Sensory issues is making my toddler almost starve himself

by le

My almost 3 year old adorable little boy does not eat food. He gags and or vomits even at the sight of food. He is on Pediasure but that is a daily struggle to get even 16 ounces into Him and the OT says he needs at least 4 bottles , Im struggling with even 2. He has no interest in eating, he will let me sometimes put small pieces of things in his mouth but he will not pick it up and put it in himself. He has to lay down to take his bottle, he will not sit up and drink it.

If he is sick or teething , he can starve himself for weeks. Plus vomit and gag. This has been going on since he was about 10 months old. He is also autistic. He will not drink juice or water out of a sippy, he drinks about a dime size amount and thats all. I feel like every day Im struggling to keep Him alive. I work with the autistic clinic and a OT and nutritionist, they say just keep on trying.

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Sep 23, 2008
by: Anonymous

Has anyone considered the possible of a bacterial or fungal overgrowth/infection in your child that could release toxins which in turn cause some neurological problems. I have a child, now 15 months, who developed "reflux" early on and had some sensory issues, such as noises and did not want to be held. It was terrible. He would go hysterical at the sight of new people or a large crowd of people. We figured out he had a candida "yeast" overgrowth and treated him with Nystatin for a month then probiotics every day. No issues of any kind any more.
Good luck

Aug 14, 2008
Thank You to Carrie
by: le

Hi Carrie, thanks for responding to My note. I have not ever been told about listening therapy. I have no idea what it is. WE do , do all the brushing and compression, and massage his face muscles 5 to 6 times a day. Please if you could tell me about the listening??? We are going to see the OT Friday and I will be sure to ask about it. Its so hard every day after day, I wake Him up and hope today will be a better day. But He starts the gagging right a way. Thanks for any info. Le

Aug 14, 2008
I have the same problem
by: Carrie

My two year old daughter is the same way! She doesn't eat or drink anything willingly. She has SPD, and we have her doing the listening therapy-you should check into this. We do the brushing therapy and joint compression every two hours during the day and OT twice a week. Keep at it, it is hard, but we are doing the best for them. I just wanted to see if you knew about the listening therapy and doing the brushing therapy every two hours-I have seen a very slight increase in her willingness to be around food, I keep hope a change is in sight. You are not alone though :)

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