Weak gag reflex. trouble with clothing too close to neck

by Amy
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

I am looking for more information, similar stories, possible ways to support my child when it comes to what appears to be a sensory disorder. He is having trouble with clothing on his neck. Constantly pulling at shirts, he also can not have his jacket buttoned or zipped up to close to his neck. I have seen him gag when things get too close to his neck. He also has a problem with tags in the back of the shirts. His gag reflex has been check and is diagnosed as weak. He recently went through a bout with a virus that had him throwing up for 12 days. I think part of the throwing up had to do with him gagging himself and I noticed he kept pulling at his shirt in the hopes of alleviating the choking feeling.

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Sep 08, 2024
by: Anonymous

I’ve suffered the same issues all my life but I thought I’d offer some possible solutions.

For bike riding unfortunately I have to bring it to the point of my chin or not wear a helmet.

For the dentist I found that having a cup of salt helps, before they put something in your mouth to take pictures throw some salt in your mouth.
For diving I had to get the full face mask that let me not put something in my mouth.

Then for every day life unfortunately I’ve only found mints like ice breakers and gum help distract me. If used to much it will stop working and your mouth will feel like mint.

May 18, 2024
Have had this since I was a child
by: Anonymous

I'm a 71 year old woman and for as long as I can remember I cannot bear having clothing or even bedding (sheets/blankets/quilts) touch the front of my neck, especially near my throat. Dentists despair over my very sensitive gag reflex. Overly sensitive gag reflex is also triggered by certain foods like Jell-O. Recently gave away 2 brand new t-shirts because the collars on them are a bit smaller than others I own and they touch my throat to the point I was always tugging on them. Also cut tags off all shirts/blouses because I can't bear having them touch back of neck. Thankfully some t-shirt companies seem to be going tagless nowadays.

May 12, 2024
Gag reflex
by: William king

I'm 60 male. Anything touching near my neck gags me wind Anything. It's extreme. I'm desperate. Please help. Williamduaneking11@gmail.com I need dentures but can't because of gag reflex. Please help

Jan 11, 2024
Gag reflex
by: William king

I have a gag reflex. Anything touching my neck. Wind blowing on my neck. I can lay on my stomach but not my back. Putting a shirt on gags me. It's really bad. Need help and suggestions.

Jan 02, 2024
Also gag
by: Karla B L

Turtle necks, dentist, dental X-rays, chewing gum, looking at my son’s athletic mouth piece, all make me gag. Doctors have zero comment. I use mints in the car to disrupt the gag reflex when I’m driving. I wish we had answers.

Oct 04, 2023
by: Anonymous

I've had this issue since being a kid, I will never wear turtle necks or collared. I also have issues with the dentist.. The only time I'm OK with it is being choked 🙃

Jun 26, 2023
Gag reflex
by: Anonymous

I have been bothered by my gag reflex for years.
Clothes touching my neck really bother. If I wake at night and the shirt is touching my throat, I have to correct this quickly. It is hard to get dental x-rays,and I try to avoid them. Necklaces are bothering. My seat belt shoulder belt is starting to bother. Smelly diapers are bad. Wearing a bra was bothering me today! I do not like seeing choker necklaces, and men wearing ties. I was always concerned about my dog's collar being too tight. I am 66 years old, has not gotten better.

Jun 18, 2023
Same here
by: Anonymous

Ive had this problem ever since i was a kid. I could not button up my school shirt till the second last button from the top, and also couldnt tie my tie till my neck as it triggered my gag reflex. I cant even withstand the water touching my neck when im swimming. im almost 20 years old now and this issue has just escalated. I was searching for some info regarding this and came across this page, and it feels good to know that there are actually other people having this issue too!

I do have a problem wearing tshirts that are too close to the neck, and also shirts as the collar triggers my gag reflex.

