Word pronounciation Not rated yet
Special Needs Preschool Teacher Not rated yet
Wearing Socks Not rated yet
Refuses to get hands wet. Not rated yet
Multiple symptoms- some contradict each other Not rated yet
We can't figure out what my son is Orally seeking Not rated yet
My son and daughter in law are both in denial... How can I convince them? That my grandson might have SPD Not rated yet
Help please Not rated yet
Baby-led weaning causes SPD? Not rated yet
Hair obsession Not rated yet
Regression with OT Not rated yet
School testing? Not rated yet
Fear of LIFE Not rated yet
Concerned with handwriting Not rated yet
What is this called Not rated yet
SPD issues manifest in a cycle of a terrible week every few months... really SPD? Not rated yet
Disability Not rated yet
Why is my son losing focus when he writes in the classroom? Not rated yet
List of questions to ask for services of OT at daughters school Not rated yet
My 2y/o daughter doesn't talk, very aggressive & destructive.. Not rated yet
Restless 3 yr old Not rated yet
Where to find help? Not rated yet
4 year old daughter diagnosed with SPD, ideas for calming home environment Not rated yet
Bumping his head Not rated yet
Trouble believing it's more than just strong will Not rated yet
Unknowledgable father with a child of SPD? Not rated yet
Is this a form of SPD? Not rated yet
Treatment Not rated yet
Inappropriate behavior for a 13 year old Not rated yet
Tired Mom and daughter Not rated yet
SPD issues in our 6 yr old making school tough Not rated yet
Drugs as cause of SPD Not rated yet
Son has issue writing because he can't handle the feel of paper? Not rated yet
Skipping, pacing, rocking, flapping - Stereotypic Movement Disorder Not rated yet
14 month old - SPD or not? Not rated yet
Taking off clothes Not rated yet
Does this sound like SPD? Not rated yet
Crashing Not rated yet
Son 8 suddenly started moving his fingers and toes constantly Not rated yet
Is it SPD? Not rated yet
2 year old son need help Not rated yet
Young Adults Driving Not rated yet
Obsessed with the same things Not rated yet
I just want to be able to help my daughter wear clothes! Not rated yet
Nineteen month old rocks back and forth banging his head. even during meal time Not rated yet
I have an 8 year old grandson who has Aspergers. Not rated yet
Need Help Not rated yet
My daughters behaviour... shes almost 3 yrs Not rated yet
10 year old with SPD Not rated yet
spd Not rated yet
He shake his head too much Not rated yet
Pacifier Help Not rated yet
Supplements for SPD Not rated yet
12yr old-special needs- cerbral palsy-impulsive aggressive behavior Not rated yet
13 Year old daughter with Down Syndrome Not rated yet
The Listening Programme cost through our OT Not rated yet
Strange behavior Not rated yet
Finger sucking/peeing in bed Not rated yet
Child with a walking problem Not rated yet
My son is 8 years old and is biting his fingernails before bed time Not rated yet
My 7yo son is being pigeon holed at school for possbile ADD/ADHD. Not rated yet
Need help to find soft pants please? Not rated yet
Child who likes to stroke parents arm when going to sleep? Not rated yet
Neuro feedback for Sensosry Processign Disorder in children Not rated yet
13 year old over-sensitive boy Not rated yet
Help my one year old is out of control Not rated yet
Finding a therapist Not rated yet
SPD & socialisation Not rated yet
Looking for a diagnoses Not rated yet
Suspect I missed the boat... missed oral issues in my 11 year old son Not rated yet
SPD or Autism/Aspergers? Already have a son with Aspergers. Not rated yet
Obsessive toenail clipping Not rated yet
Nystagmus Not rated yet
How do I tell my son who's 7 that his brother has SPD Not rated yet
Help me with my daughter Not rated yet
See improvement Not rated yet
Loud noises and music Not rated yet
SPD symptoms Not rated yet
Rock eating Not rated yet
SPD vs OCD Not rated yet
Sharing and SPD Not rated yet
My 5 yr old son with ASD Not rated yet
SPD Survey Not rated yet
Wondering IF Not rated yet
Abusive 5 year old Not rated yet
Can this be diagnosed in a 17 year old? Not rated yet
My 10 year old daughter is spitting on the floor when no one is watching her? Why? Not rated yet
2 1/2 year old screams uncontrollably when strangers greet her Not rated yet
Help with sleep needed please Not rated yet
Suggestions get my 13 yr old SPD daughter to shower! Not rated yet
OT for SPD and Anxiety. What to expect? Not rated yet
Hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity simultaneously? Not rated yet
My 6 yr old daughter says she hears sirens going off in her ears? Not rated yet
Need help with my SPD and APD son. Not rated yet
Could my 3YO be displaying signs of SPD? Not rated yet
Different sized ears Not rated yet
Aversion to the word "scratch" and looking at a blackboard is this SPD? Not rated yet
Sharing a room with younger siblings Not rated yet
Pulling permanent teeth Not rated yet
5year old spd -trouble with swim lessons- scared and misbehaving Not rated yet
Dysautonomia. Not rated yet
Special needs child with SPD Not rated yet
Spd 2yr old still breast feeding Not rated yet
Syndrome doubts Not rated yet
What type of school environment is best? Not rated yet
Hypersensitive and hyposensitive to the same issue Not rated yet
Behaviour, self esteem, anger, violence never ending? Not rated yet
Rocking/Head Hitting/Bouncing Not rated yet
Adult has a question about Bipolar Disorder and Manifestation of Pain Not rated yet
Does he just need more time? Not rated yet
Wet clothing touching my grandson age 3 1/2 yrs Not rated yet
Vacation Not rated yet
People who say the SAME things, ALL THE TIME Not rated yet
Does my daughter have a form of SPD? Not rated yet
Sibling issues. Not rated yet
Do illnesses make spd temporarily worse? Not rated yet
17 month old daughter covers her ears when anything is slightly loud or sudden. She looks terrified. Not rated yet
Does 12 y/o need OT or can I help her at home? Not rated yet
Metecognition and SPD Not rated yet
Therapeutic Listening. Not rated yet
Therapeutic listening Not rated yet
Do sensory symptoms get worst with age? Not rated yet
Seemingly contradictory symptoms Not rated yet
Keyboarding Speed Not rated yet
Lost Not rated yet
Laundry and body soaps Not rated yet
Urinating on others Not rated yet
My 20 months old doesn't talk,walks ocassionally on tippy toes,grinds his teeth while awake and doesn't want to be with other kids,does he have spd? Not rated yet
Chewing food and spitting it out Not rated yet
Plays with and eats animal and human hair. Not rated yet
SPD Not rated yet
Family Help Not rated yet
Does my daughter have SPD Not rated yet
My daughters reading is very delayed Not rated yet
Finding a physician & therapist Not rated yet
Medical alert band for SPD Not rated yet
Peeing in the house Not rated yet
Covering ears... Not rated yet
Problems with Heat Not rated yet
My grandaughter Not rated yet
No speech .. Is it due to apraxia or low tone or SPD Not rated yet
Many symptons, but still unsure Not rated yet
Advice on how to help almost 4 year old Not rated yet
Four yr. old daughter laughs when people are very ill or when they die. Whether she see's it on TV or overhears a conversation Not rated yet
Clothes bothering me Not rated yet
Looks at me and hits his head Not rated yet
Chewy tubes Not rated yet
Do I have this? Not rated yet
Sensitivity to certain words Not rated yet
Driving with spd Not rated yet
Post rotary nystagmus Not rated yet
My 5 year old daughter does not know how to chew Not rated yet
Self calming to prevent anxiety attacks. Not rated yet
O.T. services Not rated yet
Music recognition Not rated yet
Homeschooling program Not rated yet
My 8yr old is eating his clothes! Anyone else have this problem? Any advice to solve it? Not rated yet
Wanting to correct my 4 year old's running form Not rated yet
Who can address sensory processing disorders? Not rated yet
Treating SPD at Home Not rated yet
Can someone explain these results to me? Not rated yet
Sensory issues Not rated yet
Sensory Activities for older kids Not rated yet
Do you have a training center in your country? Not rated yet
Late-onset SPD? Not rated yet
A Good MD Not rated yet
Student who makes noises that bother others Not rated yet
Change in behaviors Not rated yet
Wrestling Not rated yet
Sensory Processing Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome Not rated yet
3 1/2 year old clothing NIGHTMARE!! Is it SPD???? HELP Not rated yet
Social issues / sometimes has problems making friends Not rated yet
Treatments other than OT Not rated yet
Playdough & salt Not rated yet
Compression vest Not rated yet
Diagnosis Not rated yet
Grandaughter with SPD Not rated yet
Making a child aware of his SPD Not rated yet
Divorce and children Not rated yet
Finding someone to help in the Toronto area Not rated yet
Later onset SPD? Not rated yet
Parents rights with the school Not rated yet
Toddler with SPD Not rated yet
3 year old boy with lots of quirks Not rated yet
Non stop crying new born = child with SPD later? That is my case!! thanks!. Not rated yet
Fear of fruits and vegetables - fear of spending the night with friend or relatives Not rated yet
SPD? Not rated yet
18 year old son self talk Not rated yet
Frequency Not rated yet
Billing, covered services, primary care Not rated yet
Sensory help Not rated yet
Are adolesents who have sensory processing disorder more sensitive to anxiety/depression medication? Not rated yet
I think my daughter has SPD Not rated yet
Transitioning from Early Intervention Not rated yet
10 year old boy with SPD and voice tic Not rated yet
Sensory Processing Disorder Placement Not rated yet
My son cries if you even mention going upside down. Not rated yet
My 2 year old has a fixation with rubbing skin Not rated yet
Helping child's peers understand SPD Not rated yet
SPD diagnosed kid Not rated yet
Emotional Inability Not rated yet
2 year old not acting typical Not rated yet
Pretending Not rated yet
Skin Picking Not rated yet
How to make a trip to the pediatrician easier. Not rated yet
Visual SPD and Meares-Irlen Syndrome Not rated yet
Trembling in 3 year old Not rated yet
My 8 year old child Not rated yet
19 month old - flaps arms/bounces/puts everything in his mouth Not rated yet
Conscious intervention in early teens? Not rated yet
My 2yr old was diagnosed with a developmental delay and autism? Not rated yet
Child I know Not rated yet
3 Yr Old Boy Not rated yet
Super sensitive to baby's crying Not rated yet
SPD and Echolia Not rated yet
Social, Emotional, Play and Self-Regulation Dysfunction Not rated yet
My teenager is obsessed with smells, he smells his clothes , closet, sheets, bed spread daily and complains they all smell bad all the time. Not rated yet
What is the disorder and how is it diagnosed Not rated yet
16 year old with a terrible problem Not rated yet
Insect Bites Not rated yet
Help with a 2 1/2 year old biting others Not rated yet
Self induced vomiting ?? Not rated yet
Difference of a Sensory Processing disorder from a Sensory Integration disorder? Not rated yet
Autistic child scripting his favorite show Not rated yet
I think that my daughter needs more help. Not rated yet
Does this sound like SPD Not rated yet
SPD and headaches Not rated yet
Touching face Not rated yet
Difficulty with dressing Not rated yet
Slow at prossessing Not rated yet
Trying to deal with family in a healthy way Not rated yet
Whining and rocking back and forth in a 6-year-olds sleep Not rated yet
Random seizure and "twiches" Not rated yet
Getting diagnosed Not rated yet
6 y/o won't play Not rated yet
Is it okay to wear braces while doing sensory evaluation? Not rated yet
My 4 year old is acting out in school biting other kids and not wanting to be involved in group activities Not rated yet
Speech delay at age 4 combined with strong memory and some infantile behaviours Not rated yet
Sensory sensitivty and Braces Not rated yet
Constant talk/noise making Not rated yet
SPD and PHYSIOTHERAPY treatments Not rated yet
SPD or OCD? Anger and Definance Not rated yet
My 3.5 year old bangs the table and puts himself on the floor screaming Not rated yet
Clenching fists Not rated yet
Sensory Integration in the Workplace Not rated yet
Why.. Not rated yet
Question with age Not rated yet
Over sleeping Not rated yet
High pitched screaming Not rated yet
Teen with suspected undiagnosed cognitive processing disorder Not rated yet
Random hand movements by the elderly Not rated yet
Daughter 4 years old bites lip till it bleeds Not rated yet
Would these issues be related to SPD? Not rated yet
Need help and advice Not rated yet
Head banging Not rated yet
COULD THIS BE SPD Not rated yet
Sensory disorder, stress, and reading Not rated yet
Defiance and bad attitude Not rated yet
My son just hates birthdays and "high school kids" Not rated yet
My 4 year old can not tolerate loud noises Not rated yet
Adult Deaf Daughter Repeating Mama & Daddy Not rated yet
Difficulty with steps, change of surface and uneven ground. Not rated yet
How can I stop my son from licking everything? Not rated yet
Sensory Seizure? Not rated yet
SMD and visual stimulation Not rated yet
Dim light Not rated yet
Worried mom Not rated yet
Vitamin Supplements Recommended for Sensory Processing Disorders? Not rated yet
Carers allowance Not rated yet
Any one tried chiropractic or alternative methods for SPD? Not rated yet
Talking to her self....all the time Not rated yet
SPD daughter entering middle school Not rated yet
Vibratory input duration and habituation Not rated yet
Outgrowing SPD Not rated yet
Type of testing needed Not rated yet
Three year old with sensory issues Not rated yet
Using terms correctly Not rated yet
Spitting behavior Not rated yet
4 yr old in pk3- aggressive behaviour Not rated yet
SPD and Puberty Not rated yet
Choosing a preschool Not rated yet
ADHD OR SPD??? Not rated yet
Learning Problems Not rated yet
Hereditary Not rated yet
Heavy work after 6 Not rated yet
Age Of Diagnosis Not rated yet
SPD or just being a toddler? Not rated yet
NYC Conference for SPD Parents Not rated yet
Vision - not looking at tasks Not rated yet
Clenched Fists Not rated yet
Its been 9years and i finally think i know whats wrong Not rated yet
FASD/SPD and prolonged vomiting Not rated yet
Question Not rated yet
Uncontrollable laughter Not rated yet
I'm curious about the relationship of SPD and Epilepsy ... Not rated yet
Do I need an OT or clinical phycologist. My 7 year old daughter has SPD Not rated yet
Hates going outdoors . I need help with treatment that can be done at home. Not rated yet
Cause and Heredity Not rated yet
A matter of degree? Not rated yet
Calming activity Not rated yet
Visual hyposensitivity Not rated yet
I do need help!!! Not rated yet
Auditory Processing Disorder Not rated yet
Twirls pencil Not rated yet
Doctor's in the PA/DC/MD area Not rated yet
Unconscious Tension Not rated yet
Incidence of SPD Not rated yet
Angry and violent Not rated yet
Tactile "strong" does it have to be to be considered? Not rated yet
Strategies Not rated yet
Limitations to sensory integration Not rated yet
SPD and SPD is it the same? Not rated yet
SPD and Gluten Not rated yet
SPD and inner ear problem correlations Not rated yet
Celexa and Sensory Processing Disorder Not rated yet
Sensitive to noises caused by normal eating Not rated yet
Almost 5 yr old girl, having issues at PreK Not rated yet
Can SPD start at a later time? Not rated yet
Is Sensory Processing Disorder the same as.. Not rated yet
SPD & OCD connection? Not rated yet
Sensory deprivation Not rated yet
Math tutoring Not rated yet
consultation Not rated yet
Swimming when the water feels cold Not rated yet
Smelling a permanent maker Not rated yet
Crying baby Not rated yet
Will my child's delayed speech affect our going to Canada? Not rated yet
Cerebral Palsy & SPD.. Not rated yet
Seeking help for vitamin supplements Not rated yet
Sensory Processing - General Quesiton Not rated yet
Could my daughter have SPD? Not rated yet
SPD and Weak Muscle Tone Not rated yet
Just wondering Not rated yet
Tactile defensive with tight constricting clothing Not rated yet
Reference of frame work Not rated yet
Body temperature concerns Not rated yet
Schools Not rated yet
What do we do now? Not rated yet
Chewing when the weather changes Not rated yet
Diagnosis Not rated yet
Teenage Son Not rated yet
Has anyone had a child that learned to walk on their knees? Not rated yet
flying in an airplane Not rated yet
pls help me Not rated yet
Freaks out at sounds Not rated yet
Newly diagnosed with pdd-nos/sensory modality/generalized anxiety Not rated yet
Dr said my 8yr has ADHD AND SENSORY ISSUES Not rated yet
My son is newly diagnosed with SPD and wondering is there a place toget him the help to lead a normal life Not rated yet
School environment Not rated yet
Prognosis Not rated yet
Is this SPD? Not rated yet
Physician/Specialist Not rated yet
Treatment Timeline Not rated yet
Set backs after the beginnings of therapy Not rated yet
9 month old son with Cold Not rated yet
Domestic Violence and SPD Not rated yet
HELP!!! Not rated yet
Correct Diagnosis Not rated yet
The Sensory Show Podtcast Not rated yet
Bathing Not rated yet
What is SPD ? Not rated yet
Antisocial? Not rated yet
Therapeutists in Madrid (Spain) Not rated yet
Language problems Not rated yet
Hand/Finger Water Sensivity Not rated yet
My son cant stand the SMELL of food Not rated yet
WHERE do I start? Not rated yet
eeg treatment for spd? Not rated yet
Sensory Processing Disorder Evaluation Not rated yet
Emotional Regulation Not rated yet
10 month old - WORRIED Not rated yet
Stomach aches Not rated yet
Tomatis Therapy Not rated yet
SPD as related to speech and language usage Not rated yet
Prognosis Not rated yet
Needing advice for my son and daughter Not rated yet
Traveling and Inlaws Not rated yet
A child with cerebral palsy who is obsessive about certain things touching their tongue ie. a hair and they end up freaking out until it is gone Not rated yet
Diagnosis for my 5yr old son Not rated yet
Hello Not rated yet
Visual Stimulation Not rated yet
What does this sound like? Not rated yet
My daughter will not wear a nappy anymore Not rated yet
Trauma and sensory disorder Not rated yet
Sensory Processing Disorder Not rated yet
Extended Motion Sickness due to SPD? Not rated yet
Help with motor skills-cutting Not rated yet
Is this my daughter? Not rated yet
My children have help for SPD, what about MINE? Not rated yet
Therapeutic interventions Not rated yet
Diagnosis in Texas Not rated yet
How do you handle the fire drill at school? Not rated yet
Whats up with my child Not rated yet
hyposensory in the mouth Not rated yet
Taking medicine Not rated yet
What can we do as a childcare center? Not rated yet
showering Not rated yet
comprehensive evaluation Not rated yet
Certain Symptoms - Especially Emotional/Social Not rated yet
Trainings Not rated yet
SPD for older kids Not rated yet
Is this due to anxiety? Not rated yet
Outdoor Activities for summer, & winter Not rated yet
Biofeedback vs. OT Not rated yet
Holding bowels/bladder Not rated yet
So Many Fears...Could it be SPD Not rated yet
Exercises for low registry? Not rated yet
8 Year Old with SPD; school work is declining. Not rated yet
Need Support Not rated yet
Diagnosis and prevention Not rated yet
What happened to my son? Not rated yet
How do I get SPD diagnosed? Not rated yet
Problems in Pre-K Not rated yet
Insurance/Tax Help For Sensory Therapy Products? Not rated yet
Will children grow out of it Not rated yet
what should i expect at an evaluation? Not rated yet
videos from the national conference in orlando in february 2007 Not rated yet
Excessive Touching At School Not rated yet
What Is Your Advice? Is This SPD? Not rated yet
SPD Parent Raising An SPD Child Not rated yet
Impulse Control Not rated yet
Grants for Therapy? Not rated yet
Private Schools Addressing SPD ? Not rated yet
New School, Moving, And Transitions Not rated yet
My Son's Lack In Social Skills And Self Esteem Not rated yet
Five-Year-Old Can't Behave Himself Not rated yet
Could OT Actually Be Making My Son Worse??? Not rated yet
Focusing Issues Not rated yet
Can SPD Be Brought On By Injury? Not rated yet
Teenage Son Jumping In Place Not rated yet
Listing of Providers Not rated yet
Professionals For SPD In Greece Not rated yet
If you submit a question, It will be posted up on the site unanswered,
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It is encouraged that you to support and talk with each other via this forum.
It can be a great community that you build here!
“Together, We Will Make A Difference”.
Please note: None of the answers/opinions/comments should be taken as medical advice! These are people's personal opinions, experiences, and knowledge. Please talk with your doctor, OT, or other medical professional about concerns you have. Although we try to monitor this information for accuracy, we do not assume any responsibility legally for the answers given here, nor do we endorse any particular person's advice or opinion. Please consult your doctor or other medical professional for further information or before trying any suggestions listed here. The ultimate responsibility lies in your hands.
Your Sensory Processing Disorder Questions
Your questions, concerns & comments will be posted on the site after approval. This is YOUR resource... together we WILL make a difference!Questions, Answers, Comments
Two young girls are happy healthy well adjusted yet approx one week after childhood vaccine they exhibit uncontrollable tantrums. The 1 year old tries …
Hi, Since starting junior school in September my daughter has developed a sensitivity to the sound of paper and pencils writing on paper. This sensitivity …
I have sensory processing disorder and i get chapped lips very easily but i don't like the feel of chapstick or anything like that.
Does anybody have …
Hi... Looking for an asd therapist near 285 in Colorado for my 8 year old son, he was recently diagnosed and really struggles with sensory issues, rigid …
I find it calming to rub the edges of stiff fabrics under my fingernails. Sometimes I fold the edge into a point and rub it on my fingertips. Or I'll rub …
Has anyone figured out what causes this? Is it hereditary? Or does something happen during pregnancy?
Without going into personal issues, I was in …
Hi, my baby girl is 10.5 months old. Since birth, she never really put anything like toys, or teether in her mouth. We started solid at 6 months, she refused …
I am a high school student who is hypersensitive to noise. I had a phobia of flushing the toilet when I was younger due to the sound. I frequently have …
Please help my 8yr old daughter has always been a sensory seeker, never had a diagnosis but she is a model example.
She has recently started jumping …
6 yr old girl all of a sudden, just tonight has started to repeat questions over and over. Is there any help for this?
I was always told I had un diagnosed SPD and I know I have gross motor skills. Since I was a child certain textures,lights, noises, and smells have always …
Hello, my 23 year old daughter has OCD and SPD. She has only worn certain types of clothing since she was little. Problem is the "rules" are always changing. …
Can SPD kids get days confused? My nephew is sure that my mom picked him up from school and took to him to the doc which we did a few weeks ago but he …
Has anyone tried more non-medicinal help and had even the smallest of benefits? My son, SPD, ADHD, and ASD has been on stimulants for 7 years. We added …
This is actually very embarrassing. But I am desperate because I can't be comfortable anymore.
Since I was little, I have always been sensitive to …
Can an exposure to sensory overload, lead to a drop in mood for an SPD teenager?
My daughter wanted to attend a school production last night, to see …
For the past couple of weeks, my 7 year old daughter has been refusing to wear clothes. Getting her dressed has literally been a 3 hour fight every day. …
Help, my sweet daughter has been struggling with seams/spd but it has been manageable with brushing, undershirts (compassion), OT, wearing only flip flops, …
When my fingers become really dry and rough from the weather or especially after a shower, I can't stand to touch and put any clothes on until I put lotion …
Have you ever heard of a child who has either ADHD or SPD or both, or has one of features of the other?
Think of a child who is impulsive in order …
My grandson is 3 and only speaks about 10 words and they are not all clear to hear. He just started speech therapy.
He is doing something strange: …
I am concerned about things that I do and wanted see if anyone can help.
First I can't eat with a fork that has bent prongs
Second I can't eat my …
With SPD does your skin react to lotions and how they feel on your skin?
Hi, there... My daughter will be 2 in May. Up until last summer she was eating everything!
And almost over night she stopped, all she will take is …
My son is 8 and has SPD. It doesn't lead to any problems in school, but he jumps, flaps his hands and runs a lot. I'm afraid that this is going to lead …
Grandson lives with us, age 9, EXTREMELY picky eater, very, very thin, uncoordinated, cannot/will not ride a bike, does ride a scooter, falls easily, developed …
My 7 year old with SPD has been doing listening therapy created by Vital Links for the last 18 months with great success. But she is having emotional regulation …
My 4 year old daughter.... really struggling with her sensory issues. Started around 2 ( maybe younger but hard to tell as a first time Mom).
As a …
Hello... I am 17 years old and I am in my second year of college. I am not quite too sure if this is just something that is part of my Dyspraxia/visual …
I was struggling to go through all of the other topics at once, so I apologize for asking something that may have already been answered. I might recommend …
How can I get my almost 6 year old son more focused and not so fidgety during circle time?
This is his first year in all day kindergarten. I'm so …
Should children with SPD be tested for Mthfr?
My 5 year old daughter has been struggling with genital sensitivity for quite some time now. It is getting more noticeable now that she is wearing bathing …
I have a friend with a 4.5 year old that i think has spd, i started doing research in order to find her some help for his behavioral issues, he tried to …
Why do certain noises bother someone with SPD and other noises do not?
My four year old son has a space issue. He's constantly hitting other kids at school, climbing on top of them, and getting in their faces.
He doesn't …
Having the doctor understand and take me seriously?
Oh my gosh, I need some help and it's with a bit of a sensitive subject!
My 17 yr old has autism and part of that involves sensory issues with clothing. …
I am sorry if this has been asked before.
I truly believe my son (age 3.5) has SPD and would like to get him assessed. We have Kaiser Permante insurance …
I am a Mother of 3 girls. My youngest is 21y.o. now, but was diagnosed with Autism based on a Sensory Processing D/O when she was just 3y.o.
I was …
I am contacting you since i do not know where to start. My 20 year old step-daughter has never been diagnosed with SPD, but she has severe sensory (touch) …
Girl with SPD here just wondering if anyone knew of any positive sides to having SPD?
Hello, Our 5 year old daughter seems to have SPD mostly with tactile defensiveness (clothing issues) but also has a big issue with feeling too hot or not …
Please tell me why my child has such issues with such things as putting on uniform in the morning and have such intense meltdowns at thirteen that are …
My son 4 years old.I am noticing that he is LICKING everything! We are all yelling at him to stop, that the floor is dirty and yucky.
My daughter is often very close to my face while talking (if she's eating she will be spitting food while she's doing it), she pokes my face, she squeezes …
I cannot tell you how many types of underwear I have tried for my now 11 year-old daughter. I have tried Hanna Andersson, the Esme brand and others. I …
Our daughter is constantly sucking air in through her nose.
It's like her nose is constantly stuffy or runny, but it's not. The constant snorting is …
Any idea why an 18 month old covers his ears often, knows and follows directions but does not sound words? Is this cause for concern or not?
My 6 y/o daughter isn't diagnosed with SPD (yet). She has many issues that are listed on the checklist, but yet seems fine at school. How do you explain …
We are at our wits end! Our 7 month old has screamed his head off since birth every time he is put down for a nap or at night. I am still nursing him, …
I have a eight year old child who has a sensory problem with clothes she says they hurt itch ect. What can we do to help her , we have already tried special …
What is the first thing you should do for a child who has SPD?
I want to know how i should help from home too?
My son is 7 and has recently started picking at his nails and pulling skin off to the point where they bleed. He also picks at scabs continuously and …
My 7 year old son cannot stand washing his hands, particularly with soap. I've tried liquid,solid and foam soap, but he can't tolerate anything. I can't …
Okay, so my son went across the street for a play date tonight. When he came back, the parent of the other boy said he had a little choking scare (which …
Hi there,
I’m a health and wellness reporter at US News & World report working on a general consumer advice story about sensory processing disorders. …
I'm looking for DSM-5 or ICD-10 codes for SPD and cannot find. What codes are being used for insurance billing for treatment of SPD? Thank you!
