Daughter Wants Explanations
by Nicki
(Wexford, PA)
My daughter is very angry about having sensory problems. She doesn't understand why she has it. She feels she's the only one with this problem and I want to be able to answer her questions, give her an 8 year old's level of what sensory processing is. I can't seem to find any age appropriate definitions or explanations. Can someone please help me help her understand. Any advice on how to make her feel less isolated and confused would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thank You!
Hi Nicki,
I have three suggestions for you.
The first, please read my newsletter entitled
How To Explain SPD To Your Child. If you haven't already, this should help a lot.
Next, get your hands on a book written by Carol Kranowitz,specifically for 8-12 year olds, that helps them understand SPD...
The Goodenoughs Get In Sync
. EXCELLENT book for that age!!
Third, join the online support group
SID-DSI_AllAboutKids; there are over 1200 other patents in there; MANY of whom have struggled with this and can give you some additional advice.
Take good care and thanks for wanting to help her understand this... it is so important she know the why and how of SPD for her specifically, or self-esteem will suffer. Put a positive spin on it!! Your body is so good at... that it can... You are lucky because it means you can... The newsletter will help.
Let us know if these suggestions help!