Hi, Does anybody know of a website that sells special shoes for kids with sensory problems and that are very tactile defensive? Thanks for your help! Michelle
Our 3yo boy loves seamless socks with saucony tennis shoes!
Mar 25, 2012 Rating
Soft, washable sneakers by: Anonymous
Try Tsukihoshi brand.
Mar 01, 2011 Rating
Pedipeds and Moccassins work for my DD by: Anonymous
My daughter will only wear soft sole shoes like Pedipeds, Robeez, and Moccasins. I look high and low for these shoes and deal with the fact that socks just aren't happening... yet!
Dec 28, 2010 Rating
looking for shoes by: kristie
My daughter is VERY tactile sensitive. Looking for shoes is a nightmare for her. She should be in a size 13 but will only accept a size 2. This way, she does not feel the shoe touching her toes. I have also heard that some tactile defensive children wear moccasins. Good luck.
Dec 23, 2010 Rating
looking for shoes by: Anonymous
Crocs were the only shoes I could get my daughter to wear starting at 4 years old. We've since moved on, but that's all she wore for 2 years.
Dec 22, 2010 Rating
I wear..... by: Anonymous
I tend to be very tactile defensive and usually wear crocs to work (they are nice and open and let the air come in). I wear sandals the rest of the time, unless it is super cold and I have to wear tennis shoes... HTH
I really appreciated reading that sensory processing deficits can be inconsistent; meaning, present one day and not the next. That is absolutely my experience
When I was younger I remember having many sensory issues that went undetected or were seen as being a disrespectful child. Most of my symptoms have persisted