Is there an end to these frequent temper tantrums?

My son has SPD and since he was a baby he cried a lot and today he is seven years and half he has still temper tantrums?

I feel sometimes very desperate and don't know what to do.

Is there any end to this?

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Mar 16, 2012
Have been there
by: Liz

Both of my twin girls have tantrumed but it has likely been for different reasons. One was hyper responsive and the other hypo. They are now 8 and doing very well.

OT, listening therapy and recognizing when they were getting out of sync has helped enormously. Also, for one, who is not a big eater, paying attention to her food intake has helped. In our case, some yoga, resistance, a quick jump on the trampoline or a run around the block when I see that they are getting unregulated typically does the trick.

Also - likely not an issue for your son - but one of my daughter's had seriously compromised vision, which led her to be off balance, and have double vision frequently.

While I knew that she had strabismus, I did not get good information from a serious of pediatric ophthalmologists and didn't realize how much her vision was impacting her behavior until we addressed this area.

Good luck!

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