I really believe I have this, but no one believes me.

by Sierra

About half a year ago, my mom and aunt were talking about my cousin, because the doctor was talking about this kind of disorder, and my aunt showed my mom this website and realized me and my cousin both had a lot of the same, and different symptoms of this.

I looked into it myself and realized I had many more then what they could of ever thought, I have at least 59 of them. (Every thing listed- not just one headline.)

But yet, my mom, and my Grandparents don't believe me when I tell them about it, I'm starting to think they think I'm lying. (Really badly on a 'memory' problem. I have one, very badly, because I can't remember many things that happen five minutes from now.) And I've ran out of ways to prove it to them, and they doctor told my aunt that not many doctors believe in this- so they won't take me to one to see if I have it or not.

Anyone have some story similar to this?
Or, found a way to prove it to someone in your family?

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Jul 24, 2024
by: Drew

I feel the same as you. I have most symptoms and signs, I checked the infant, toddler, child and adult/adolescent list. I have many signs in most of them and I told my parents but they say "every child behaves that way", I honestly can't trust them, they think that I'm faking too and there are things that only I know, they attribute my symptoms to bad and defiant behaviour done purposefully.

My mother has narcissistic tendencies and my father neglects me so if I have to do an assessment for childhood signs ans behaviours I won't involve them. They took care of me only the 15% of my early childhood, then they got divorced and they thought my behaviour was bad because of that. I was with my paternal grandparents most of the time and my grandpa died and my grandma has very bad memory. I can recall many things and I even have school reports.

I was diagnosed with level 1 ASD (Asperger's) when I was 13, my parents tried to sabotage my assessment but the assessor validated better my memories and I got it. They didn't accept the diagnosis but now they are starting to accept it more. I can't tell them that I'm trans because they will say something like "you will outgrow, it's just a phase", "everyone feels like that", I highly dislike them, my father did many things for me but he emotionally neglects me, my mother puts down my emotions and says that I'm dramatic, at age 10-11 she started to emotionally abuse me and she stopped when I was 14 becuase I told my teachers and social services, then she started again and stopped again. At times she insults me and humiliates me, she also thinks she is better than everyone.

So yeah, I know how you feel, I also have Imposter's Syndrome because of my parents. My SPD affects my daily life in many ways, hope everything goes better for you and you get the support you need, I will be waiting until I'm adult for my help.

Nov 29, 2018
Be strong
by: Anonymous

I've recently found out that I am in fact an Aspie (Aspergers). However I had your same problem when I told my mum and both my best friends. They don't believe me because "you don't act like an Aspie" or "you don't look like an Aspie" and it hurts and the only advice I can give is to look into it yourself, get proof and take it to a psychologist.

Also if you are entirely convinced self diagnosis doesn't make you any less valid than those with a professional diagnosis. Trust your instincts

Oct 08, 2016
My problem.
by: Anonymedward

My problem is nobody believes me. I have a nebuliser for my asthma and when I use it I get worse. My breathing gets worse. Does anyone have this problem. Thanks

May 04, 2016
no one belives me 2
by: Anonymous


Apr 25, 2016
by: Anonymous

I am getting over my depression and lately have been have signs of memory lose and I don't know what it is and I tried to tell my mom and she doesn't believe me and thinks I'm lying and I was look ONG online...which Ik is a bad idea but a website said its a sign of bipolar which my doctor also thought was possible but my mom won't admit

Apr 08, 2015
Same here :/
by: Maddie

I know how you feel! My parents tell me that I've had some of these issues/symptoms of SPD but yet tell me I'm faking it it. I've been doing research on it for a few years now, I wrote them an essay and gave them a print out with the symptoms and I even checked off the symptoms I have.They threw it away and told me to stop acting. It's terrible, it's gotten to the point where I can barely get dressed without freaking out because of how my clothes and some of the fabric feel. It's super bothersome. I tried telling them so many times but they shut me down. I've given up on it at this point.

Feb 04, 2015
It's something a lot of us go through
by: Damascus

1st, I'd like to congratulate you on doing some research, and encourage you to do more of it.

