Formerly Pediasure Dependent

by Sara T
(Allentown PA)

I see many of you depend on pediasure...

My son, three in two weeks, is a picky eater, has no appetite and everyday is a struggle considering he borders on failure to thrive..
However I am here to share one thing with the rest of you: Pediasure (bottle of chemicals) can be easily substituted with carnation instant breakfast and whole organic milk. I use the one that adds DHA. Compare for yourselves!
My son increased his caloric intake since it actually tastes better & whole milk vs. skim milk powder is no contest!

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Mar 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Our pediatrician actually suggested the same thing. She said there is also more calcium in the carnation too because you are using milk to mix it. Its also considerably less expensive.

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