Statements do not seem to be worth the paper it is written on in Brighton.hove UK

by Marina
(Brighton uk)

Silly me i was delusional in believing my son finally being diagnosed was a reduction in issues

However returning to his primary the school felt i was slighting them and withdrew the previous support he was getting.

This resulted in him losing control and hitting a teacher then permanent exclusion in may. he has had one full day at secondary where i was asked to go in as he had hit the wall

I am awaiting tribuneral and still the twisting and turning continues

I am at the end of my tether and not sure how much longer i will last in this situation.

Is there anyone in brighton area who has similar issues would love to meet up for support.

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Nov 22, 2011
by: Lisa

Hi there, i live in London, but my little boy was diagnosed last Tuesday with SPD. I hate to agree with you but life is a constant battle when you have a child with additional needs. I have had to approach a solicitor to get my little boy a statement. I think it very much depends on the borough you live in/local authority who provides the education. Does your son have SPD and how old is he?

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