My four year old daughter was just diagnosed NEED Help
by Melody
(Texas USA)
My 4 yr old was just dx with SPD. She also has other dx's the neurologist can't figure out. She had Early Childhood Intervention until she was 3 and now they have her in PPCD which is mainstreamed with Pre K. She still will not give up her pacifier, which the doctors told me not to worry about it, but I do.
She has also regressed back to wearing pull-ups. The first month of school she did good with wearing big girl panties, but after that she started having accidents. They were changing her 4-5 times a day. We just went back to pull-ups after that. Now she is really having behavior issues. She got a bad grade on here report card for behavior, and I'm really having a tough time at home. She just won't listen. She does things just to make me mad, like taking her chips throwing them on the floor and then stopping on them. She is talking back more than ever, and just being mean. Trying to hit me. She loves to spit, and I can't stand that.
I'm a single mother and also live with my 79 yr old mother just dx with Alzheimer's. I'm just really having a tough time and would appreciate any advice and help. We also drive 33 miles one way for pt and OT. we have been doing that for about a month. We live in a small town.
Thanks for any advice I can get. I just bought the book
The Out-of-Sync Child
, but haven't had time to start reading it yet.