My four year old son has SPD symptoms

by Carebear
(Sunny California)

I know he's only four, but the world seems to be a challenge to him. Thank-you for the information about proprioceptive dysfunction. Its hard for him to go down the bus-stairs...well they are steep. He always crashes into stuff and plays really rough with his siblings (and me). Its been helpful getting a computer and letting him play nursery games where he can use the mouse clicker and use his "fine motor skills".

He's been in speech therapy for a year now...but his verbal skills haven't improved much. He still basically uses about 1 to 2 words a day. His teacher opted to get him occupational therapy. So now we wait another year for the therapist to get back to us.

Anyways, I enjoyed reading the blog about the woman who is 48 who said she believes she has proprioceptive issues. It helps me to believe that my son can grow up and have a normal life and a family someday. It also helped me understand more of the muscle tenseness and pressure he may be feeling which I couldn't understand very well before....
Thanks for the honesty...

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