My son is 5 years old and suffers from constipation, faecal impaction and an anal fissure. As a result he is still in nappies and his medication makes …
My adoptive 6 year daughter Kyleigh, who is shaken baby syndrome survivor (age 4 mos.), developed issues starting with underwear at age 3. Then not long …
Hello was wondering if you have any tips for child with sensory issues? She is 7 & is autistic. Does not like seat belts or car seats.
Recently tried …
Hello all. I have a 6 year old that has SPD, OCD, APD and Anxiety. She has a great OT, but the process is so slow with addressing her anxiety issues. …
My son is 9 years old and has been diagnosed with SPD since he was 6 years. I can deal with virtually every aspect of his disorder apart from his constant …
My daughter has been getting increasingly particular about many things, but one that stands out as very odd and quite concerning since next year she will …
I am concerned for my daughter, she is 6.5 years old and has just successfully finished kindergarden. About 5 months ago she started licking herself, mainly …
Hi All. I have a 5 1/2 year old that is SPD, OCD and has speech issues. She is currently in OT. We have family pets, which are all older animals, which …
What is the difference between SPD and Autism, in "lay mans" terms? Does one impact a different part of the brain than the other? Is it correct to refer …
I'm 14, and I can't stand the feel of different textures, I can't even eat an ice block or whip my noes with a tissue because of the feeling, just the …
my son is aware he is struggling and is 12. the school says that on a daily basis he is holding his finger in his nose and when he is trying to think …
Hi All. My 5 1/2 year old daughter still uses her "suckie/pacifier". When she turned 4 we attempted to take it away from her, but weaning her off by …
My five year old was diagnosed with ADHD. Lately he started getting worst. In addition to always behaving hyper, he started laughing when bad things happen, …
If a child has a diagnosis of SPD from a qualified doctor, is it required that the OT for the school service the child?
My son is 5 years old and has SPD. I recently saw a post on Autism that kids with Autism have a hard time making eye contact,for various reasons and I …
My 2.8 year old child doesnt do eye contact with strangers and runs around with humming sound (sound like EEEEEEEEE.....).
and most of the time …
My son constantly scratches. He scratches virtually every part of his body.
He has had eczema since he was a child, however he has none currently and …
i find great comfort in touching knitted materials... almost a high from it.
when i touch a tightly knit sweater or blanket i feel my fingertips run over …
My son is 4.5 taking meds is a nightmare let alone pickiness on eating or change any suggestions ? High temps flu no fun
I work in an outpatient clinic treating pediatric clients across the spectrum of developmental, physical, and mental-emotional health diagnoses or lack …
Our 4th grade son is having issues in his classroom. He has an IEP but it very loosely written - chew gum, take exercise breaks. He is getting overwhelmed …
I cant find any help for my child who is 7 now. We have been dealing with this for years. Her doctors, school- no help at all!! Im trying to get her in …
Has anyone found a solution to their child's seat belt issues? My daughter (7) screams when using one. Therapists, OT, brushing, soft this or that, distractions …
When will our official color be made.
I was told years back that it was started. But seems it never went forward.
My little boy who has SPD and has periods where he will not listen to me when I ask him to stop doing an unwanted, or even unsafe behavior. Usually he …
My daughter is age 7 now and we are at ground zero with a naked child wrapped in a blanket.
Symptoms were sudden onset at age 4. We've seen inconsistent …
My 8 years old has adhd and pdd nos. I read your checklist about spd.. i almost checked everything.i m so exhausted.. he still sleeps with us,tried melotonin,night …
I am searching for reliable statistics related to the prevalence of sensory processing disorder among people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities …
My dd is 5 and starting about 3 months or so ago she began having issues with anger. It appears that the same thing is her trigger. She is SPD and OCD …
Hi im in need of some help/ advice.
My lovely smart little boy turned 5 on 29th april, on 15th april he changed.
He became very angry, growling …
I have a nephew who turned five in may of this year. He isn't talking in complete sentences as he should be. He also chews on shoes and other various objects. …
My daughter has been going through this for quiet some time now and I don't know what to do. She hates wearing clothes, I battle with it all the time. …
I have a daughter turning 5 this year. She has a summer birthday, as in August right before school starts. I personally think she is not ready for school, …
My 5 yr old daughter has always had problems swallowing food..she chews and chews then spits it out. Also says her socks hurt her feet, she screams when …
Hello, I hope someone can help. I have a 4 year old boy who is becoming increasingly stressed with clothes, especially the neck of clothes, sleeves if …
My daughter is 12 years old and in he first year of Middle School. She has a friend who is generally nice, and comes from a good family, but is a sensory …
My son is 16 and in grade 11, when he was in grade 9, 14yrs old the resource teacher in his school called me in for a meeting. When I arrived she told …
I am homeschooling a 7 1/2 year old child who I believe has SPD, although I can;t quite put him into any one specific category of the disorder. …
We discovered my daughter suffered from tactile defensiveness, we enrolled her in OT as soon as we put a name to her behaviors. It was great she went every …
He is a very picky eater and has developed aggressive behavior towards adults and children. What to do?
My baby now two and a half had a very traumatic birth and now has oral textile and maybe more spds. I have heard from others that either stopped breathing …
I have a client who has sensory processing disorder not specified at this point. Mother is reporting that she is starting to grow pubic hair and "she can't …
How do I address my daughter and try to correct a habit that I thought she would outgrow?
It started when she was around two with a princess wand. …
Hi ,
My 3.5 year old son always to jump on the couch, runs around the house and does not sit at one place, I see the same problem reported by his school …
My daughter has a lot of difficulty with clothing, anything from getting dressed to having her hair done and also clipping finger and toe nails. She went …
My son 3.5 years old, he has hand flapping since 1 years old, less flapping when he is 2.5 years old. But I found he flaps more these 3 weeks.
He flaps …
My 3 year old autistic granddaughter (the 2 year old is also autistic) removes her diaper at night if she has a bowel movement and smears the feces on …
Our daughter (just turned 8 in October 2013) seems very immature for her age, or so it seems. She has a tendency to lose control of herself at the smallest …
My daughter turns 1 in the first week of December . She has a physical therapist who says she believes she has SPD and here is why.... She can't figure …
I am a mother of three. My eldest started talking late when she was 4. I think because of so many languages she hears but she's5 now and is on kindergarten. …
My 4 year old daughter was just diagnosed with spd. She doesn't get enough input so is always looking for stimulus. I have noticed she has started curling …
I am looking for treatment ideas for a 3rd grader with SPD that is making disruptive noises in the classroom multiple times a day. His previous strategy …
My son is turning 7 tomorrow, I would like to explain SPD to the other parents of his classmates as they have already misunderstood his behaviour and I …
Hi My daughter has SPD(sensory seeker)and emotional management issues, Proprioceptive and sleep issues. shes also under review for ADHD and possible autism. …
My 4 year old daughter hates wearing socks and makes a huge fuss, kicking and screaming every time i put them on her, she says they hurt her, i'm not sure …
My 4 year old daughter is obsessed with rubbing some moles on my skin, likes to lick and smell my skin, likes having her bare back rubbed, and was rubbing …
Is Sensory Processing Disorder caused by Retained Primitive Reflexes?
We are at loss as to what to do for our grand daughter. She was diagnosed with spd a year ago and has been seeing an occupational therapist. It is mainly …
So, Im in high school and dealing with pretty bad SPD. I went to therapy for it when I was younger. But stopped about 3 years ago, and I think its getting …
Our daughter has recently been diagnosed with possible spd and add. Don't know yet. However, bedtime is terrible for the family!!!! She starts with an …
My son will be 4 the end of September and has a language delay as well as sensory issues. He is a major sensory seeker and has anxiety. Anyone else know …
I am not sure if this is SPD or not. My son is 3 and asd. He likes to jump a lot, spins himself in circles and looks to the side, just started doing that …
My son - now aged 11 has finally been diagnosed with SPD.
I am so angry at myself for not recognizing the symptoms....having now read up on it - I know …
First I want to say this site is very helpful. I refer back to it often. It is helpful to know there are others out there with similar issues as I know …
My four year old daughter was diagnosed with SPD last year when clothing issues took over our life. Since then we have developed strategies to manage many …
Could he have a sensory issue?
Hello I have a seriously hard time with other peoples eating, drinking, breathing etc. I have to wear ear plugs constantly throughout the day in order …
I read somewhere that accurate diagnosis of SPD is determined when a child reaches 6 or 7. Is this true? If so, can I already seek medical help for my …
My 11 year old back talks adults - how do we deal with this? He is both ADHD and SPD.
My Son is 25 months old. His speech therapist and OT suspect he has SPD ( sensory seeking). He frequently runs along furniture, or squeezes between two …
My son just turned 5. He has been in OT for 1.5 years. He is quite a ham, on some days, and easy to get along with, playing interactively with older …
Since my daughter was 2yrs getting her dressed has been a challenge. She was very picky on what she would wear, and around age 3 she began saying certain …
My son is 7 and for about 2 yrs now has been physically violent towards his sister who is two years younger. Also the last 6 months has been very abusive …
What are some things I can do with my older child (14) for treatment. He was diagnosed when he was around 3. I did techniques at home when he was younger …
My 4 year old has just been asked to leave her second daycare in the past 2 months.
She has many sensory issues as well as fine and gross motor delays. …
Hi- I lived with OCD since I was 12 years old (I'm 27 now). I have high anxiety and believe I also have SPD. I never use to repeat myself and be so descriptive …
Can something that looks like a possible seizure (upper body shaking) be associated with Sensory Processing Disorder?
According to a EEG... they are …
My little girl is 7 yrs old and has been very particular about clothes since she was two. She used to need to know exactly what she would be wearing for …
My daughter often complains that her sibling singing is too loud, although it may not bother anyone else. Is it too late to treat a 15 years old for hypersensitivity …
My grandaughter is going to be 11 years old. She has Therapy everyday for her issues, finally got her brushing her hair but her hair is getting long and …
Is there any research relating to the effects of barometric pressure on kids with spd?
I have a 9 year old daughter who is apparently dealing with SPD. She has never liked being messy. She is sensitive to loud noises and commotion. However, …
My almost 5-year old has SPD and Unspecified Pervasive Developmental Disorder. One of his quirks is he hates being in the dark. Unfortunately we are 5 …
I have a 3 year old sensory child who is so wild I can't seem to calm her down sometimes. She can get so mean that she will through things, and bite people. …
My 5 year old daughter has been very sensitive "down there" since she was an infant. She discovered the sensitivity around the age of 12 months, and it …
I have heard the term brushing as a calming effect during a meltdown but don't know anything about it.could you please explain.thank you!
I have two students in my class who are always telling me that they can't stand the feel of the paper while writing notes.
What can I do to help them? …
I am not sure if my son has a SPD but he does have some of the symptoms described on this website. I am looking for answers, confused, frustrated, sad …
I have an 8 year old son who has been spitting for about 4 months. He has spit on the floor and spit food out on the floor.
We have been working on …
I have a 12 year old girl out of control will not bathe, wash hair, listen, or do anything. Hates to get up in the morning. Wants to watch TV and play …
My ten year old son has SPD and has been getting in trouble at school.. The principle insists that the only discipline she has the option to give to him …
My 3 yr. old grandson has SPD. Recently, he has fought his Mommy and me every time we start to rock him to sleep. He starts screaming and stiffens up and …
I have a 10 year old daughter who can not stay focused, has horrible handwriting, and is reading at a first grade level. She was diagnosed with add in …
My lovely daughter is 7 she has spd and auditory processing we have had several opinions on the listening programme. It would be so good to help her being …
my son aged six is very selective about eating. He eats the same item for bfast the last six years and two or three items for lunch and dinner... no fruits, …
Our 3.5 year old boy has SPD and has had recurring bouts of poop holding (i.e., he has to go but actively fights against allowing the poop to come out). …
my son is 3 and a half years old diagnosed with SPD. He refuses potting on more than one layer (that includes coat or jacket) even in the coldest …
Has anyone recently been through the OT program at the Star Center in Denver? We are in the process, but a little concerned about the price and the fact …
PLEASE HELP ME! My daughter just turned 4 and is still having toilet issues. She has bowel held since she was 18 months old. She has really good days and …
my 12 yr old son has SPD. when we lived in VT he would mostly would wear sweat pants that were loose and soft and long sleeve t-shirts. He wont wear jeans, …
I am a teen with SPD. I have all of the symptoms + Obsessive compulsive disorder. They are both a daily struggle and they cause bad anxiety.
Most problems …
So Symptoms of SPD disappear with age?
Hi, my 4.5 year old daughter has SPD and is affected in all sensory areas. She has started work with OT. Suddenly in September just two days before …
My eight year old diagnosed with SPD won't sleep by herself. She says she is afraid. I can get her to fall asleep by herself if I sit in the chair and …
My 8 y/o daughter has always had issues with clothing. On one hand she will wear only seamless socks, which she wears inside out because of the seam at …
Does a person ever adjust with SPD or is this a life long handicap? I believe my 3 yo has SPF but the dr just sent me to a regular therapist. Haven't made …
I am a teacher of a Pre-K classroom which I have been with for 3 months. I have a 4 year old girl who I just don't know what to do with anymore. She has …
I'm a 13 year old girl living with SPD. I was diagnosed around 7 but my parents never did anything about it, and they still aren't. It's getting worse …
okay...we have the diagnosis and are about to start OT..but what can i do at home to help my 8 yr old daughter more comfortable?
My son has only a few of the SPD check list symptoms but relative to the depth and severity of these descriptions, I'd guess if it is SPD, it is very mild. …
Hiw long will my child be in therapy? Is it lifelong? My insurance doesn't cover it and I'm totally stressed. My daughters diagnosis came three days …
I am a preschool teacher. I have worked with children that have had SPD and different types of autism. This is not my speciality, but I have done training …
Hello, my 10 yr old son was diagnosed with SPD when he was 5-6. He is a sensory seeker and has done really well learning how to control himself. We do …
Our 4 year old was always very active, but for the past few months its just become unbearable, she jumps all day long, she does not walk, she always runs, …
MY 8 yr old son will NOT go to bed without me. Every night I have to lay in his bed until he falls asleep. It's not good enough if I am upstairs doing …
My son is three years old and Non-verbal, it is clear he has SPD but has not been diagnosed for Autism.
He has good eye contact, communicates via (PECS) …
I apologize in advance if this becomes a novel.
My son early on was diagnosed with a communication delay due to having a speech delay. At first I was …
I am an adult and I have not been professionally diagnosed with SPD, however I am pretty sure I have it and have it pretty bad.....
One thing I have …
The child is 3 years 9 months old and refuses to hold a pencil to write. He is extremely playful and wants to keep running and jumping around. Why does …
My 6 year old son, who has SPD and is in first grade has uncontrollable smelling issues. Constantly, within every 10-30 seconds ALL day, he smells his …
He is not autistic but still not talking as an 2 year old should. Can anyone help?
Child is 2 y o old male. Has tantrums at daycare when told "no". Mostly plays alone. Gets mad, pulls hair. Language is delayed. Is using a few words and …
Being summer and sensory issues on the mild side (sorry I don't know what else to call them except Sophisms ~ daughter's name) we tried to have the binki …
My son had already been attending Occupational Therapy for SPD for 6 weeks, when his OT told me that she couldn't give us a "real" diagnosis. She said …
Our just turned 5 (1st of July) girl is a sensory seeker. Her preschool teacher informed us in June she would benefit from another year of small class …
Whenever we are around people, especially other children my five year old son is always in there personal space. He like to poke, squeeze, get right up …
Is it wise to start my 6yr old SPD son on sharing a room with his 3yr old brother? They seem to get into trouble and have to be split up each time we try. …
I have a 4 year old wonderful little girl with SPD. I know she is capable of helping with chores, such as cleaning up toys, putting her clothes away and …
My 4 year old son who has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum high functioning has been biting his clothes. Not sure if it is a sensory issue, anxiety …
My son has been diagnosed with SPD and since then I have come to realise that I have quite a lot of issues for tactile input.
With my first child breastfeeding …
My 4 year old is hypersensitive as it is, he has never stuck things in his mouth till now. Everything goes in his mouth. He hates loud noises is scared …
Hi there. I just read your newsletter post from September 2006, about explaining SPD to your child. It was really helpful. My son (6 years) has recently …
Our son is 7, since he started junior kindergarten he has had issues at school. Over reacting, crying, fidgeting, hitting other children, easily frustrated. …
i always knew my 5 year old was different. from birth he would not go to sleep without me holding him and had to stay in my bed in order to stay asleep …
My 6 yr old daughter was diagnosed with SPD when she was 4 yrs old. Since then, we have undergone intensive OT and she has come a loooooong way. …
I have tried almost every kind of toothpaste on the store shelf for my 6 year old son. The only kind that he will even use for a quick time is "training …
"Can Weather and climate changes play a role in Sensory Processing Disorder?" Three days prior to the snowstorm my child will not sleep, extremely hot …
My 4 year old son most likely has SPD and he is being evaluated in June for that and will hopefully qualify for occupational Therapy, but there is a waiting …
He will smell feet, walls, tv stands, you name it he will smell it. Is this a sensory issue and can it be fixed? Also I am just now seeing that when he …
My 10 year old has almost every symptom of SPD. I have had her treated for sensory integration for a year through a occupation rehab. She is not even a …
Do the kids learn coping strategies through their therapies or can they actually grow out of SPD?
My child is 6 years old and has SPD. I need some help finding a way to explain SPD to her on her age level. Any suggestions or resources would be great. …
Is it normal for my 10 month old to rock back and forth such a lot. She has been crawling now for at least a month.
I am currently seeing a boy about 8 years old who has difficulty participating in activities because he says 'it hurts'. It hurts to swim without …
My almost-4-year-old daughter has SPD & oral motor disability (tongue weakness). She eats very little, so food usually does not interest her. We want …
Hi Im new here, and was really hoping someone here had a child (pre-teen) with SPD and mixed receptive expressive language delays (non pervasive).
I am a single working mother with a 5 yr child with spd. He needs a lot of help that I can not afford. Is it a place I can contact for help? He will not …
My son has major symptoms of SID and I was wondering can a child only have SID or is this a symptom of ADHD or autism?
Hi, my son is 11 years old. He has ASD, diagnosed when he was 2 and half years old.
Since then we have tried so many therapies, like speech therapy, …
Just wondering if any other children experience tremendous anxiety if attending small sporting events, or school parades/ events. The most anxiety appears …
my 2 year old son who has not been officially diagnosed with spd (yet his OT says he has alot of sensory needs and disabilities) which honestly thats fine …
My step grandson has been diagnosed with SPD. The district told his mother that they would not consider an evaluation to special education because it …
my son was diagnosed with moderate SPD. His speech clinician recommended a gluten free diet. i would love to here opinions regarding this issue. also if …
I am wondering if anyone has tried neurofeedback for SPD. I have a 5 year old sensory seeker who is often aggressive-sometimes because he is angry, and …
My son, Trevor, age 3, has been in speech therapy for a few months now and was diagnosed with a severe articulation disorder and a severe language delay. …
I originally sought help for my son when he was 15 months because of a language delay. Now he is 4 and is still waaay behind his peers in communicative …
My son was an ex-preemie born at 28 wks. and 5 days at 1lb. 8 ounces. He was only diagnosed with premature lungs and hypertension.
At this time my …
Finally, I have a diagnosis for my son with SPD. I have waited eleven years. I had three different Pediatricians and no one was concerned when I saw …
Has anyone ever heard of a child complaining that seeing the corners or points of furniture or objects upset them. My daughter complains that everywhere …
My son Sam is 20 months. He still drools and has a habit of tilting his head left and right when eating. We sometimes find it funny. We haven't consulted …
I am wondering if anyone has found if the Montessori style of teaching is better than regular public school setting for children with SPD?
Any experiences …
my daughter is very sensory & constantly asking me 2 scratch her back with my nails (softly of course) lol does anybody elses child love this everyday? …
My 18 months son covers his ears many times in a day.i had a doubt that he might have ear infection but he's good. and i really don't why he's doing this. …
My four year old daughter has some strange behaviors but i haven't seen any stories similar. She cannot handle the sight of waves in the lake when we're …
how can a get my 2yr old to stop gagging herself and to quit making herself throw up? she will do this when we are in the car driving. She has also done …
Since my son was probably two, he started to squeeze peoples cheeks. This "cute" habit has stuck with him and now he is 5. He has to touch soft things …
My son at school has been cutting his clothes and he's also been chewing his clothes alot more than he used too.
what can I do?
My son got diagnosed with sensory processing disorder last yr and i got told he was 2 yrs old mentally.. he is 5 atm. I know his young in the head but …
I have just filled out the checklist? I tried very hard to answer the questions completely accurately. I checked off many symptoms in both hypersensitive …
My son is 7 and has a tendancy to hop and pull in his arms when he is excited. He also is a rocker as is my 4 year son.
Will he grow out of this way …
My son was diagnosed at age 6 by a Children's Hospital Occupational Therapist with muscle/joint disorders and Sensory Processing Disorder. We received …
My son is 8ys old and we were only told he has sensory processing disorder only last year. My son can not handle noise,crowds and cannot handle certain …
My daughter is 4.5 years old and was diagnosed last October with MERLD, ADHD, and SPD. Ever since November, every time she cries she will ask if she has …
Im not sure if my daughter has spd. She will be 5 in June and for about the past year has been exhibiting a possible sign of spd. While looking at books, …
My son, who is almost 8has been going to an occupational therapist every week for about 3 years. During his last evaluation, he "graduated" all requirements …
Our son has just recently been diagnosed with Sensory Integration Disorder and I'm at a loss as to what or how to discipline him. Nothing we say or do …
My daugher's school has quite a long dress code. She hasn't any problems, besides the pants. The students are required to wear stiff pants. We've tried …
My 2 yr old son loves to rock but my concern is the fact that he rocks so much that he gives himself a headache, but i cant seem to persuade him to stop.his …
Has anyone encountered this problem and do you have any solutions or ways to lessen the annoyance caused by buttons?
I have a 7 year old son who has developed a strange tendency to wear socks at night even on really hot nights. He is very reluctant to remove them so I've …
I am a second grade teacher who has a student that has been diagnosed with SPD. Independent writing is the most difficult thing for this child. He talks …
Hi There,
My name is Betty, My son is just 2yr olds his name is Ethan he is always on a motion he can't sit still and behavior problem such as biting …
I found this site by chance last year and it has been so reasuring to know that this condition is real ! From going through the check list I believe my …
My 7 yr old son sucks his clothes. He sucks his winter coat & sleeves.
Is this something I should be concerned about or is this just a very strange …
I have recently started working at a daycare, and I'm trying to get my son, who was diagnosed with SPD 18 months ago, enrolled.
In the paperwork it …
My son is 3 months shy of turning 3 years old, he is a 'free spirit' according to my entire family. But he doesn't talk so very much. I have been worried …
We are having a problem with our 9-year-old daughter who has Asperger's and SPD. In the fall (of 2011), about 6 weeks after the start of the …
I am very much concerned about my son who is five now. He is developing a habit of licking. He lick over his sleeves a lot. His class teacher told me that …
My 4 year old son grinds his teeth at night, is a very fussy eater - does not like bitty food, won't eat food because of colour, etc. - is sensitive to …
3 year old boy had difficulty in sitting, standing,and walking. And his muscles appeared to be poorly developed. what disease is this?
She is an otherwise very confident, outgoing child.
Only in the last week or two she has demonstrated not wanting to be alone because, "I'm scared." …
Do children typically grow out of SPD?
is SPD is considered a retardation? is it a problem that requires a special need education (school) for the child?
What type of child is Michelle, 13 year old. She cries like a child ages 5. She loves to play with other children. She loves teaching, crocheting, and …
I am a mom that is totally lost, I am researching SPD bc as of now I see the similarities of the testimonials of children w SPD closest to my daughter. …
My sister had her third child when she was 43 yrs old. I am pretty sure she was on prozac when she got pregnant. She stopped it during her pregnancy but …
My step son is 19 months old and only growls. He will sign certain words such as eat, more, etc but doesn't speak a single word. If he's excited, playing, …
We have an eight year old boy who was diagnosed with SPD at age 5. He received occupational therapy and we have been doing the suggestions that they gave …
Do ADHD meds work for a child with SPD?
It was my understanding that "stimulants" work for the ADHD brain to settle & focus the child; however, "stimulants" …
I'm seeking help to my everyday battle. my 13 year old daughter has a learning disability as well as sensory processing disorder. She hates soap every …
My son is 5, has SPD, anxiety and mild metabolic disorder. At times he can be so typical and self regulated and then, every 4 wks or so, it seems like …
We currently drive 1 hr to my sons ot, she's awesome, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of an amazing OT in Torrance or surrounding area? Someone who …
Seems over the last two years, I've developed this....
I'm not sure what to make of it as I hear white noise is used to drown out the symptom..BUT continually …
A little boy i am working with has autism, he is very energetic and fits alot of the symptoms for SPD. But his therapist has diagnosed him with ADHD. I …
my daughter is 10 yrs. old. she has had sensory issues since she was 2. she likes anything soft to be against her skin ( certain fabrics are not tolerated …
My 4 year old granddaughter with SPD has started biting her nails. What can you do to distract help her stop doing it
My daughter was physically abused on her head at 9 months of age. She is now 2 1/2 years old and has had MRIs, CT scans and x-rays over the last couple …
My Son age 11 has Tourettes Syndrome, with OCD, ADHD, Anger and social delays, sensory issues, and of course multiple gross motor and vocal tics.
I …
How much should a 27 month old weighs who has hypotonia?
I have a 9 year old grand daughter. she is having a hard time at school. She doesn't seem to understand other people's space. She is now into pretend …
So many parents have worries. constantly questioning all the little stuff asking, "is this normal? is that normal?"
And most of the time- it totally is …
My three year old daughter has had issues from the start. She got early intervention p.t. and o.t. by the time she was 5 months old. She had/has low muscle …
My granddaughter speaks only gibberish at 22 months and will rarely repeat anything you tell her to. She walked at 10 mths and says the occasional dada …
Is SPD connected to or part of the Autism Spectrum? There seems to be so many similarities, how is the difference between the two defined?
My daughter is 4 years old she is really afraid of loud noise which make us to leave that place and she asks before going to restaurant or else where for …
I see the signs when he comes over to play. He has to chill every hour or so, or else he will tell someone their parents smell bad or physically hurt …
Our son is 10 and has SPD. In the last three weeks we have removed his risperdol in an effort to stop the medication due to long term side effects. Has …
My son is four years old and he is autistic.
Lately, he is been having this issue where he has to roll his chin against my elbow bone or any bones …
my daughter is 9 and she has sensory issue with clothing, cant wear clothes with materials, silk, polyester, cant wear tight, tight clothes, and …
My 11 year old has been diagnosed with combined ADHD since she was about 3 1/2. We have tried all kinds of different meds. and have not found anything …
My 5YR old daughter always has to have something in her mouth. Whether it be glue, stickytape, playdough she finds things and eats them. Her concentration …
My daughter is 3.5 now and has some sensory issues. till now she was having milk in the bottle. i tried several times to change the bottle practice. but …
My 5 year old just started kindergarten in August and was doing very well until recently. He has started having really odd behaviors and repeats words …
Hi.. Was wondering if you had any suggestions for finger flicking in front of eyes.My wee boy aged 3 has many sensory issues.Likes to throw himself back,upside …
Can you use the brushing program on a two month old with Colic?
