Possibly another sensory area?

by Stephanie
(Sykesville, MD, USA)



I'm 19 and since I can remember, I have had issues with the visual texture of objects. Most textures do not bother me, but textures such as woodgrain (when the indentations and spaces between the wood fibers are apparent, usually in a perpendicular cross section), the pattern waves create on sand as they draw back into the ocean (especially the texture created by those filtering sandcrabs that leave little holes in the sand), or even a created texture in clay that has no order to it.

I can't quite describe it, so i'll include some photos from google. (for the sand crab one, the crabs themselves DO NOT bother me. just- the shape in the waves and the.... i can't quite describe it. i have a hard time seeing any of these photos without shuddering. actually, it was quite difficult and rather painful to look for them at all). I must include that not ALL textures cause this kind of discomfort. i love the beach, but sometimes the visual texture of the sand truly causes me extreme discomfort. i enjoy looking at wood carvings, but sometimes the grain of the wood simply makes me feel sick. I must impress that, again, the actual texture in the tactile sense does NOT bother me. only in the VISUAL sense.

I'd just like to know if anyone else has any experience with this, if i'm looking into the wrong disorder area, or if i'm simply insane (haha!)

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Jun 19, 2024
came back
by: DiDi

I had this when I was a child. It seemed to go away as I got older but a few years ago it came back. I am 73 years old

Jun 17, 2024
by: Anonymous

To the person who asked whether this disorder gets worse over time, I would say based on personal experience that it can get worse and it certainly does not get better.Maybe it doesnt get worse for everyone.

Jun 12, 2024
Does it get worse?
by: Anonymous

Does this disorder get worse over time?

Jun 09, 2024
Finally Some else gets it!
by: Anonymous

My first memory of this was as an eight years old, I had punched a bunch holes in a sheet of paper and when I looked at it a felt creepy and had an overwhelming desire to destroy it and make one large whole. Im now 40 years old and I have the same feeling as so many of you when I look at things embedded in something else I MUST pick it out and once I do I feel a sense of relief. I also hate patterns like under a mushoom, if I cut an apple in half I must pick out the seeds.

When I’m cooking and certain things look funny and I have to break it apart in order to move on. If someone puts slits in a hot dog then cooks it, the way the gashes look creep me out. even have flashbacks of looking at a weird thing from years ago that will pop into my mind and bring back the same feelings. It’s always unexpected like when I walk into the grocery store an there was a banana where the peel was spilt but not all the way and I had to break it all the way open because my heart was racing. I don’t have one set of things that cause this feeling it’s just the positioning of certain objects and esp when they are together or sprouting or split. I can take it.

Thank you so much to everyone that replied because I felt so alone. No one else gets it when I try to explain. Blessings to all that are experiencing.

May the Lord bless and keep you!

Apr 11, 2024
The wonders of Nature
by: Anonymous

No need to desroy Nature but I agree these patterns are cringe material.

Apr 07, 2024
I have to destroy the objects patterns
by: Melanie T

Underneath mushrooms: I feel smashing and smearing that whole pattern away will feel rewarding ruin it or i cant stand myself? Honeycombs,sunflowers clustered holes in repetitive patterns I want the similar gratification of destroying it with my own hands i need to feel that.

Not scared of holes or patterns it just drives me so nuts to see it i can’t ignore the urge or i have to leave not looking at them if i can’t destroy it.

Im strange. Omg though its like hyper overstimulation or something.


Oct 29, 2023
Obsession, not fear
by: Anonymous

I experience obsession with many textures. While it makes me anxious to look at certain textures, I can't stop searching for more. It is not pleasant but I wouldn't call it a fear.

Oct 10, 2023
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed autistic at a young age, and while I have all the typical sensory issues with certain food textures and loud noise, I’ve also been plagued by this aversion to visual textures my whole life… for some reason the sight of scarecrows and other holiday decorations would always make me feel itchy just looking at them, something about the scratchy material they’re made of sets me off!!! I thought I was going crazy feeling like this, I’m just glad I’m not the only one who knows what it’s like…

Oct 10, 2023
Age and Trypophobia
by: Anonymous

I am now 73 and started experiencing problems with patterns about 10 years ago. Before that? No problem.

Oct 10, 2023
Chills looking at a cluster of bees
by: Anonymous

I just discovered that seeing a cluster of bees gives me chills. I'm almost 50 y.o and have never experienced these emotions. I can handle looking at all your pictures repeatedly without any strange reaction. But last night I realized that certain holes, lumpy dry-looking clustered skin disease and cluster of bees just make my skin crawl. I foolishly searched for images that trigger Trypophobia and looked at them so now when I think about what I saw I'm getting chills and goosebumps.

I don't even understand how I'm experiencing this at this age.

Sep 22, 2023
Picture tells a thousand words
by: Anonymous

Could we have a photo? Not sure if this is pattern or something to do with depth.

Sep 19, 2023
Fear of cracks where pieces are close together and the edge is clean cut
by: Anonymous

It’s such a strange thing! For me it’s cracks in things where the crack is 3D and the pieces are close together. When my phone screen cracked last year it really upset me to look at my phone. I could see the 3D cracks in the glass. I felt cold, prickly and like my brain was overstimulated.

I work in education and one thing that is bothering me is childrens wooden puzzles, where the pieces are shapes that fit together. The thin gaps between the pieces really set me off haha and make me so uncomfortable. It’s like it’s going to pinch me.

Don’t get me started on apple cutters and getting stuck half way through the apples 🤢

I suffer from shingles occasionally and interestingly I notice that this phobia balloons up and becomes unbearable just before I get a rash appear. Like cracks in anything and holes make me edgy and I obsess over it for ages. I think it’s something in the brain linked with inflammation maybe.

Aug 13, 2023
Looks Familiar
by: Anonymous

As soon as I saw your sand photo I drew back, less so with the rest but still uncomfortable. I regret to confirm that the source of your unease is the same as that shared by many in this group, so either we are all mad in the same way, or there is a biological explanation. My own view is that at some stage in our evolution it was useful to be wary of this kind of pattern. The only analogies I can think of are the fact that in nature blue often signals dangerous to eat to wild animals, and in human evolution depression will once have served a purpose.

Aug 12, 2023
So glad you shared
by: Teesha

Hi! I do have an extreme phobia of knotty wood...ever since childhood. At present I have to call restaurants, hotels etc to ensure it is not a knotty wood furniture. I cannot go camping or go to certain cottages or cabins....the stress is real...I feel almost as if it is diseased or I am going to break out and simply cannot let it have contact with me....I was thinking it might be Trypophobia...

May 22, 2023
Responding to Stephanie
by: Anonymous

Yes you are definitely in the right area. I don't personally react to the images you give but others will. My particular response is when this kind of pattern or texture appears in an incongrous context especially if it is unexpected. So the pattern left by roots when a climbing plant has been removed from a wall, the pattern left in a ceiling fan when it has been drawing up pet hair for ages without being cleaned.

Earlier I suggested anxiety as the underlying cause, but it could equally be an evolutionary remnant to equip us to respond if things don't look as they should. Who knows? But it's real and cringe making.

May 19, 2023
Afraid so
by: Anonymous

I think that Trypophobia is the term that comes closest to describing issues and that it is not comprehensive.

Regrettably I am finding that this perception issue is expanding, almost as though my brain is trying to establish new neural pathways. The biggest example is that if I feel an itch somewhere, momentarily I am presented with a physiological image of what the source may look like in terms of a pattern or combination of incompatible textures. The only thing I can do with this is observe and move on.

I think this is all about anxiety.

May 17, 2023
Trypophobia? Not just holes?
by: Anonymous

Is it Trypophobia if it’s not just holes?

May 17, 2023
I get it.
by: Anonymous

I am 30 and have felt the same way my whole life tooling my cat in the eye close up makes me nauseous I have noticed a lot of fungal structures are really bad.

Mar 19, 2022
Possible Help
by: Anonymous

Can I recommend a book I came across recently, called Overcoming Unwanted and Intrusive Thoughts by Sally Winston and Martin Seif? I appreciate that the field the title describes does not exactly cover our reactions to textures and patterns, but these reactions are certainly unwanted and intrusive which is why I downloaded an electronic copy.

In some ways the book is a revelation about how we actually strengthen and perpetuate our responses by the effort of trying to resist them. It debunks a lot of the usual methods of trying to deal with mental "stuff" by mental and emotional effort.

Mindfulness is part of the solution, just observing rather than reacting to how we are feeling, but that's an oversimplification so do read it. I am finding it helpful, and there isn't much around that comes near our challenge.