2nd, collect evidence. Document situations in which the traits you wish to bring attention to are present. This is a way for you not only to offer some sort of proof, but to help you get to know yourself better.

3rd, remember that not all is lost. If everything seems hopeless and that nothing you do will ever work, rest assured perseverance will eventually yield results (it is statistically likely).

A diagnosis can be a great relief. As long as it isn't an excuse, it gives some insight into the causes of some problems in life.

Jan 18, 2015
Feel yo pain
by: Anonymous

I feel your pain I have a bad stomach condition but everyone just tells me it's because Im nervous even the doctor said that and he didn't even do any tests so I guess I'm stuck with some mystery stomach condition.

Jun 27, 2014
by: Anonymous

If you really believe you have autism/aspie,TELL your TEACHER,SCHOOL COUNSELOR .I was neglected on this issue til i was 47 years old!PARENTS WHO DO NOT GET HELP FOR CHILDREN WITH ASD IS MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE & CHILD ABUSE!My parents were told when i was 15 & they did nothing.They never did anymore than less than the bare minimum for me anyway.There will be a special place in HELL for sorry parents.Tell ANYBODY you think will listen that is in a place of authority.then let THEM deal with your parents.DO NOT LET IT GO!TELL CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES IF ALL ELSE FAILS!

Dec 11, 2012
Same Here
by: Frustrated Teen

Same here. I've known there was something abnormal about me for the longest, but could never figure out why. I went through so many episodes of frustration and exhibited alot of symptoms of High-functioning Autism or Asperger's Syndrome, yet my mom would not believe me. I think my brother thinks I'm a hypochondriac, when in reality, I just wanted to know what was wrong with me and why I can't seem to fit in.

Also, everyone's sure my little brother has it (along with ADHD), since it's obvious for him, yet my parents don't bother taking him to the doctor for a diagnosis. His symptoms are worse than mine, even though he is high-functioning, so I would think a parent would want to make sure their child receives the care and help he needs. I worry for him, because he used to get bullied and doesn't seem to have friends, although some kids do find him interesting. In elementary school, my mom had to switch his class once, because the teacher sat him alone, separating him from the rest of his peers, because the teacher cannot recognize the symptoms of a child who obviously has Autism and ADHD...I think a diagnosis would've helped, since some teachers wouldn't know.

Mar 21, 2012
going true the same
by: lil confused

trust me i know how hard it is. i am going true the exactly the same thing only way way worse. i am 15 and began suspecting possible adhd in late 14s. i never told my parents about it because i knew this would happen but when i finally gathered the courage, all they did was say that i am just using it as an excuse to explain my behavior and am plain lazy. my mum even called it a 'disease' and said that i am faking symptoms because i want to get diagnosed. my dad rang the school and they put me down even more by saying the exact same: i am using this as an excuse. and on top of that the matter got even worse.

i am about to get kicked out of my music school because they are unsatisfied with me (forgetting books, being late or missing lessons, being rude to teachers, blah) AND my parents have been called into my regular school because of my behavior and my constant forgetfulness and distractibility. and the funny thing is ? everyone is criticising me about this, my parents said that i behave like a rebelious boy! my teachers are really unhappy with me, my grades are down so much and i have a state exam at the end of this year, as for my friends ?? yeah i dont have any. well i mean i have 1 or 2, if i can even call them that because all they do is put me down.

i understand how you must feel and how frustrating it can be, when everyone around you is criticising you but nobody sees the big picture. keep on pushing, keep bugging them about it. somebody will have to help you, do not loose hope, even when it gets really tough. trust me, there are people out there going true much worse, so do not leave this, deal as quickly as you can. visit online support groups... talk to someone, and it will make you feel better. oh and SORRY i know this is very long

Mar 21, 2012
going true the same
by: person.

