Son's hand flapping, jumping, head shaking
by Ally
My son is 3 and a half years old. He was diagnosed with Autism at 20 months, but the diagnosis has since been removed. He is very social, great at imaginative play, and joint attention that evolved a few months later, so not autistic.
They did say he has some autistic tendencies but does not meet the criteria for autism or PDD. He has flapped his hands when excited, or watching a moving object (fan, wheels, water running) since he was very young. It has now evolved into hand flapping, head shaking, eyes closed, facial grimacing, and he points his toes and clicks his heels together all at the same time. It appears to be involuntary, however you can stop him at anytime by calling his name or touching him. It's like his whole body is affected.
Oh, and when he is excited, and standing up, he bounces like Tigger all over the place. He has been seen by two OT and they gave treatment for some minor fine motor delays but I need help in addressing the obvious need for sensory input.
If he isn't autistic, can SPD cause him to act this way? In July we took him to a Pediatric Neurologist that said he just needs to learn to not do it, and he is a normal child with autistic tendencies... Help please!! Thanks so much