The child was born at 34 weeks and has sensory processing issues.
My child has pulled the hair of other children. It appears to be almost random or sensory-seeking or not understanding it is wrong, not associated with …
I have had concerns about my 4 year old step son for sometime but haven't really been able to put my finger on what is wrong, he slept very poorly as a …
My son who is 8 who suffers a mild form of RLS still has the need to chew things. He is no longer chewing his clothes which is an improvement as I have …
Is there anything I can do to help my child increase his energy level as due to SPD he is very easily fatigued? Will this ever improve or will he go through …
teenager looking for a support group. any info would be greatly appreciated.
I have an eight-year-old who has a Sensory processing disorder and ADHD. We have to constantly watch what he is doing because he doesn't have any safety …
My son was 31 weeks premature and had a brain hemorrhage. Today he is healthy and mostly happy having just turned 5. But we are struggling with school …
My 7 year old is a typical oldest child. Everything needs to be PERFECT. I always thought is was strange that since she was an infant she cannot stand …
My grandson is 33 months old and due to be tested for autism. He just recently tried hurting his younger 9 month old brother. He hits him with anything …
My 12 year old student with autism claps & screams and it is hard to distract him. What can I do?
My 6 year old son has just about every sensory problem on the list. my worries are is that he has starting hurting himself. he was hitting his mouth against …
After 16 years of searching I cannot believe I have finally found out what is wrong with my son. SPD describes him to a "T". He is in 10th grade and …
I am an OT at an Elementary school. One of our kindergarten students assumes a very particular position whenever he is expected to be "calm and focused" …
I'm wondering what I have done wrong and if my daughter has sensory issues. She has never ever played alone. She seems aimless and bored unless I play …
I was wondering if you have any information on getting help with SPD in NYC? We were looking for a pediatric Neurologist that specializes in …
I hope someone can help me work out how to support and advocate for my son.
He is almost 5 and is in preschool, starting kindergarten next year.
My 7yo is diagnosed with ADHD and the school psychologist and the social worker at his pediatrician thinks he also has mild Aspergers. He has always been …
Here are a few of my son Liam's symptoms.
-Wont eat anything unless its freezing cold.
-Hates pants, long sleeves, socks and sneakers.
-Screams, runs …
My 7 year old daughter wont wear jeans or tights. She will only wear leggings that are several sizes too big so they dont rub, but wont pull them up over …
My 4 year old is always putting things in her mouth and or licking on unusual objects. She does not play alone alot and seems easily distracted. We were …
Can a student outgrow this disability?
I'm in high school and I have SPD. Its very hard for me to work because I get sensory overload. Would it be a good idea to do cyber school?
I have a 7 year old son who has SPD as well as a learning disability. He currently is in an exceptional childrens class in public school. He attends …
My three year old son has never once slept through the night and suffers night terrors. He has quite a severe facial grimace and tic when he becomes excited …
My son is 6 and has a mild case of SPD and has been though OT, speech, etc.
He has been doing a lot of hitting lately (in school, at home, even at …
I have had concerns about my now 2 year old for over a year. He was a little slow to start talking. He was using gibberish up until about 17 months old. …
I am so confused and the more I research the more confused I get. My son was diagnosed with SPD, but his OT now a year later says ADHD, and his pediatrician …
A student in a general education teacher'a class rocks back and forth. She states that once he starts rocking, he loses focus. Our OT gave him a seat …
I am concerned for my 4 year old Daughter. I have spoken to her paediatrician about these issues and he does not seemed concerned but they are continuing …
My 3 year old has always been more challenging then my 5 year old. I've always have handled it okay and I think she is normal. However, I am starting …
My 8 year old has SPD and is afraid of babies. Its to the point he gags sometimes if he sees them. Any treatment suggestions?
Thank you.
Is sensory processing disorder something that is recognized within the uk schooling system? my son was diagnosed with SPD in 2009 when he was 5 he's just …
I suspect my son, aged 5, has SPD, mainly under responsive in many areas. I do not have a diagnosis, I am still waiting for him to be assessed. I've …
Should a child that has been diagnosed w/SPD see a neurologist as well as an OT, if you feel that there are other red flag signs of another condition. …
I need to know what states recognize SPD as a diagnosis so that kids can qualify for help in their schools.
How about Chicago schools?
My 5 year old daughter has SPD. It has been a long difficult road. She has had many issues each one has taken profound work and creativity to learn how …
Does anyone know of a network of support groups for parents of children with SPD? Sometimes it's good to have people you can talk to face-to-face who have …
Hello everyone, my name is Rose Kivi. I am conducting a survey on misophonia and sound sensitivities. The collected data will help to identify similarities …
we have a 3 year old daughter (almost 4) and from the day she was born we have had problems with her......she is our 2nd child our first born is awesome …
Last spring, my 11 year old son began suffering from severe migraines and vertigo. He then had a severe side effect from prophylactic medicine for the …
Our 21 month old son was recently diagnosed with SPD. He's a crasher and jumper and has difficulty focusing on tasks until he's tired out. He's also yet …
I have an 11 year severely autistic daughter she is nonverbal and stims all day long by constantly making loud ear piercing noises can someone help me …
My 11 year old son was premature (1 month) ruptured lung, he has problems when people talk loud, or when someone is speaking to him loudly, he blocks them …
I am the mother of an 11 yr old boy who was diagnosed with SPD when he was almost 6. He had intensive OT intervention and progressed fantastically. His …
My 7 year old has had some treatment from an OT for SPD around a year ago.
We saw much improvement, but now we are realizing that school is becoming more …
Hi everyone. I have been wondering if my 4 year old has SPD. We went through the issues with tags although she will allow them now. She likes to wear …
My 3 1/2 year old daughter may have a sensory processing disorder, but it seems mixed.
She loves: tight tight squeeze hugs, cuddling, rough play, getting …
My daughter is nearly 8 and up until a few weeks ago sucked her middle and ring finger frequently. After many failed attempts she seems to have successfully …
My friend's child has a diagnosed speech and learning impairment and was tested for autism, which the child was not. However, he does have sensitivity …
My son is 12 and we just found out about his SPD. One of our major challenges is waking up for school. His school starts very early and the bus picks him …
I have always thought that there was something unusual about my daughter but my husband has never been convinced. She has just turned 6 and in summary …
My 4 year old has just few of the problems listed on the checklist but he never tantrums and seems to cope well enough, even though as parents we see these …
My 22 month old daughter was diagnosed earlier this month with SPD (Auditory, Tactile and Vestibular). And now we are waiting for the insurance company …
Hi, My son is 5 years old and was diagnosed with mild to moderate SPD when he was 2. Since then he has had intense therapy with an OT that specializes …
My son is 12, almost 13. He's always had issues consistent with SPD (tactile sensitivity, strong fear of noise and crowds, among others). We've always …
My 2 year old grand son aggressively takes toys away from his 14 month old sibling as well as pushes him and has bitten him. Do you have any suggestions …
My son is now three years old. We've had concerns about him since about two weeks old. He's been to many doctors to try to find out why he cried more often …
Does SPD effect a person into adulthood if they receive treatment at an early age?
My daughter has been in school since she was 3. It has been a nightmare not knowing what was wrong and how to take care of it. Everyone would tell me she …
From the check list, I notice my nearly 5 year old son has many of the symptoms of under responsiveness to touch, movement, sound, smell, oral and visual …
I am a teen with some of the symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder. I have trouble with noise, certain lights, getting my hands dirty, I'm very uncoordinated …
When one person's physical reflexes are not fast or well co-ordinated (e.g. must take a second to prepare the body before stepping onto the escalator so …
Hi, my son is 4, he has SPD and now he is jumping all day long, do you what can I do to stop this, or why he is doing it?
I have a 4 1/2 year old grandchild with developmental delays in many areas but has never been diagnosed. He is not potty trained. He has frequent meltdowns …
My step son is struggling with many of the issues I've read about here but his Dad doesn't want him tested for anything because he doesn't want him treated …
While in counseling for our middle son's (13 years old) anger problems, his sensitivity to whistling keeps coming up. He goes to instant angry when one …
I am a Grandmother of a SPD child, and I understand that SPD can occur in Asperger's & Autism, but is SPD a sign of Asperger's & Autism?
Thanks …
My 3 1/2 year old daughter has sensory processing and motor planning and lately she will not stay in her bed to sleep, every nite now it is a huge struggle …
My 4 yr old has SPD and ADHD she does have temper tantrums but what I am experiencing is not that.. If she is too quickly forced to leave somewhere (or …
Is it necessary or important for a diagnosed SPD child to be seen by a pediatric neurologist?
My son was a low birth weight, premie twin. He was treated with good OT at age 4 for SID and was deemed ready for kindergarten at 5 1/2 (late birthday.) …
I am hoping someone can help me regarding my 6 year old son. My son was recently diagnosed with SPD.
My question is since this is not a condition that …
My son is 6 almost 7. I knew something was different since he was 2. I was told he was just really smart and it was frustrating to him because he was …
I have been concerned about my son who is now 7 on and off since he was about 2 as he has always shown a lot of autistic like traits. However, something …
Hi there- My 3 1/2 year old son has SPD and does some things that seem autistic though none of the therapists would ever give him a diagnosis of autism …
Do you know of any online parent support groups? My 2 year old daughter has SPD, and sometimes I just need someone to talk to.
We have a four year old with massive SPD issues. One that concerns us is the fact that he is constantly eating salt. We find him in the pantry all the …
I am wondering if children with sensory processing/integration disorder can be perfectly normal at school and only exhibit symptoms and behaviors at home? …
hi my daughter spits almost constantly is this part of her SPD?
If your infant seems to have many of these symptoms (13)months, is it too early to begin therapy?
When my son was 3 1/2 he had a severe case of rocky mountain spotted fever that did not respond to meds like it usually does. He was on 4 different antibiotics …
Because my son over-heats and sweats at night instead of a weighted blanket the OT recommended we use lycra sheets and a bunk bed. Anyone have experience …
My son has been diagnosed with Sensory processing Disorder and people are asking if the reason why he is acting like this is maybe it because of having …
My son has SPD (mostly tactile), tourette syndrome and now OCD. I have noticed that they all get much worse in March & April.
I had him checked for …
How can i have my 5 year old tested for SPD when i have no insurance to take him to the there any resources that can help me to have my son …
Our son is now 7 yrs old and in 1st grade. He is an intelligent, fun, loving and warm boy. He does have some of these symptoms but I don't know waht to …
Hello my son has been diagnosed with SPD and I was wandering if he requires his own bedroom as he shares one with his younger brother at the moment?
If your child has sensory disorder,and has had a traumatic experience can the sensory disorder increase?
Thank you Kathy
Why does a child with SPD spin?
Our 3 year old son was very recently diagnosed with SPD. We are still learning as we go.
He has always, since infancy, "flapped" his arms when he …
I seem to be getting mixed information. My son has SPD and was diagnosed at 3, he has OT twice a week and I daily body brush, give him vestibular, proprioceptive …
My oldest daughter has SPD. I knew something was different from the day she was born. She could not even sleep in a crib, because she would wake up if …
I don't know if my son has SPD,he has some of the symptoms. I was wondering if anyone out there who has a definite spd diagnosis can tell me if your child …
Does anyone have a problem with sugar issues?
My 12 y/o son has this strong craving for sugar and had been stealing candy or anything that has sugar.... …
Hi, I have a 2 year old who I suspect has SPD (sensory seeking). I have contacted EI about an evaluation and am waiting for them to set our appointment. …
I have a 2.5 year old daughter who is a body rocker. it got much worse when her brother was born when she was 20 months old. We began OT 4 months ago and …
Our son has been diagnosed by an OT to have Proprioceptive Dysfunction and Tactile Defensive. However, the first doctor a Psychiatrist gave us an infomercial …
My daughter has a very strong gag reflex to the point of throwing up at times. Typically it is triggered by the site of certain foods, the site of food …
Is there financial assistance available to help with the expense of handling a child with SPD?
Is intense therapy the key to help my child with sensory integration disorder?.... They have begun to really push her at therapy and she is almost two. …
Does being allergic to dog dander affect spd in children, would the spd have less issues if the dogs weren't in the home, he takes medication for this …
My son has been diagnosed with SPD,& we do a group Occupational Therapy session once a week,OT swimming lessons (as he also has retained/primitive reflexes)& …
My granddaughter at a very young age, toddler would do an unusual thing. She is now seven and is very bright and advanced in her ability to read and all …
I work with a little boy who is almost four and in special preschool. He has sensory processing issues and speech/language issues. We are going to evaluate …
My son is a very happy little boy...But I have noticed a few things that have made me stop and search for answers...
At 9 months old he only nurses …
I have a 3.5 year old daughter who is developmentally on target and very, very bright. She has absolutely no delays. But she has been unofficially and …
I have a six year old son who takes on average two hours to go to sleep each night. Once a sleep he sleeps well but is consequently late getting up for …
My son is now 2 yrs old. He was premature, born at just 33 weeks. He spent 57 days in the NICU due to Apnea of Prematurity . He was also born with clubfeet, …
My child will escape from his car seat. Does anyone have suggestions to keep him seated?
My daughter excessively rocks back and forth while waking up, going to sleep, or anytime she feels "unbalanced" in an environment she also bangs her head. …
My husband and I cannot agree on OT. My son's OT asked if my son (he is 7) could start coming 2 times a week because she wants to spend more time with …
I have a question about this disorder. Is this at all curable? We dont know if our daughter has any other diagnosis as she is too young to diagnose. We …
My son is 5 years old and has had early intervention for speech and Occupational Therapy for SPD. He has come a long long way, but one of the main issues …
My son's teacher just told us he does not hold his utensils properly and does not look them in the eye when speaking. He sometimes has a difficult time …
A little boy I know (5 years old) is very sensitive to smell. This causes a lot of problems, especially during dinner while eating warm food. Is …
Hi, I am new to Sensory processing disorder, my son just turned 3 and has been in early intervention for almost a year already...he was born with Colpocephaly …
Our grandson,(Josh) is five years old. We knew he was different from the time he was very little. He has strong characteristics of OCD, which is dominant …
My son who is 6 has SPD and is very possessive about his things. He's upset right now with an aide at his school who he says has thrown away his things …
I have a nine year old son who has been diagnosed spd and adhd the school insists on him being medicated and ive done that twice now and both times the …
Here are some 'symptoms' my son has displayed since birth and I am not sure if he may fit into this category...any helpful comments are appreciated.
I have a daughter that will be 4 months next week. She had colic (the witching hours from 5-11 every single night until she was 10 weeks old). …
How do I discipline my little boy when he screams in public and starts hitting me. This can be triggered by a friend or stranger saying hello to myself …
My son is 2 1/2. I have had many issues with him since he turned a year old. He hit all his milestones within "normal" range, but I have always always …
I'm 19 and since I can remember, I have had issues with the visual texture of objects. Most textures do not bother me, but textures such as woodgrain …
My son is 28 month old son and was born prematurely and has developmental delay. My son also has a twin brother who is ahead with his development. He …
My son is now 20 months old. i was not able to nurse him successfully and from 10 weeks old he was only on bottles. it was murder getting him to eat solids, …
Since my daughter was potty trained at 2 and a half, she has hated wearing knickers, cries tell me they hurt her, screams for me to pull them down a bit …
My son is six and seems to really need me a lot. He can play by himself, but he seems to always want me nearby or helping him play. Is this part of the …
My son is like this, he gets cold and it's like an emergency to him and sometimes he gets hot and it's not even that hot. He has SPD, just wondering if …
My son is having issues w/one of the teachers at his school saying he hates her and it is affecting his behaviors. I don't encourage this behavior and …
Can anyone suggest strategies to assist a child with SPD that has problems staying on task or completing work, especially if it is writing or something …
My son was dx with Autism at 24 months of age. He is currently 28 months now. He has been receiving OT/Speech therapy for five months. Now he is very …
My son has SPD and sometimes he will just get aggressive out of the blue, usually in busy environments with lots of kids around. He doesn't seem angry …
My son is 5 and just learned his colors. He still can not count to ten and can only recognize about 6 letters. Is this common of a child that has this …
My daughter is very sensitive to loud noises and has a lot of trouble recognizing sounds. Alot of the time when I speak to her she cannot hear me unless …
Our family moved 5 months ago out of state and to a MUCH smaller town. I fell in love w the Montessori school and have both girls, ages 7 &4 enrolled. …
I am puzzled, is it me only or do you feel sometimes that you are raising a wild animal??? let me explain, Bran is five and besides having Auditory Processing …
Has anyone tried hippo therapy on children or adults with sensory processing disorder?
My daughter has a non-verbal LD and SP. School counseling has not been effective in helping her deal with her lack of social understanding and friendships. …
I have numerous questions regarding a Speech Therapists qualifications. 1st what is CCC-SLP? Is it mandatory for a school to hire a Licensed Speech Therapist? …
My 7 year old his speech is hard to understand hes in therapy at school but his dr will not refer him to someone that can help he also cant button his …
My 6 year old son was diagnosed with SID at the age of 3. We have been in OT since and he is now considered a boarderline case.
He recently started …
When we adopted my 7 year old son 5 years ago, he was a picky eater and had anxiety issues. In the last year and a half he is now having severe half hour …
My son is 8 and has language delays with sensory seeking behaviors and for the love of everything cute HE DOES NOT SLEEP!
It's not like we fight …
Has there been any research done as to whether or not a child with SPD had slept in his/her parents' bed from birth? Also, for what period of time e.g. …
Just wondering if anyone else has a child with SPD that grinds teeth non-stop and body shakes and hands flap when they focus intently on something or get …
Hello, my 7 year old daughter seems to be in true distress when she sits in the back seat by her brother. This may sound strange but she complains about …
I am try to understand is my husband dislike it and he does not ever try to understand our son I am more understanding about his SPD but sometimes I dont …
I have a Kindergarten student who picks his nails so severely that there is hardly anything left. He wears bandaids, if he keeps them on. This happens …
I am a 16 year old college student. My development was normal; I passed all my milestones quickly, and there was never any cause for concern for my parents, …
I am a preschool teacher who is a big believer in Sensory integration and the important role it plays in my students development. I have scheduled a meeting …
Im concerned about how i will do at college with SPD. Will i grow out of this?
I am wondering if a person can have SPD alone or if they will always have another disorder such as autism or asperger's as well?
My 8 year old boy w/autism gets stressed this time of year and has started constantly biting his fingers, to the point of bleeding. Any ideas on what he …
I noticed that our son had some little quirks when he was about 2yrs old. He would touch all of his food and was a very picky eater. If it was some type …
I have a 17 year old son with autism. He craves spinning. Does anyone know where I can purchase an adult sit and spin?
My daughter is almost 6 and is still having a terrible time with clothing. Mornings are very stressful in our house, to say the least. I have even had …
My daughter (6) has SPD. We find that she frequently has fevers when sick (going up to 104) that last about 3-4 days along with typical symptoms. These …
My five year old refuses to interact in Kindergarten, to the point that they think he doesn't know his math or letter. He does them perfectly at home, …
We have an 11 year old son, diagnosed as moderately dyslexic,who also shows many signs of ADD and now I am thinking SPD as well. He is a gifted athlete, …
My daughter is now 12. She has for a long time now, been shaking/ flapping her hands when she is excited. I have also noticed, she is still in the stage …
My 7 year old with Sensory Processing Disorder is meeting my future father in law for the first time on Thanksgiving.
Anyone have any tips on explaining …
I have a 13-month-old little boy that appears to have an across-the-board (i.e., auditory, oral, touch, etc.) hyposensitive form of SPD. He may also have …
A child that has SPD are they suppose to be on medication for ADHD? Whas is the medication for SPD? Please let me know.
Is SPD reversible?
What type of schools assist with SPD as it seems remedial schools are not yet addressing the issue?
Will my child be able to go …
My 7 year old with SPD has developed severe chapped lips because he can't stop licking them.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so what did you …
My son just recently was diagnosed. I am having a hard time knowing what to do. Any good advice on how to deal with a kido like this? Any good discipline …
I was called in to school today to talk about my 3 1/2 year old son. His teacher has been noticing some things that she thought needed to be addressed. …
I have been reading up on SPD and have identified some of the symptoms with my 7 year old daughters "behaviors". She was diagnosed as having ODD when she …
My 6 year old daughter (diagnosed with ADHD combined, hypotonia, dev. dyspraxia) waiting to b evaluated by OT for SPD is always trying to touch the skin …
Can sensory processing disorder stand alone or is it always linked to another disorder?
Does anyone know if it is typical or not for most insurance companies, in our case, United to cover the cost or a portion thereof of OT for SPD and if …
Cash is our 18 month old son. He has had many issues since birth: Jaundice (3 day NICU stay), tongue tied, eye muscle surgery, ear tubes, reflux (that …
My child has fine motor issues, cannot ride a bike with training wheels at age 5, Is constantly touching things. Hugs constantly and impulsively, does …
I'm interested in hearing whether you or your child has tried listening therapy , whether it helped with SPD symptoms if so, what improvements did you …
My 3 year old has cried constantly since the day he was born. The doctors have had an excuse for everything ranging from acid reflux, stress, colic, etc... …
Good Afternoon,
My name is Amanda and I have a 6 year old daughter that I believe has been struggling with a SPD or Autism since birth. Ill give you …
My 4 year old daughter has been struggling with sensory issues her whole life. One of the more severe issues we have is the carseat. She does not want …
My 3 year old son had a febrile seizure when age 1, raised tel mp. due to unidentified upper respiratory infection, and he was a preemie.
I am interested in joining a support group, in or near Essex County NJ for children with SPD. My husband and I have a 7-year-old daughter and …
How do you explain your child's sensitivities in such a way and in such words as to make people understand what you are talking about and that it's not …
Im confused as to why my son wants to be upside down. If he is tired he wants me to pick him up but screams until I let him hang upside down. This is the …
Hi- My son is 8. He is a sensory seeker!! :) Our worst ( or my worst) time is during a transition. From playing with lego's to his dad coming home from …
What, if any, modifications should be made at school? (specifically with behavior expectations)
My daughter is 8 and still doesn't sleep well, we have tried Calm and melatoin, we even had a sleep study done: she hypo ventilates in her sleep and has …
My daughter has a terrible time with public school, Is home schooling better for children with Sensory Disorders?
How to help an adolescent child with sensory integration disorder, oral sensitivity, and anxiety cope with orthodontic procedures, appliances, and braces. …
My seven year old son is constantly making noises in the classroom, especially during independent work and tests. Any suggestions on how to stop this or …
My son has SPD and has been on medication for anxiety/depression because his sensory has been so significant. If finally resulted in depression. It comes …
I am sorry, this will sound like a ramble and thats because I cant decide if my son's behavioral characteristics are pointing to something "different" …
My son is 6 and we chose to retain him in K another year (bday is 2 days before cut-off and our school has much older kids, the age range was 16-months …
I've had concerns about my son for quite sometime now. He will be 2 in about 2 weeks. At first, I thought it was autism. His pediatrician didn't believe …
My verbally gifted son, age 12, has sensory issues, low muscle tone and dyspraxia. He used to have trouble with clothing tags and socks. Now he has trouble …
My Daughter so far has been diagnosed with anxiety and has a lot of sensory issues. Her new psych wants to do some lab work and possibly neurological …
How do you discipline an SID 3 yr old after an close emergency such as running into the street?
My son is 6 yrs old with Autism. When he is happy, excited, mad, sad, he bites his hand.
Basically, when his sense's overload, he bites himself. It …
My husband and I feel that there is something different about our 5 year old. He has low muscle tone, but not too bad. He started walking at 13 months, …
I finally got my insurance to pay for the evaluation but may not cover treatment because they don't cover sensory integration dysfunction. This really …
Do any of your SPD children have trouble when school starts up again after the summer. My 8 year-old son has been having trouble sleeping and he is a bundle …
My son is 8 years old and I have long felt that he had some sensory issues due to some eccentric behaviors and subtle things he does that I can't really …
Hi.I am just starting to look for information. Our son was diagnosed few months ago with SPD and it is still so stressful for all of us. We are planing …
I am a mother of one 2 1/2 yr old boy. When my son was about 1 1/2 he had some of the red flag signs of Autism so we got him evaluated & they said there …
My son is 7 and him and I have never slept through the night. He won't sleep or stay in his bed without someone (me) being in the bed with him. He will …
My 14 month old grandson is non-verbal. He shows some signs of autism, but then doesn't show other signs. He has good eye contact, plays peek-a-boo, …
My grandson was diagnosed with Sensory processing disorder and is entering the 1st grade. They live in Westchester but travel everyday to the Bronx. Would …
My 7 year old daughter has Sensory Integration and one of her biggest problems is that she can not self regulate herself in the heat. I asked her OT if …
My son will be 4 in September and he's always on the go. It's so hard to go to the store, go on trips even visiting family or friends. What can I do? Is …
My daughter is almost five and for at least 2 years, has slept 3-6 hours a night, often wakening and unable to fall asleep for hours. She's miserable …
My daughter will be 5 a week before school starts but we are holding her back in a speech-language preschool because our IEP coordinator at our school …
My daughter is three and she was diagnosis with SPD at the age of 1 1/2 I noticed that Hannah was behind in her motor skills and she didn't like certain …
My son is 3 1/2. He has been in a daycare/preschool environment since he was 3 months old. About 8 to 9 months ago, my son was diagnosed with SPD (over-sensitive …
My 22 month old daughter is not talking. she has been in speech therapy with ECI since 18 months old and she can now say about 6 words (ball, book, uh-oh, …
My husband and I are separated and in a custody battle over our 9 year old son with SPD. My husband thinks it's a good idea to have our son every other …
So I remember how scared, worried, concerned and frustrated my husband and I were when our daughter first starting hating clothes. She has not worn underwear …
What is available out there for our teens with this disorder? I have notice my son(who is 16) using behaviors that haven't been common for over 10 years. …
My 7 y/o daughter was diagnosed with SPD at age 5 and has received OT off and on since then. She's got classic proprioceptive dysfunction, and hints of …
How do I deal with my childs issues and behaviors until my child can receive therapy?
Can a child have hyposensitivity and not hyper?
My 9 year old son has been excluded from school, he has SPD . He can become verbally and physically aggressive at times and has very high anxiety, the …
My concern is this toddler's lack of speech. Born premature, this 2yr old male is mobile, has good dexterity, knows/understands everything he is told/asked. …
I don't understand all i have read on your page very well so i was wondering what sensory processing disorder is in simple terms. I have a 4 year old boy …
hi. my grandson just turned three and has some sensory issues. he was very ill as a baby and spent much time in icu. he does not talk although on occasion …
My four year old daughter was recently diagnosed with SPD, more specifically Motor Planning. I see many things in our two year old that leads me to believe …
I have an almost 6 year old Boy he was tested for SPD, and although he is on the charts as having some SPD, he did not score high enough for any therapy, …
I have two sons (6 and 8). My 6 year old has been in therapy for Auditory Processing Disorder and will be starting OT for SPD. But I think my oldest …
Hi, First, thank you to everyone that helped my find a dentist for my daughter who has oral defensiveness. We found a compassionate dentist who welcomed …
What makes this an undesirable disorder from the patient's point of view? For instance OCD causes unnecessary stress and anxiety for the patient otherwise …
My 3 year has some processing disorders. Very, very bright. Half the time he seems okay. His doctor wants to put him on Risperdal. Has anyone tried …
My son is going too be 3 years old in august. Now, I know something is wrong with him just dont know what. Ive took him to his doctors and he assures me …
Two months ago my daughter was diagnosed with Sensory Processing disorder and I was told that she will need Occupational Therapy at least twice a week …
I'm in the early stages of diagnosis and therapy with my 18 month old son.
