SPD in marriage

by LW

I am writing on a sensitive subject - the difficulty that SPD adults have with an intimate relationship. I am a therapist and the women in a couple that I am treating is having a difficult time feeling her partner when they are intimate. She says she is hyposensitive to his touch and needs him to hold her tightly and in certain ways. This is difficult for him to understand and makes him very uncomfortable.

Do you have any information on this phenomena?

Thanks so much,

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Jun 09, 2024
SPD and intamicy
by: Anonymous

I have SPD and definitely experience challenges when it comes to romantic intimacy. After a lot of trial and error, I have found the following things can help:
- wearing a blindfold
- starting with massaging my legs helps me to relax and get into my body
- a familiar playlist
- communicating afterward about what felt good, what helped me to relax and stay present

Aug 06, 2012
SPD and relationships
by: Anonymous

I just found out today that I have SPD.
I am very sensitive to my husbands touch.
When we are intimate it hurts sometimes or I will feel overwhelmed. I have to verbally communicate how I am feeling so he can respect me. Otherwise I become in too much pain and have to stop.
I have ALL the symptoms of SPD and it has made my relationships very hard.
BUT now I have info to give my husband and am going to seek treatment.

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