Mar 18, 2022
Sensory overload
by: Anonymous

I thought, I was going crazy. As I child growing up my mom used to be weirded out by holes or clusters. I have the same issues, also my adult daughter.As I'm typing this I'm experiencing discomfort. Certain patterns in wood, sand, glass, or some objects cause my hairs on my neck and arms to stand up. It's not just holes, it's organic objects in weird places. Things sticking up. It makes me mentally exhausted some times. I wish I could control it.

Feb 11, 2022
by: Anonymous

Yes! Me too! I’m 26 and I recently sent a message to my neurologist to see if it has something to do with my migraine auras. For me it’s lots of textures, then after visually seeing them, my whole body gets the chills and I get a strange itch, uncontrollably. It really bothers me so much. Eventually I get a full on migraine with aura. It’s gotten really difficult to deal with. I think I’m growing a phobia of textures and different patterns in general. It’s crazy.

Dec 08, 2021
Patterns in fur
by: Anonymous

Latest example of my revulsion against incongruous patterns- photo on Facebook of a thick coated dog showing apparent difference in thickness between head and coat round shoulder blades. Could be an artificial coat of the same colour, or more likely a coat style produced by grooming trim. Either way I stared at it , shuddered and moved on.

Poodles with various cuts don't bother me but this was a dog breed not normally groomed in this way.

Dec 05, 2021
by: Anonymous

I have the urge to put my hands in anything that has texture patterns and break it apart, or want too, so if I see cluster holes in a place I want to make a giant hole. I get shivers and feel calm if I can break it up.

Dec 03, 2021
Trypophobia and related matters
by: Anonymous

Very reassured to find this as I thought I was going mad. I am sensitive not just to patterns of holes but to any kind of pattern that is incongruous to context, such as the transverse section of a tree root seen in a wall built round it. Not just holes- wrinkle patterns and irregularities in a surface especially if encountered unexpectedly.

Also materials that don't belong in other materials, like grass that appears to be growing out of a dog's coat, or even a photo of a knitted teddy bear face with an area of fur in the middle. Sets my teeth on edge. Quite a burden really.

Jul 03, 2021
Visual fear
by: Anonymous

I was reading through these comments I honestly thought i was the only one i thought i was a different but I've always been overly sensitive. And reading these comments the dread goosebumps and skin crawling shows even the name of these visuals knock me. But since i was a child I've had this fear of some of your comments worse one for me is feathers gills holes cracks in walls cracks in skin dry skin when sunburnt (urgh) even the tree groot off marvel makes my skin crawl i hate the feeling .

Jan 02, 2021
Same here!
by: Asaf

I was so glad to see this was a recent post- I’ve always had this about certain things. Slime, for example, I hate the way it looks but especially if it’s anywhere near me. And stickers, since I was a toddler I remember getting grossed out by certain types of stickers- same goes for bits of paper, and labels, like the other day a bit of a label for stuck to my foot and I legitimately threw up a little (I’m gagging just thinking about it). When dressing or sauce bottles are clammy that also makes me cringe and just generally want to die. I always assumed it was just a phobia but I feel like there are too many different things that make me sick for it to be a phobia

Dec 06, 2020
Just Wondering
by: Mitch

I have a family member that has issues with certain textures and visual features. Textures such as gummy bears,ground beef and slick or slimmy textures like clams or fish. The visual issues are any feature that is deemed "unusual". For example, another family member has sharp facial features. High sharp cheek bones and defined jaw bones. These features cause fear.

Oct 12, 2020
So what do we "Have"
by: Anonymous

What's it called?

May 19, 2020
This Page Give Me Hope
by: Anonymous

Thank you for this page, for me it is animals sea creatures birthing, mammals giving birth, it's mistakenly placing my fingers on insects, because I am scrolling through using my finger. It is the dog with his upper mouth being filled with attached lady bugs (ugh just had those creepy chills). It's maggots, when my DH leaves the trash running over, while the AC is not running and what appears to be rice begins to move (maggots) then I'm running! I can't so much as see someone in a wheel chair while eating and my meal wants to come up. Groupings of flies, OMG, green flies those grouping or not) yucky chills again). Always hated flies, seeing them lay their larvae by mistake like a train wreck on a video and now I lose it when a fly is in the house, I have to turn up the AC or I can't go to sleep till it (they) are dead......was feeling crazy till I found this site! Still can't babies having bread or cookies!!!

Feb 28, 2020
by: Anonymous

After I posted a couple of nights ago, I "googled" my symptoms and I found visual tests online under the "diagnosis" Trypophobia. It was very enlightening!

The definition is related to a fear or repulsion to arrangements of holes but it goes beyond that. I am convinced that it is Trypophobia that I am experiencing even though all arrangements of holes don't bother me.

One example that doesn't would be looking at the ends of straws in a box, however holes in a seed pod might. Some of the visuals they gave in the test were very disturbing to me where other's were not. One that I can't get out of my mind is an avocado cut in half showing the seed still in but the "meat" of the avocado had been impressed with a deep pattern...eew!

I live in a avocado growing region and love them but have got to get that image out of my head!

Feb 26, 2020
What is this strange visual sensory issue?
by: Sugar

Oh my goodness, I can absolutely relate to this! I thought I was really weird and have never talked about this to anyone, not even my husband. I am 72 and have only noticed my aversion to seeing certain textures in the last few years.

I have always been very visual and notice the slightest details that other's don't. I recently saw tire tracks in mud that made me feel strange in the stomach and head. Even remembering that is bothering me. I can see it in my mind's eve so clearly...ugh! I have a beautiful old ornamental olive tree in my yard but if I look to closely at the bark it makes me feel strange. My husband was watering a small house orchid tonight and there were twisted roots above the dirt in the pot and I had to look away it bothered me so much.

I would love to learn more about this strange visual sensory issue.

Dec 03, 2019
SPD treatment, does it work?
by: Linzi C

This is what I have found on Google...

"SPD treatment often means working with an occupational therapist on activities that help retrain the senses. Many therapists use a sensory integration (OT-SI) approach that begins in a controlled, stimulating environment, and focuses on making SPD easier to manage in day-to-day life."

I have found managing SPD (or something similar to it) easier the more I understand it. I think it’s helped to understand that I do not react logically and that what I am experiencing and feeling is not what others experience/ feel.
I try to think before I react and if I can hold back on the initial reaction I find it doesn’t upset me as much. I do have less anxiety about frogs and loud noises but not sure I can change the "hole phobia" independently.
I’m not sure if unusual phobias of textures is involved in SPD or if SPD is actually a lot worse than what I experience.

I’ve made an appointment to talk to a therapist over the phone
to be assessed but I’m not sure if they even know what SPD is round here.

Has anybody had treatment for SPD and does it really help?
Thank you, Linzi

Nov 29, 2019
I'm not alone!
by: Anonymous

Looking at certain textures has bothered me ever since I was a kid. For as long as I can remember. It's not any specific thing it's just aime textures get me and some don't. It's kind of a combination of feeling sick and feeling anxious amd feeling mad all at the same time. I always thought it was just me and that I was crazy for having this reaction. I would be so interested in learning more about it. Like does it have name and is it related to any other mental issues.

Nov 01, 2019
I hate holes too
by: Linzi C

I’m curious to know if people with trypophobia (sickened by holes) are also bothered by tags on clothes (really itchy), unexpected noises (I jump out of my skin) - I’ve recently learnt of Sensory Processing Disorder which does intrigue me. Does anybody think trypophobia could be associated with SPD?

I can’t look at holes without feeling like I’m going to throw up, and I shudder and feel weak. Big or small, cluster or alone, but not all holes.
I’ve met a few people over the years that hate holes too, looking at them makes them feel really sick.

When I was about 5 I noticed a cluster of holes in my pottery money box; it had cracked and the inside was bubbly. Since then I have hated holes, and crumpets!

Sep 26, 2019
hate holes
by: LilyDoll

I remember certain images bothering me as a child but I have not thought about them for quite some time until recently. I am 69 and lately certain images have bothered me such as holes. Doesn't matter what sized big or little. Also rice sticking to the pot. Once I opened a bottle of pills and they had clustered to the top. I was really freaked out. The latest was so bizarre it made me think I was going crazy. My husband had moved some boxes away from the wall. The remaining boxes left a square sized hole in which an old doll of mine was peeking out. I had to drag it out and throw it away it was so freaky.

Jun 04, 2019
Mmhmm. Feels like TORTURE
by: Aka_Sistar

Yuck! Yes! Snake scales🤢, centipedes and caterpillars, gross mushroom undercarriage lol... Tripe! And all things repeating in that manner😅! The feeling is dizzying, nauseating, just wretched and foul, ya know? Ugh, 😟.

