The places he sleeps

by Robin
(San Diego/Placerville)

Nice, hard surface to rest on...zzzz...

Nice, hard surface to rest on...zzzz...

My son "Jimmy" was recently diagnosed- reading the about SPD, I should have known years ago he had sensory issues. He has never slept in a bed. For ages I would leave him in his toddler bed and he would army crawl out of him room, find me, and fall asleep where he lay. I now have an entire album of pictures of him sleeping on the floor! Kitchen floor, living room floor, you name it. Finally I came to my senses and let him sleep on the floor next to my bed. He's as happy as a clam there! (With blanky, of course!)

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Mar 01, 2012
I know how this goes
by: Anonymous

My son has similar issues. He has always hated sleeping in beds, unless they are on the floor with no frame, just the mattress. My sister bought my kids bunkbeds. My now 7 year old will sleep in it most nights. But he will bounce from top to bottom finding something wrong with each one and at least once a week sleeps on the floor.

May 31, 2010
sensory disorder?
by: Anonymous

Hello, I think that the behavior of your child, whether caused the need for sensory perceptions and objectively his body touching the floor makes them feel safer. consult a therapist. good luck.

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