Am I odd?

by Leslie

I have been experiencing tactile sensitivities for quite a while and it seems to be worsening.

After I get my hands wet, I am unable to touch anything dry. Once I have gotten out of the shower or pool I can not touch clothing, towels and most especially paper! If I put lotion on and wait for a while the sensitivity goes away.

Is this uncommon? I haven't seen anything discussed about this type of sensitivity. How do I deal with it?

Now it seems my daughter has also inherited some of my tactile issues as she does not like writing with pencil, touching paper and certain materials.

Please help!

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Nov 09, 2017
Me too!
by: Anonymous

OMG me too! I have no idea how old this thread is. But i have experienced this all my life. The longer my hands soak in water, the worse the sensitivity is.

My family has always thought I was nuts, but eventually just accepted that that's how my hands are. I've never heard of anyone else who's felt the same.

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