by JIM

Is SPD the new ADD? Our grandson only 21 months old is a ball of energy. He never shuts off his motor. Its a challenge getting him to sleep. We have to take him on a car ride every night to get him to fall asleep. What do you think?

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Nov 03, 2012
i response to the title "Is SPD the new ADD"
by: Dawn

no SPD is NOT the new ADD, please do your research Sentences like that hurt our children in more ways than one. It is hard enough to get people to realize ,SPD is real, but to have peo0ple with children who might have it ask, just hurts our children's chances of this being legitimized in the school system!

Apr 30, 2012
Hope this helps you
by: Anonymous

I would ask if your grandchild attends a preschool for them to do an evaluation on him. We do them all the time in preschool and if his teacher feels there is an issue she/he can address that for you. There is also inquiring into the pediatrician who sees this all the time. I can assure you that children this age are all a great bundle of energy and everyone is unique to themselves. Above everything...remember to love your grandbaby!

Feb 17, 2012
by: Anonymous

My daughter was the same, would fight sleep to the very end... into the late hours, and we too would have to take her for a car ride to get her to sleep and just to get some peace and quiet... and now she is a healthy functioning straight A student. She outgrew the refusal to sleep. Now i am not saying that your grandson will outgrow this, but I do think you should look at all the sides of the spectrum. Look for more symptoms than just not wanting to go to sleep and having energy, if you find more related to specific disorders, then talk to your doctor about it, but don't base it solely on not wanting to sleep. Good luck, and I hope that this too shall pass.

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