I wondered through therapy and early intervention will he be able to lead …
what is the best way to handle a SPD child when acting out? especially if he is defensive to touch?
My 6 yr old son has a phobia about buttons.
He is unable to wear shirts that have buttons.
His school uniform is a buttoned shirt with …
My 7 yr. old son has a problem with rubber bands. I cannot find anything as far as what to do about it. Stretching a rubber band, such as to use it on …
My 7 year-old son has SPD, is performing at or above grade level in reading and math, and is inconsistent in his writing skills(sometimes is can't do and …
I've a grand-nephew who is a twin...premature with lengthy NICU experience. Both twins have some sensory issues but are doing fine with understanding …
Does anyone have ideas around this "habit"?
My son has had SPD for several years and we recently signed him up to play soccer since he seems to like various sports. However, it's been a complete …
My two-year-old son has speech therapy but no OT. He has few words but not clearly spoken and not consistently. He flaps and tip toes when excited. …
Why would a person have a habit of constantly holding an object such as a paper towel or napkin in their hand?
Do children with SPD have issues with clothing like wearing only long pants and only long sleeves no matter what the weather is like?
My son started taking OT at 15 months old and made great improvements. Because his motor skills are now caught up and most of our original goals were met …
My son is almost 21 months and he is being a late talker he still has yet to say his first word.. he see's a speech therapist once a week and an OT once …
Can anyone recommend a SIPT Certified OT that does consulting to schools in northeastern Massachusetts (preschool)? Our daughter has been diagnosed with …
My son is 14 and a half, i have always felt that there was something wrong with how he reacted to everything from the beginning of his life. He was always …
What can help my son to stop his tip toeing and flapping?
My karate school wants to start a special needs class, which includes downs syndrome children. They want me to be involved as im a knowledgeable mom of …
My six year old daughter has in the past 6 months developed a sensitivity to her clothing in particular her underwear not feeling tight enough. She has …
I am concerned about my 3 year old daughter. She is being evaluated for PDD-NOS. She has some odd behaviors. She also has Trichotillomania. She has …
Hello, I have a 3 yo old son who was diagnosed with PDD and also doesn't chew. We do have ABA program with ST, OT, PT but seems like he is not progressing. …
I picked from the list all the items that suit my son's behavior, now what? He's been already been to an OT and no advice was offered. Granted... it is …
Hi there. Is there anyone who has any experience of getting their child diagnosed privately rather than through the NHS? If so how do i go about doing …
My son has always been a quirky kid. He is a sweet little boy who is very affectionate and did almost everything on time and talked on schedule. But as …
Do children with SPD have memory difficulties?
I have a child who is easily distracted, while we are in the classroom, by the semis on the highway or the trash truck in the street or airplanes way over …
In about a year a newly revised DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) will be released.
I know many of you are wondering why …
My daughter has been unique since the day she was born. The only child I know to actually be kicked out of the baby nursery at the hospital. On our last …
My 9 year old son has SPD and is functioning pretty well in grade 4, with a shared aide. He's on a behavioral IPP (not academic) as he's quite able in …
My almost 3 yr old has overly sensitive hearing. What kinds of therapies or activities can i do with her to get her more accustomed to noise?.. wind, …
I live in West Jordan, Utah. I have a 14 year old son who struggles academically, socially, and emotionally. Over the years he has seen several different …
My daughter (3 1/2) is currently in the evaluation process for SPD. We were lucky to have a doctor who has a daughter near the same age who has this disorder, …
I am just wondering if SPD tends to get better with age or get worse with age? Do kids learn to cope on their own and turn out to be functioning adults …
My daughter is 4 1/2 years old and cannot for the life of her wear clothes. One day something will be okay enough to wear and the next day nothing is okay. …
My daughter is in 2nd grade and has an I.E.P but it doesn't seem to be helping her. I'm so worried. She keeps falling more and more behind. She is a very …
I have a 7 year old son who was diagnosed when he was 3 with SPD and, boy, have we come a long way!
He is very auditory defensive but loves music. …
I have been dealing with all of these or most of these symptoms since my son has been BORN, it seems.
I feel he may have been mis-diagnosed and we …
MY 3 yr old son will put balls in his shirt and play. As soon as he realizes I am watching him he runs and hides. He is VERY persistent about me leaving …
I know the parents of a 4 year old boy who have concerns about some of the things he does. Upon waking up or when he is tired he will rock on the floor …
I have a 5 yr old with SPD in a pre K program at the local public school. He has an IEP, support and has been relatively successful in the program. …
I am wondering what the best way is to react when the child is "freaking out" due to hypersensitivity. i.e. he falls down and scrapes his knee but is …
Has anyone else read the book " Disconnected Kids: The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological …
My 4-year old was identified as having SPD when she was younger, and received OT services from the age of 9 months until her 4th birthday when she was …
My 2 year old son has a lot of trouble falling asleep, or being sleepy for the matter. He can be awake for 12 hours at a time then sleep for 30 min and …
I am looking for an expert/professional in the UK to help my family with Sensory Processing Disorder/s. I know I suffer myself and suspect all four of …
My 4 year old daughter has had pretty severe SPD for as long as I can remember noticing signs. Her biggest issue is clothes, but she has never liked anything …
Will my son ever stop being hyperactive?
I'm just curious if anyone is aware of anything that you could do while pregnant that could possibly cause SPD in the baby? Can listening to loud music? …
I suspect my daughter to have the part of the disorder linked to feeling. She has an issue with various material/types of clothing and although I am aware …
My daughter has been diagnosed with expressive language delay and possible apraxia of speech. Her speech therapist noticed that she "forgets" or is not …
Oh man, where do I start. I came across this Web site after multiple "complaints" about my son who will be 4 very soon. He started preschool this year, …
We have an 11 year son who we think has been misdiagnosed with 'general anxiety'. History: He cried nonstop as an infant, was diagnosed with acid reflux …
I have a 4 year old with SPD that has delayed speech although has come a long way and speaks in sentences and understands most of what is said …
I am writing this to reach out to other parents who children may have SPD...I started looking into this site after a plan ride to visit the …
A 5 year old boy is always touching the girls hair in his kindergarten class,he twirls,rubs,and spells their hair even after being told it's inappropriate …
My 6 year old son has been having severe problems for the last few months. He gets angry or upset over nothing & throws these awful tantrums. He has very …
I teach at a Montessori School...we just enrolled a 3 yr old boy a couple of days ago, that was in an abusive school...he was just diagnosed with SPD a …
I have a 3 and a half year old little boy who is a textbook sensory seeker, and is extremely delayed in his speech and cognitive abilities.
He has …
I am looking for the number of children that are usually born with Sensory integration Disorder. For example 1 out of 10 children are born with it?
Any …
Hi! we just found out that our 4 year old son has SPD. Money is tight and I was wondering if anybody know about any company or group that can help us …
My child doesn't like to get her clothes wet, has to change even if it's a little spot, short attention span, covers her ears when an airplane flies over …
I have a six year old daughter that started refusing to wear jeans about 3 months ago. She has just started within the last few days feeling like her underwear …
Are they able to grow out of it or do they just learn to deal with it better as they get older?
Hey everyone! I posted several weeks ago about symptoms that seemed contradictory with my son. Well since then I have had him evaluated and the therapist …
I too, have a husband who denies that our daughter (7) has this disorder. It might stem from the fact that since she was 4 I had taken her to doctor after …
I have a 8yr old boy born premature 3 weeks. He has been assessed using Masgutova Method of Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration. We have been …
My daughter was diagnosed with SPD when she was 15 months old when her speech therapist noticed there were many sensory issues and hypotonia going on (she …
My child, age 7, is diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and the psychologist seems to ignore her sensory processing problems. She has no tolerance …
I have a 21 month old son who has always been the kid that chews on everything. It doesn't matter what it is, he just has to have something in his mouth. …
My 10 year old daughter has SPD, she is constantly in and out of hospital with stomach pains, she gets impacted on a regular basis. Has anyone else came …
My five year old daughter has recently started pulling out chunks of her hair throughout the day. She told me that it feels good to her to do it. She is …
My niece is 5 and is diagnosed with Phelan McDermid Syndrome, an autistic-like syndrome.
When she is wearing a jacket or coat that has a zipper near …
My 6 year old is in the first grade and we are concerned with the following:
1. flaps his hands when he is excited
2. fixation on things such as …
I believe my toddler has some sensory sensitive areas - do I talk with my pediatrician first??? I am not sure he will see my concerns in the same light. …
My 2 1/2 year old is a sensory-seeking SPD kiddo. He's constantly in motion and EXTREMELY physically active. He seems to be triggered by our dog, and …
My five year old son will often hold his hands over his ears and command "be quiet" even when he is not being talked to directly. Is this a way of expressing …
My son is 21 months and diagnosed with SPD. Our MAJOR problem is his screaming when he is mad, wants something or just excited. He screams a lot. My husband …
Hi. Our child has SPD and is 7. Lately we've been experiencing a lot of OCD issues with her. She says she feels a dribble of urine after using the bathroom …
I have a daughter who just turned 2 ten days ago. Her dad thinks she is just quirky, but being a teacher and having an older daughter who did not have …
My son was born with a cord around his neck and with meconium in his lungs. He had trouble breathing and was in ICU for 4 days.
I never realized, …
How common is SPD? What percent of children have it?
Can not get clothes on her without what seems like i am hurting her, she is two and a half.
Have not left house in four days.
Therapist says to stop …
My son is wound up and jumping, and making noise,has constant movement and then quickly, is so tired and even sleepy. I am concerned.
We have only extremes …
I have a 7yr old girl who has had 2 MRI's since she was born and seen two neurologists but no one can figure her out. Pediatrician tried to label her as …
My Son will be 5 in March. He has had behavioural problems wich started in Kindy. Tip toe walking, lashing out at other children, not listening to peers …
I have a nine year old son who has been diagnosed with asperger's syndrome. His father has been introduced to SIRRI and would like to have him go through …
My daughter has a 10 second delay in responding to any instructions or to perform any activity. This is more visible when she is with outsiders. She is …
How do I discipline my child who has sensory processing disorder?
We just found out today that our 2 1/2 year old son has SPD. I have ordered the books and have been on this computer trying to get some info about this …
Our 23 month old grandson was, just today, diagnosed with
SPD/Hyposensitivity to Movement (he has all the classic signs).
As his parents, and us, go …
My 5yr old son 28wks premature has SPD,LD,Low Fine/Gross Motor.He has been at the Yale Child Center which he underwent a study. They did not give me a …
I'm a psychological associate with a 21 yod, 14 yos, and 10 yos. All of my children show some signs of SPD, but the older 2 for sure would be diagnosable. …
I am the Vice Principal of an elementary school. We have a first grader who has been diagnosed with SPD, however there are times in his behavior that …
For those of you have SPD, does any of your senses(hypersensitivity) frequently suffer from sensory overload? I have tactile defensiveness, hypersensitivity …
My child, Payton came home today with a report card. I have two older children that I didn't not send to Pre-K, but I thought this would be good for Payton …
Our son is 4 yrs old currently getting OT at SIRRI, AZ. We are moving to Redmond, WA and are looking for an equally good OT there for treating him. Is …
My 3yr old cover's his ears when he think's something is going to be loud. Is that a sensory issue?
My 5 year old son has recently been diagnosed with SPD; he is just 3 months into the school system--Kindergarten. He currently has a 504. My question …
So I have been researching this as well as being highly sensitive for about a year now and still am not sure what is going on with my child. I know he …
My child is thirteen years old and always vomits. He is losing weight from this, so could this be a symptom(s)of SPD?
My mother in law told me that my husband had a hearing problem and I tried to figure it out on my own. After buying several books on Sensory Processing …
For about a year now my son has had a problem with smells.. Everytime he smells something that is a mixture of smells he starts to gag. Sometimes he …
My daughter has spd she keeps unmaking her bed, taking out all of her summer clothes and wanting to put them, (its cold outside) unlocking my dish washer …
Is SPD,adhd,asthma,allergies all related?
I have a five year old boy that I recently started the brushing and deep pressure on...the parents are very involved and are brushing every hour and a …
Hi-I have a 5 year old diagnosed with ADHD and obvious sensory seeking behaviors-to me(mom-a PT), neuropsych, pediatrician, private school teachers, neurologist …
I believe my grandson has SPD, but noone seems to be able to help, even with all the professionals he has seen so far.
Please does anyone know of someone …
My son is six years old and was diagnosed with SPD and OCD when he was four. His issue seems different than the one's I have read and researched about. …
I took Reglan during my pregnancy. I know I probably got my cervical dystonia from taking it.
Is it possible that my son could of gotten sensory processing …
My 20 month old grandson loves to spin in his swing. He plants a toe and spins both directions, fast and for 15+ minutes. He looks "calm" and is able …
A PK student (ASD) presses his chin very hard into the object, even people (it is so heard that this hurts adults). Any suggestions for a sensory diet? …
What are some activities that you could do with infants to help develop good Language development?
I mentor a 14 yr. old girl in high school with many problems with learning. She has a lot of trouble understanding & doing algebra but also can't read …
My 5 year old daughter will not talk at school to anyone except her friends. The teacher has been very good but still hasn't got a word out of her. At …
I've had my niece since she was 12 days old. She was born 9 weeks premature and to a mother who drank during pregnancy and had no prenatal care. She is …
How do you organize your spd kid's toys? I have tried everything, it seems, and nothing works. My 6yo will just dump everything back out and back together …
My 5 year old has been diagnosed with SPD.
I am looking for a brief but powerful Power Point to educate the caregivers in the "Extended Day Care" setting …
My son was perfectly fine as a baby and young toddler.
As a young toddler, he frequently got ear infections. He had 2 surgeries for ear tubes and …
I am interested to know how fish oil can help a child with SPD
Cod Liver oil?
Whats the recommended dosage
I have a 7 year old daughter who has always loved life. Very energetic and has always "walks to a different beat" than the rest of us. We have chalked …
Hello, I have a 4 year daughter who has SPD. She first started with her socks bothering her, the seams had to be perfect over her toes or she would throw …
I got into a relationship a year ago with a man who had a little boy who is 18months. His father has full custody of him, and his biological mom is not …
After hearing of this disorder, I'm convinced that my 14-year-old niece has many of the symptoms. From the time she could speak, she has been super picky …
Dear SPD help,
I have a son who was recently diagnosed with SPD which affect areas of over, and understimulation and modulation. We recently went to …
Do children outgrow sensory disorders and does this effect adulthood lifestyles?
My son has always been a sweet happy boy, but I always felt something was a little off, like he couldn't hear me properly... kind of spacey, but then he …
My son has SPD (2 and 9mo)and has a lot of "hand issues". It started with holding cylinder-like objects, a plastic french-fry to be specific, in one hand. …
My 2 yr old daughter has started in the last 2 weeks to scream when she gets a bath. not her hands washed but if water is on her body, she just looks …
My 20 month old has recently been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder as well as an anxiety disorder. She also has a language delay. We noticed …
My daughter has been diagnosed with OCD. She likes to know that things are "just right" and this involves mostly her clothing, hair, etc. She doesn't like …
I have a child who began in my preschool class last winter. It took me several months last year to realize that his tantrums and out of control behavior …
I'm also brainstorming a plan to provide continued services for one of my little ones (preschool) with SPD. He just got a private diagnosis Friday! I'm …
I always knew something was wrong with my prematurely born son. He never slept as an infant. He was cared for by his paternal grandmother, …
Hello Everyone,
I have a 3 yr old daughter with "undefined" development issues.
(This is how O.T. medically coded my daughters condition)
I believe …
Hello, I have an almost 3 year old daughter being evaluated by the early intervention program for developmental delays. They found that she's about 9 …
My child complains his hands are dry and when he touches things he screams out. He is 12 years old. Is this a sensory disorder indicator?
My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and has just begun the transition process from Early Intervention to Preschool. She has been diagnosed with Apraxia of …
My 3 yr old Daughter Gracie, has developmental delays & is in Preschool for 1/2 a day. She's on an IEP with a S/T & O/T working with her at the school. …
Have any of you hit on any kind of therapy that helps a child with spd to get over the fears, the ocd tendencies, the mood swings, etc that all comes …
How do I get my child help in public school? I know she has special needs,but she is very bright.. I'm at such a loss. Any information on this subject …
licking the floor is this a sign there is something wrong with my baby?
Any ideas for Halloween costumes? Many of the store-bought costumes are made of itchy, scratchy materials. Who wants to spend money on a costume your …
My son has been diagnosed with SPD and we are having difficulty with the school.He is acting out in school and having a lot of problems but they know about …
MY 10 year old son has Aspergers. He is very concerned about time and wants to wear a wrist watch but he says they all hurt his arm. Has anyone found …
This has been happening since she was about three. I have tried almost everything I can do. She just doesn't know when she needs to go. She can sit …
We have been having problems with our son in Kindergarten. Even though he has been diagnosed with SPD, the school isn't really listening. Someone told …
I think my son is SPD but he's been diagnosed as ADHD and I swear nobody will listen to me that it's not that...I don't know what to do. He's too old …
Is SPD often misdiagnosed with ADD or ADHD in smaller children?
My four and a half year old boy has an out of control habit of putting everything in his mouth, and chewing. Can I give him dog toys and or bones? …
My 2 yr old daughter is constantly moving. i don't just mean walking around..i mean running. her body never seems to rest. she cant even sit at the table …
My son just started preschool. He is 3 1/2 years old. When he was accepted I told them about his sensory issues and tried to explain as best I could what …
My 2 year old son, who will most likely be diagnosed with SPD, is very sensitive to light. Is there any product or accessory, other than sunglasses, that …
My daughter has a meltdown 4 out of 5 days a week because she has to tuck her shirt in to go to school - dress code requirement. I don't know how to make …
We cannot get our daughter to do anything she doesn't want to do. She is in school and we are having all kinds of problems with her cooperating. …
Every morning we prepare our daughter for school. She has a good morning and is smiling and happy when we leave the house, but as soon as it is time to …
I teach at a wonderful private school for students with Learning Differences and I am researching SPD and using what I learn to teach my students with …
We've noticed that our 6 year old daughter sweats a great deal and especially when she is very anxious. She also gets odor under her arms. She's …
Does anyone notice that their child becomes A LOT more sensitive in Autumn. I have an 8 year old who annually becomes more distressed as soon a the days …
Any suggestions for kindergartner with SPD, needs constant oral input, so mouths, chews on everything. Unable to chew gum because of capped teeth.
I am at the beginning stages of a diagnosis with my 6 yr old daughter, and getting dressed has progressively gotten worse. It takes us several tries to …
Is there any hope for my 12 year old son or is it too late? I have met a wonderful friend that has the sweetest little girl who happens to be Autistic. …
My daughter has had some eye problems, when she gets tired she loses control of her eyes the left one i much worse they roll around in her head and also …
Hi, my son is 8yrs. old, and has SPD.
A little over a year ago, he started having to urinate alot. He is seeing a urologist, and they can't figure …
My son, age 7, was diagnosed with SPD and has been seeing an OT for a little over a year. It is possible that he may have ADHD also but it's not definite. …
My 3 yr old daughter has SPD. My daughter and I are victims of domestic violence. My husband and I are now going through a divorce. He was arrested for …
We just started our daughter in Kindergarten in the public school system. She has SPD and separation anxiety. Anyway, we went to school this week …
My 8 year old second grade son has sensory processing disorder and cannot keep focused in team or repetitive sports such as swim, soccer or baseball. Are …
My son Ethan just turned 3, my husband and I first noticed something was wrong when Ethan was 18mos.and he wasn't speaking. When he was 2 and only had …
My son is 1yrs old and he flips out when I try to put shoes on him. What can I do to put shoes on him?
Does anyone know or have experiences with a child who exhibits SPD and auditory processing problems? Thank You!
My 7 yr old has slight SPD issues. We really just understood this early last year. My son is very smart...taught himself to read at 4. Ever since he was …
I am constantly yelling at my son to be nice to his sisters. It is wearing me out. He is a really good kid, very loving and smart, but he is very controlling …
My son is 2.5 years old and he is diagnosed with Developmental Delays caused by a Cerebral Atrophy. He is currently undergoing PT and some OT at his school. …
My son could not be a better poster child for SPD. He has ISSUES. The school district has said things like, "If you let us label him autistic we can service …
My son is 7 years old and is in second grade. He has anxiety on many issues of being alone but we have handled most of them as they came up. My issue now …
I would like to find an OT to administer SIPT evaluation. We live in NYC. I understand getting insurance reimbursement is not that easy, but if anyone …
My son has SPD (sensory processing disorder) so he gets overstimulated in large crowds or noisy places. It is very hard to go out to eat, walk through …
Is it normal for a toddler to cover her ears when loud noises occur?
I am a grandfather of a 6 year old boy with SPD. I am trying to help my daughter-in-law and son in how to approach relatives and close friends about …
My son has always been fairly oral. He had a mild biting issue when he was younger. Now he is 3 years old and sometimes will lick his hand or someones …
What happens to children with undiagnosed SPD? Do they "outgrow" it?
Our child will be entering Kindergarten. We're probably going to do public school because we think they are equipped to deal with kids with issues. However, …
Does anyone notice aggressive behavior in their child? Our daughter is 6 and has SPD, Anxiety and possibly OCD. She is smart, creative, funny, and very …
My son seems to go into complete shutdown mode when faced with new or crowded experiences. i.e. at the zoo, at large family parties, at the Chicago air …
My daughter was diagnosed as a young child with gravitational insecurity and didn't walk until she was 18 months old. At the same time she was diagnosed …
I have two boys, 18 and 16 and both have SPD. Proprioception problems have always been a problem with the 16 yo son. He really suffers from tremendous …
Do you know of a professional in my area that can help me with my child who has SPD?
Thank you,
Julie K
Tulsa, OK
What do I do when my 3 1/2 yrs old just stops listening to everything you say? frustrated mom.
My son is 26 months. We have been evaluated by EI and he is receiving Speech and will be evaluated by an OT and on site Pediatrician. As I understand …
My 4 yr old daughter was diagnosed w/SPD. She also has speech problems (apraxia), she is lactose intolerant, & her airway narrows approx 30%. We have insurance, …
I have a 31 month old son who has recently (within the past three months) become VERY sensitive to other kids screaming and/or crying. He is at the point …
Our four-year-old was diagnosed with SPD in February and began O.T. immediately. We've since moved states and are with a new O.T. (host of issues with …
Hi, my son will be eight years old in September. He was diagnosed in July 2007 with encopresis, and has been taking the laxative Miralax ever since. …
My 3 year old son has been diagnosed with SPD. Recently, I took him to the eye dr for a check-up (we have never braved the eye dr before). Turns out, …
When my son AJ was about 10 months old he went thru early intervention where the occupational therapist told me he might have sensory integration disorder. …
We live in AZ at this time and am finding it difficult to find help for my daughter who is 7. She seems to get better with some issues and then she turns …
Our Daughter is six years old and she was diagnosed with SPD one year ago. We have gone to OT for a year now. She has a great success with OT.
The …
Hi. My 5 yr. old son has been without a pacifier only since March of this year (he at that point only used it for car rides and for going to sleep). …
My 3-year-old son was diagnosed with SPD about a year ago and had visits from an OT for about 3 months (until he aged out of our assistance program here). …
Is sensory processing disorder hereditary?
Please can someone help me. My son was diagnosed at 4 with SPD. He has been to therapy, had brushing and ot and even play therapy, all of which seemed …
My 9yr old son has SPD and I was wondering if anyone else has seen this in their child. If something is funny he will laugh but sometimes he laugh so hard …
Can SPD be treated with Horseback riding as therapy? It has been suggested that this is a full sensory activity for a 9 year old boy. Has anyone had any …
My 16 year old was diagnosed with SPD 8 years ago. She's done remarkably well, yet we have a new set of challenges as she transitions into adulthood. …
How do professionals/diagnosticians determine whether a child has SPD or PDD?
I realize that almost all kids on the spectrum have sensory issues (i.e., …
My son is 4 years old and has no interest in riding a bike. Does anyone else have any experience with this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! …
My 13 y.o. daughter was diagnosed with SPD at age 6, and also has epilepsy, which complicates things. However, after numerous tests and visits to specialists, …
Could someone tell me if children with sensory disorder have trouble with temperature change?
My son (age 3) seems to have trouble with temperatures. …
Hello, my name is Chrissy Bishop and I have a 2 1/2 year old named Owen. We just finally had him tested for autism and they told us that he is just a rare …
My daughter is being assessed for SPD. Others pointed out that some of her responses to life were not quite right. As a first time mom I just do my best …
Hi my 4 year old nephew has recently started OT and today was his second appointment afterwards he was running around and jumping on furniture and not …
MRDD came out and said our 14 month old is functioning on a 7 month old's level. They believe he has a sensory disorder. He starts OT and speech next month. …
My 6yo daughter gets very upset sometimes. You can call it a tantrum, meltdown, violent screaming fit, whatever, but when she gets upset, she is inconsolable …
My daughter from a young age has been able to manipulate her body and squeeze out of any car seat restraint. Despite correcting her, and disciplining …
My little girl just turned three. She started her clothes sensitivity about two months ago. It has become worse and she now has started stammering her …
Hello everyone. I am a mother of three girls - 9,6,2. My oldest and youngest daughters have a severe food allergies, asthma and allergies.
My middle …
Hello my name is Stacy Horcher My daughter Gianna (4) was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder when she was two. Right away we got involved with …
My son complains of feeling fuzzy in his arms and legs, like electricity passing through him. He becomes very distant and upset when it becomes prolonged …
I have a 3 year old who I think has many of the symptoms of SPD - of the hyposensitive variety. We have commented from a very young age that he does not …
We are wondering if our grandsons SPD could have been caused by a high risk birth or is it related only to neurological development?
My eight year old son has SPD and has very violent meltdowns where he attacks me. I am not sure how to deal with these and whether to punish him or not. …
When my daughter was little (2 months old or so) she was scared to go up and down the stairs (while being on my hands). She would cling very closely to …
First excuse my english, I hope you will understand my questions (I live in Macedonia, Europe).
My son is 4 years old, since he was two …
Hi, my son is seven years old (will be eight in September)and was finally diagnosed with SPD in November 2008. He was also diagnosed with a genetic disorder …
I am concerned for my son and his speech/language development. He was diagnosed with SPD when he was 2 and he is both a sensory seeker and an avoider …
My son is seven years old. He's very smart, very sweet, and a lot of fun. Most of the time. He is having some issues. He's been having them sporadically …
I have an Autistic, 8 year old little guy that has pulled two of his grown in permanent teeth. We have tried Chewy Tubes , and giving him chewing gum …
Today my daughter's class had a parent program. They sang 3 songs and each read a silly sentence that they had written. I don't know why, but my daughter …
Can a child just have SPD or is it always linked to something else. My son saw an occupational therapist today and she confirmed SPD but we are still …
My 7 year old son works with an occupational therapist, speech therapist and special ed teacher at his school. They have told me that he's a bit of a …
I am doing a presentation on autism in a few weeks for my job, and I will be including a section on SPD. I wanted to get the listeners involved …
During our 28month old daughters evaluation for Early Intervention, we were told that she had many "red flags", however they were convinced that she is …
My 28month old daughter has just started early intervention services for speech language delays expressive and receptive, and what my husband and I believe …
My 1st grader recently had an OT evaluation at school. It was mentioned in his ARD for speech that he had some fine motor issues. They pursued this concern …
I have a 9.9 yr old son with autism and severe SPD. He has a very hard time with noises, be it, vacuum, blender, he leaves the room. But …
We are planning an evaluation for our six-year-old son and expect to hear that he has sensory issues in some areas (mostly some specific fine and gross …
My 4yr old daughter has SPD. We are waiting for therapy to begin, so we don't yet have a complete understanding on how to deal with her tantrums, transitioning …
My grand daughter is 32 months old, she has fragile-x syndrome and has been in therapy for OT pt and speech for a year and a half. She is non-verbal. She …
I am trying to find if there are any medications for kids with SPD. My daughter has SPD. This affects her tactile system. Getting dressed has been a …
My grandson was three in January.. He has Hypothyroidism. He was on med since the week after he was born until he turned 3. Blood test show it is under …
My six-year old was diagnosed two years ago and over the past six months her issues with clothes has increased. We are in OT which is helping, but it seems …
My 4 year old grandson was diagnosed with SPD has a fear of babies. Has anyone experienced this with their "Sensational" child? Thank you, Don Forde …
I've been on clonazepam since Sep 2008 to control my anxiety and keep me from freaking out or melting down when I get overwhelmed... However, lately it …
I never really thought anything was wrong with my 5 year old son - I just thought he was immature and would outgrow his behaviors. He was recently at …
I have just found your site and wonder if anyone can help with a query.