hey there, i am going true exactly the same thing...i think i might have adhd but absolutely nobody is listening. both my parents said i am using it as an excuse to get away with what i do. my mum even called it a dicease and said i am faking symptoms just so i get diagnosed. my dad rang the school, and talked to them but all of them said the same thing : i am trying to use it as an excuse. it is getting worse and worse every day. my parents were called into the school recently because of my bad behavior and forgetting books and stuff, and the teachers are going really mad at me. and of coarse i dont really have that many friends to share this with. i wish you the very best of luck, hang in there. i am trying the best i can but nobody is listening, not my so called friends, not my parents, not the school all im left with is hope. what you should do is keep on pushing your parents and doctors to help you. keep asking untill they will help you. that is what i am doing at the moment. if you leave it too long it can become a really big issue, in my case it already has, best of luck :)

Jun 01, 2011
book i read
by: Anonymous

"Disconnected KidsDisability Books)" by Dr. Melillo is a good book that allows you to test and begin treating yourself at home. What he describes, Functional Disconnection Syndrome, sounds very similar to SPD. He believes it is the cause of ADHD, Autism, Asperger's, dyslexia, and more. Some parents claim their children have made great improvements and some completely recover from Autism and Autism spectrum disorders.

Apr 03, 2011
hang in there
by: Anonymous

Hi. I am 34 and just going thru all the evaluations with my 5 year old son. some days it is like they are talking about me. sometimes i even get jealous of the assistance he will be getting. my mom (a nurse) just thought I was a pain about things. she had larger issues with one of my siblings that required more attention. Also no one talked about or thought about these things then without being labeled in a very negative fashion.

My feeling about what you wrote is that yes, you likely do have alot of the symptoms, but chances are you are able to manage them - even tho i am sure it is difficult for you - better than your cousin and that is why they aren't taking it seriously. If you are able to function even somewhat normally, people tend to not pay as much attention. That is my thought. Definitely talk to a counselor at your school. There are teams of professionals there that may be able to help you communicate your concerns with your parents and possibly even do an evaluation. Schools cant typically make a diagnosis tho.
Good luck!!!

Mar 14, 2011
I've been there!
by: s0ph1st

I had the same problem through much of my younger life. My father, who made the most noise (my biggest issue), was the last one to believe it was real. He assumed I was just hyper-controlling or very obsessive, not actually pained by tap-tap-tapping his silverware at dinner, trying to chomp chips during a conversation, etc. It got to the point where I just went to boarding school ("just" went -- it was a battle!) to avoid it, but I still had to come home to it.

Eventually, it got to a really bad point of trying to avoid this. It ended up becoming more and more visible how much these things affected me, until eventually no one could really deny that SOMETHING bigger was going on. It also helped a lot that my mother (who has some slight symptoms as well) sat down and talked to him about it all.

It sucks right now, I'm sure, but perseverance and honesty can go a long way, especially with the ones that matter most. I wish there were some way to better contact you -- even having someone to empathize (and complain to) helps a lot.
Keep your chin up -- you'll be ok!

Mar 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

I too had a lot of symptoms starting when I was about 11. I kept it hidden as no one knew about this disorder and I didn't know what was wrong with me. I too was told by my parents to stop worrying.. I'm not sure about your state but where I live you can get free counseling through the government and you may be able to access this. However if your family is in denial maybe talk to the school counselor? Yes as teens we go through a lot of hormonal changes and sometimes we read things and may believe that we have some symptoms about a disorder we read about; but in my case I am an adult now and because I was not helped at a young age I continue to have difficulty with the disorder If you have difficulty getting your point across you also might want to put it in words and give to your family. Or start a journal to keep track of your symptoms.
Hang in there.

Mar 09, 2011
Comment for No One Believes Me
by: Anonymous

Dear 13 year Old
Dont trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. The more you research the more you will find that everything fits your persona. I believe that if each one of us is evaluated, some shrink may find something wrong with each of us at some level.
My advise to you would be, enjoy life like a thirteen year old should. Leave the problems to mums and aunts and doctors.
I do believe you may have lapses of memory. If you do have a serious problem it will eventually begin to show and affect you.
On the other hand if the problem is there, its not that your mum does not believe you, she has a hard time absorbing it and may be in denial.Do you take multivitamins and eat wholesome food.

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