Confusing the days?

Can SPD kids get days confused? My nephew is sure that my mom picked him up from school and took to him to the doc which we did a few weeks ago but he says it was today.

Now my sister, his mom, who only has Facebook right now, is mad. But I would think teachers or people on bus would have contacted her or she could read it in his journal that she communicates with the teacher with.

Just wondering if this normal or not?

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May 02, 2019
Check with the school
by: MaryC

I've never heard of this issue before, but PLEASE, at the VERY least, have his school check their records. She should explain what her son said, say that she is concerned that it is either a safety issue that someone may have taken her child out of school, or he is possibly presenting with a new symptom and may need to bring it to a doctor's attention.

Because this is a STRONG safety issue (someone possible signing out her child without her permission), they can check the video in the school (at main entrance/hallway and in the school office or near his classrooms), they should have a sign-out book in their office if someone did sign him out.

Do some more investigating, and QUICKLY. Don't be afraid to ask. This NEEDS to be looked into first directly with the school before you start hypothosizing about possibilities. It could be nothing, but wouldn't you rather be 100% sure that your child is safe? You ladies are his only advocates, so do it right.

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