My Son was diagnosed with SPD around two years ago, he is now 6 and very …
My granddaughter is a very intelligent 6 year old who always scores above average in her schoolwork. The problem is she constantly insist clothing is tight …
How can haircut fear be minimized in a 4 year old boy diagnosed with SPD?
Son 4 diagnosed with SPD - we are on waiting list for SI OT. He was doing great until he turned 4 first it was no more coats, then socks, now underwear …
I found your website while doing research for a paper for a class I am taking, while reading through the symptoms for SPD, I noticed that my 5 year old …
My four year old son was diagnosed with SPD six months ago. He also struggles with anxiety but has found some relief from a low dose anti-depressant. As …
My 27 mos old son is a picky eater. He says words and 2 word phrases and most of the time his words are not the complete word like for cat he says ca, …
My son is five years old. He has a late birthday in January, he has been diagnosed with SID since March 2009 He is receiving OT and speech therapy, he …
My son can complete any task if given the instructions one on one, but when he is in a group, and the whole group is given a task, he can't do it. He …
I am redoing my sons bedroom he has SPD and autism and I was wondering what colors help calm the most without depressing.
My 11-year-old daughter was very recently diagnosed with SPD. I am finding it very difficult to get a child of this age to do anything she doesn't want …
Is there any help for families struggling financially with prescription cost/therapy costs?
Hello everyone,
I am a 35 year old mom of 4 beautiful children. My daughter at 4 1/2 years old was diagnosed with SPD... from the time of birth she …
My son is 38 months old. At 2 years 11 months I had him evaluated by Early Intervention. They said he didn't qualify for their services because he wasn't …
LONG story short - we had our son evaluated by ECI for some concerns we had when he was 11 mts old. (he is now 13 mts), they came and he scored age appropriate …
I wonder if my child has SPD. He has a few symptoms but not all from one category. He has been observed by a local organization and they think it's a possibility. …
I have a 3 year old son who I believe has SPD, mostly auditory processing problems, he doesn't exhibit any tactile issues. He is bothered by other children, …
My grandson has some of the characteristics for this. I heard that "grapes" can be a contributing factor for this. He eats lots of grapes and drinks …
I am very concerned about my best friends 2 1/2 year-old son. After researching some of his behaviors online I am becoming convinced he might have SPD. …
How do you know where to draw the line between a sensory disorder and a quirky kid? I'm checking lots of things off, but at the same time these things …
My daughter is about to be three and in the last three months has gotten a dozen or so ear infections. She gets pretty much tortured when a loud noise …
I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter with SPD. She is doing really well or I guess I should say we are doing well since she was diagnosed and we are knowledgeable …
I have been looking into a few concerns I have had with my now 8 year old daughter. Even in pre-primary the teacher was telling me that she had problems …
My son has finally been diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder. I have know there was something not right since he was about 18months old. He has …
I am actually an Occupational Therapist with 11 years of experience 9 of those exclusively in pediatrics. I am one course shy of completing SIPT training. …
My Son is 4 yrs old. The signs alert me:
1. He is afraid of swing particularly.
2. He does not like to play on the play structure on the playground. …
So my son is almost 17 months and he has always been diff. from other babies/children and I have not the only person to see this. I have never heard of …
I am thirteen years old and I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing is an actual problem or if it's nothing serious and I'm just overreacting.
Hi - I have a son who will turn 5 in a week. I did not notice anything off about him until he was about 18 mo old. He just did not like being in crowded …
My 4 yr old was just dx with SPD. She also has other dx's the neurologist can't figure out. She had Early Childhood Intervention until she was 3 and …
Hi everyone! My son is 7 and in the first grade. Our local school district does not currently have an OT. His resource teacher has not been very helpful. …
Who can diagnose my child with SPD?
When my son enters Kindergarten in the fall how do I help the teachers help him to learn and be more focused?
HI there everyone!
Our son Max is 3 and was diagnosed with SPD about 6 months ago. He was let go at 3 from the regional center because he wasn't severe …
My son, 3 1/2, recently underwent a neurological development assessment. I was concerned about some running back and forth and some other issues...long …
I have a son with SPD, and my husband and I are thinking about having another baby.
How likely would it be for blessing #2 to end up with SPD?
Hello! Our 3 yr old daughter was recently diagnosed with SPD. We have just recently begun our OT and other services but everyone I ask this question of …
My son has ADHD and SPD. I have always used vicks vaporrub to help him breathe better when he has a cold. Suddenly this week he cannot tolerate …
I really believe this site should have a forum for parents to really get to talk with each other. This question section is helpful, but the questions …
My 4 year old was diagnosed with SPD and OCD but now I'm wondering if I missed it in my two year old because my 4 year old is so high needs or am I just …
Hello, our son Mathew has been receiving OT therapy services for about 3 wks for SPD. Our OT says he needs heavy work diet at school to be his personal …
I have done a tremendous amount of research regarding my 3 1/2 year old daughter. I am trying to find exercises I can do to help her. Her SPD involves …
My Daughter is 3.5 years old and I feel she has been dealing with SPD from day one. We are bringing her in next week to be evaluated at her pediatrician …
Hi, my son is seven years old and a struggling second grader. He is failing in all subjects but does not get any special education services. The school …
My 4th gr daughter is ADHD, recently dx w/SPD (also has spastic bladder, cross-eyed (glasses), lazy R eye, has headaches)and yet the school is totally …
How do you keep the therapy putties clean? Our preschool interventionist loves using it with kids, but is concerned about germs. Me, too. ;-)
A student smells permanent markers and write on/wipe off markers constantly. Is there something else that I can give her that is safer and would still …
I have a three and half year old boy who dislikes hair. He is not just bothered by it... he is really freaked out by hair. If there is hair in the bathtub …
I have a six years old daughter who have been diagnose for dyspraxia. I have a problem with her sleeping. She is on medication at the moment to help her …
My son has SPD and is in first grade. He has been to OT for the last 4 years, and up to now it has been fine, showing great progress and up to a couple …
Could SPD be passed down from mother to child to grandchild ???
I was just informed that my grandson was just diagnosed.
Hello ~
I have a hypersensitive 3 year old, diagnosed around 12 months old. He is extremely bright, already reading, spelling, loves numbers, very …
My 5 yr old son has just been diagnosed with SPD (about 3 months ago) He has always had what we called "quirks" he has NEVER been a good sleeper( even …
My son just turned 5 years old. I can not find a way to cut his toe nails anymore. I use to do it in his sleep but now that he is older he is waking up …
Our oldest (adopted) daughter, has recently been diagnosed with mild SPD (under responsive to proprioceptive input to be precise i.e. she is sensory seeking), …
Is there a simple checklist to compare/contrast SPD and ADHD? I need one to go over it with my son's Kindergarten teacher. We just got an OT eval at …
My daughter is 9 years old and was diagnosed with SPD at 3. It began with her shoes and clothes. She would scream if certain outfits were put on her. …
My Question:
Once a child has been diagnosed with SPD will they always struggle with this problem? Although my son has been declassified he struggles …
My son was recently diagnosed with SPD. He also has excessive fears. Mostly around being alone, going anywhere in the house by himself.
This has become …
I thought my son was just high needs but now I'm starting to wonder. He is 6 months old and still when he cry's the only thing that calms him down is loud …
Is there a specific insurance code that should be used get insurance to cover the cost of the listening therapy devices?
Do you know if and how a concussion affects a child with SPD.
Our daughter had a concussion and we and her teachers have noticed that her behaviour …
I have a 4 and half your old with SPD and goes to headstart... I don't know if its just this state or the school district, but you can plainly see she …
My grandson is 7 years and diagnosed with SPD. He continually repeats sentences over and over and over even though I am responding to him.
Is this …
Does anybody have any literature that explains the effects of stress or forcing new/unfamiliar environments and people on infants with SPD? My son was …
She is the youngest of 4... we just lost my 20 year old.. and Im beside myself with dealing with her twin in the sense of behavior only worse... Im terrified …
My child has S.P.D. and my husband and I want to learn more about his situation.
Our child will become very upset during some of his meal time. …
Since my earliest memory(age 7) I have been bothered by 'people' sounds(eating, coughing, sniffing, slurping drinks, sucking sweets, hicoughs, false teeth …
My six year old son has SPD. He loves going to parties. My concern is every time we go to a party he has trouble transitioning from the play part to the …
Hello. I hope someone has a solution for me. I have a 10 year old son with SPD. He's really overcome a lot and has a very tender heart. When he turned …
We have a child in our family with multiple disabilities that are all affecting him/her all at the same time. They are: SPD, Nonverbal Learning Disoder, …
How does Sensory Processing Disorder, and other disabilities like it, factor in when court officials and parents are making child custody decisions? …
Our daughter is now 16 months old. When she was about 2 weeks old she began screaming in the car on every journey - by 10 weeks of age she could do 50 …
I ask this question because after reading other questions from parents, I found my answer. I think I called everyone I knew out of excitement. I started …
I have twin 8 year old girls. Hannah has SPD & ADHD and Emma has mild SPD and dyslexia. They both have IEPs and receive OT, reading, and speech …
All children learn differently, If you think your daughter needs extra help you have a right to fight for it. Your school by law has to follow an IEP. …
My daughter is 10 now and in the fourth grade. She has sensory processing disorder, high functioning autism, complex-partial seizures, moderate receptive-expressive …
Are SPD kids more intelligent/inquisitive?
Any ideas on helping an 8 year old with anxiety mainly in the social arena - she has many friends who like her but she doesn't believe it - she needs lots …
I can wear shorts, jeans, dress pants (if made of cotton), but I absolutely CANNOT wear a skirt or dress. For one thing, if they're slim cut, a person …
My son, age 6, was diagnosed with SPD in July 2008 and we have been taking him to OT two times a week since. My husband has always said that our son had …
I've been reading all the stories here and there are so many things that are the same with my son. Andrew is a twin and has always been quite a bit different …
Is going to a chiropractor helpful?
My 5 year old daughter will only wear pants that have ties so that she can cinch them up so tight that her belly skin actually looks pinched all around …
I have a three year old who has been recently diagnosed with SPD and continues to struggle with the bedtime process. I would appreciate any routines that …
My 3 year old daughter has verbal apraxia (though with ProEfa fish oil she is talking clearly in 3 words or more sentences) and a hypersensitive gag reflex …
Hi, I have SPD, and ADD. I looked at the SPD checklist for my son too.
My question is, why he had barely any noticeable symptoms up until this past …
My son is now 7 and for a long time I have thought that there was something wrong... we have daily battles with socks not being right, shoes not being …
My 10 year old son is very smart and now that he is reading, he is reading 3 grade levels above his own (5th grade). We home educate, so he has been able …
My son is five years old. He was diagnosed, if you can say that, at the age of 18 months with SPD. We did Occupational Therapy for years and he seemed …
I cannot get my 18 month old to eat or drink. What is actually going on and what can I do? When asked or presented with food I get an immediate NO! …
My son who is 3 has been diagnosed as having SPD. He doesn't eat so he is fed via a gastronomy. As of yet he hasn't started talking. He loves to spin things …
I am a director for a preschool in Tennessee and we have 2 children enrolled who show symptoms of SPD. One has been diagnosed, and one is in the process. …
Is using medication for behaviors of not keeping hands to self and impulsive behavior, not listening encouraged?
My son was diagnosed at 2 with sensory …
Well, it's not a growl exactly. My daughter was diagnosed with Sensory Integration Dysfunction last week. She is 18 months old. She will run back and forth …
My daughter is 3 1/2 and was recently diagnosed with SPD they are thinking both internal and external factors. She has issues with always being too hot, …
I made an appointment for my son who is 9 with a Neurologist. I want him to be tested for ADD. Now that I have been to this site, I realize that he should …
I have a child who is currently undergoing therapy and assessment for possible Aspergers, however is displaying considerable symptoms of SPD instead. Has …
Hi there. My three year old son has what therapists have called "sensory issues." He does have vestibular and proprioceptive sensory needs. He is sometimes …
Have any of you SPD parents out there heard of the concept of a "difficult child"? That is what my husband and I have "diagnosed" our 3-year old daughter …
I am 56 years old. I was raised without a father and a mother who was very dysfunctional. I was diagnosed in a very big city in a big hospital at the age …
I am looking for a spring horse (ride on toy) that has a safety seat. I have search all over and need help please.
Thanks, Mary …
I've been using the therapressure brushing on my daughter for the last couple of months. She reacted positively to the "brushing" at first, then started …
My husband's 2 nephews were just diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome, should I be worried about my 5 month old daughter and have her tested?
Hi _ my daughter is 6 years old. Has suffered from Chronic constipation and withholding since a baby.
She is hypersensitive to touch, hates having …
My son's OT suggested we get him a body sock since he loves deep pressure and it would also work his upper body strength. I checked the prices and we …
Hi, my 5 year old son with SPD, is really struggling to wear pants this year. He finally agreed to wear a jacket yesterday (it's 50 degrees), but still …
I have a 16 year old with sensory integration disorder.
He was treated at a child but frankly, for whatever reason, his progress was limited and he …
Are there any links between SPD and headaches?
My son has recently been diagnosed with SPD and we've also realized that he's suffering from frequent …
My daughter head bangs a lot and it makes me feel sad to see her do that to her self.
I wanted to ask is this normal to do? She does it about 8 times …
I have epilepsy and took depakote at the beginning of my pregnancy with my daughter and then switched to lamictal. My daughter, now 4, has been diagnosed …
Have you considered how early childhood medical intervention ie: TRAUMA, could influence the onset of dysfunction in sensory integration?
I am not sure how to ask/start... How do you start determining if your child has SPD? Some signs are there but not all?
My son was diagnosed with SID 2 years ago. Now he doesn't pay attention in class. He is always fiddling with whatever is in his desk, drawing pictures, …
My son is 38 months old. He has been seen by our Regional Center for autism testing when he was 20 months old. He was given OT and speech therapy (for …
Does this topic sound familiar to anyone? My son starting "Zooming" around age 2. That's our families pet name for this. My son is now 8 and zooming is …
My son is 3 and a half years old. He was diagnosed with Autism at 20 months, but the diagnosis has since been removed. He is very social, great at imaginative …
My son, Noah, has a mild case of SPD and will sometimes hit or swat at us or others for no apparent reason, like when I come to pick him up from preschool. …
My daughter has issues with tags, socks her shoes need to be a certain way, etc. Now for 6 months after she goes to the bathroom she claims she cannot …
Can a child have Sensory Processing Disorder as a stand alone condition? Or does it always Co-exist with something else?
My daughter is 3 and we have recently REALLY started working on her SPD issues. Since she was 9 months, she has been a body rocker.
Recently, she …
I am considering sound therapy treatment for my son. Has anyone tried this?
Is it the primary care givers fault, if the child has SPD?
I am a home daycare provider and my son has a few sensory issues and speech delay. Both of my son's speech therapists have made comments about the 3 year …
What kind of therapies can be used for a child that has burned himself on the stove due to not feeling the pain and heat from the stove?
I am going to be 16 years old on September 16th.
I'm in 10th grade and attend public school, the same one I've been going to since kindergarten. I was …
My 7 year old daughter was diagnosed with Autism at 2 1/2. She has had early intervention and has made wonderful progress. But there seems to be some …
It breaks my heart to see him at the park and is scared to interact with other kids or when he is approached he screams he does not like to be touched …
My son is 2 1/2. He came to the attention of early intervention services because of a speech delay and now that they have evaluated him they "think" he …
Has anyone had any experience with the Tomatis auditory program? Did it help your child? Thanks-Carrie
My child is three years old and has SPD. Her symptoms are many, but my concern lately is that she is beginning to withdraw even more from any social contacts. …
I would like for my son to have an IEP developed, but he doesn't show academic need. Is SPD covered anywhere else?
I have a four year old daughter starting school next week. Her biggest obstacle is tactile issues. Inside and out. Texture of food, fit of clothes, …
Hi, In May 2008,I posted a concern I had about my six year old son who I believe has SPD. When I was filling out the checklist for him, I saw alot of …
I have a child diagnosed with Sensory Defensiveness. We have had 2 years of working with an OT doing Vital Sounds music and Skin brushing etc... It has …
My 8 year old had surgery last Friday and has completely shut down because of it. We just spent 5 days in the hospital due to him not eating or drinking. …
I have a 4 year old son with SPD. He has acute sensitivity with audio and proprioceptive intake. His struggles have mainly manifested themselves in the …
Hi there,
I'm just wondering if there are any other SPD parents in the GTA who would be interested in getting together sometimes...
Karyn …
IS there any support groups for us parents in Little Rock? I could really use one! PLEASE HELP!
Hi I was just wondering if it is possible for major signs of SPD to not show up until late elementary school/ middle school. When I was a baby/toddler …
We have a very friendly, loving and VERY active 3 yr old son who has just been diagnosed w/SPD, Atypical Autism/PDD NOS (which I am not sure what the difference …
I have an 8 year old son who laughs at his baby sister's crying. This is the worse scenario that his laughing happens in house, but he also laughs when …
Hi, there! I am an occupational Therapist to-be, and currently taking a course on SI. I have found your site to be great!!!, and I felt compelled to tell …
I just came from my daughters neurologist appointment yesterday. She said my daughter has a brain lesion on the left side towards the back of her brain. …
For the most part my daughter has been considered "normal", we are noticing however as she is getting older and communicating more some "Quirks" in her …
So is there any research out there that links SPD to hair-pulling, which is usually diagnosed as Trichotillomania?
I've read a ton of research on Trich, …
My cousin has a 2 year old child and she pee's in the potty but won't poop. She has not pooped for 5 days. What could she do for her?
My son has what they say is a "mild" case of SPD. This morning he had pancakes for breakfast which is something he normally eats. He also had some milk …
Hi I'm the mom of a 3yr old daughter who I think has spd. When I went through the checklists I checked off nearly all the hypersensitive traits in every …
I have written before about my 10 year old daughter who had severe SPD as a younger child, who has developed some good coping skills. However, the main …
My Daughter has many tantrums throughout the day and often hits her brother, we are never sure what is going to set her off, though we have identified …
My son has made great progress in school with his sensory issues. He has an Speech Pathologist and SEIT (Special Education Itenerant Teacher) …
My 16 year old son acts like he got ants in his pants when he feels clothes against his skin. He says he don't like to feel clothes so he wears everything …
My daughter has been diagnosed with Intractable Partial Epilepsy. This is our only diagnosis despite the fact that we have had chronic hypotonia since …
I have a lad with SPD and I feel so lonely... does anyone know where I can get a pen pal to write to and who feels like me so we can share our ups and …
I was just wondering has there has been any link to SPD and exposure to toxic chemicals during pregnancy? My wife worked in a big-box store during her …
I have tried dozens of different toothpaste brands, types, flavors, etc. My son can't stand the smell and taste. He will brush his teeth but not with …
I just read about SPD in the most recent issue of Today's Parent (Canadian Magazine). My son has several of the infant SPD checklist symptoms. He had …
I have a 6.5 year just finishing kindergarten and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on sending kids with SPD to summer school? Logan has to work …
My husband has been in denial since the beginning. Just because our son is so very very smart he thinks that there's nothing wrong. He blames it on him …
We had to switch my son Tyler from a private school that couldn't handle him to public school. His current Kindergarten teacher has a son with SPD but …
My 5 year old son has recently been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder (PROPRIOCEPTIVE DYSFUNCTION). We have always thought of him being "clumsy" …
Hello. I am a single mother of two children, a daughter who is 8 years old, and a son who is 17 months old.
My son was recently diagnosed with SPD, …
Hi: I am the parent of a 6 year-old boy who I believe has SPD. He was a 34 week preemie, and was delivered by emergency c-section. I know that children …
I have a 7 year old son who has SPD has always had a good happy relationship with both of us parents and especially his dad. Over the last 2 months he …
I am a parent of a 3 year old boy with, what I believe is, SPD. He was a 34 week preemie, breech and c section. WE have been dealing with all of this for …
My son is 3 1/2 and he has Hypotonia, speech delay, physical delay. However he has come a long way since we put tubes in his ears two months …
I hope you can help me as we keep hitting brick walls. My son Logan is 8 yrs old and at 2 months had a cornea transplant surgeries and as well …
Last night I was driving home when my four year old threw-up in the car. I was on the highway going 55 miles per hour. My daughter who is nine years …
I am struggling to figure out if my son is just an 8 year old boy who like most people has a couple of the identifying behaviors of a person with a sensory …
This might be a really ignorant question, but is there a benefit of doing epsom salt baths versus giving a magnesium supplement (like Kid/Natural Calm)? …
Has anyone used SPD as the eligible medical diagnosis for an OHI label in special education? I just need a couple examples, preferably in Illinois, where …
How do you Discipline your sensational kid? My son is five years old and has SPD and I am wondering how you discipline him when he hurts someone impulsively. …
Does anybody out there have any suggestions or ideas on summer programs designed for kids with Sensory Processing Disorder in Salt Lake City or Lehi, Utah? …
My 8 (9 this month) year old daughter and I have done a sensory questionnaire that was scored by an OT with a background in sensory stuff.
We are still …
I have a 5 year old son with sensory processing disorder. He was diagnosed sometime between the ages of 2 and 3. He has done extremely well with …
We are the grandparents of a four-year old boy who has been diagnosed with SPD. He has been receiving OT treatment for about six months and has shown …
I want to give you a little additional supplement on Magnesium. I am a paramedic, and we use Magnesium Sulfate given IV in our practice, so I am well …
I want to know if any state is yet to cover SPD as a disability? I am in the process right now of finding out if Indiana does. My son is 4 years old and …
Does anyone have any suggestions of accommodations or modifications to put a 504 Plan together with? I am working with my son's OT and his Neurologist, …
My Grandson who will be four soon has Developmental Apraxia of Speech. When he was younger he too was showing signs of what was thought to be autism, but …
I started my journey at age 20 towards finding out what is "wrong" with me. So far I've seen psychs and so on for issues that seem very much akin with …
My son is almost five. Seems like a good start, right?
When he was a baby, before he'd even had his first feeding, he managed to pull off his diaper. …
My son was diagnosed over a year ago and I am still struggling to find any type of therapy or program that my he can participate in.
I live in a small …
Are there any statistics on the # of children diagnosed with SPD? If so, where could I find them.
================================================= …
My son will be 5 next month and has severe sensory issues. He's been G-tube fed since he was 2, went straight from breastfeeding to the tube. Never took …
Hello again. My name is Jessi and I've posted several times before. My first Help Line question ever had to do with my son, AJ's receptive/expressive …
I have been struggling with my son. Frustrated so many times because I had asked so many times what to do. NO one could tell us what to do when our son …
Hi, My name is Andrea I am a CBRS provider here in my hometown and I work with many children who have SPD. I don't know much about this disorder and have …
I think that my 8 year old daughter has SPD. She is in special ed and receives speech therapy currently through our public school system. After learning …
Hello... I was wondering if the following were typical characteristics to the child with SPD (specifically tactile and some Movement/praxis issues, etc.). …
My 7 year old daughter was diagnosed with SPD at age 4. We have worked with her and have made major strides in a lot of her sensory areas and behaviors …
My son is 8 years old and has SPD. Lately he is getting sensations in his hands. He describes it as getting splinters. Sometimes it gets so bad that …
I have a family member newly diagnosed with SPD. I am a certified massage therapist, and was told by his occupational therapist that massage would be beneficial …
My son is 4 years old now and has been different since birth.
He never wanted to breast feed, and would pull away from me as if he was trying to get …
Our three year old son was recently diagnosed with SPD. Prior to his diagnosis, we never even heard of the disorder. So, I am trying to read …
I was thrilled to find this site. If only I had this resource when my daughter was an infant and toddler, I would have been in heaven.
In brief, …
I am a 16 year old with potential SPD - we are just now in the process of getting a diagnosis, but we are 99% sure I have it.
I really struggle at school …
What type of therapy is there for Visual Processing??
There are a lot of programs and therapies out …
My son has autism spectrum disorder. He repeatedly strikes over his chin and teeth. He uses his one/ or both hands(fingers) and any metal or plastic object …
I think my daughter has SPD.... we're in the middle of the evaluation... but it seems that she has that disorder. Did I do something wrong to cause this …
I am confused, frustrated and I feel like I am failing my child. She was tested in first grade and it seemed everything was going well. Now that she is …
Hi everyone! As most of you know, I am dealing with my 8 yr old daughter that has SPD. Today, we went shoe shopping. UGH!!! I know most of you are …
I found this idea on your site, but do not know which Theraputty to order for a 4 year old.
Stretch the Theraputty out and hide coins or any tiny objects …
My daughter's SPD seems to be getting progressively worse. My biggest question is if there are any diseases that are directly associated with decreasing …
My 4 year old boy has a huge uncontrollable meltdown over his shoes every morning when I try to put them on.
He had velcro shoes which were too loose …
I am looking to purchase either a vibrating mat that would fit on top of a standard therapy table or a motor that can be screwed to the underside of a …
My 7 year old was just diagnosed last month. This past week, my husband has been on a business trip. My daughter has been worse than ever before. Mornings …
I have a 2 year old who has had brief testing through Early Intervention. I'm told he has some (can you have some of something?) "SPD" but to what extent... …
My 7 year old daughter seems to have more problems with SPD during the school year than when home. She was diagnosed about 1 year ago and received OT …
My son is 18 months old,and has many of the symptoms on the checklist. I am waiting for a call back from an Early Intervention Program from the state, …
I have 2 sons, ages 9 and 3. My 3 year old, Tyler, is showing some of the same symptoms as my older son, Alex, did at his age. Not liking certain clothing, …
My son has had various dx's but has maintained long standing sensory processing disorders - they seem to fade and then during times of stress reappear. …
My son (22 months) has been diagnosed with SPD by and OT therapist but prior to seeing this OT we were seen by a feeding specialist at our local hospital. …
My 4 year old (just turned 4) has always had an issue with clothing/socks/shoes not feeling good, but over the last few weeks it has gotten much worse. …
Are there any seminars coming up about SPD in New Jersey?
Michele Mitchell responds... I will check into it, but the holidays have caught me out …
I have a five year old daughter who I believe has SPD. I have run into brick wall after brick wall. I am in the Houston area, is there anyone in Houston …
Dear Michele,
Your website is a godsend. I've really learned so much from it. My son who is two, was recently diagnosed with global developmental delay. …
First, let me thank you girls for the fabulous information that you have online. I have read most of it and cannot tell you how great it is to have …
I believe that my son is very inteligent and because he has sensory and processing issues they placed him in special ed I just want to know if that is …
First of all, I want to thank Michele and Michelle for providing this invaluable resource to parents! I want to thank Michele specifically for creating …
I Think SPD Explains My Son's Behaviors... Where Do I Start?