Hope i wont have to face this issue one day :)

Apr 21, 2023
Same issue
by: Anonymous

Hi, I know this is a bit late but I’ve had this problem all of 37 years of my life. I can’t handle anything being near or around my throat, just the thought makes me gag. At the moment I have laryngitis and my throat is slightly swollen so that’s making it worse! It’s like I can literally feel my throat touching everything. Even writing this is making me gag. It’s probably the same for your child with their illness. I do feel for your child!

Mar 29, 2023
by: Anonymous

Hello, I would like to say that I have been recently struggling with things being close to my neck. I can't wear some of my favorite shirts, sweaters, headphones, and necklaces. I'm 18 and autistic, but have never had an issue with it until a few months ago. Only thing that works for me is wearing shirts with low collars, and avoid wearing my headphones around my neck, and also avoid wearing smaller necklaces. I have nearly thrown up because of it. Maybe it's a sensory processing issue related to autism. But does anyone know why I'm suddenly getting it?

Mar 05, 2023
by: Audrey

Hello! I just turned a 47, but only developed this sensory gagging reflex a few years ago, shortly after a complete hysterectomy. I’ve had to cut the collars on most of my t-shirts because I can’t wear anything other than a scoop or v-neck top/shirt. If I wear anything too close to my throat, I cough, gag, and sometimes vomit. I have a heard time wearing a coat or scarf in the winter. I have to leave my coat unzipped up top. I hope this helps anyone going through this.

Feb 05, 2023
Family of weak gag reflexes
by: Anonymous

Me, my mom and my brother are all the same way, so at least in our case I'm thinking it's genetic. My brother especially has a very weak gag reflex and used to throw up if he laughed too hard. Everyone used to scramble away from him when he got really tickled because they knew it was coming! As an adult he still gags if he laughs really hard.

My mom and I dont have it as bad but all three of us can't wear tight shirt collars feel like we're being choked if anything barely even brushes our necks.

Jan 04, 2023
Thankful I found this page
by: Lee

I've been referencing this page often because I'm a few days away from an Endoscopy test.

I'm 35 years old and this has been lifelong. I've wrecked many gold necklaces and shirts. I've gagged from little hairs touching my neck and just today was sick in a parking lot when i was getting groceries with my husband.

I have nothing to offer the page other than to let others know they're not alone. I'll reach out again if anything comes from my appointments.

Dec 27, 2022
Gag reflex all my life
by: Monty 67

Hi all, I've had this problem for many years as well, I can only wear V neck t shirts and virtually everything I wear on my body has to have a zip or a low neck on it folded over, at the dentists I gag regularly whilst having my teeth cleaned, the hygienist is used to me now but it is still embarrassing reaction g like a child, sometimes they give up and do a manual clean.

As a male I was born with Klinefelter syndrome and was told this was certainly associated with this , obviously this only affects male gender, not sure if this helps anyone

Dec 15, 2022
Adhd/anxiety connection?
by: Anonymous

I've had this same issue for at least 10 years. If I'm even slightly cold and shiver I'll gag, if my shirt is too close to my neck, if i bend over with my neck turned, etc etc just way too sensitive of a gag reflex. Now that I'm pregnant, it's even stronger. Every morning when I wake up and get out from under the blankets it is immediately triggered until I put on my robe.

I have recently been diagnosed with adhd and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety a long time ago, and when I focus on my gagging, it definitely gets worse which makes me feel its at least partially anxiety related but definitely not entirely because it always happens out of nowhere. The ONLY thing I've ever found to help it is I'm taking unisome for my morning sickness every night and I dont gag as much in the mornings anymore.

But I hope we all find more definitive answers eventually.

Nov 29, 2022
by: Anonymous

my son has the same issue!! it started almost 2 years ago. I've told the dr about it and she said it was nothing. every morning is a struggle getting him dressed for school he has to have a piece of candy or a drink immediately after putting on his shirt. then he tugs at it and stretches it away from his neck. I've thought about cutting the collars on his shirts so he doesn't feel so restricted. I don't know what to do for him.