Should anyone stumble upon more info, please lay the good word on us.

May 02, 2019
I'm so relieved to know I'm not the only one!
by: Kforsythe

For as long as I can remember.. fish gill slits.. underside of mushrooms.. feathers.. especially ruffled feathers.. certain parts of lizards and reptiles..clusters of anything.. grain or rice.. the reactions I have had to do many of these things has puzzled me and especially my family for years. I get panicked at times or dig my thumb nail into my pinky (it now is calloused over).. I get this heavy feeling in my back and chest.. like an intense pressure.. some people say it's trypophia but I can look at a lot of photos like that and some of them make me uncomfortable but they don't illicit the same physical response..

I really had no idea that others experienced this and that there was a name for it until this post.

Jan 05, 2019
stress marks
by: Anonymous

there’s one specific thing that makes me feel like this: bearded dragon stress marks. there’s something about them that just make me want to scream and cry and vomit. it’s hard to avoid because i just recently got a baby bearded dragon and he’s still very stressed from moving so much, and his stress marks make me shake and cry.

Jan 05, 2019
reptile stuff
by: Anonymous

i’m not sure if this applies to anyone else but there’s one thing that makes me feel like this; bearded dragon stress marks specifically make me want to vomit and cry, my entire body itches and i can’t breathe, but i also cant stop looking at them

Dec 08, 2018
Hello again
by: Ray

Reading everybody's stories here has been incredibly healing and validating. I am so glad to know that I am not alone. I am still looking for answers about this. I am going to try mentioning this to my therapist ASAP. I have mentioned it to other therapists, but they never seemed to understand.

Dec 05, 2018
Goosebumps, Itchy scalp and still looking
by: Cat on a hot tin roof

The insane part is how I can't stop looking at the image and then I can't stop trying to find more.

I pulled out patches of my hair once and bloodied my back and forearms from scratching a few times. When I pulled out the hair it left bald circles on my scalp that can trigger me into a whole new deal... Then I scratch those so hard... Lol. Fortunately I have very thick hair and the bald circles are well hidden. Anyone who knows me just lies to me and says the circles aren't there. They are lying.

My first memory was as a child when I noticed frog eggs in my tomato at a restaurant.They were actually tomato seeds,but it got me. The Pigeons that lined up on the wall at lunchtime with their feathers all fluffed out. maggots in a carpet...The worst was roach eggs growing from the roach butt.. strangest yet we're 15 ladybugs clumped together latched in the roof of a dog's mouth.

I know that this problem is partially OCD, but probably not completely OCD.

Nov 22, 2018
I'm not alone- thank God.
by: Jacquelyn

Hi - yes, I've been troubled by ugly textures and patterns all my life. I thought I was mad and alone with this fear.

I have to be careful with fruits in the fruit bowl and can't have the navels of citrus fruit facing outward. Crumpled or broken leaves, types of fabric,peeling paint, bark and burrs of trees can make me feel sick and even cracks or buckles in pavement slabs or walls can make me feel nauseous.

On BBC 1 they currently have the most ugly moving patterns showing between programmes, I have to change TV channels. I had a boyfriend who had a cluster of small warts on one of his hands and I remember becoming hysterical if he tried to touch me with this hand.

Some days are worse than others, if it's a bad day and I see a pattern I'll wince, feel physically sick and start scratching at my skin or pulling at my hair.

I'd love to get some help with this problem.

Aug 16, 2018
Sticks, cracks, branches, chipped paint
by: Anonymous

My first experience was when I was kid at the beach and there war large sticks cluster everywhere sticking it the sand. I had a legit meltdown and climbed my parent. I refused to touch the sand.

Ever since then I’ve been horrified of clusters not holes but everything from scattered desks to cracks on the ground and vines growing on buildings.

I hate repeating patterns. I hate when they overlap. I feel consumed with this fear and helpless. It has contributed to agoraphobia in the past and has made me cry.

Jul 21, 2018
Patterns, shades, contrast
by: Anonymous

In the last few years I have noticed certain shapes, shade contrasts that are next to each other,and certain patterns bother me or disturb me. Also dark holes or dark shaded spots.

I think all of these things people are having are somehow related or are the same disorder. When I look at them I don't get panicked or come unglued, it just bother me and slightly disturbs me.

I tried looking up online if there are any mental illnesses or disorders related to this, but couldn't find anything. I haven't talked to a doctor either because I don't feel mine is that bad.

If anyone knows what this could be, please let me know,or if there are any doctors reading this. Thanks.

Apr 24, 2018
Tree bark mskes me angy
by: Anonymous

Wow! I am not alone! I get extremely angry when I see certain textures or haphazard patterns like the outside of a cantaloupe, tree bark, the roots of Palm trees when the are above ground all snake like. I hate scaly flaky things too like dry skin, cracked mud. I am normally an easy going person, but the feeling I get when I see these things is intense anger.

Apr 18, 2018
Worried about my daughter
by: Anonymous

My daughter just came to me and said she cries when she looks at patterns on pajama pants, on comforters, and on the walls.

She says she just feels horrible and sick. Is this same kind of thing you guys are talking about?

Apr 16, 2018
Texture horror
by: Ida Hall

I am 67 and it has just started. It is the strangest feeling. I can't even look at the walking foot on my sewing machine because it has so many shapes and pieces. Gives me a horrible feeling but I can't describe it as anything I have ever felt.

Anyone know if it is a real thing or has a name?

Feb 15, 2018
I completely relate
by: Anonymous

I have a huge issue with things that look flaky, feathery, or have a lot of crevices! Like fish gills, not gill slits, are so disgusting to me when I see pictures of them It feels like my body is curling inside it’s self.

Also, things like mushrooms, and occasionally the look of brains produce the same response! I don’t really understand why, but I have a huge aversion to things of a particular texture, and i am glad i am not alone!

Feb 08, 2018
by: Anonymous


I have a problem with clusters. I saw a picture of maggots in an eye and I was both transfixed and shuddery. Those cameras on the back of vans are the same. It seems to be round clusters that are impacted. My teeth go weird too.

Sometimes I imagine in the side of my brain odd shapes and textures. Usually at night. I just glimpse them as a feeling. Imagine fluffy mushrooms with an internal skeleton.

Sep 14, 2017
OP- Replies and PLS NO TRYPO
by: Anonymous

Hi all! Original Poster here! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone still sharing and finding this little page, and to reply to some posts.

First, I want to state again:

Bold. Underlined. Period.

This page is for people who find that ACTUAL OR PERCEIVED TEXTURES bother them in an unconventional and over the top way. Please be respectful of this and please discontinue the trypo posts as they are NOT conducive to the information being gathered here. Many posters, albeit not all, have identified that holes do not have the same effect, or recognize that holes bother them in a different way. So please, i beg you, consider trypo as separate for now.

I've seen a lot of posts possibly linking this to OCD and think that might be worth checking out. However, as a pretty disorganized person myself, i can't say for sure.

Person The-Person:
I have to agree that more often than not i am exceedingly more prone to these reactions when i am emotionally unwell or am dissociative. I think that is an excellent observation and wonder if anyone else is experiencing this?

I too on occasion have responded to clustered colors in this way! Not often, but i think that's another good one to consider.

Youve got to be kidding me:
Not sure if you're a troll? Regardless, the whole point of this page is hoping that someone with more knowledge than I can help us sort out how to help what we experience. We've actually had a PhD comment in the page stating they are personally invested in this as they experience it as well!

About smooth objects- i definitely agree! They also bring me some peace, especially if i'm in a moment where a texture is bothering me. Anyone else experience this?

I like the term "Pattern Disorder" - is this something you came across before? Or made up? If the latter I say we nominate it as a basic descriptor of what we experience!

I'm glad to know i'm not the only one who also experiences this with symetrical patterns! I believe it has something to do with an incorrect perception of depth? Not sure, but glad i'm not alone!

Thank you again everyone! I know this isn't much of a community, but i hope it's helping.

Sep 12, 2017
Finally, not alone
by: Ray

I am so incredibly happy that I've found others who have this, too. For me:

Large, open spaces like rolling fields
Photos of desert sand dunes, or desert sand waves
Converging lines, like on/under bridges
Checkerboard pattern floors
Broad black and white stripes
Trypophobia, duh!
Undulations of worms (MAGGOTS, earthworms, etc.)
The leaves of certain trees/shrubs

The list goes on and on and on. I have been diagnosed with OCD by a psychologist circa 2014. I feel like I discover new "triggers" when I least expect it!

