Our first camping trip

by Carol T.
(Sioux CIty, IA)

We recently took our kids (Son with SPD, age 4, and daughter, age 1) camping with some friends for the first time. Our friends have kids who are about the same ages as our kids.

Our friends' little boy was having a difficult time falling asleep in their tent. My son wasn't helping the situation by being noisy in our tent.

I went in to talk to my son. I told him he needed to be a good boy (and just to clarify, I never call him a bad boy) and be quiet....bad choice of words....

My son, still laying on his sleeping bag, began to shout over and over at the top of his lungs, "I don't want to be a good boy, I want to be a bad boy!"

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Aug 19, 2009
I understand, uuuuhhhhh........
by: kim

My son does the same thing!
I just went thought this a few days ago.........
Now.............,i could have just removed him from the situation, but i had my daughter with me, (who always has to suffer for these situations), (on a pretty regular basis), so...................

Everyone was staring at me, (im at the point that),(depending on the time of the month it is), I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT, he does have to be able to, LEARN....,how to control himself.

Yeah, its easier said than done, BUT, im starting to learn his language....

Ask him to explain "WHY" certain things bother him.I know............ , easier said than done, again, but, its AMAZING what you will learn.
Most importantly, ....GIVE HIM SOME SENSORY INPUT before YOU DO ANYTHING with him, that gives him any kind of distress normally, you know his trigger points!!!!!!!

When i dont have the time to spend giving my son the "appropriate sensory input" before anything that will create stress for him, I'M SCREWED AND SO IS HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've watched him and tried different sensory things, and....BABY I'M AMAZED!!!!!!!!!!!
Read everything you can on this issue,(SPD) and try to implement what you can,when you can, i promise, you will be amazed,

Good luck, and God bless you and your family, Kim

Aug 16, 2009
never, never, never
by: Anonymous

I never, never, never use "good boy, bad boy" with my five yr old. we talk about choices, decisions, and consequences. I am in the process of teaching him to "Play chess" with life. If I do or say this...this could happen. Goes something like this... "We need to play word chess. Your friends mom is trying to get your friend to sleep and your being loud is making it hard for her. You dont like it when people make things harder for you, right? okay, so the choice to continue to be loud is no longer an option right? But if you are completely quiet then you'll be bored. That cant be an option either. So lets check out what you can do quietly.

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