Nov 19, 2022
Me too
by: Anonymous

Touching my neck or jawline often triggers the gag reflex - including shower spray. That, in turn, sensitizes my whole face so any touch anywhere on my face gets me gagging until the flare subsides. Sometimes swallowing or coughing triggers it too. It’s been going on for at least 15 years, inconsistently but more often as I age.

I have other hypersensitivity to touch all over my body, lots of itching and creepy crawling feels. What I call ‘bad skin nights’ keep me awake all the time now. Again, worse as I get older.

Doctors have mostly reacted with skepticism - or are puzzled but rather disinterested. I’m sorry it happens to others but it’s validating to not be alone.

Oct 13, 2022
To Sarah Who Comment 10/7/22
by: S H

I suspect my girlfriend has ADHD and she has this problem as well. She was diagnosed in 4th grade and she’s almost 22 now and hasn’t been to therapy or a doctor about it since 4th grade. I think it might also have to do with the sensitivity and the throwing up

Oct 13, 2022
Glad It’s Not Just Us!
by: SH

My girlfriend wakes up every morning and throws up or at least gets very nauseous. We’ve looked up everything and this comment section is the closest I could find. She can’t have anything around her neck (necklace, chain,etc..). NOTHING can touch her neck at all or she will throw up. Also any smells that are much stronger than a normal smell (whether it be good or bad) will always make her throw up. If she walks by a trash can or smells perfume, it doesn’t matter. Same outcome.

But the weird thing I haven’t found ANYWHERE else is that she only has this problem in the morning. It happens immediately when she wakes up and is in a position where her hand is too close to her neck or she fell asleep with a necklace on, or she smelled something. And I mean this is 5/7 days of the week if not everyday, and it’s not the most pleasant sound to wake up to daily and she misses work a lot or is late because she wakes up and is throwing up for awhile. A lot of gagging as well. I know this story is unusual but you guys comments are the CLOSEST I’ve found. All I was getting was "morning sickness" lol. We’re lesbians btw. So glad to see but also sad to see a lot of other people are struggling! I hope you find your answers!

Oct 09, 2022
by: Sarah

Hi. Quick question - has anyone here been diagnosed with ADHD or suspect they might have the disorder?

Oct 07, 2022
This helps my son
by: Anonymous

Hi all,

My son used to have severe gagging and trouble with clothing close to neck. It turned out he has congestion around his upper nose and throat. I have been doing nasal wash for him - buy nasal wash bottle and salk sachet - we were advised by doctor (3 times per day first 1 month) and now once a day.
It helps removing any fluid of phlegm.
I also notices his snoring situation got better.

Hope this helps

Oct 07, 2022
I am the same way!!
by: Anonymous

Hi guys, new guy here. So by reading all these comments, I can say I’m not the only one that is dealing with this. Felt like I was crazy at one point. So I’ve been having this sensation of gagging every time I touch my throat or even when a shirt collar touches my throat and I can’t seem to find any relief! Constantly having to pull down my shirt collars because of the feeling that I’m being choked and is causing me that sensation that I want to gag. It feels like I have something stuck in my throat and it also gives me a gagging sensation.

Can’t wear any button up shirts that much without having the anxiety that it’s going to make me gag… seems like anxiety makes it worse. I had this in the past right when Covid hit but it went away after about two months and it was less severe... Now, I feel like it's a lot worse and I can't seem to find anything to make me feel better. Been dealing with this for about 2 months already and I'm scared for winter because of the need to wear sweaters and hoodies.

I hope it goes away

Jul 01, 2022
Almost dibilating...
by: Shano

53 now and it started at 16.

Somehow I got through 15 years as a cop and 17 as a paramedic but it is definitely getting worse.

I get the most violent dry reaching and gagging at different times for the following reasons...