When I see thesee things, I get weak in the knees, and feel nausea. My heart starts to race, and I get tunnel vision, sweaty, and can't hear anything. The other day, I was walking under a huge bridge, and when I saw the symmetrical lines of it after looking up, Itotally freaked and got the **** out from under there! I'm so glad I'm not crazy.

I first noticed this as a child. I was around 6 years old, walking along the beach with my father. I began to feel strange because the beach was empty and stretched out almost infinitely in front of me. Then, I looked up at the streaky cirrus clouds in the sky and felt extremely nauseated and terrified.

If there is anybody out there who knows how to stop this, or what it is called, I want to talk to you.

Sep 08, 2017
by: Anonymous

About the worst time was when the pointed end of cantaloupe seeds went in the little holes in the kitchen sink strainer. I picked it up and looked from the bottom and saw them poking through and I can never forget it, even though it was 15 years ago.

Today I saw a photo of a neglected dog with many dozens of ticks in it's ears. It was making me sick, yet I couldn't look away. Many times the memory of that has popped into my head today and the thought of it just about gags me. Strawberry seeds are starting to bother me too.

My son also has this and he mentioned it to me when he was a child, before I ever told him about it.

Aug 14, 2017
Pattern Disorder
by: Anon

I have been reading comments for a long time. So glad I found that I am not the only one. What I find strange is that I seek out pictures of patterns just to see which ones bother me, like I am trying to freak myself out. S

Jul 24, 2017
trypo / visual issues
by: Razah

Im so glad I have found this page! Iv always found strong swirly paterns, and contrasting strong lines make me feel uncomfortable... not to the extent that i become sick but i feel like i need to get away from it. I kept this to myself for ages because I never understood it and thought its just me, I dont know what trypophobia is and am no way saying this is what i have (have t really looked jnto it) but i can relate to the posts... so glad im not the only one

Jul 05, 2017
youre not alone & we are all insane:)
by: Anonymous

I can remember thinking i was afraid of crabs because my parents told me I was. It was because my first time at the beach i covered the crab holes with sand when i was near them and panicked when i couldn't cover them all the way. I'm not sure how old I was, younger then 8.

They also stopped giving me Swiss cheese, on anything, because I tore it up when it was given in slices. At this age I was too young to even try to describe how I felt or what was happening.

When I got a little older (maybe 12) I remember asking my parents what was wrong with me, and trying to describe how I felt. They told me "everyone has things they don't like to look at" and that still frustrates me to this day, because yes everyone DOES have things they don't like to look at, but not everyone feels like they can't breathe when they see these things.

I went to Red Rocks in Colorado for my 19th birthday and although I did have a wonderful time and it is truly one of the prettiest venues in America, some of the rock formations caused intense anxiety.

I'm 23 now and unfortunately it has only gotten worse. I've read articles on Trypophobia and was happy to read about the scientific aspects of some of it, like holes (probably) freak us our because of a biological sense of things we should fear, poisonous snakes, leprosy, etc. However, the pictures you posted totally freak me out too. And I don't see whats scientific about it, it's hard.

I work in a store now and have to deal with these things daily: the way incense ash falls, the inside of cardboard (if you pull tape of it and the top layer comes off) we have glass objects that have holes in the patterns. Most days aren't so bad, but some days (today) I just try to breath deeply and think rationally. I think sleep has something to do with what triggers worse days, I haven't been sleeping well.

I'm really happy I found this page though, I've never read anything that describes the sense I get on the beach that well before.

One last thing, i've never gotten upset looking at something smooth. Actually I can look at a clean white board or a glass of milk(smooth white objects?) and it almost does the opposite. Like i want to touch it or want it around more, even almost calming. And typing this out makes me feel SUPER crazy.

You guys are great. Keep being weird.

Jun 01, 2017
Finally someone else can relate!
by: Nesie

I'm a 60 year old female and most of my life certain shapes and patterns have caused me nausea and anxiety. Like a scrunched up bicycle chain, a cluster of bugs or worms, a reptile of any kind, and a pattern in fabric or a rug.

When I was a young child my family use to think that I was just being ridiculous. At least now I know I'm not alone.

May 27, 2017
So yeah
by: You've got to be kidding me

What is the best medicine for this?

May 19, 2017
Seeing things sprout ...
by: Anonymous

I have always wondered why seeing things sprout or embedded make my skin crawl.. And sometumes hard to get off my mind. My most recent episode happened last night at work. I work in a produce factory and I came across two cucumbers that had some how grown together... It totally creeped me out. Its just good to know I'm not alone, I thought i was crazy!!

May 08, 2017
Trypo/ sensory issues
by: Anonymous

I have always had the same issue. My family thought I was strange or perhaps making it up when I claimed that I couldn't look at honeycombs or had to be carried over crab holes in the sand. I discovered the term trypophobia a couple years ago and recognized it as what I have, but it doesn't just extend to holes. Many patterns cause me to have panic attacks. It can be pretty severe. It's definitely a sensory issue. I read somewhere that Kendall Jenner has it too. I was so happy to discover it had an actual name and I wasn't crazy. The same for my Restless Legs Syndrome!

May 05, 2017
not trypo
by: Ruth

Hmmm, what is being described here is very similar to what I feel. Only difference is that it does not upset me in anyway, I just get goosebumps and I feel this urge to run away. Sometimes it's not just texture or irregular patterns, one time I saw too many shades of the color orange clustered together and I felt this pain in my nose, my checst felt like it was getting heartburn. This went on for a couple of minutes as I couldn't stop thinking about it, and then finally the goosebumps came followed by a massive headache. Sometimes even sound with high frequency have the same effect, it happened the last time I was learning morse code. This is really affecting my life negatively. And I know it is not trypophobia because holes dont bother me at all...just wish I knew.

Apr 19, 2017
Patterns disturb me
by: Person The-Person

The images you posted don’t bother me as much as some, but the second, grey-colored wood grain I find to be a bit repulsive.

I haven’t noticed any particular link between certain patterns, but sometimes, particularly when I’m in a fragile, distressed, or dissociated state, patterns, textures and designs in general seem to upset me intensely.

From wet rice, to my grainy ceiling, to small dots clustered together, to the mild black and white paisley on my blanket, to natural lines or wrinkles in human skin (which gross me out no matter what), when I see any number of such patterns or textures in an emotionally vulnerable state I become nauseous, disgusted, agitated and emotionally disturbed for no reason at all.

They can further intensify derealization and depersonalization somehow, driving me to want to rip or claw off my skin in rage and discomfort. I never could quite verbalize or recognize exactly what it was until I found this post. It’s such a relief to find others who get it.

Apr 18, 2017
So relatable
by: Abby

I can relate. I have a fear (more like extreme anger), when I see holes. The name of a fear of clusters of holes or circles is Trypophobia. Please make sure that you DO NOT GOOGLE IT! If you do, trigger images will be shown. For me, this phobia has now extended to porcupine quills, hedgehogs, fish scales, cheetahs, feathers (mainly owl), certain colorful patterns, etc. I have OCD and think it may have some connection. I can't stand it! It's making my life way too stressful! I don't always know when I might come across these types of things/images. It's just so disturbing & frustrating. It's like impossible to get them out of my head! I hate it so much!!!!!

Mar 31, 2017
by: Anonymous

oh my god i am so itchy from reading all of this, i feel like pulling my hair out!! comforting to know others have the same sensations but i really need to find a way to stop it. so unpleasant....

i was triggered recently by some dirt / ice that formed on the side of our car while driving, it formed a really awful pattern/texture and i can't get it out of my head. i keep trying not to think about it but it's so hard.

Nov 18, 2016
I get queasy from patterns
by: Anonymous

After an illness in 2013, I seem to have a problem viewing certain patterns without my stomach turning very rapidly. I immediately get violently queasy to the point of throwing up. When I remove the stimuli, my stomach immediately begins to settle. In my entire life, I've never had a weak stomach. Now it seems that I do, and it's triggered by certain patterns.

I don't know if it's connected somehow, but I've always had a problem with seeing things move in circles, like merry-go-rounds and other carnival rides, riding backwards on a train or bus, etc. I get the same sensation, except with a headache. I wonder if those things are connected and what is the malfunction in me that causes them, especially the pattern thing that has recently developed.

Nov 13, 2016
Also wann rip off my face
by: Anonymous

Yeah I have his problem also! I feel v uncomfortable and tingly. Also if I can't get rid or disrupt the texture I have the urge to pick at my skin. Does that happen to others too?

Oct 12, 2016
You are definitely not alone
by: Simon

Not the textures you have issues with - i'm fine there but ones were there are lots of holes close together repel me and make me feel nauseous. There are othe textures that similarly affect me but it is so difficult to explain what they are!

