Bathroom troubles?

by Cara

My son is 5 1/2 and I'm pretty sure he has some sort of behavior/sensory issues going on. The hardest thing for us to figure out right now, is why he will NOT go to the bathroom until he's crying because he's about to go in his pants! The Dr put him on a stool softener to "regulate" him, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

He also lacks social cues such as personal space and listening when someone says "no". He's very excitable and 'in your face'. He will refuse to change his clothes. And on days when I manage to get him to, it takes nearly 20 minutes for him to get dressed.

He cannot stand to wear jeans, although I do make him sometimes and he walks like Frankenstein as if his legs can no longer bend.

I am at my wits end trying to figure out what all of this could be!!! Help! ☹

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