Tactile defensive behavior --yet adores mess?

by Lucie
(California )

My son has demonstrated flight or fight response at kindergarten. If someone jostled him, he can take offense momentarily. If he feels happy, safe, and or included and interested, this doesn't really present.

There was a teacher he did not like. He could barely tolerate her touch. He would, at times, rum away, hide, curl up under the table crying and panicked. At worst, he'd cover his ears or pretend to me his pet chicken, making chicken sounds.

Yet since paint at play school, he would paint himself and not the paper! Still loves to paint himself, cover objects with clay.

We are trying to figure out where to go for an assessment....

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Apr 28, 2015
My tips
by: Anonymous

According to the text, I believe your child is actually the opposite of tactile defensive. If the child was tactile defensive, he wouldn't paint himself. He probably is having an issue with being touched lightly, and might need to have more exposure to messy play.

He really needs MORE tactile input, not less!

Try using pudding instead of paint. Is the reaction different? If not, he can't easily tell textures apart.

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