seamless socks

by leanne kelly

My 3 year old is driving me mad, she wont wear socks! she says there inside out because of the seam. she has blisters on her feet because of it, and when i try to make her wear them she crys so much that she gets sick. she starts school in september, and she has to wear them and i dont know what to do. please help me solve this problem its a nitemare xxx

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Jan 05, 2012
Stride Rite
by: Anonymous

My daughter will only wear certain socks from Stride Rite. She will wear the "comfort seam" socks or the low rise sport socks. We have tried soooo many, and these are the ones that work for her.

Aug 16, 2010
seams in socks
by: Anonymous

My daughter literally wears her socks inside out (seam out) and it makes all the difference. She is happy and content and good to go. Also, Children's Place and Old Navy sell seamless socks.
Good Luck!

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