Both of my twin girls have tantrumed but it has likely been for different reasons. One was hyper responsive and the other hypo. They are now 8 and doing very well.
OT, listening therapy and recognizing when they were getting out of sync has helped enormously. Also, for one, who is not a big eater, paying attention to her food intake has helped. In our case, some yoga, resistance, a quick jump on the trampoline or a run around the block when I see that they are getting unregulated typically does the trick.
Also - likely not an issue for your son - but one of my daughter's had seriously compromised vision, which led her to be off balance, and have double vision frequently.
While I knew that she had strabismus, I did not get good information from a serious of pediatric ophthalmologists and didn't realize how much her vision was impacting her behavior until we addressed this area.
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation
I am a 29 year old single mother. I was born with sensory processing disorder. I am amazed their are other adults out there like me that are aware of this
Hi, i just want to share if anyone is experiencing the same. Since i was a kid i cannot sleep if i dont rub my feet on a rough texture fabric which i have