Can't get SPD child to wear headgear

by Deanna

My daughter is almost 14 and has had braces for just over a year, and we can not get her to wear her orthodontic headgear. She has TS and SPD. She hates her overbite, and I keep telling her if she doesn't wear her headgear her overbite isn't going to get better, but she still won't wear it. We have an older Ortho and he just doesn't get TS and SPD. When my daughter 1st got her braces she developed a tic where she would snap her teeth together, he tightened her braces even more then told me maybe she would stop doing it if it hurt more! I had to take her to the ER for pain pills she was in so much pain and the tic was so bad.

Anyway he won't give us any other options for the headgear, just keeps telling me to force her to wear it. Anyone out there have anything else that their orthos have tried for these kids?

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Nov 18, 2013
Wire it in?
by: Anonymous

you could ask the ortho to wire it in, so it cant be removed, i asked him my daughters ortho to do this and my daughter is much happier, she doesnt have to worry about it, its just there.

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