Oct 07, 2016
Teeth Hurt at sight or some textures
by: Kim

Yep! Those rubber door mats with little nubs. Certain pictures....there's a type of cat food that has a picture on it that kills me. Some of my phobia seems like the fear of 'holes' (*retch*) because of certain photos, like one of what looks like someone had been kneeling barelegged on gravel.....that pop up as side ads on the internet. UGH. These images 'haunt' me. They make my teeth hurt and make me sick at my stomach. Otherwise, I seem to be perfectly normal. ?????

Oct 06, 2016
I feel the same!
by: Mikko

For the longest time, I've been experiencing certain triggers like this too, and I've never been able to explain it. Usually iron filings when they're around magnets, those weird black blobs that appear when you break your screen (like the weird pixely texture), and hardened grease (like gravy or fat) make me want to break down in tears.

I'm not sure about the source of the iron filings, but I know it was the first one I developed. When my little brother stepped on my laptop and caused the black blobs to appear about four years ago was the start of the second one. Out of curiosity, I pushed on the spot on my laptop screen, and the blob expanded like crazy. It became all pixelated around the edges, and I immediately began to tense up and I wanted to rip my skin off. When I let go, it only got worse.

I refused to use my laptop after that, even with a monitor. The hardened grease didn't start happening until this year. I was washing a pan that I used to make chicken, and seeing the layer of dried grease move around when it was under the hot water made me so nauseous. I can barely look at the stuff nowadays.

I don't see these kinds of things that often in my daily life (except for the grease), so I don't usually have problems with it. But if I'm in science class and I see a two page spread of magnetic fields with iron filings I have to skip the page completely. I get my brother to deal with all the gross pans. I still have no idea why these things affect me so much...

Oct 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

Can't stand patterns with holes -- bug eggs, seed pods, etc. I feel very anxious but can't look away. Had a dream about a person with huge grotesque cylinder shaped tubes growing on neck. It has been causing me to feel itchy and gross all day. YUCK!!!

As a child I can remember having same anxieties, but also went through stage of having to trace a certain pattern in the air everywhere I went. I've always been afraid to share this even with my doctor for fear of being sent to mental hospital. My daughter has told me she has same anxiety when seeing same patterns. There is some relief knowing I'm not the only one.

Sep 16, 2016
To original poster
by: Anonymous

Any tight polka dot type pattern that encompasses my field of vision will do exactly what you describe ie pegboard it makes me feel dizzy almost like falling into the pattern. I have to avert my eyes and take a moment to reorient myself.

Sep 12, 2016
Re: related to misophonia
by: OG poster

Thank you so much for sharing this! I think this is an incredibly strong lead, and I hope our PhD from a few comments back sees your post!

I also wanted to add that the following statement is precisely what my younger self had been trying to explain years ago when I created this post: "I feel physical revulsion, anxiety, nausea, and in some cases anger or the urge to destroy the triggers." There have been times where I felt precisely this, and sometimes i am lucky enough to be able to "destroy" the pattern, such as at the beach in the sand. But of course, we're not always lucky enough to be in the position to do so.

Thanks to everyone keeping this thread alive- I feel as though we keep getting closer to understanding this "condition" and I am grateful others are finding that they are not alone in this bizarre experience.

Sep 11, 2016
Thank you for posting and sharing.... this helped me!
by: Anonymous

In my early 30's I was peeling an apple... I love apples, but the peeler wasn't very sharp. I left the peels in the sink overnight and in the morning, the texture of the inside meat was jagged and brown. I can't explain it, boom! It made my whole system fill with electricity, especially in the crook of my arms and I wanted to vomit. I couldn't eat apples for years, and I still can't see things peeled.

My worst situation was an episode of Grey's Anatomy where a man had tree bark warts all over his body that they needed to remove surgically. As they were cutting these off, a spider came out of the wood like cracks, and I psychically started convulsing and wrenching!

The most recent incidence was looking at the inside of a bee hive. I have wanted to raise bees for years, and I finally started doing research to engage this project but seeing the inside of the comb completely turned me inside out. I went to a GREAT psychiatrist, and he said this is not that rare. He diagnosis as a certain type of Sensory OCD. He gave me a prescription of Zoloft and it does help. I only take it when I have had an exposure.

The word that triggered it for this Dr. was when I said WOOD texture was the worst. He said that he had several patients that had an issue with wood, bark, sand, velvet, jagged patterns, snakes/skin, etc. There is a calming effect when something is smooth, and he encouraged me to close my eyes and think of something smooth when I am being affected.
I hope this helps a little... we are not alone, and it is real.

Aug 27, 2016
Related to misophonia?
by: Anonymous

I have this visual texture response, too! When I see any of my triggers (heavy frost on short spiky grass, the side cut of corned beef with the irregular ridges, the side of a rocky hillside with late afternoon sharp shadows cast between the boulders, etc) I feel physical revulsion, anxiety, nausea, and in some cases anger or the urge to destroy the triggers. I get crawling sensations under my skin and whole body shudders.

I have a friend who reports these same feelings, with rage as the dominant one, when he hears certain sounds. We've self-diagnosed him as having Misophonia or Sound Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS).

These are both sensory processing disorders. From what I've read about misophonia, when a sound triggers the person, it makes him more sensitive to developing new triggers. So the sound of someone crunching carrots might trigger him initially, and then he hears the sound of a clicking pen, which previously didn't bother him, but now in the triggered state of fight/flight/freeze with the rage & revulsion, it seems that the new sound of pen clicking imprints as a new trigger.

I have had this happen with images of those stupid lotus seed pods photoshopped on to people's skin as a condition on the Internet. Those pics always made my skin crawl, but now I also get angry and disgusted. Many of the skin disorder images are likely to trigger me, just as fish scales stuck to a hand, or sometimes ripples in a cat's fur will.

There are several speculations on the causes of Misophonia. I think our visual texture sensing disorder is probably similar. & since Misophonia is getting more studies done now, it might be a place to look for solutions as well.

May 31, 2016
Creepy things
by: Anonymous

This is a real thing. I have been like this for years and didn't know it was an actually real until recently. Good to know I'm not just crazy. I saw a pcture of the inside of a leather back turtle's mouth and it caused such a reaction I felt it run down my entire body. I also found out a cousin of mine has the same disorder.

May 28, 2016
Me too!!
by: RZ


May 08, 2016
Neurological disorder????
by: My new name: Weirdo

I am a Ph.D. in the field of psychology and still wonder about this disorder we are all discussing. I first had difficulty with the creepy feelings when I was 19 y.o. and saw a flower and leaves, the leaves having what I called "fern seeds" on the back side of each leaf. The "seeds" were the problem for me. Then years later, I saw a poster at the movie theater with a picture of Nicolas Cage's head/face in a very much disordered mosaic pattern. I don't remember the name of the movie it was advertising, but at the instant I saw the picture I had to turn away and my entire body felt strangely creepy. I had to make myself think of something else or I would continue having vague sensations.

Sometimes when I see a distorted image on TV, such as when the digital image on the screen is totally out of order (kind of scrambled), I feel the same creepy sensation. Also when I see the underside of a military helicopter that is disgustingly ugly, covered with odd mechanical shapes and sizes, I cringe all over. My thought is that this is neurological as is so much of what we call mental disorders. My understanding is that OCD is a part of this idiosyncratic syndrome as well. I don't really know for sure, but I'm thinking of going back to school to study it more! My additional difficulty is that of feeling angry when I come upon certain odors or fragrances. Weird, I know! And yet all of my psychological tests in school were normal. Go figure!

Apr 24, 2016
by: Anonymous

Wow I'm so glad to come across this, had issues with textures, usually looking up close at close knit textures, such as stitching on a pillow, scales and holes or bark etc, for as long as a remember, makes my skin crawl and itch and I imagine it imbedded in my skin or face, and usually because I can't stop thinking about it I end up wanting to keep looking at the thing that's creeping me out, for example just had an 'episode' where came across on Instagram a video of a snake shedding Its skin, and you could see the scales pulling away from the old skin and kind of making a popping sound as they pulled away, eugh makes me cringe now thinking about it, so I watched that over and over for a while just to disgust myself idk why! It was a mix of fascination and disgust, And now I'm nauseous and like I need to scratch my skin off, never thought to google it before because I thought I was just a bit doolaly but did tonight and I'm glad because I'm not alone! I wonder what it is??

Mar 31, 2016
Ahh relief
by: Anonymous

I have always gotten really angry at certain patterns. I want to break them. I've had much relief from smashing abalone shells. The repetitive patterns make me so angry. Didn't feel like such a weirdo as my twin had the same feelings.