My son is 10. He was diagnosed at age 5, with ADHD. Can I be honest? I was never …
What kind of Doctor do you go to, to have your child tested. Is there hope for SPD?
The SPD Help Line Answers...
Hi Gina,
Yes! …
My six year old son was just diagnosed with SPD.
Looking back on his life from birth until now, I can now see some mild sensory issues that he had. …
My child is always hungry and getting overweight
Hi, my daughter is 8 yrs old and has just been diagnosed w/ SPD. She is 25 lbs overweight. She …
My son chews on his shirt. It starts when he gets a runny nose, we think, and continues sometimes after his nose is clear. we have tried a weighted vest …
We first noticed a problem when our child entered school and was unable to begin reading. The teachers kept telling us that everyone reads at a different …
I just entered a question regarding my 2 year old and his beloved pacifier ( click here to read it and the helpful response from one reader ). And …
Do you have any suggestions for helping an 8 yr old to let me (he refuses to do it himself or try) cut his nails, or any activity to do first? Or, do I …
My 2 1/2 year old son was diagnosed with SPD shortly after his second birthday. He is currently working with an OT, Developmental Specialist, and a Speech …
My daughter was diagnosed with SPD at the age of 5. She is tactile, oral, and auditory defensive. She craves vestibular input and has low muscle tone. …
Hello, I have a 6 yr old boy with PDD-NOS and quite severe SPD. When he was 2 1/2 he went from being very social to having a meltdown if any woman other …
Do you know what types of schools SPD children do well in? Montessori? Traditional?
These children typically do well in …
There is so much out there now to cover when they are young, but nothing as they are finishing HS and entering College. Is it possible to connect somehow …
My 7 years old son has Autism and he used to be the most lovely and sweet boy ever... but, since we moved from southern California to Portland …
My son was just dianosed with SPD. He will be 3 in December. He has a severe speech delay, and he is very clumsy and falls a lot. His problems seem to …
When I was 15 (10 years ago) I was diagnosed with OCD. I have never felt comfortable with the diagnosis as all my anxiety stems from smells and textures. …
Is the cause for SPD known? I was also wondering if there is a genetic link? I suspect there might be. My daughter has it and I suspect my husband does …
I have a 6-year-old son who I know has some, if not a lot, of sensory processing issues. I have read The Out-Of-Sync Child and have met with two OTs …
I'd really like some more information on this.
My son, 4, has SPD and is seeing an OT. My daughter, 14 months- 12 months adjusted, has some issues with …
Flynn becomes very stressed when his twin siblings suck or put their fingers in their mouths, he cannot focus on anything until he has pulled their fingers …
Why does SPD cause them to be unable to comfort themselves in sleep or anxiety? My daughter cannot sleep by herself unless exhausted and cannot put herself …
This is actually a question for Michelle Morris. I wrote the help line for information about Therapeutic Listening. I read all her information …
My daughter has issues with SPD, and I feel that she has some strong anxiety problems also. She has been getting headaches, telling me she is having a …
My 3 yr old was born premature (32 wks), in ICU for 3 months, underwent a 5 hour surgery at 24 hours. Ventilated for 2 weeks, tube fed for about 2 months. …
Everything I have read about SPD has been on children that were born into the family. What about children that are orphaned and adopted as older toddlers. …
My son is three years old and has SPD and a speech and language delay. His OT has suggested therapeutic listening. We have just started this program (our …
It has been two years since my nine year old son last saw a developmental pediatrician where we were told that he did have sensory issues and mild hypotonia …
My son's OT has just started him on The Listening Program, and I am wanting to incorporate it at home.
Do you have any suggestions on where I can get …
My nine year old academically gifted son with mild hypotonia and SPD is taking group swimming lessons with six year olds because most kids his age already …
My 4 1/2 year old daughter has some symptoms from the checklists, but not a lot. Some things run in spurts; very sensitive to seams in socks, must be …
I want my daughter referred for a sensory processing disorder evaluation. My insurance will not cover it if the referral is for that specifically.
We live in Evanston and we are looking to meet other families who are dealing with SPD issues with their child. We feel so alone and it is so scary. …
I am a mom of a wonderful 5 year old girl. For the last couple of months we have been working with an OT. I have paid well over $1000 out of my own pocket …
My 3 year 11 month old SID son lasted three days in a private preschool. His preschool specialist through Santa Barbara Co. is now evaluating him for …
Hello... my 5 year son was diagnosed in Feb '06 with a mixed expressive receptive speech disorder, apraxia, SID, and now hypotonia.
We cannot get, …
My nine-year-old son has sensory issues, hypotonia, handwriting difficulties and is not as coordinated as other kids so he does not want to try to learn …
My son is in the 2nd grade and is doing really well the first part of the school week but come Thursday he is breaking down crying a lot, yelling at teachers, …
My son, AJ, was recently diagnosed with the following:
1. Developmental Delay (not pervasive)
2. Mixed Receptive/Expressive Language Disorder
3. Idiosyncratic …
I am interested in support groups, near Toms River for children with SPD. My wife and I have a 5 year old son and we need to talk/meet to other parents …
Our family is planning a trip to Disneyland next month. The last time we attempted this, my 5 year old daughter was 2 1/2, and we didn't understand why …
My son is 7 with apraxia and some sensory issues. The questions I am worried about is he has gotten burnt with a cookie sheet, cut on the bottom of the …
My 4 1/2 year old daughter, who has hyper SPD, seems to feel pain more intensely than other children. The slightest injury or illness can send her into …
My son has SPD and just started kindergarten he is 5 3/4 years old. From the 1st day of school hitting and spitting have been a regular occurrence. He …
For years I've been biting my nails. I'm sixteen and I've been trying to stop for years...
2 questions
1. Is this at all related to SPD?
2. …
My son is almost 8 years old. He is still having issue with day time pant wetting. This can range from damp with slight urine smell to a full out wetting …
Is there a connection between night terrors and SPD?
My 20 month old son was just evaluated by an o/t and s/t and was found to have a sensory issue and a speech delay. They kept saying he didn't seem autistic, …
My 13 yr old daughter refuses to sleep in bed. She does have NLD and likes everything just so but this is a bit much. She had a couch in her room we …
-he was not breast fed.
-at 6 months, he still needed pillows for support in order to sit.
-at 2, he didn't try to run.
-at 3, he couldn't walk up stairs …
Shes always been funny with clothes, goes through phases of what will or wont wear, for ages it was dresses, they weren't right they didnt feel right because …
My son is 6 and has been in OT for SPD and ADHD since he was 4. It really has become a part of our lives. For the past year and a half he met with his …
my daughter is 3 years old (turned 3 in the end of march) and she just started preschool. While she has always been energetic and precocious, we've never …
I am a certified birth doula and have a client who is expecting twins. She has 2 children with SPD. She is concerned that there might possibly be something …
My daughter is 5 years old and has been walking on her toes since she first learned to walk. We have tried braces, physical therapy and just met with …
Is not listening apart of the disorder or can it be treated as a behavioral issue?
My daughter has pretty severe auditory defensiveness. Loud sounds hurt and scare her and lead to meltdowns, and her own loudness is off putting to other …
What is the best Occupational therapy intervention to help with sensory processing?
My son refuses to wear shoes. He screams non stop will not stand up just goes limp. We have tried several different shoes it does not matter he just freaks …
I have a six year old with SPD and I'm having a terrible time making a decision whether or not to get him vaccinated with the Swine Flu vaccine. I'm heavily …
My granddaughter is having trouble learning to drive. She has more trouble than average learning to make turns and other minor issues.
I have taken …
I am interested to know if anyone has used Homeopathic treatments for SPD, OCD or anxiety. I prefer to use natural treatments. Has anyone had any success …
My grandson is in the early stages of being diagnosed. But, all the literature seems to describe his behaviors. One of our biggest concerns is his aggressive,destructiv …
I have a beautiful and very loving 3 year old son. My son hasn't officially been diagnosed w/SPD, but he does have symptoms. He can't stand when someone …
My name is Meredith Eaton. I am 12 years old and have SPD and ADHD. First of all your site has provided the most info I have gotten on this topic.
How often do you change CDs when you are listening twice a day for 30 minutes a day, seven days a week? Is there an order in which you progress through …
Hi Everyone.
My 8 yr.old son has SPD and Autism. I would like to take him to the Star Center this summer for treatment. I'd like to know if any of …
I am wondering if anyone has every heard of making their own sensory products (vests, weighted blankets). I found this website that has a download of …
Hi my name is Carra and I've posted several times in the past. My son Spencer was just diagnosed yesterday with FRAGILE X. So does that mean he doesn't …
I just came across your site tonight and am overwhelmed with the amount of information and with the confirmation that my daughter is not alone out there, …
Hello. I have a 5 year old daughter who has been diagnosed with SPD. To say her sensory issues were extreme would be putting it lightly.
Everything …
My son is 3 years old. He has hypotonia, and he has had difficulty swallowing and processing food since birth. He is grinding his teeth, and he has started …
My son is five and has been diagnosed with SPD when he was 4 but has been receiving aid for sensory disorder and speech since he was 2. My spouse freaks …
Hi everyone,
My 2.5 year old has been seeing an OT for about 10 weeks now. MY husband and I decided to see use a private OT for our daughter(meaning …
Is there a correlation between teens with SI dysfunction and the use of recreational drugs for self medicating?
First,I would like to say 'what a fantastic site'! My 11 year old son has just been diagnosed with SPD, and suddenly the reasons behind all his behaviors …
Does anyone have any Ideas to help me help my 3.5 year old Grandson that Has SPD to stop throwing everything?
We have custody of him and his little …
My son pee's and poo's in his pants and on the floor. almost as if it's intentional. He does know when and how to use the toilet.. could this be part of …
Are there any programs or assistance for kids with SPD? I am a single mom of two kids and my daughter has SPD. There are no OT providers within an hour …
Can other disciplines besides OT address/treat and bill sensory integration therapy? (such as speech language pathologists or physical therapists?)
I'm concerned about my SPD getting more severe.
When I was younger my SPD was mild to moderate and it had less impairment in my life but as I got older …
Has anyone ever been given a reason for feeling even the tiniest hair in your shirt/ or bra? I can find it like a needle in a haystack and it will drive …
I have been diagnosed with HSP and well as all but one of my sons, and I am curious if this disorder would also attribute to sensory process disorder? …
My 24-year-old son has started spitting excessively after brushing his teeth in the last few years. I hear him in the bathroom brushing his teeth and then …
What do you do when your daughter has extreme sensory issues with clothing, sounds, voices, the worse though is wearing a seat belt in the car. I have …
I need suggestions as to where to find a strong flexible silicon tube that I can attached inside my grandson’s face mask to bite on, I have a lot of masks …
I can’t stand the feeling of having hair on my head :(. It’s a major daily issue. I’m 38, and shaving my hair isn’t the best look, but when I have it long, …
I have a 7 year old boy who loves sports - particularly hockey and baseball, and loves to play goalie and catcher because of the heavy gear. He loves being …
Hello.... i have a 4 year old that gags to the point where she vomits every time we are about to eat, were in line to order food, anyone eats around her.... …
We started "brushing and compression" sessions with our toddler. He had the worst week ever. My husband and I are exhausted. We did about 5 sessions a …
We are looking to move to Albuquerque or El Paso.
Does anyone know of any public schools and good hospitals/programs for a 7th grader boy with SPD?
I am a woman in my 20's with SPD. I always use to use intuition scentless razors for shaving and they worked well. Now they changed their soap formula …
My daughter is on the spectrum - high functioning and has sensory issues, specifically with underwear. We have tried every size, type, material and she …
Has anyone else seen Borderline Personality Disorder manifest in teenagers/young adults who have a clear disgnosis from early childhood of Sensory Processing …
My son just turned 9 and he is on the Spectrum’s he used to eat only puffy Cheetos and peanut butter and jelly with pediasure chocolate shakes. Within …
My daughter has an habit of scratching the wall paint with nails and eating them. What makes her to do that? How do we stop this?
My 6 yr old son sucks on fuzzy blankets when he is just sitting watching TV or going to bed.. could this be a sign of SPD?
There is an almost 4 year-0ld in our preschool classroom that likes to flip sand, mulch, and dirt up in the air to watch it fall.
He will also pour …
Ok so I am basically single moming it as my husband is away in the army and my toddler 4 years old and just seems to be getting worse. She was a perfect …
My child is in the 3rd grade and gets handwriting fatigue from pressing too hard when he writes. His OT is having me use foam under his page to help him …
My son is 2 years and 10 months old and though there is no confirmed diagnosis of his problem and all I know is through internet surfing.
He's had …
Coping skills...I struggle to keep a schedule for more than 3-4 days. I'll do great then fall off and hit a walk and be unmotivated to do anything. I homeschool …
Hi... My son is 12 and whenever we go swimming his hands and feet become exceptionally painful. The pain lasts for about 30 minutes after leaving the pool. …
Which sense disorder is more prevalent or affects the most out of the seven senses (visual, tactile, sound, smell, proprioceptive, vestibular) in SPD? …
I participated in an interaction between my son and another adult, and I am not sure I handled it correctly. I consider myself not a perfect mom, but …
I am looking for a provider in the Los Angeles area to evaluate and treat my 13 year old daughter for possible SPD and/or integrating primitive reflexes. …
My 5yr old grandson with SPD bites and nips really strongly. He bites and scrabs his 2 yr old sister.
How can we stop this?
My 6 year old little girl licks her finger and rubs it above her top lip.
I've noticed this since her nanny that she lived with has terminal cancer. …
Hello I was just reading on how children with autism/ADHD would pull out their teeth. So it got me thinking about how when I was around 3-5 years old I …
My 18 month old son who was 11 weeks premature sees two OTs. I haven't gotten him to use his back teeth to chew his food. I've been trying the vibrating …
Hi. Not sure if this question is posting twice. But, my son is 7. He was diagnosed with SPD around 18months. He had occupational and speech therapy. …
I need a simple food journaling tool for a teenager with oral defensiveness, high anxiety, and low motivation to journal thoughts on eating. Improvement …
My niece is 4. she has SPD. my sister recently just put her in basketball to get her to be more social outside of school and to get started in sports early, …
Hello. How can you guys know that my constant wanting to wet my feet can be a sign of SPD?
I'm doing this since I was a kid. I am always try to stop …
I have a 14 year old, elite level soccer player, SPD son. He is an avoider.
His coaches alwyas question (and his dad) why he always seems "tired" and …
What are some good treatment options for a child who has meltdowns when the car stops?
I am an individual with both Asperger's Disorder as well as SPD. I am hoping to get some help on how to deal with tactile defensiveness with my touch …
I have a very hard time tolerating a light tickle anticipation. Even from a distance, it's very disturbing to deal with. I need some help.
Hi, I have a teen with stand alone SPD. She also has anxiety and mild depression and lots of quirks that go along with SPD. She feels like she is the …
My daughter (age 36) over the past 14 months has been given many different medications. Trintellix was the most useful drug she had and had been on it …
My daughter's biggest sensory struggle is clothing and different types of material and how they fit and feel. She now needs to start wearing a bra and …
I related to all of these symptoms and I am 20 years old. What are my options?
I have a 16 year old grandson that was diagnosed very early at age 2 with sensory processing disorder.
We took him to therapy, The therapy only continued …
Hi... I'm just after a bit of general opinion here as my daughter is awaiting her assessment with the child development centre, but I feel a bit list and …
My 11 year old granddaughter makes noises all the time like small coughs, sniffing and other noises.
I’m trying too get her in at the doctors but it’s …
I'm 62yo in Pittsburgh,18 years diagnosed with Neurosarcoidosis,had over 14+ years vision, taste and smell lost, imbalance and nerve pain. Took various …
My son is 10 and he has CAPD and sensory issues. He has been hand flapping since about Jan 2016.
At school it was not problem last year. His case …
Hi my daughter has mild SPD but is really starting to complain about walking long distances. She says her legs hurt and gets really upset. I have to walk …
My Four year old Grandson burnt his house down and is always always plugging things into Electric points.
He is always into something. you've always …
My six year old has had sensory disorder since her birth.
However, the last year or so we have a daily struggle with undergarments. she wears panties …
Hello... My almost 4 year old holds toys in his hands constantly. He has not been tested but has symptoms that match being on Spectrum. Once in while he …
My granddaughter has strong sensory seeking behaviors. I read where there is a link with those who are thrill seekers and drug abuse.
How or can I …
Hi, I'm working with an individual who is tying there clothes around the arms and knotting so tightly it's causing severe bruising.
The same is happening …
My 14 year old daughter spits or licks on both herself and on other things ie if she's sitting in the car she will do this on the car seat in front of …
My 3 year old grandson can be distraught about his patents’ absence and kicks, bites, pinches, and scratches me. He’s inconsolable and I need ways to calm …
My 5 year old grandson throws dirt, spits and yells I will kill you and snot snot snot while he keeps blowing his nose and gathering it to put on someone. …
My thirteen year old daughter Lynn has SPD but also has been diagnosed with hearing loss. We got her hearing aids, and she seems even more sensitive than …
My son was hit with a soccer ball during practice and suffered a moderate concussion. However, some of the symptoms seem to be lasting longer than they …
I have a granddaughter who will be 13 in Dec. She has SPD and my daughter has taken her to ot in this area but their specialty is not sensory processing. …
I'm 18, have spd, and I'm trying to figure out if it's even possible for me to process fast enough to drive.
Why does my child try to smell or sniff strange things?
Hello! I have a handsome son who is 7 months old. He has to start early intervention and when the lady came to our home and discussed life, she stated …
Growing up I never remember being ticklish, always thought if I cried I was weak. For a long time didn't even like being touched.
Until this day when …
This started with his underwear "not fitting right" .... and car seat always wanting really tight...
He will only wear super soft t-shirts …
Hi there, My 11 year old with high functioning autism, OCD, SPD and ADHD has been put on fluoxetine and at first it was amazing.
Prior to it refused …
If someone knows you have this disorder or at least they know you don't like to hear them whistle, yet they make it a point of whistling outside whenever …
My husband has a child from a previous relationship who has been diagnosed with SPD. We have an almost 3 year old together and I'm wondering if I'm suppose …
Do kids with SPD have difficulty showing empathy?
Our 4.5 year old son has some of the signs of spd. He likes his hands clean, doesn't like being rushed, has trouble with socks and shoes, obsesses over …
My one year old grandson will gag and be sick when touching a certain ball, and now every week there seems to be something else that makes him sick when …
Has academic research been done on the effects of whistling in the work place and in public spaces?
My autistic son is 10yrs old and also has SPD. He has motor instability. How can he be treated? "what exercise or activities are good for him?
My mother sent me info on spd and I really think that's what is "up" with my son.
My big question is, can he has mostly traits for the hyposensitivity …
My 3.4 daughter has been diagnosed with severe autism although to be honest i dont agree with this diagnosis as although she dont talk and little interaction …
my granddaughter had tubes in both ears when she was 5 yrs old. after years (she is now 22) all the tubes have come out .she has had 3 tubes in her right …
My grandchild reverts back to behaviors we thought were non existent after therapy and a long road of working with him. When he gets any kind of illness, …
I was hoping for a "wrap-up" as many checklists have, such as if answered yes to certain questions then do....?
I still have no answers other than …
hi. my son is 6 and he still has excessive spit and drool like a baby would. He is in speech and occupational therapy at school.
he speaks pretty well …
I think my 15 month old has SPD. She licks everything. Floors, walls, etc. She will just stop what she is doing and start licking everything.
When …
I don't know if this falls under the remit of items discussed here. I find that people frequently tell me that I'm rushing around, or that there is no …
Are you born with SPD? What causes SPD? Is SPD genetic?
Our 16 month old boy licks everything. Is this indicative of a disorder?
My granddaughter has been diagnosed with severe SPD. My husband and I are trying to learn as much as we can to understand and help her.
My granddaughter …
I am looking to purchase, second hand, thereapeutic listening headphones for my son who has auditory processing issues. Is anyone selling theirs?
Thanks. …
Hi There. My son is 11 and has SPD. It is a mild case so,it is hard to decipher what's attitude or the SPD operating.
I want to be sensitive to him …
My 16 year old son hangs his head off the bed while asleep to the point that he falls out of bed and has no recollection of what happened. It happens about …
My sons sensitivity is so strong while urinating that he almost falls over he is not yet potty trained at the age of 14.
I believe it is partly because …
My daughter has always had sensory issues, but they exploded when she started going through puberty at 9 years old. She has been diagnosed with an anxiety …
My eleven year old son still pees in his bed and he also has a hard time sitting in class and makes noises. They state that he is distracting other children …
As the child grows older, would meditation be useful?
I can't stand listening to commercials or sports on tv because of the background music or background noise.
Is this a processing issue?
I have had issues with textures since I was a child. I eat my cereal soggy, hate socks and will not eat anything too "slick".
Now I have a year old …
Everything i have read so far refers to children. What about adults?
Also,if dx as a child,does the dx go away as you grow older?
How can I help my 5 year old child with SPD to understand that he will not always be line leader, will not always win. What strategies can I instill in …
With therapy can a child grow out of the sensory disorder? Does therapy just help them cope with the disorder?
My 3 year old, grandaughter began licking her fingers about 3-4 weeks ago.
It has gotten so bad, now it's seriously every 3 seconds. Day and night. …
Can medication help an SPD child? My child's tantrums get out of control. She is 7.
We have tried years of OT, therapy, deep tissue massage, weighted …
Our daughter is 8 years old and from a very young age I knew she had sensory challenges. When mentioned my husband would say I was over reacting or speaking …
My 3 yr old son doesn't want to take off a wet diaper and wet clothes in the am.
He will wake up some mornings wet with his bed also being wet. We …
My 7 year old has SPD, among other diagnosis. We recently moved into a new home and she became fast friends with the little girl next door.
At first …
I'm 45 and am pretty sure I've got sensory processing issues and ADHD because of all I've learned getting myself educated about my kid's diagnoses, probably …
A two year old continues to insist that she dress herself, even though she has trouble buttoning.
Hi, my almost 18 month old boy doesn't talk yet. He points and takes you to the fridge or somewhere whrn he wants something. He wpuld say dadda, caca, …
I was wondering if anyone knew of any upsides to having SPD?
I have it and this fact seems to be perceived as a terrible thing. I can't stand touch, …
I have a 5 year old nephew who's a problem and allowed to only eat rubbish, I mean pure rubbish. He will only eat pop tarts,cereal, sweets, oreos, chocolate …
How prevalent is SPD in children who were exposed to meth in utero? What are potential outcomes when the child receives treatment for SPD for these children? …
My son stuggles with SPD but since taking Decadron (oral steroid), his symptoms seem so much worse to him than his normal
Came on report card, needs to play with more children, excludes some kids.
I have been concerned about this, is this part of her sensory that she doesn't …
I have a son that is almost 7yrs old and he still poops his pants and doesnt like to wipe himself.
He still sucks his thumb and his school is starting …
My son is 3 years 8 months old and still not speaking, he babbles a lot but still no real words, sometimes we will hear mama, no, dada but i dont know …
Our son is almost 17 months at the end of this month. We are in need of help. This is our first and only child we will have. Below is our story;
I feel if there is no evidence or proof of something that it does not exist. Unless we all agree upon its existence through evidence.
For example we …
She was diagnosed at 4 and she is 5 now.
some days we think it's good then others we fall back again. she started school, the CBTU school for kids …
My daughter is 4 years old and she has to touch anything soft. If she thinks it's soft she has to touch it and even rub it on her face.
At Walmart …
My adolescent son eats many times during the day and after a while says, he is again hungry, what may be the possible reasons? thanks
This may seem like a silly question but OT diagnosed daughter with sensory seeking behaviours a few years ago and told me to use bean bags to weigh her …
Hi my 9 yr old daughter has been diagnosed recently, lots of the usual issues.However only recently anxiety at bedtime, gets "fizzy vision" in a dark room …
This issue has developed slowly over the last couple of months. First she wanted to sleep naked which we felt was ok. Now she does not want to get dressed …
My 8 yr autistic son has been crying constantly every fortnight. He cries for an entire week. Doesn't want to sleep. The doctors don't know what the problem …
Is SPD part of the Autistic Spectrum ? Aspergers?
My son has been diagnosed SPD and I'm wondering because we have Autism in our family and I was asking …
My 4 year old is on the extremely active end of SPD. He is very active and craves jumping and running. He has complained a few times that his thigh muscle …
Hi, I am working with a nearly four year old child who demonstrates SPD as well as other issues. She has recently begun inducing vomiting each night when …
If your child is seen by either a physical, occupational or speech therapist; how often do you ask that therapist the following questions:
1) Why are …
My 4 yr old boy has autism and spd and non verbal. He seems to be increasingly in discomfort when wearing his nappy. I have tried several kinds and pull …
I suspect my 4 year old has SPD (and GAD) the doctor and health nurse have referred her but the appointments are taking ages. I just want to know who or …
I've been dating him for 3 months now and I'm sorry to say that I've been an bitch about not going out on dates. I don't have SPD and am having a hard …
My 6 years old son, spits in the class and plays with it. he does it only in the class and outside but not at home. he has the habit of putting nose stuff …
I am finding your website so helpful, thank you! MY question is what kind of OT therapy would a 14 year old girl do to help her with SPD?
How can I …
My daughters have sensory processing disorder and their head is changing the uniform this September. He will only consider long sleeved shirts and is …
Hi... My 2 year old has always been easily overwhelmed (could not soothe as an infant, has always had trouble sleeping). She also suffers from anxiety. …
my sons ot has said he has spd. i know a little about it my problem is how do i work out what sensory is making him behave the way he does i.e visual,auditory,tactile …
Hi. I self diagnosed myself with SPD years ago, my daughter now has an official dx.
What have parents done to cope with dx? My husband is trying to …
My son is 12 all his life he has had pain in his hands after they get wet. He clenches them up and can not touch anything at all for some time up to 2 …
Hi, I am a teenager and I have always struggled with certain emotional issues. I came upon this website when I was trying to figure out why I am so sensitive …
I work with an individual who is autistic. The individual goes to a Day Supports facility. Her textures are the last thing she does before going home. …
My 7 year old son has tourettes, adhd, spd and ODD and I am struggling with his behaviour. He is struggling I school and his meltdowns are getting worse. …
Our son is almost 8 and is in 2nd grade. His class is covering topics such as the start of calculus that I never was taught in school (and I have an MBA). …
i can feel my organs and it's gotten so bad i can't eat anymore without wanting to die. both eating and not eating are forms of self harm now i don't know …
My daughter is one year old, from the time she was able to sit up she has rocked, whether she's playing with her toys, sitting in her high hair eating, …
My son is now 3 year old and refuses to let us cut his nails, we have to do it when he is sleeping, else he will not let us hold his fingers or toes to …
I am a little lost!
My son just turned 11 and it is becoming difficult to handle a few aspects of his life.
