Is it possible to still have SPD into adulthood?

I am 25 years old and still struggle with hypersensitivity to clothing. It started at a very young age with socks, tags, seams, underwear, etc. It is now just pants and underwear and it seems to come and go but never go totally away. I have never been able to wear any kind of underwear and rarely been able to wear anything other than athletic apparel. I find that my main focus for the last few years have been pockets and it has gotten to the point where I have had to cut the pockets out of my pants and shorts to be able to wear them. Is this SPD or something else? Thanks.

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Sep 18, 2010
SPD into adulthood
by: Anonymous

Indeed SPD can/will last into adulthood. I've had it all my life and I'm now 52. Your tactile issues with clothes sure sounds like SPD. I'm definitely accustomed to "altering" my clothing to suit my needs.

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