my son is 3 and a half years old diagnosed with SPD. He refuses potting on more than one layer (that includes coat or jacket) even in the coldest days. I don’t know what to do, and he just caught a cold. I will really appreciate any advice. Thanks!
My daughter is 7 and also hates jackets. This has been going on for years now, but we live in CA so it's usually mild out. I got her a heavy lined cape from lands end that she loves. It solves the uncomfortable tightness in the arms problem and she looks like little red ridding hood. Maybe you can find a batman cape? I think her main issue is with the double layering of clothes and the arms being too tight. I try to make sure all jackets have loose arms and are slick inside the arm so the shirt doesn't bunch up. Other than moving to a warmer climate there is not much else to do...
I really appreciated reading that sensory processing deficits can be inconsistent; meaning, present one day and not the next. That is absolutely my experience
When I was younger I remember having many sensory issues that went undetected or were seen as being a disrespectful child. Most of my symptoms have persisted