Dr. Tony Attwood says of my case, "An ususal case of Asperger's".
by Allison M. Kramer
It is far too much to tell here. Please read my brief essays published as blogs @ my Wordpress page.
link: http://autisticaplanet.wordpress.com
Adult with diagnosed Asperger's Disorder. I stand out, because I seem "so normal and intelligent" until a dog barks or a baby begins to cry. Also on YouTube and CNN.com
Hey I'm Andrew a 14 years old teen. I have Autism but I got diagnosed at age 13. Now I'm waiting for the therapy. It's very obvious that I have SPD too
A 5 year old boy is always touching the girls hair in his kindergarten class,he twirls,rubs,and spells their hair even after being told it's inappropriate
2 yr old girl having bowel issues…stool gets backed Up. Been in hospital to get cleared out. On MiraLAX daily but still constipated. X-ray does not show