Mar 24, 2016
I have this my whole life
by: Leslie

I'm 52, and after just experiencing this sensation watching a tv show, I decided to see if anyone else has this problem. Glad I'm not alone,but no one seems to know what this is. Tryophobia doesn't seem to fit for me, because it's more than "holes" and it's not a fear/phobia. I can look at really gross things (I'm a nurse) and not have this sensation. It is just specific patterns.

I thought it was a type of synethesia, but on one of their message boards years ago they disagreed. But, the sensation is real, my flesh crawls and it can last for a while. It's uncomfortable and I never know when it's going to happen. Thankfully it's not too often.

Mar 14, 2016
Glad I'm not alone
by: Anonymous

I am so glad that I am not alone! Now what is the condition called?

Feb 24, 2016
clusters of holes make me shiver
by: tmart

I hated dolls as a child. My mom said it was the hair that I hated. It wasn't the hair, it was the holes in the dolls head you could see. aaah, its hard to even type it out because I think of it and it makes me a little sick in tummy and wigged out. Reading all the comments makes me wonder if we all have something in common.

anyone intuitive?

Feb 21, 2016
Me too
by: sandra

It seems like my entire life I have suffered with this problem. Textures and patterns can just paralyze me sometimes. I can't eat lobster tails anymore without taking out the lobster meat, and then immediately I have to crush the shell up while keeping it covered with a napkin. I know I look foolish in the restaurants, but I cant' help it. The older I get the worse it is. My kids also suffer mildly from this disorder.

Feb 17, 2016
by: Dawn

I am so glad I found this page! Ever since I can remember, the visual texture of certain things makes me very uncomfortable, to the point of revulsion but I never knew why or that other people experienced this (my sister & boyfriend know about it and my "triggers", but I usually keep it quiet).

For me it is certain designs/weights of silverware (what? I know, I can't explain it). It is really uncomfortable for me to touch, use or look at heavy, very detailed silverware, or that super basic, stamped cafeteria type silverware (where it looks like its punched out of a sheet and has no curves to it). Some types of tree bark patterns literally make me feel afraid and panicky. Also I have a very fluffy Norwegian Forest Cat (similar to a Main Coon with very long fur) and the way it segments and bunches itself up similarly makes me feel very panicky so that I have to stop what I'm doing and smooth it out. I also have it to a certain degree with certain foods. I cannot even put in my mouth bananas, cooked oatmeal, squishy vegetables like squash or zucchini, not because of taste, but because of texture.

I do not have any OCD type issues or symptoms, just these texture issues. I simply thought I was crazy. Its a relief to find other people that also deal with this.

Jan 04, 2016
People like me...
by: Anonymous

It I is nice to see that there is more of us out there than I thought. I have had this issue for as long as I can remember. When I was little I would hold food in my mouth cause I couldn't make myself swallow it cause of the texture of it. Now that I'm older I won't even put anything like that in my mouth. People have always laughed at me when I see certain textures while I'm trying not to scratch my skin off. I have literally had to stop cooking and let someone else take over when the look of the food started to make my skin crawl. I could not make myself finish. The worst time has been in the winter season. When the ground gets cold and ice in the ground starts raising up the dirt everywhere. It's horrible to look at and I start itching all over. It freaks me out. I know I do have traces of trypophobia but not all. I really would like to know if there is a name for what this issue is.

Dec 30, 2015
Re: NOT Trypophobia
by: Anonymous

Hello anon! OP here.

I suggest that this is not trypophobia because trypo is specifically the fear of an irregular pattern of holes. This may come in to play, however as many other commentors have expressed, it is not limited to holes and sometimes even moreso about spacial misinterpretation rather than the holes themselves. I myself had a recent episode caused by text. A dark screen with white "1"s across it at even and uneven intervals. My brain viewed it as a texture even though it was quite obviously flat.

This in itself makes me wonder if it may actually be connected to OCD in some way.

Thanks for the question, hopefully this clarifies for others as well.

Dec 29, 2015
NOT Trypophobia?
by: Anonymous

To the original poster, I'm wondering why you think this is NOT trypohobia.

I do not experience fear, but do experience extreme revulsion. Since I need to avoid these images, and will always turn away from them immediately, I can see it being thought of as a fear.

Can you explain why you think trypophobia doesn't apply?

Dec 20, 2015
Same! This feeling I can't explain!
by: Anonymous

Wow! So glad I'm not the only one. It looks like this phenomenon is rare or maybe it's just that a lot of people haven't confronted it yet. I have a problem with certain textures/patterns which have a lot of dots and squiggly boundaries, like that of a clump of biological cells but in 3D. I realized that I have this issue when I saw a fake pic of a lotus seapod photoshopped on a man's shoulder as some disease! It made all the nerves in my body cringe!

Nov 17, 2015
Re: The Solution
by: Anonymous

OP here again. (Seems i've had to moderate a lot lately)

I'd like to thank "The Artist" for their suggestion. I hope it may be helpful to others.

However, as an artist, i can say it does not help me. In fact, i've tried this route and all it does is increase my freaking out. I have no associations with the images, it does not tie in to any of my other anxieties (at least that i can tell) and overall just makes the situatuon worse. The visual itself is the cause of anxiety, much like how people with touch-based sensory processing disorders experience the majority of the situational anxiety due to a texture they are in contact with.

I started this thread, not specifically to look for a solution so much as to look for a cause. Everyone can find ways to "deal" with the situation, but we'll never truly have answers until we know WHY it is happening. Any suggestions to overcome the situational anxiety are, of course, welcome, but I hope that one day we will find the root cause of it.

Nov 13, 2015
The Solution.
by: The Artist

I believe Art Therapy and expressing our emotions through conversation can help. This may possibly be a resort from anxiety. As I sketched and colored more the emotional reaction towards the object started to decrease even if I expected or predicted to feel "unlike myself". I really couldn't feel the same intense energy as I did prior. So as I stated in the previous sentence the emotions settled however the visual was connecting itself with something else. Which led me to believe that it's really not just the visual itself but me connecting the visual to an infection or disease. I also believe expressing emotions of pain helps. Examining if the family has any mental health problems "Bi Polar" isolation issues and plenty more. It is also a fact that having a healthy relationship with your friends, family and partners plays a major role in reducing anxiety and stress.

Nov 06, 2015
Textures that make me nauseated
by: Anonymous

I'm so relieved to know that I'm not the only that's dealing with this. For a minute I thought I was nuts. From a child I've had issues with looking at certain textures like plastic, certain wood, various toys, and sometimes even walking in a store when I see certain foods rapped in plastic. Especially when plastic is put together with wood or wood grain. When I was a kid there were certain toys I couldn't play with because I would look at them and immediately start throwing up. I just get so easily grossed out with certain textures. I wish there was a medication to make it go away.

Oct 19, 2015
Fear of circular patterns
by: Anonymous

When I was a toddler, I was afraid of dartboards. When I was in precalculus class, I freaked out when I had to deal with dartboard - shaped polar graphs, and I cannot play Super Mario Galaxy because of the black hole animations. They freak me out so much, and I don't know anyone else who experiences this. I believe it may be related to synesthesia because seeing this causes a creepy feeling in the palms of my hands. I have Asperger's Syndrome, and I wonder if that has something to do with it.

Oct 11, 2015
Original Poster here!
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone! I'm so glad this is still reaching people! I personally have yet to find any answers or explanations for this, but it's very comforting to see i'm not alone.

I did want to expound on my post- there are people commenting that this is trypophobia- THIS IS NOT TRYPOPHOBIA. Trypophobia may be related, but i personally do not specifically suffer from trypo, so I think it's VERY important to keep it separate from what we're experiencing. Calling it a 'phobia' would mean that this is nothing more than a fear. I reject this line of thought. I fully believe that what we are experiencing is much closer to a sensory processing disorder than a 'simple' phobia. Sight is just as important to sensory as taste, touch, smell, and hearing.

As an example, i had an experience with a countertop. The VISUAL pattern of it caused me so much anxiety i thought i was going to have a panic attack. However, with much willpower, i made myself touch it. I found that it was completely flat, and that my eyes were misperceiving it. I immediately calmed down. Until i took my hand off it and only saw it again. This experience is what truly lead me to believe that this has to do with sensory processing. And that's what got me to post here :)

Oct 10, 2015
by: Anonymous

Twisted metal, billboards with missing letters, and the ridges in the steps of the escalator all cause me to feel nauseous. My earliest memory of disturbing visuals is of newborn kittens squeezing through the holes of a chain linked fence. This occurred over 30 years ago and I still remember it as if it were yesterday!

