My son is 4 years old and have started to lick my hands, his father's hands and other people hands. I asked him why he is doing it and he tell me he do not know.
My 4 yr old grandson has started licking people on the arms or hands I tell him that's germy. I never thought that it was associated with his autism.He also does door banging and drawer slamming,screaming, yelping,jumping constant chatter .
Jan 24, 2017 Rating
hand licking by: Anonymous
Have you talked to anyone in the medical field about the possibility of Tourette Syndrome? My son has TS and although he doesn't exhibit this particular tic, there is someone in his support group that struggled with this tic. You can also search for TS online and see a list of tics to see if your child is experiencing other tics that aren't as noticeable (like eye blinking, throat clearing, etc.). I don't know if that might be the deal but just thought I'd mention it.
I really appreciated reading that sensory processing deficits can be inconsistent; meaning, present one day and not the next. That is absolutely my experience
When I was younger I remember having many sensory issues that went undetected or were seen as being a disrespectful child. Most of my symptoms have persisted