He won't eat lunches at school anymore, …
I have a 4 1/2 year old boy who gets upset if someone is to loud in a quiet place, doesn't like going to the movies, or loud places,. He even has a hard …
My nephew Gags when he touches a new texture he is not familiar with. He suffers from Jacob Syndrome as well. Is it possible he can suffer from SPD?
my granddaughter has this disorder. she is now 3yrs old . she still drinks out of a bottle. how do i get her to drink out of a sippy cup or
So my daughter is three an as shes lying in bed she will twitch really fast an then pick her up really quick an she has noo control at all .. Lastnight …
Hi, My daughter is 5 years old and she has some clothing issues since she was 3 years old. At that time we thought it would go away with age but it didn't. …
My son displays unusual characteristics of many different disorders, but not enough of any one of them to have a definitive diagnoses for his odd behaviors. …
Hello one and all, thank you to the creator of this site. I have a 5 year old son, and since I can remember we knew something was not as it should be. …
I have a problem with swallowing when eating drinking and just swallowing my saliva. I am depressed and have anxiety, but I'm just concerned is it all …
I have a 13 yr.old son who has never been diagnosed with SPD . His symptoms describe SPD very well. He has had difficulty in school early on.
I am …
I have a 4 and a half yr old daughter who is developing both physically & mentally perfect but is constantly rocking. No matter where she is on a chair …
Hi, my 2.5 year old is showing many of the symptoms of SPD and we have had her in therapy for speech, OT and PT for most of her life. She's VERY tall for …
I have custody of my three year old grandson who we thought had autism but because he is sociable he did not meet the criteria. but yet they still say …
My daughter was diagnosed with SPD when she was 3. She recently turned 9 and has not grown out of her baby voice. She constantly talks in a voice younger …
I need help on my school assessment on SPD can you help me ASAP?
Can you please briefly describe the implications on development with a student who …
My son, age 11, has been diagnoised with SPD. He is failing in school because he doesn't remember or isn't willing, not sure, to turn in his
homework. …
My son is also 6 years old and has many of the things on the checklist; constant motion, will only eat specific food textures, can't stand tags on his …
My son has always been behind in maturing. Now that he is age 20, it has become more apparent. This is not addressed in these articles. At this age, will …
My daughter is severely autistic and has massive sensory issues with being touched. She moves about almost like she is drunk, stumbling into things. She …
I've known from early in that my twin boys were difficult and different. They are also creative, energetic, wonderful boys. They've been diagnosed with …
This is a difficult subject for me to describe due to the fact my cousin lives 400miles away from myself. However I am a nurse and my cousins condition …
How do I know if my child's anxiety of noise and other children screaming or crying is typical toddler worries or more than that? Not sure where to turn. …
My adult daughter was diagnosed with Meares Irlen at age 16 and as she has got older seems to have all the symptoms of SPD too. Is there a connection …
Does anyone else's child have horrible anxiety when the primary caregiver leaves? Or is this not correlated?
My spd child loves nursery he's 2 years old and I feel like they think I'm lying when I tell them how he is, does anyone else have this problem?
My 3 year old always sucked her thumb even at birth, at first I thought it was cute but then she started getting a over bite & now not only is she putting …
What is the prognosis for toddler's with SPD as they grow older?
Hi there, found this website in my efforts to get guidance on my son and his pacifier use. He is 3 years, 7 months old. Active, jumping since he could …
Please could you tell me what if any difference is there between sensory processing disorder and sensory intergration disorder.
I've been googling, but I haven't been able to find anything about this specific thing.
I can't stand the feeling of my own skin. My legs, arms, and …
My son is completely traumatized when bathed, and he has been diagnose with sensory processing disorder, are the two related?
My son is 3 and 1/2 year old. He imitates us well in speech, exactly same tone, same expression but lacks reasonable use of language in expression. he …
Hi. My 3 yr old lil boy has SPD and has been accepted to start a public preschool where he will get to work with a OT and speech therapist while there. …
My 4 year old has just been evaluated by our district. The Occupational therapist, Speech therapist, psychologist, and I all agree he definitely has SPD. …
Are there any Chicago parents that are happy with their school choice? Anyone able to share the good, the bad or the ugly regarding chicago public …
What would make my 6 year old boy write with a pen he snuck out of the kitchen drawer , all over everything in his bedroom
10-year-old girl refuses to wash her hands because she "doesn't like the feeling of soap." Mother has tried many different types of soap, wash cloths, …
My spd kid feels relaxed after watching tv.
is S.P.D Hereditary . I have some family who have S.P.D. I have granddaughter with S.P.D.
I am an intervention specialist of children with multiple disabilities. I have one student (age 7, almost 8) who REFUSES to wear shoes. She hasn't been …
I'm an OT in the public school and started the Brushing Protocol with a student with Autism. After a week he appeared to develop a stomach virus so we …
I'm always holding things,sometimes more than one thing. And not realizing I'm holding them.
Ever since I was little its like I can feel any hair whatsoever in my clothes am I the only one?
Would you have any other ideas to help a toddler, 2 1/2 yrs old, who constantly mouths objects, bites and scratches. She goes to bedroom and bites on …
My 5 year old DD has been receiving speech services since around 18 months and went to full day preschool for speech at age 3 then classic full day preschool …
My son is 10 years old. Lately he's been having trouble pronouncing certain words. I notice that the s sound is often an sh and vice versa. For example …
This is not a story. It is a question. Why are teachers listed as caretakers rather than professionals?
My grandson refuses to wear socks. He says they make his toes twinkle. We have tried no seam socks, polyester, turning them inside out, etc. He lives …
My 10 year old daughter refuses to wet her hands...Will not was them, shower herself or swim... I have to shower hers she keeps her hands above her head.. …
My son seems to have many of the symptoms, but some contradict each other. For example, he is fearful of heights and unexpected movements, but he is constantly …
My son is 4 1/2 years old. He has severe global Apraxia as well as SPD. We have always been able to figure out what he has been seeking with the help of …
My grandson might have SPD. I have noticed these symptoms
1. he is constantly jumping.
2. he is a very picky eater
3. he has tantrums and hits …
Hi My friend's little boy has just turned 2. He was delivered by c section 2 weeks early as he wasn't growing. Was 5lb when born. He only eats certain …
Judgmental family and friends are talking behind our backs, saying that all of my son's eating resistance was caused by our decision to delay introductions …
My nearly 4 yr old boy keeps putting hair in his mouth, doesn't matter where he gets it from weather it be off the floor, hair brush or he has been known …
5 year old daughter has been in OT for 10 weeks. We saw fast improvement in clothing, socks, underwear wearing with no tantrums. Until recently. She's …
Can a child be screened at school?
I have a 5yo adopted daughter (bological granddaughter) that I started raising at age 8 mos. History of prenatal hard drug use, Interuterin Growth Restriction, …
My 6 year old grandson is very bright. He was diagnosed with SPD. He does not write except for scribbles. He has been in therapy for 3 years. Does anyone …
Basically when I touch certain materials like velcro, the material used to make hi-vis vests, velvet, or any of the material on those touch and feel kids …
My 4 year old daughter has been diagnosed with SPD, and the diagnosis seems to really fit well. The biggest thing that concerns me is that she has major …
Is SPD considered a Developmental Disability like Autism is?
My 7 year old son who is a preterm by birth ans was born on the 25th week..When he started going to kindergarten i am getting complaints from the teacher …
I have a meeting at my daughter's school next week with her teacher and the OT. I want to request OT services for her. She is 8. She was diagnosed with …
Hello out there, well I've been having trouble figuring out just what it is that my daughter is going through. She almost stopped making developmental …
I have a 3yr old who gets up in the middle of the night. i tried putting her to bed early she gets up around midnight to 1 am . I tried putting her to …
My 22 year old daughter has several of the symptoms listed. We've had a hard time understanding what she is experiencing and she was finally able to give …
My daughter has just been diagnosed with SPD. She is a SENSORY SEEKER and always on the go! What are some ideas of the best calming home environment for …
I have noticed that my 4 yr old grandson bumps his head a lot. Walls. Doors. Table etc to me he is hitting these extremely hard.... his immediate response …
I am having some trouble understanding oral sensory processing disorder is more than just a control/mental/emotional issues related to food. Or, somehow …
My son is 6yrs old and in kindergarten. He has an IEP that was written last spring after his preschool to set-up for his kindergarten year. We have had …
My 3yr. Old just recently started licking his fingers then rubs his eyebrow and sometimes his ear. Can u help me understand this and if I need to be worried …
For so many years I just chalked things up to her being a difficult child. But now I realize that she probably has SPD. So many light bulbs are going off …
My granddaughter laughs In appropriately in all sorts of situations, she doesn't eat and may be hospitalized, she answers most questions with whatever …
My daughter is 13 and has Downs syndrome and has always talked to herself playfully. Over the past couple months it has gotten to the point where she constantly …
Our 6 yr old started Kindergarten this fall and he clearly has SPD issues. We let the school and teacher know up front and his teacher has been a saint …
Could SPD be caused physiologically by a drug addict father who used cocaine at pre conception?
I have a 12 year old healthy, normal son currently in 7th grade. He was an "A" student up till the start of his 6th grade year when his grades started …
I have a 15-year-old daughter who has engaged in repetitive skipping up and down in our house throughout her life.
It only really became a problem …
My son is only fourteen months old, but he has had some behavior that has concerned me for awhile. Getting him to eat new textures is one thing that has …
Hi, we have a 3 year old girl with obvious developmental delays. She continually takes off her clothes at nap time. It doesn't matter what kind of clothes. …
My daughter is 5 and I have increasing concerns about her behavior. She has always been sensitive to touch (labels, scratchy fabrics, clothes that are …
Is there such thing as sensory overload to the point that the child literally falls asleep (crashes) because there body is exhausted from trying to process …
My son has suddenly started to move his fingers and toes constantly .He does this when he is reading or when he is doing his homework. When he is watching …
My daughter is 11 she doesnt love being in a crowd. Gets easily distracted, finds it hard to stay organized. She gets frustrated with other kids that bounce …
Hi everyone hope u can help my son licks dribbles won't let us cut nails he's hair or brush his teeth does nt sleep we'll if he's hands r sticky it's the …
I have an 18 year old son who is not ready to get his drivers license. He took drivers ed in high school and passed but never wanted to get his drivers …
Hi my 4 year old constantly asks if his teeth are falling out. He also asks if his finger nails are falling off and if his eyes are falling out. He also …
It has been a MONTH since this started. My daughter can not wear clothes or sit in her car seat. She's 4 1/2 and normally LOVES clothes and putting on …
does my child have sensory issues or autism? he is going to the Doctors this week and I am going to ask for a referral to a neurologist. should I be concerned? …
My 8 year old grandson of 8 years has Aspergers. He is high functioning. Why does he keep touching the floor , the road , the car . In fact he touches …
Hi all. My dd has SPD and one of the symptoms I have noticed is she does not (or can not) listen. Most of the time it is like she can't hear us at all. …
My daughters behaviour has got worse she had two fits last year so I have been a bit soft with her when I tell her no she has a tantrum and starts lashing …
My son is 10 years old and starting middle school. We have really been struggling with him with his SPD. He was diagnosed in 1st grade with SPD issues …
13 year old girl that pee's on the floor and on clothes, steels food from stores and food from the house, pulls her hair out, lost tons of weight, she …
Why does my son 4 year old shakes his head. It happened before bout 4 months ago and now he doing it again. When I first notice it about four months ago …
Hello all. My DD had her 5 year check up today. The doctor seems to think that she needs to lose the pacifier. I explained to her about my concern with …
Hello All! I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a supplement to help with mood, anger, etc. Also, if anyone has had any experience with …
October 2013 my son had just turned 12 when this behavior started. He already has challenges such as developmental delay. he has cerbral palsy but mild. …
Why does my daughter constantly talks to herself, sometimes she sounds like she is growling, she rocks back and forth whole sitting down and she cant seem …
Hi there my oldest daughter has SPD and our OT has recommended the Listening Programme for her. Our OT says she has seen some of her clients go from concentration …
My granddaughter always wants her hair up in a ponytail with nothing hanging if it is we put bobby pins to keep it up or when she is at home she keeps …
This boy I know is 7 years old and still sucks on his fingers. He also pees in bed every night.
is the two related? Does he pee in bed because of sucking …
My son is 3.5 Years old but he can not walk at all please provide suggestions in this regards. Thanks
is that a big problem,that as a mother i must worry about?
I am an RN. My 7yo son, IQ 165, is being pigeon holed at school for possible ADD/ADHD because he chews constantly on EVERYTHING and has impulsivity issues. …
My daughter is entering grade 4. She only wears huge oversized cotton dresses, loose cotton bike shorts or leggings and loose shirts if the seams are not …
Is this normal Behaviour when your child wants to stroke the parents arm before going to sleep? And has to suck his thumb? Five and a half years old now. …
My daughter has sensory processing disorder and anxiety. She struggles most with tactile defensiveness. clothes, socks, pants, hair washing etc. She …
I am a 71 year old grandmother who always have to scold my 13 year old grandson and teach him a better way of avoiding conflict with his 11 year old brother. …
I know a one year old who bites her mother, my sister, and me her aunt. she also chews and bites random objects. when we say awwww she laughs and bites …
I am looking for a therapist but the links seen to take me to sites that are for the actual therapist or potential students not actual patients what am …
I have a grandson who has been diagnosed with SPD. he will be turning 4 soon and I'm wondering if how important it is for him to be socialising with his …
Hello all, I have a 2.5 year old boy with some behaviors that I think are worthy of an evaluation. Please let me know what you thing or if you have advice …
My son is going to be 12 in September and I am beyond sick of being he will grow out of his issues or eat when he's hungry. I can only get him to willingly …
Costant lip and finger biting, fidgets with fingers non stop, anti social, tantrums, hardly plays with toys, loves spinning, tip toes, pica (everything …
My 7 year old daughter will not go to bed at night without making sure her toenails are completely smooth, she can't handle them scratching on …
My 9 year old grandson has Nystagmus. Over the past six months he gets very tired and irritable early evening and cross. Nearly every morning before …
My son is 7 and his brother has SPD, how do I explain this to him without labeling his little brother who's 3?
My daughter will be 7 in July and she still wears a pull up every day. She pees while she is awake and doesn't realize she is doing it. She has recently …
My sons been going to a sensory Ot once a week for about a month. We've been working with him at home too. He has motor delays . He has been so sensory …
My 9 year old son is extremely sensitive to loud music and loud voices and noises. It impacts him socially. He is red headed also if that makes any difference. …
Can SPD symptoms come and go in children?
Does eating rocks fit into Sensory Processing disorder or is it an extreme and more of a PICA issue or a compuslive type issue?
How is SPD different from someone who is OCD?
my daughter is currently being referred to an ot, but was wondering if the inability to share beyond your normal 6 year old ability, is an spd thing. many …
My son is autistic and 5 about to enter kindergarten. I am positive he has this. What is recommended for a little one with this? It effects his learning …
Hi there,
I am a mom of a young child with SPD. I am also a senior at Washington State University. My senior project is on SPD and the effects families …
I think I posted this in the wrong place earlier.
I have 10 year old daughter who had been diagnosed with ADHD and Bipolar and is on meds for this...she …
My 5 year old granddaughter with aggressive sensory issues is physically abusive to her 18 month old brother. For example she shut her door, pushed him …
I have a 17 year old son, who fits a lot of this.
I don't believe he is problematic but if I could help make his life better, especially in the way of …
I'm confused as to why my 10 year old daughter is spitting on peoples floor when no one is watching her? She has mild cerebral paulsey and a learning issue …
My 2 1/2 year old daughter screams uncontrollably and gets very upset .... Screams n shouts loud when strangers greet her or say hello ..... Is it normal …
My daughter of two and a half hates sleep! Until one year she never went to sleep before midnight.
We now bring her to bed at half eight and she falls …
My 13 year old daughter has several delays, and SPD. It is literally war to get her to shower. She screams and hits and kicks me and throws things. I have …
Hi Everyone,
My 19 month old daughter has been in early intervention since 13 months old for a communication delay. She was recently diagnosed with …
My child's doctor suggested that my daughter may have sensory disorder. In doing research I found your checklist; however, I am finding that my daughter …
My daughter occasionally has said to me and her teacher that she hears a siren going off in her ears. Like a ringing or buzzing sometimes then goes away. …
My 11 year has had sensory issues from being a baby and I struggled so much with him. Here are some of the problems we have had: Problems with him not …
In the last month or so, my 3 year old has been displaying some new and unusual behavior. He is frequently putting his fingers in his mouth, running his …
3 mo. old granddaughters right ear is smaller than left, also her right eye has something different than the right? what may have caused this and is …
I believe that my 8yr old son may have a form of spd.
He has always had a problem with wearing socks (almost brought to tears because the seems irritate …
my son who's 3 1/2 was diagnosed with SPD and "developmental"/high functioning asberger's and he often gets aggressive with his younger sister who is 20 …
I would like to know if any one has found out how to stop a 7 year old girl from pulling any more or her permanent teeth out. My granddaughter has pulled …
My child is scared of putting face in water and I really need him to learn this - for safety- how do I help his teacher help him? How do I help him - this …
What effect does Dysautonomia have on a child with Sensory Processing Disorder?
Drew gets multiple services for his needs and we have wonderful support, but we need help with his current problems and can't seem to find it..He is inconsolable …
My 2yr old diagnosed PDD & SPD still wants to breast feed.
My 4 yr old takes everything in to her mouth. She also can't seem to resist to touch things. She can get hurt and don't complain about it, unless she sees …
My son has sensory processing issues and we are struggling about what to do with him for kindergarten. We are leaning towards a private school that is …
My daughter fits all of the criteria for SPD on the site and on others we have checked. She also has some related issues. For this reason, we are considering …
Hi everyone I'm a mother to 7yr old boy. My son is most intelligent affectionate well mannered you will ever meet. Shy quiet, book worm, so kind and I …
So excited to have found this page! We are frustrated and at a loss of how to help my little guy manage his movements. He is almost 7 and has been rocking/hitting …
I am an adult with SPD (personally diagnosed, when I went to all of these websites and said, 'aha!' that is what I have! It was like the hallelujah choir …
For a couple of years now, my son's teachers have "encouraged" me to get him classified for ADHD, because of his high energy. His pediatrician and I are …
My grandson hates when anything gets wet and touches him, example little bit of residue pee on his underwear, wet on his shirt sleeve, snow on his jeans …
My daughters name is Peyton and she is 31 months old. She has SPD and is in therapy now. Her mother and I are not together. My question is Can …
I live in a block of flats (or, apartments).
Above me, are some people (who, I assume live together) who do the above-mentioned. They say things like …
My oldest is 6 yrs old. At 3 months we noticed that she would roll her wrists, stare and hold her breath when looking at things that excited her. She was …
I have three children. My youngest who is 8 has Sensory Processing disorder diagnosed at 4. She gets very overwhelmed easily and has a phobia of germs. …
Hi, my son (4) hasn't been officially diagnosed as yet but is presenting with symptoms of spd and his physiotherapist believes he has sp issues. Anyway, …
My daughter's head measured large at her twelve month visit. Whenever something surprises her or if it is slightly loud she covers her ears. She bites …
She is doing excellent academically and she is 'friendly' at school. All of her teachers say what a pleasure she is. She plays the sax and likes to draw. …
Can a person with SPD recognize and control their behaviors on their own volition without having had treatment?
Does a person with SPD know they have …
What is Therapeutic Listening, and how does a child with SPD benefit from using it?
I want to start using Therapeutic listening program with an Autistic child who's primary language is spanish. Do you have information in spanish that I …
Can sensory Processing disorder symptoms normally get worst with age or could something else be causing the worsening symptoms?
I was force to self …
Can my daughter seem to crave stimulation and get overly stimulated? Is running around and running away a sign of being overly stimulated?
My 11 year old son who is purely SPD (no Autism, no ADHD, nor Aspergers) and is a excellent student. He is struggling with the required keyboarding class. …
My 7 y/o daughter has high functioning autism. Her 5 y/o sister used to copy her behaviors when she was little, but then slowly outgrew it. Now I'm not …
I have found that I am allergic to most body soaps and laundry detergents. What soaps and detergents can be used? Thanks,
OK. Here is my question. I have a 5 y/o son who has developed a periodic behavior of urinating on others. First this started on the floor or carpets …
My 20 months old barely has 8-10 words,recently started walking on tippy toes occasionally,grinding his teeth while awake,restless while sleeping,keeps …
my toddler is chewing up her food and spitting it out. i know this is a sensory issue. But is she getting the nutrients from the food? and what should …
My 18 month old searches for and chews and eats animal and human hair. Why and what can I do?
My son is 6, he has GDD, CAPD and Hypotonia, I know there isn't a cure. How low would he need therapy, would it be life long and is there a possiblity …
What can other family members do, such as Grandparents (long-distance!)to help the child as well as be supportive of the parents?
My daughter only has issues with clothing none of the other signs of SPD
My daughter is 7 years old and has been diagnosed with SPD. While there are a number of issues arising (as you are all aware) the one I am writing about …
My 7 yr old show signs of "being a rugged individualist" and has a number of symptoms listed for SPD. I am looking to find a knowledgeable physician to …
My son is 9 and newly diagnosed with SPD. This year he's off to day camp away from us. I asked his Therpist if a medical ID band would be a good idea. …
Long story short, My 5 1/2 year old son peed on my tile & carpet yesterday. He's been potty trained for 2 1/2 years now and has never had even a accident. …
My son is 6 months old. I've recently noticed he will cover his ears when he's afraid. It's often after hearing a loud noise, which scares him, but I've …
I'm 21 years old and I've had SPD and autism all my life. There is one problem I can't seem to find a solution for. Part of the issue is that I am overly …
My grandaughter is 8. She says her clothes hurt her no matter What they r. She can't wait to get home to put on comfy pajamas. Can u help me figure this …
My son is 3 yr old, he has SPD, hypotonia and a rare genetic disorder. He does have a vocabulary but doesn't speak a word just babbles 'ba,pa' and lots …
My 9 yr old boy has always startled easily. You can just walk in the room and he screeches! I thought it was really odd how easily he startles, you can …
My almost 4 year old seems to have some of the symptoms of SPD. They don't cause a major disturbance in her daily functioning or our daily routines however, …
Please help... I come from psychology background and a red flag went up in my heart the first time I saw my four year old daughter smile while we were …
When any type of material rubs against my skin, my hands and feet start to burn and sweat and begin to get a "deep" pain through out my body. Its been …
Every time I'm in sight of our 12year old grandson,who has brain damage from anoxia at birth,he hits himself hard in the forehead with disgust. It started …
I work in a pre-K special education classroom with children who have been diagnosed with autism. Several children chew through chewy tubes within minutes. …
The psychiatrist thinks I have ADD, but one of my big problems is with the lights. I cant focus under certain lights, it jumbles my mind and also makes …
I work with a 2nd grade boy who demonstrates a sensitivity to certain words (strong) pictures of feet in books, sandwiches. He says that they make his …
Can people with spd learn to drive safely? My daughter desperately wants to learn. She has passed her written permit test, but when it comes to driving …
I would like to know from other OTs their approach to shortened duration verses long duration PRN. Also, small excursion beats verses large/wide excursion …
My 5 year old daughter is a twin but has mild autism, sensory neural deafness, global development delay and sensory intergration issues. However her appetite …
How do I get my 12 year old son to calm himself when he is over stimulated and gets fearful? I never know what will set him off. It could be the weather, …
thank you for you help .My 15 yr. old autistic son is beginging to loose o.t. services out side of school.he has s.p.d. and need help with self help skills …
i have a connection with music, it speaks to me, I love to sing and whenever a song comes on the radio that I've heard, I can tell the people around me, …
My husband, me and our youngest son (11 years old) did have the long road to this website tonight and yes I am in tears because this is the first …
My son has had some issues his whole life. He never ate as a baby no baby food. He still has issues he will only eat crunchy foods. he was picking the …
Hi, my husband and I have noticed our son seems to run from side to side, making him awkward and slow. This is likely a motor planning issue (he has Apraxia). …
My school OT told me that sensory integration belongs to OT, it's out of the scope of PT practice. Is that true?
My son is on the light spectron of SPD and not coalfield for treatment, any tips and suggestions about starting treatment at home?
Thank you,
Sharon …
My son is 5, and was diagnosed a couple months ago with SPD. He had his profile done, but we're still waiting to start OT, and to get the results from …
I am a pediatric occupational therapist. I currently work with a 27-month-old boy who has sensory issues like oversensitive to vestibular inputs and tactile …
I am looking for suggestions for home activities to suit sensory needs of older child (9).
Did you have a train center in your country? I am a Chinese teacher,teaching sensory in Shenzhen,Guangdong ,China,I want to study new teaching methods …
I am beginning to suspect that my 5-year-old might have mild SPD (I say mild because she exhibits very few characteristics, but the few she has are problematic). …
Hi Yall,
Ive been wanting a new Pediatrician for my daughter for while but after her being diagnosed with SPD and my concern about food allergies and …
I have 2 different students that I am working with both frequently make noises that disturb other students. We have tried gum/mints and that is not working …
My son got sick in July and since then is now using the bathroom on himself and his behaviors have gotten worse. He has already been diagnosed with SPD. …
My son was diagnosed in 2009 with spd. We were told that wrestling would not be good for him. My ex over wrestles to the point of bruises on his …
Ever since I was fours years old, I have been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder, where I have a hard time communicating with others and have been …
I have a 3 1/2 year old son. He had speech delay and is now talking up to level for the most part for his age. I recently took him into the developmental …
My 8 year old son was recently diagnosed with SPD. I have noticed that on certain occassions he has a hard time making friends. At school,it seems like …
Are there any other resources I should be looking at besides OT for my 8 year old daughter who has SPD? We started OT 1/week about 2 months ago and I …
My 5.5 year old daughter eats playdough at school & has done before at home until I stopped buying it. I have also found her with the salt container which …
What is the protocol for wearing a compression vest?
Who diagnoses SPD?
i have a 5 year old grandaughter who i believe has spd she has had symtoms for several years. her mother and father refuse to even consider getting her …
Is it good to constantly reinforce verbally to the child that he has SPD ?
my granddaughter's parents are divorced. she cries and doesn't want to visit her daddy. he has a live-in girlfriend. when she visits they claim she wakes …
I am looking for a good OT and Doctor/Psycholigist to help my 6 year old daughter with her sensory tactile issues. She has not been diagnosed but I am …
My son, who is 11, has this past year begun to experience repetitive disturbing thoughts that bother him a good bit. Mostly thoughts about causing himself …
Is it a law of some kind that says the parents of children with spd, are not entitled to copies of the forms that the teachers have filled out?
My daughter is almost 3 and her (new) pediatrician recommended OT and ST for her. While my daughter is bright, there have been a few concerning things …
My son is very smart, happy and loving... He can spell cat, dog, hat and read a few words...he points and can communicate and understands most …
My 3 year old boy child has been diagnosed with SPD, he is a picky eater, has speech problems, a bit of constipation, most of the time he is a "opositionist …
Not sure what is going on with this, we were told he would grow out of it...almost 14 - no movement or change. Health is becoming an issue, but he is beginning …
My 2 year old grandson refuses to wear short sleeves & shorts, no matter how hot it is. He even gets upset if we cuff the sleeve. He wears a winter type …
My 18 year old son has Aspergers. For the last four years he has constantly repeated sentences, phrases, entire conversations- verbatim. It's like …
Should a behavior be consistent throughout enviroments to be considered "sensory" or can it only occur in the home and still be considered "sensory".
How are primary care providers to bill and help patients with SPD get covered services?