Oct 01, 2015
I am not alone!
by: Anonymous

Wow, I am so happy I am not alone! I have had a fear of certain patterns/textures for as long as I can remember. For me the worst is tree bark or anything peeling off something like shedding reptile skin. I also can't stand the underside of a mushroom (those line bits), clusters of hole within something (the stuff that goes around the Internet), rice or pasta sticking up in the pot, or when you've left half a red onion in the fridge and the sides start to turn up. When I see a pattern I feel completely repulsed, want to cry, feel nauseous, want to run away, but also want to distroy it. I have had times where I'll peel off bark from a tree or chuck out something because I can't look at it. My reaction is worse if I am feeling stressed, sad or angry.

Sep 18, 2015
Can anyone relate to this one?
by: Anonymous

Certain textures on leaves, especially if they are bumpy. Cattails sticking up out of completely still water. Seams of an inside-out glove. This came up the other day at an art museum; the sculpture was made with concrete poured through a wire grid and I couldn't look at the underside where the concrete "bubbled" through the wire. I never know when one of these creepy textures will affect me, but when I see one I have to look away. It just really creeps me out.

Don't know if there is any relation but I also have ASMR.

Aug 16, 2015
by: Denise

so glad to see this article. For me I get physically sick when I cut open Pumpkins Squash Cantaloupe or any other fruits with seeds & pulp. I actually feel a churning in my stomach & have to keep myself from throwing up. I thought I was the only one. Guess I could never be a surgeon. Lol

Aug 08, 2015
Thank God I'm not the only one
by: Anonymous

I have always had this issue with being utterly creeped out and physically disgusted by certain textures. It would happen with certain cartoons or movies and in my natural surroundings. Recently it has gotten worse which is what prompted me to look this up. My boyfriend thinks I'm just being crazy but I would also have nightmares where I couldn't close my eyes due to the patterns I would see. Does anyone know of any treatments or how to combat this. I have other sensory disorders and I get the inclination they all coincide. It is starting to impede on my life, as I'm having more trouble cleaning, eating, sleeping due to being consistently creeped out. Help!!

Aug 06, 2015
I hate certain patterns and textures
by: Ann

Once in a while, I have a nightmare. It's just one ugly texture in my mind. No people. No talking. No "story line". Just the pattern right up near my face. As a kid, I broke out with chicken pox. It nearly drove me crazy--all those patches of pox on my body, like an infestation. One day, I scratched every one of them off and then had to hide it from my parents. That's my earliest recollection of this problem. These days, I see patterns everywhere that make my skin crawl and hair stand up. A recent experience is while grilling salmon. Sometimes this white gunk seeps out of the fish in a pattern and I have to scrape it off fast. This whole pattern-texture thing causes great anxiety. I wish I could make it stop. I am 66 years old.

Jul 05, 2015
re last post - overall comment
by: Anonymous

All the best with your psych app. I think I was lucky in that my sister also has this condition so there was always someone to share with and understand - didn't feel like a complete nutter.

My daughter-in-law also has this condition and her psych had never heard of it!

So that is three people I know who have this affliction. It is interesting to note that while it's basically the same patterns and textures that 'freak us out', there are differences in what 'freaks us out' and the intensity of that reaction.

Jul 02, 2015
This is for real?
by: Anonymous

I came looking for this page to see if having reactions to visual thing was possibility or if it was something in my own head. I noticed mine a few years ago while playing games on the internet. Things with lacy edges or sharp and pointed ends on some patterns Lately seeing spider webs in hidden object games make me feel so uncomfortable that in triggers my psoriasis I feel as if I need to shed my shin off. I have felt insane by these reactions. Really anything layered on Like I was looking at a palm tree and noticed there is an outer bark that gardeners peal away to get to the criss cross bark the outer layer looks like itchy dry skin and My body felt like it was experiencing wearing that outer bark. I have a Psych appt. My first in this area so this ought be interesting. This is not your big city doctors they may not know what I'm saying.

May 15, 2015
round shapes
by: Anonymous

Round shapes in and of themselves don't bother me, but those pasta noodles that have pie like shapes in them bother me to the point that I have to look away. I have tried to force myself to look at them and I can look at them but it makes my skin crawl.

Apr 06, 2015
by: Anonymous

Wow I always thought I was nuts. It is really only staples or nails in a telephone pole for me. Makes me extremely sick to my stomach. Ever since I was a kid. I went for a walk the other day with my boyfriend and saw a stapled pole...was hard to explain why or what made me ill. The only other things I have issues with are scabs and stitches. Good to know it is a real issue.

Mar 29, 2015
by: Anonymous

Right on. "Trypophobia" has become popular in some parts of the Internet lately, but people have mostly been posting already-disgusting photos of living beings with it, causing many to cry 'fake phobia'. But they ignore the people who have problems with the textures themselves.

I don't really have a fear to these textures, but a strong physiological aversion, apparently. For as long as I could remember, I would freak out at patterns of cracks, deep gashes, clustered and/or patterned holes, you name it. I couldn't stand the sight and start to physically itch. Scratching wouldn't subside until I could finally get myself to stop thinking about it. It gets tough in the winter when icicles dripping water onto piles of snow, creating irregular, deep holes, are everywhere.

I get annoyed at companies that design this way... at my university, we have these orange plastic chairs. To make the chairs light, they cut out a pattern of interlocking three-spoke figures... it makes my skin crawl and it's hard to not focus on it.

I think the reason for my disturbance is imagining the pattern like it were embedded in my skin. Ugh...

I can't even look at detailed maps of coasts of some countries because all the inlets resembling cracks is so disgusting.

Mar 20, 2015
Textures found in Nature
by: Anonymous

I am so glad I am not crazy. I finally figured out it( is textures that creep me out. Bark on a tree, the underside of mushrooms, skin on chicken feet,inside anything with seeds (peppers, fruit, cucumbers.) The list just goes on and on. When I see something that gives me that visceral feeling, I want to touch it. That helps, but if it is a picture, I just stare at it.

Mar 18, 2015
patterms and certain shapes foods and liquids make creeps me out!!
by: Anonymous

Me too!!! I have the same issue.. I've mistakenly let rice and pasta cook to long and if it sticks to bottom of the pan I freak out! It grosses me out! Especially if flipped up. Yesterday I cooked cut up chicken cubes to long and the bottom of the pan was burned. I tried to scrap the chicken out of the burned pan.. and It started to look like chicken feathers In a burned pot and I thru the pot away and it's been on my mind all day so I researched and found this page. Thank god! Or if I don't wash out my coffee cup and I Leave it at my desk over night, if I come to work the next day and look in my cup the the pattern it makes when it dries freaks me out! Or dried up liquids on any surface grosses me out when it makes weird patterns...

Mar 16, 2015
This is do funny
by: Anonymous

I am finding the comments so amusing as I thought It was just me! There was this artical in the daily Mail recently of pictures of an old mental hospital and the photos of the walls were making me feel sick. I was also decorating recently and we remived a wooden panel from the wall. The glue it left on the wall, all lumpy and looked like a bee hive made me through up

Mar 12, 2015
by: Anonymous

I have a similar problem. Like I hate the way birds look when they are sitting on top of buildings or just flying in the sky. It just looks super weird and makes me so uncomfortable and anxious. Also there is this pot in my house and it has black burnt pieces of rice at the bottom of it and there all clustered together and it completely disgust me and makes me soo anxious . Like even typing about it in this comment is making me anxious. I never know when a pattern is going to make me uncomfortable so sometimes I'm caught off guard and its terrible!

Mar 05, 2015
I am not alone!
by: Anonymous

An image appeared and made me cringe, scream (almost) and made my body shake. I can't stand some textures, they will make me uneasy and want to run away!

Feb 22, 2015
by: Anonymous

Yeah I guess I have had this disorder for a long time myself. I am 34 and at one point I remember scrambling some eggs to make an omlette. When I poured the eggs into the pan and they started to fry, the bubbles in the omelette started raising up in this weird and unsettling pattern and the ones that popped started leaving triangular looking holes... I wasn't sure if maybe I just never noticed before while cooking eggs, but it freaked me right the heck out.

I finished making it, but just threw it away because it weirded me out so bad that I couldn't bring myself to eat it.

I didn't eat eggs for months after that because just the thought of trying to brought the image of that omelette with the weird, uneven, triangle bubble holes up in my mind.

Like a year later I still think about it sometimes and get an uneasy feeling when dealing with eggs no matter what they are being used for.

Feb 19, 2015
by: Anonymous

I am so glad this thread isn't old! I have never met anyone like me! I totally understand that patterns! For me, it's some colors as well. Not the colors themselves, but if they are together and my brain feels like they shouldn't be...very hard to explain...there is a store in most malls that blends these colors ( black, white, turquoise , red, magenta , and yellow).... When I see the store's name, I turn my head and hurry past!

