Finding an OT or Dr. in Tennessee
by Liz
(Murfreesboro, TN)
Help. I need to find an experienced pediatrician and OT in Nashville (Murfreesoboro), TN for kids with SPD. My son, 4, was diagnosed but to no credit of my Dr. I did the research and had him privately tested. I need to find a very experienced OT to not only help my child, but to work with me as well on suggestions, etc. Any suggestions?
The SPD Help Line Answers...Ah, you are in luck!!! I went to's website as they have the best SI Certified OT database I have yet to find. It is THE place to find a qualified OT. When I found Tennessee, I happened to see one in your actual town listed. I am in no way endorsing her, in particular (since I don't know her personally), but she is closest to you and has the qualifications you would be looking for. Here is her contact information:
Name: Debra E Williams
Address: 1146 Bayard Avenue
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Country: U.S.A.
Phone: (615) 848-0144
Fax: None
Certificate #: 1289 Certificate #: 2424
Also, make sure you read my newsletter entitled
Starting Sensory Integrative OT... What You Need To Know, as it will additionally help you!
Hope this helps. Let me know, ok?
Anyone else from this area know of a good Dr. or OT for dealing with SPD?? Let Liz know below! Thanks in advance.
Good luck.
Michele Mitchell