My 4 year old daughter has shown many SPD characteristics since age 2. Most of them have dropped off as she has gotten older. However, there are still …
I have a 13 year old son who was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder when he entered 5th grade. He had extreme anxiety about being in school. He …
We've always noticed little things since my daughter was a toddler that were different. As an infant she constantly cried. Nothing made her happy and then …
My daughter is about to turn 3 and has been receiving speech, and special education therapy without a true diagnosis. As she is approaching "aging out" …
My son has recently developed a voice tic that has become worse in the last couple weeks. He has just been diagnosed with SPD a couple of days ago. He …
I have twin kindergarten girls who both suffer from SPD due to having spent 2 1/2 years in an Eastern European Orphanage. They have done amazing well …
My son is 5. Ever since he was about 2 he has never liked going upside down. It use to not be bad (I wouldn't do it all the time just every now and then …
My son is 2 years old and he rubs on ladies legs and backs. I think it started when I was just pregnant with his brother cause he would rub on my stomach …
We play frequently with a 4year old with SPD and my daughter is starting to recognize the differences between them as they interact. I want to encourage …
I have a son who is almost 5 years old (in 3 months). He had language problems and i took him to a specialist doctor (Developmental Pediatrician)at age …
Does having SPD affect a child's ability to talk about their feelings, or sort out their feeling's appropriately?
My 2 year old son is acting very cranky lately. He hates when I clean his face and he cries when I do so. He hates when his 10 month old sister squeeks. …
My daughter is 3 years old. She likes to pretend she is a dog. She often barks for an answer and if you question her further answers in a "puppy voice". …
My 7 yr old daughter has high anxiety with going to the pediatrician. At last year's appointment I asked for a prescription for a sensory evaluation at …
Hi from Australia. I was wondering where you might fit Meares-Irlen Syndrome into this framework? Also, do you know of remedial strategies to address visual …
My 3 year old has been assessed by Senco as 1.5 years or so behind in all major milestones but my main concern is her trembling through whole body not …
Okay so my 8 year old just got diagnosed with anxiety on top of already having ADHD but and a learning disability and he also always has problems sleeping. …
My son has spoken 8-9 words but doesnt use them often.
He is very emotional and understands what I am saying. He whinges at me to get what he wants. …
Our son has auditory processing weaknesses (hypo). He has empathy, humour, and is a strong reader, but he has a math LD. We got his vestibular sense up …
My concern is that she has a couple of episodes of flapping and moving her hands arms body movements getting very exited and sometimes she stares a the …
I am wondering if a child i know has SPD who is around 8 or 9. He shys away from loud noises and sudden sporadic movement. He only lets his mother touch …
My 3yr old son is OBSESSED with feeling my elbows and lips. He yells across the room for them 'ELBOW!!!'
He is overly affectionate with me, his mother …
My sixteen year old daughter has just announced that she will never have children because she cannot stand the sound of a baby's cry. It makes her furiously …
I have an almost 4 year old son w/ sensory processing issues. Had evaluations through school system and didn't qualify under ASD at this time but agreed …
I just started exploring SPD and I really thing that my almost 3yo son may have it and that is the root of his behavior and language problems. …
He has asked the entire family to come into his room and smell it. He will also ask them to smell his clothes in his closet. But today was it for me. He …
what is SPD and how is it diagnosed? i have a five year old and my friend is her teacher and he told me that Miranda begins to shake when she is holding …
My son is now 16 but when he was age 9 he was diagnosed with ADHD then at age 12 diagnosed with mild Tourettes Do. He has had his variety of tics but a …
We have recently moved to Australia from the UK. I have a 6 year old son with Sensory Integration Dysfunction. He has had a few green ant bites which …
How do I help a 2 1/2 year old with SPD stop biting his classmates? He often bites his nanny too. He doesn't seem to do it out of anger or malice at school. …
My 7 yr old son sticks his fingers in his mouth in order to make himself vomit. He is a non-verbal Autistic. He has done this off and on for years. He …
What is the difference between. a Sensory Processing disorder and Sensory Integration disorder? Is "SI" just a form of the processing? And are there other …
Is there anything wrong if an autistic child scripts the lines of his favorite show?
My daughter is 7 years old; she is diagnosed with childhood Apraxia developmental delay and PDD NOS. She does not eat food such as vegetables, fruits in …
My 3year old son is always touching his hair he as since he was 1 half, he never keeps still always jumping on things and cant sit down for more than 10 …
I've always been super sensitive to light, sounds etc. I can't stand LED, or the new, as I call them "evil" lights that are on cars, the blue looking ones. …
My son (age 10.5) who has been diagnosed with ADHD and learning disabilities, and definitely has some SPD issues too. While watching tv he pulls on his …
My little girl is 3.5 and lately when we need to transition from pjs to day clothes and back she gets very upset. Usually clothing textures don't …
my niece is 9 nearly 10 and is still counting the fingers on her hand to make 5 instead of knowing that there are 5 fingers there she can not do math either …
My brother , his wife and son have just went through loosing there home and belongings in a flood in September 2011. They are all experiencing post traumatic …
My cousin has been rocking and whining in his sleep and I'm just really concerned on what is going on with him.
My healthy 14 yr old daughter suffered a seizure yesterday while in the shower.She has never had a seizure before; but does complain of random "twiches" …
I am a fourteen year old girl. I went to physical therapy for many years in elementary and speech therapy as well. My parents and I had thought that it …
my son has SPD - sensory seeking. He also is adopted from russia and has attachment issues (very defiant,control issues) we are working on these with …
is it okay to wear braces while doing a sensory evaluation?
i was a victim of domestic violence during my pregnancy until my son was 3 weeks old i'm scared he was scared and therefore cant cope with stress the way …
My child is 4 years old he knows and verbalizes every thing in one word. he is learning to make 2 to 3 word sentences. he has excellent memory and acts …
My son Connor developed acute otis media at the age of three, we pursued surgery and accessed our early start programming and worked with various wonderful …
Hi- My son is 9. He has been diagnosed with ASD as well as sensory processing disorder. My question is the constant talking, constant need to move, shift, …
I was wondering if there are any specific treatments or therapy that a physiotherapist would do for someone with SPD compared to an occupational therapists …
Our 11 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with SPD (about 4 months ago). She was previously diagnosed with OCD (since about 8 years old). Is there …
My 3.5 year old son is very much confused when he goes to any new places and screams,puts himself on the floor,banging the table. If he rides cycle he …
My 2yr old hurt his right finger and keeps his fist clenched now. he won't open neither the right or left n screams when i try. is this something bigger? …
October is both 'National Sensory Awareness Month' and 'National Disability Awareness Month'. Many jobseekers with disAbilities are reluctant or incapable …
Is there anyway of knowing why I have SPD??
Hi. My son is 9 and has Sensory Processing Disorder and Language Delays. My question is his SPD seems to be getting more pronounced with age. We have tried …
I hope you have an answer for me....
My daughter has sensory processing disorder. She is starting to do well in school, not crying much anymore, is answering …
I am working with a child who screams-high,ear piercing scream-when he is excited. It is disturbing to the other children and teachers in the adjacent …
I have a teenage son beginning 11th grade who I have suspected from about the 3rd grade has had an undiagnosed learning problem of some sort. I am only …
My 90 year old husband has late-stage Alzheimers. He recently has begun picking at his clothing, blankets, etc. I think he is hallucinating and trying …
Thank you for your help - my daughter since she was born always chews on stuff, it seems to be stress related. she will chew on fabric, for a few minutes …
I have a 15 year old daughter who has always been "different". I did not know of this disorder until today, but she totally fits in with all of these kids. …
My son (twin sister) is 11years old. The were premature, so we had physical, OT, speech help early on. When he was about 2 1/2 yrs. He would nag his head …
What to do when my SPD 3rd old bangs her head on ground?
Her mood is unpredictable and leads to violent head banging episodes caused by anger, frustration, …
I am concerned about my seventeen month old son's behavior. I believe he is displaying signs of sensory processing disorder. Any feedback would be greatly …
My son is 8, going on 9, in the third grade. I only realized his "weird" behaviors were actually sensory disorder when I adopted my daughter and had her …
my son Brandon has Sensory processing and auditory sensory disorder and we have been attending therapy and taekwondo classes to get him to work on his …
I don't know how to put it without being angry but recently I have been noticing that no matter how close I am from my son, say in a class like taekwondo, …
This can be quite dangerous as she will cover her ears and just run off we nearly lost her in the crowds, she did this the other day when we went to the …
My daughter is 32 years old. She has a moderate to moderately severe hearing loss. She was diagnosed with her hearing loss at 15months old. I knew right …
My son is 17 years old and has Angelman Syndrome. I've often wondered if he has difficulty in sight perception as he has difficulty negotiating steps, …
My son is 2 yrs old he licks everything from toys to the floor and the walls and anything else.
I'm wondering whether this term, sensory seizure is applicable to sensory integration dysfunction. I came across it when researching into epilepsy on behalf …
My daughter was diagnosed with complex motor stereotypy when she was 3 - now almost 5. I am curious about the link between visual processing and stereotypy. …
I get nauseous every time I get into a dimply lit room or see a dark scene on tv. Is this S.P.D.?
My 7 year old son has been staring at the sun and bright lights non-stop during the course of the day. He has been experiencing various motor tics over …
My 3 year old son was recently diagnosed with SPD as the cause of his speech delays. We have been evaluated by an OT and a SPT and are waiting to get scheduled …
Can anybody tell me if you can claim either carers allowance or disability lining allowance for a child with SPD?
Just wondering if anyone has tried any of the above and was it helpful or not helpful. My OT mentioned a provider who does applied kinesiology and the …
Hi, My daughter is 13 years old. She had a stroke at 18 month and has been diagnosed with Language learning disorder and SPD. My daughter is constantly …
Every year, when we go into my daughter's 504 meeting for the upcoming school year, I'm able to walk in with tons of info on what to expect, what she'll …
A three year child likes vibratory input but will cry when it is removed. How long can it be used for and can the child habituate to it? Thank-you
My 10 year old son seems to have developed this overnight.
Is this a permanent disorder or can they outgrow this?
How common is it to suddenly develop …
I was tested for a learning disability in high school but I don't think they tested for this because I don't think they knew about it and I was 16 when …
Hi. My 3 year old autistic grandson has some sensory issues. He bangs his chin with his hand. He likes the feel of ot. He also bends books over backwards …
After reading the Out of Sync Child and doing several evaluations for my son I am 100% sure that SPD is what we have been dealing with since his birth. …
My son 10 picked up the spitting behavior the last 7 months. He spits all day. He is non verbal and PDD.
My almost 4 yr old son, became an aggressive kid the day he started school: he begun biting teachers and kids, getting tantrums, gets angry most day at …
Is the any literature/info out there on the effects of puberty on the child with SPD?
My son has spd and is highly intelligent. We need to find the "right fit" for his schooling (preschool). Are there any specific skill sets that we should …
im just wondering if it's likely that i could have both, or if it's just one of them.
i was told that i had adhd (predominantly inattentive) with dyslexia. …
My son was diagnosed with SID when he was four years old- he went through a year of occupational therapy. After that from Kindergarten - 3rd grade he was …
Is SPD Hereditary? I am positive my son has it, It's questionable about my daughter, and when I read more about it, specifically the adult SPD, I believe …
Should my child do heavy work activities after 6:00 at night?
so a few things about my daughter and you can weigh in on whether or not i am over reacting.
first, i have a son who just turned 6 that has mild spd...he …
Sensory Processing Disorder Conference: Sensory Integration Techniques for Home & School
Friday, Dec. 3, 2010, Faculty House, Columbia University, …
Hi, I have a student with ASD who mouths any hard object in the room and is constantly on the move. When she sits down for fine motor activities she will …
My 2 1/2 yr old daughter is constantly clenching her hold things like her cups to pick things up and just in's a big part of the …
Reading a story inKids In Motion,spring 8yr old brought this book home and there are many things so similar to what i have been dealing with ,ive …
Wondering if there is any connection between SPD and prolonged vomiting?
My daughter (12 yrs) has been vomiting every time she eats since June 3rd. …
My little girl is 4 when she was three she was told that she has some sensory seeking behaviors. We have been seeing an occupational therapist since October. …
My son is 12. He has autism. He doesn't talk much and he can be independent if he didn't have those burst of laughter. He is sensitive to sound, so when …
My son is 11 years old. He has epilepsy, CHF, heart defects, and severe allergies. As well, what we thought was mild autism spectrum disorder is SPD. We're …
Can anyone refer me to a professional in Cape Town, South Africa that specializes in SPD. Especially the fear of birds, dogs, cats, insects etc. She is …
After 7 years of frustration , i read this website and many things I have identified in my daughter. I know now what the diagnosis might be but how do …
What causes this disorder and can it be heredity?
I can check off many of the descriptions on the SPD checklist for adults-especially in the sensory modulation and social/emotional components of the disorder. …
How can I calm my son after a busy activity?
My son is 5yrs old. What are some activities that can improve visual input?
Hi, I have a 7 year old daughter who has extremely high sensory disorder. She is getting better with alot of issues, but the main issues is feeding. She …
Hi my daughter is 3.8 years old (3 years and 8 months). We are currently waiting for someone to see her because she is hard to understand - we understand …
My son twirls his pencils and won't begin an assignment until prompted many times. How can I curb this behavior?
Does anyone know of any doctors/OT or psychiatrist in the South central PA area I am willing to drive to DC/Philly/Baltimore area
Hi, I'm just wondering, is it possible that some of the annoyance that comes with SPD could be unconscious? What I mean is, I've always been very tense …
I am wondering how many school age children have SPD?
How many have it co-morbid with another dx such as ADHD or autism etc.?
Thanks very …
Our 13 year old son becomes very angry over small things and becomes violent towards things in his room and us. He is breaking and smashing things up.
After making the tactile defensiveness test, I realize I may have this condition. Since I was a little girl I would struggle with socks,shoes,long sleeved …
What strategies help children who are hyposensitive or sensory seekers?
What are the limitations to sensory integration?
Is semantic pragmatic disorder the same as sensory processing disorder ?
Is there a connection between SPD and Gluten in foods?
Is there any research available regarding the possible correlation between inner ear problems (frequent ear infections and ear drainage tubes) and SPD, …
My son is two and was recently prescribed a very small dose of Celexa for his SPD. It has really seemed to help. He seems much more open to things and …
My 12 year old daughter has been noticeably sensitive to noises that our family makes during a normal meal for example smacking lips, slurping, the sound …
My daughter Hannah will be 5 on Feb 21. I just got a letter from the school psychologist stating they want to test her for autism. There is a whole list …
My son, now 5, has so many symptoms of SPD. I have looked into many other "disorders" and such, but have found nothing that fits him except for SPD. However, …
Is Sensory Processing Disorder the same Sensory Perception Disorder?
I know a child who is diagnosed with sensory perception disorder and can't seem …
OK, my 5 year old son has SPD---I can clearly see it, and we are moving forward as best we can. However, I am truly starting to see signs of OCD. He …
I have an 8 year old niece that displayed a neurological concern using her hands when she was a small child--2-3-4. It was constant touching her hands …
My son is behind academically. I know it is because of his SPD and the unwillingness of his teachers to employ methods to assist him. Now I am taking …
Hello, i´m Calienni Valeria, student of therapy occupational of Argentina.
I need to know who is the author of concept "Sensoy processing Disorder". …
I have an 11 year old daughter who is an excellent swimmer. She has been sort of diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety and maybe something else. We are looking …
I would like to know how long it has on the brain if you smell a permanent maker? what does it do to the eyes? does it make your stomach upset ? My son …
My 7 mo old granddaughter seriously screams like someone is hurting her when anyone sets her down. She is not needing anything just refuses to be set down …
Our medical exam for Canadian visa was done last Dec 29, 2009. After waiting for 5 years for it Im so worried that we will be denied after the Doctor …
My 9 year old has choreoathetoid cerebral palsy. For as long as I can remember, he's complained of itching all over but mostly his hands, feet & neck. …
First of all thank you because of your site a few months ago j could understand the nature of the disorder of my daughters of 4 and 9 years and with difficult …
I have a 19 month old son with global developmental delay and minor Sensory Processing Disorder. He gets OT 2xs a week. I am wondering if, over time, he …
I have a 5 year old daughter who has been "hard" since birth. After reading this I wonder if she has SPD? How do I find out for sure or get diagnosed? …
My 4 year old daughter has been receiving OT, PT and ST since she was three month old. At that point, she was unable to nurse and lagged behind basic infant …
Would it be normal for someone with ADHD to have sensory problems as well? For example, I cannot use certain lotions or rubs because they feel too cold …
Hayden is 3.5 yrs, she gives me grief about socks I bought the seamless socks and even those aren't good enough, she hates all socks. Loves sandals and …
What is the frame of reference of sensory integration and how is it used by Jean Ayres?
Our son has Charge syndrome and with that comes SPD. One of are many concerns that we would like help with is, he has body temperature control issues. …
Anyone know of any good schools in Chester County, PA? We are looking to move and my son grade 3 has recently been diagnosed with SPD.
Thanks so …
Our son is almost 9 he was first diag. with SPD at the age 6 1/2, our son is "performing" at school and we work very hard for his education, however …
My son starts to chew on his clothes when the weather changes. We have noticed this pattern for 3 years. The chewing starts in the fall ( even with short …
I am a 9 yr breast cancer survivor. At 41 I was in menopause, because of the chemo that was given to me. I went thru years of suffering and thought I was …
How do I know if my son has SPD or another thing that includes SPD like Autism, and is it possible to have just SPD? Is there many reasons someone could …
My son has never liked to be tickled. He doesn't mind being touched. He doesn't like it when you poke him. It hurts him more than it should. He hugs us, …
My granddaughter learned to walk on her knees. She got around like this for months. She finally stood up next to a wall when she was 18 months old and …
My son is 7 yrs. old and recently diagnosed with SPD. We flew to Disney last year. He made the flight but was miserable. Now, he refuses to fly again. …
My son is going to 9 years old in this September. He is closing his mouth with his both hands with full energy and rubbing his teeth. He is a self talker …
My son Joey just turned 3 and has been in early interventions for OT, speech and social services. Lately any sound seems to set him off, even ones that …
My 5 year old daughter started early intervention because she walked on her knees until 19 months of age (at which point she walked - clumsily). After …
what does that mean... is that sensory integration or sensory processing or something different.
My son is newly diagnosed with SPD and is there a place to get him the help to lead a normal life? ---he is 17 years old
My 9 year old son was recently diagnosed with SPD. He has previously attended a private, traditional school with a pretty rigid environment.
I'm …
What is prognosis for children with SPD, can they grow up to be healthy thriving adults?
My daughter is 2 and half years old. She is development delayed. We have an impossible time trying to get her to eat anything, including milk. The problem …
I live in the Indianapolis area and I am looking for a primary physician that has some pretty good knowledge about SPD in the Franklin, Greenwood, or Indianapolis …
I know every child is an individual but with all the therapy and work put into the child to assist with SPD what kind of timeline is common for this disorder …
My four year old has been confirmed as SPD. He has been going to OT for several weeks now (3 times per week) and has recently been very whiney and fussy …
What are some ways to help my nine month old son overcome his cold?
For a child who has witnessed d/v most of his or her life, how do we decide whether his/her symptoms are SPD or d/v related?
My daughter is 10yrs old and she does "quirky" things could it be SPD?
-fists clenched all the time
-can't sit still
-always cracking hands and knuckles …
I live in Florida and am not a kid, but this has been the only thing I have read that describes me accurately.-When I was a kid... they called me "shy." …
Hello I found your website and thought you might be interested in adding a new resource to your list.
It's a podcast called "The Sensory Show". It's …
I need suggestions on how to get my 3 yr old son back in the bathtub. He was frightened after accidentally turning the shower on himself. Now he refuses …
My wife repeats a sentence over and over even after I have answered it she has been diagnosed with ADHD. What is SPD?
I have been recently sharing some summer camp ideas with my son. Specifically, I talked to him about a sensorimotor camp in my area, for kids with SPD. …
Thank you so much for such as good work that you are doing!.
I´m an Spanish mam, with a 4 year old kid with some of these senses problems. He has issue …
Can you explain if auditory processing disorder and expressive and/or receptive language issues are one and the same? How are they different (if they indeed …
My child can not stand to have his hands or fingers wet. He claims it makes his finger tips hurt. After washing/swimming he will keep his hands firmly …
Im from the u.k and been trying to get my son help with his eating since he was 2 he NEVER weened and is diet as always been VERY VERY LIMITED. …
I have an almost 7 year old who has always shown some symptoms of SPD but never to the extreme as some. Her teacher just sent home a pencil that she has …
I would like to know if eeg therapy will help a child with spd?
My Kids' school OTs have verbally asked to do either the sensory processing measure or the sensory profile school companion to gather more information …
Do you have any information on your site about emotional regulation? I noticed it is in a section on your checklist. How is it connected with Sensory …
I think my son might have SPD, or some form of it, or who knows... He is hitting all his milestones thus far, but when he is excited he gets REALLY excited. …
Any experience with children, this one is 12, with severe abdominal cramping possibly related to SPD
Has anyone done the Dynamic listening program based on Tomatis Therapy? I am looking into it for my son, specifically the center north of Boston. It sounds …
How is SPD related to the development of speech and language?
My son has mild SPD. Will he be able to lead a normal and independent life?
I just found this page tonight and feel so much better knowing I am not alone in all of this madness. Both my son, 5 and my daughter, 4 have been receiving …
We are leaving for 4 days, right before Christmas, to visit inlaws and attend a wedding. Now we all know how hard it is to travel with kids, but... I …
I have a two and a half year old daughter who has a very mild form of cerebral palsy. It seems that whenever she gets a hair on her tongue or something …
My beautiful little boy"s MDO teacher provided me with The Out of Sync book and talked to me about SPD. That was a year ago. Since then I've …
I have a 4 year old girl (Brianna) she just started school this year and is in speech therapy. I had an appointment yesterday with her speech therapist …
What is treatment protocol for a child who is seeking visual stimuli with bright lights?
When my son was little he used to bang his head on the top of his playpen all the time, he had bruises for about a year on his forehead, my Aunt swore …
My daughter is severely autistic, has no speech and language, behavioral difficulties and needs constant watching in order to keep her safe and …
I was wondering if sensory disorder can be caused or brought on by some kind of trauma, such as a cleft palate repair?
Is there any kind of medical drug treatment for sensory processing disorder? I have just found out that my 8 year old daughter has this disorder. She …
My almost ten year old son has SPD. Recently, in the past year, he has vomiting and upset stomach for 12-18 hours after traveling more than 2 hours. …
My son is 20 and is currently going to Culinary school and is having trouble with his knife/cutting skills - is there anything that can help him?
For over 2 years I have took my daughter to every doctor I could find. Up until my child was 18 months old all of her developmental milestones were met. …
What on earth can I do about MY SPD issues? I have been diagnosed as depressed, anxious, and adult onset ADD due to hysterectomy. My Nurse Practitioner …
Does anyone have access to a Sensory park and if so, have you found this to be beneficial to your child?
My seven year old son has shown multiple symptoms that suggest SPD: however, we are living in Mexico, and no evaluation/diagnosis can be made here, as …
The shrill sound of the alarm is distressing to say the least. However, is there some type of behavior therapy or other therapy that can help a child …
I have an 8 year old daughter who has all kinds of problems, from balance issues to learning disabilities. We have gone through testing {CAP} last year …
I have a 3 year old child who is constantly putting his tongue to his palate - right behind his teeth - to provide himself with stimulation - I …
We are in the process of getting SPD diagnosed. Dd has an evaluation next week w/ an OT and starts developmental preschool in a few weeks as well. I …
As a center we are at our wits end trying to accommodate a child who after 4 month is our care is just starting therapy. I do not think the parent is fully …
When I take a shower or bath, I cannot stand the feeling of the skin wrinkling (osmosis) in my fingers. This occurs after about 2 minutes in the shower. …
I suspect my great nephew has tactile sensory processing disorder. I live in Western Massachusetts. Can you recommend someone or some place that can do …
I have always suspected that my middle daughter, age 11, has had some type of sensory processing disorder. When she was less than a week old, I noticed …
Are there in-service trainings for school districts available on SPD or workshops. We are located in NJ. Thank you.
Cheryl Martinez
732-492-3090 …
My daughter is 11 and has always had a problem with clothing. Not only do things not feel right, she can not tolerate necks of shirts that feel too large, …
I have a 12 year old daughter who received a diagnosis of SPD by a neuropsychologist this past summer. She has been receiving 1/2 hour of OT for six months. …
Anyone have any good ideas for some activites for summer and winter? So things we could do to encourage my son to explore, and some good play ideas. I …
Does anyone have any information on biofeedback for adults who have been majorly sensory defensive their whole life and on the end of exhaustion? I was …
I am curious to see if there is any correlation with SPD and bowel and bladder habits. Our 22 month old daughter has been assume-ably holding her bowel …
I believe my nephew has many of the symptoms of SPD. I have been investigating on my own. Your web-site is fabulous. We live on a lake and my nephew …
I have filled out a questionnaire and it was scored by my daughter's OT. He said that it shows I am on the low end of the registry for sensory input. I …
I adopted my foster son whose mom took meth for almost the whole time she was pregnant. In first grade the teacher suggested I have him be seen by a doctor …
Hello all SPD experts. I have found invaluable information from your website, and I first must say thank you. It has given me a wonderful start on my …
Is there a medical test that can look at my child’s brain and prove this diagnosis to me? I just had another baby, can he get this too? How do I prevent …
I had never heard of SPD until this evening when I was searching online for the 1,000th time trying to find something which might give me some answers. …
Early Intervention came to observe my daughter. They told me she is just "acting like a 2yr old". However, I believe there is more to it than that. What …
Hi, my first question is; can someone be both hyper and hypo something because my son has some check marks under both for certain areas. My son is having …
My 2 year old son has been diagnosed with SPD. We have been in thearpy through our local birth to three program (Early Childhood, Speech, and OT). His …
Hi I have a 4 year old boy with SPD (never heard of it before) and at the moment he is having deep pressure therapy once a week by his OT.
In September, …
Our son has been briefly (about an hour evaluation including a questionaire with parents) evaluated and was "scored" to have SPD by our Early Intervention …
Hi. Our school district denied anyone attending the Orlando National AOTA Conference last year because the web site stated that videos of the conference …
My Kindergarten age son is excessively touching at school. Transitions are the worst time (carpet to tables, tables to centers, going to and from water …
Hi, I have just finished reading "The Out Of Sync Child". I have an 8 year old who has been diagnosed as having ADD. The medication (Concerta) does seem …
Are there any resources out there for helping a parent with SPD deal with raising a child (or children) with SPD?
Thank you!
The SPD Help Line …
My son 3 1/2 has a real issue right now with impulse control. Hitting and pushing primarily. My husband and I are trying to help him with these issues. …
Our son has difficulties with sensory integration and is really responding well to therapy (amazing, really!), but the cost is so exorbitant and unlikely …
Our school has failed to provide the services agreed to in my son's IEP for four years now. We live in a rual area and the are just no services availiable. …
My child is an 8 year old twin girl who was diagnosed with SPD early in her life. She went to OT for several years and seemed greatly improved. However, …
My son was diagnosed at age four with SID. He was in occupational therapy until he was in first grade. He is now 11 years old and in sixth grade. He is …
I believe my five-year-old is hyposensitive. He's been given the developmental delay label, and he is in special-ed kindergarten, goes all day. He is …
I have recently noted an odd behavior pattern in my 3 year old son who has mild SPD. He had a expressive language/speech delay that is barely detectable …
My daughter is having great difficulty keeping focused in school. It is affecting her work tremendously. What exercises can we do to help with this? …
My child is 5 months old, and has been developing normally, she just began rolling over, has good control of her hands, and can focus on small objects. …
First, your website has been very helpful to us.
I have a 5'8" 13 yr. old son who was diagnosed with sensory integration issues at age 8. We …
Hi. We have recently met with our son's preschool teacher who believes he may be suffering from SPD. She has suggested we have
him evaluated and enroll …
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