Feb 11, 2015
Pattern Texture Disorder
by: Gaynore

Well guys I know exactly what you are all talking about. I am 57 years old and I have had this thing/disorder since I can remember.

My sister has it too and we never knew anyone else with it until we met my son's girlfriend/now wife.

Yes it is certain shapes and textures that totally make me feel like screaming, feel sick, or feel like scratching myself - awful feeling and I don't like to think of the things that do it or talk about them as it sort of explodes in my mind ... but while it's not a nice thing to have at all, it's reassuring to know others have it - perhaps we are not mad after all. Had awful experience with seeds on a frangipani tree just recently and can hardly breathe trying to type this. Don't want to think about it .... Haven't heard it described as a Sensory Processing Disorder but think this is a good name for it. EEK-have to stop now - too many thoughts coming.

Is there any treatment for this?????

Feb 04, 2015
adversion to 9 round
by: Anonymous

My adversion to round things started last summer when i stumbled across a photoshopped image of a lotus blossum pod on someone's shoulder. I am 51 and this happened at a stressful time. It has gotten better. But now I am at a loss about how to avoid other pics that may trigger another episode.

Jan 31, 2015
by: Anonymous


Jan 13, 2015
I'm not the only freak
by: Anonymous

You have no idea how it feels to actually see other people have this problem! I never know how to explain it to anyone and when I try, they look at me like I'm a complete freak!

I've had it for as long as I can remember and I started to tell people my problem and they just don't understand!

My main problem is is when I see a wall made out of stones or rocks but lots of them in an unorganized manner, it makes me feel quite sick and it's so weird! It's also things like lots of tiny cracks in one area, it just makes me feel sick and its disgusting!

What is this!?!

Dec 30, 2014
by: Anonymous

So good to know that I'm not the only one who has had this issue since my childhood. The only way I can compare it is to the way people react to auditory stimuli that make them cringe (i.e scratching a chalkboard). I absolutely cannot see certain patterns because sometimes it makes me shudder or want to scream (sometimes I do) in such disgust. And depending on the type of texture or pattern, I find it takes time to get the image out of my head. Ugh.

Nov 30, 2014
by: Anonymous

I absolutely have the same feelings. I hate to look at some textures.
There was a photoshopped picture on Facebook not so long ago of boob with a seed pod on it, so it looked like an boob with maggots in it. It made me feel sick for days and days. Another example: we cut open a pumpkin and all the seeds clustered together was just so creepy not only did it visually disturb me but I can feel the texture in my mouth!! It's making my skin crawl just thinking of it.

I'm so glad there are other nutters out there like me lol :)

Oct 29, 2014
Me too!
by: Anonymous

I absolutely have the same problem. So does my sister and so do my three sons. I have been looking on the internet for information regarding this, and the best I could find was trypophobia, or a phobia of small clusters of holes. But my visual texture aversion goes beyond that into things like you mentioned. I have an absolutely visceral reaction to some textures - they actually make my hair hurt! Some examples are large amounts of staples on a telephone pole, clustered unevenly or anything with tiny cracks... My skin actually crawls!!

Oct 24, 2014
It's not just me!! :)
by: Anonymous

I thought I was nuts...now I know we all are! ;) So glad to find others like me. I really thought it was just me. It makes more sense now!:)

Oct 17, 2014
Finally realize I'm not alone!
by: Anonymous

I have the same thing. People look at me like I am crazy when I try to explain it. Did anyone ever figure out what it is called? I saw a turkey today and the texture on its head make me gag!

Sep 14, 2014
by: Anonymous

Something about the thought of running my nails through carpet or rugged textures make me sick.I think anxiety might have something to do with it.

Aug 29, 2014
by: Anonymous

I can't stand looking at honeycombs... or swirly, corkscrew shapes. looking at some of those photos gave me shivers. i don't know why. if i think about some shapes i get goosebumps and feel sick.

Aug 14, 2014
So glad other people have this problem!
by: Anonymous

Whenever I touch certain styles of socks, (usually the really fuzzy kind) my teeth hurt and I want to throw up. I feel like I want to throw up when eating certain textured foods like strawberries, mushrooms, or raspberries.

Can we just come up with a name for this?

Aug 02, 2014
i completely understand.
by: Anonymous

and i am looking to find out what this ailment is called too...i get nauseated when i see fish eggs, and filters or sponges etc because of the texture/pattern, i find it quite strange but it has been bothering me for years which led me to question whether there were other who suffered from the same, or similar issue?

Oct 15, 2013
Why does this bother me too!?
by: Anonymous

I CANT BELIEVE I FOUND PEOPLE LIKE ME!!!! What's WRONG w/ us??!! A pic was recently floating on the internet of a girls knees after being forced to kneel in frozen peas... I can't explain why these textures & indentations bother me.

Sep 24, 2013
by: chickeebabe

Oh yeah....and I forgot to add that I saw a roll of tobacco sticks (usually those rolls are made from regular straw or hay). The huge-ness and harshness of the tobacco sticks sorta made me mad. (I thought that was odd.)

Sep 24, 2013
by: chickeebabe

I'm so glad I found this page. I've been trying to figure out what is "wrong with me". I can't stand the look of raw cut potatoes (that are not cut all the way through...like if a chopper was used on them). I can't stand the texture of the tops of some acorns. And, I was looking at a pendant for a necklace, and inside it was a texture that stood up and it really freaked me out. At least I know that I'm not alone in this. I'm 50 right now, and I think this started about 8 years ago. Maybe I had it before and never realized it?? I think it's odd that at my age, I would be getting these types of things.

Jun 10, 2013
So right!
by: Anonymous

You got this just right. I was adopted and brought to a country with grass and the moment they set me on it i screamed, threw up and cried. Textures to this day still bother me so. I will still vomit, scream and cry not to mention it can set off a slew of other reactions, especially depending on what new medication i may be taking. It has gotten so bad that i was rocking back and forth with my hands over my eyes for an hour. What i find to do in a situation where a texture will make you sick is to listen to some white noise (may sound weird but it clears my mind so i don't think of the texture) and close my eyes for as long as i may need.

Mar 20, 2013
by: Anonymous

I am so relieved to know there other people like me. I have had this problem all my life. I can't stand the markings grilled meat,or on fish and turtles.

Nov 06, 2012
"Trypophobia" for some but not for all.
by: Anonymous

I looked into the Trypophobia thing, and I don't think it fits. Trypophobia is specifically for holes and patterns of the like, and seems to be connected to feeling itchy due to relating the holes with your skin. What I attempted to describe in the post goes far beyond 'itching,' to full blown nausea and even tears because of the irrational unease and fear that the patterns cause. So unless people with the tumblr-named "Trypophobia" often wish to throw up, cry, and run as far away as possible, I doubt that this is that phobia. Granted, I could have a severe reaction, but judging by the comments of others, I'd say the phobia would be pointing in the wrong direction.

Nov 06, 2012
It's called Trypophobia
by: Anonymous

You all are Trypophobic. I have it too. It's the pits!!!!!

Jul 13, 2012
patterns that gross me out
by: Anonymous

I have this too. like an extreme close up of a tiger's tongue or the pattern in cooked cut brisket, the pattern on the alien's head on the old show called Alien Nation... that is the kind of thing that turns my stomach.... I wish I knew what causes this and if it is connected to other things going on in my life.

Mar 06, 2012
ice that forms like points on cars
by: Anonymous

I have had these same feelings when looking at certain pattern or textures. I can't look at a car that has ice on it near wheel wells that are clustered into a grouping of points of ice. I have tried to explain these types of feelings and people just look at me like I am crazy. I also dream of some of these patterns or textures that make me cringe.

Dec 29, 2011
Rice after cooked, pasta cooked,snow banks
by: Anonymous

Wow the same thing happens to me like if u cook rice and the water cooks out it freaks me out and the same thing with pasta if it dries out and is facing up in the pan or bowl freaks me out and the same thing with snow banks after they plow or if different levels of snow. Strange?? Am I crazy?? Happens with alot of things I look at.

Nov 05, 2011
You describe it just right!
by: Anonymous

I'm 34 and I've had this as long as I can remember!

Nov 01, 2011
Clusters for me.
by: Anonymous

I have the same thing but with different patterns. Some soap bubble bother me (groupings of them), netballs (kids toys), etc. The best way for me to describe it is, something that is pushing through something else. Certain clusters of objects. Freaks me out. I had a panic attack at work the other day because I was unable to walk away from it. My sister and nephew are the same way.

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