Tantrums at 18 months

by Gianna
(New York)

I believe my son who is 18 months has some sensory issues. But I have trouble separating what is normal for an 18 month old and what is maybe affecting his life because of sensory problems.

How do you know what is normal at this age?

My biggest problem is that he melts down quickly over simple things and throws frequent tantrums.

When do you wait to see if he "outgrows it" and is maybe just oversensitive and stubborn?

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Apr 16, 2009
by: Anonymous

Your description describes some of the same things that we dealt with in our now 7 year old. i know advice is highly overrated but focus on the behavior. Decide if the specific action is "worth a battle." Do what feels right to make you and your son feel better. If it feels right it probably is.

My biggest mistake was letting other people tell me that I was spoiling her and that she was just a brat.

Now, at seven, she is able to tell me when something is to sensory for her. She still has problems, don't get me wrong, but they are a little more manageable.

Apr 10, 2009
Good Books
by: Anonymous

T Berry Brazelton (gosh I hope I spelled it correctly) He's a pediatrician that has many fantastic books about what babies do and the stages they go through.

He used to have a parenting program on T.V.(I wonder if anyone has them on YouTube) He really helped my understand my sons development and what I should reprimand him for and what he just couldn't understand.

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