SPD with excellent fine motor skills?!?

by Ashley

My son is 3 and just got diagnosed with Sensory Disorder. We will begin therapy with an OT on Tuesday, 2X a week for an hour each time. When we had him evaluated they indicated he was testing very well above his range in his "fine motor skills" area. More within the range of a 5-6 year old. When i read info on SPD, it suggests children may have trouble with fine motor. Could we be mis-diagnosing him?

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by: Anonymous


Do you have the phone number of the place you are taking your grandson.
We are looking for info who to contact for an appointment we need urgently

Motor Skills not true misdiagnose
by: Anonymous

No my 3 yr old grandson is in OT and has SPD he tests high in fine and gross motor like your son he tests out at 5 to 6 yr level even cognitive is way above average for him its the not so ordinary every day things that we have problems with ie; eating getting his shirt wet and now he is having major problems with walking bare foot on wet grass you didnt reveal much of your childs behavior as to why he was diagnosed with SPD keep searching this is the greatest site for info i found Good Luck and God Bless

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