Bending over with head down.
Shirts, helmet straps, necklaces touching my neck.
Certain smells and sights
To cold or high heart rate exercising and to hot.
Holding tension in neck muscles like when doing sit ups.
Bed sheets touching neck.
Too much phlegm.
Holding mouth open to long like at dentists...
Holding a scuba reg in mouth.
And probably quite a few other causes that elude me at moment...

It happens when I'm well and happy, relaxed, and at any time...

Sometimes I can breath it out and stop what I'm doing but most times I'll start gagging badly.... But have never actually vomited.

Over the years I've had to give up so many pastimes due to this, like motor bike and cycling as need a helmet in Australia, back country skiing as too cold on neck, scuba diving, cleaning cat litter or dog poop etc etc etc

Have had a diagnosis of hyperactive gag reflex once when younger but never found a full cure or process that really helped.

This relfex has very much limited my life but I now know I can do alot of things whilst gagging terribly..

Amazing to see so many others suffer similarly as I've never found another with the issue...

Jun 25, 2022
Gag with shirt collars
by: Anonymous

I've dealt with this problem for a long time and don't know why I didn't look into it before. Shirt collars need to be loose enough to be away from my neck so I wear v necks or shirts that are a size or 2 bigger than my usual size. When I had migraines that made me nauseus I would have to be topless or if I wanted to just get it overwith I'd just hold my collar closer to my neck. Bulky necklaces and chokers are problematic but l can handle a light chain just fine and putting my hands near my neck or something has no affect.

As far as I know I've never shown any signs of autism which is the only explanation I've come across so far.

It's interesting that someone else mentioned that they have a hiatal hernia that they think is making it worse, because I also have one and never thought that might be a connection.

People have mentioned other problems like with certain textures, and I can't stand things like chalk and unglazed pottery, and when I eat messy food I wipe my hands after every bite because I hate them feeling gross. I'm not sure what any of that means or if it's connected, but it's all interedting.

May 25, 2022
60 yr old with neck sensitivity and gagging
by: Anonymous

Since I was a child I have been unable to tolerate anything around my neck - front and back. I cannot wear scarves or necklaces (unless they are long lightweight chains), turtlenecks are out, jackets that zip up around the neck area and sometimes even a backpack or purse putting pressure near my neck has to be discarded when I begin to gag. I even have an issue sometimes with earbuds and can only wear one (rather than 2) lest it make me gag. It's bizarre. I saw an ENT when I was in my 20s and he said it was stress. So no help. The only other sensitivity I have is to food textures. I have overcome some of them since childhood but not all. I have just learned to live with it.

Apr 04, 2022
Breathe through your nose.
by: Anonymous

I have this problem. It's a lot better when I breathe through my nose.

Feb 23, 2022
Throwing my lot in
by: Anonymous

This comment section is amazing! There are dozens of us!

I had the problem as a child very slightly - the only thing I recall bothering me was a tight top-button on a shirt pressing into my Adam's apple. But that's uncomfortable for other reasons. I've developed the problem as an adult after growing my hair out. Now I'm exactly how everyone is describing. I put on a scarf last winter and I nearly horf-guuh-ech'ed to death.

Stay strong, everyone.

Feb 05, 2022
by: Anonymous

My accupuncture clinic has never heard of or treated this condition (small town). I would appreciate if someone could pass on the details of a practitioner who knows how to do the "Taming the Dragon" technique so my TCM doctor can contact them and hopefully help me with my gagging. After 30 years I am over it and it just keeps getting worse.

Jan 10, 2022
possible fix for you
by: Anonymous

It is an overactive Vagus nerve. Not much medically, but find a good traditional chinese medicine practitioner and get them to do a form of accupuncture called "taming the dragon". Will take several treatments, but should do the trick.

Dec 15, 2021
by: Anonymous

I’m 51 and still have problems like that. As a child all my shirts were stretched/pulled down at the collar. My brother would always laugh at me. I’ve learned to live with it. Breathing in through your nose and out your mouth helps tremendously, but as a kid I didn’t know. It’s taken decades to live with it. Buying v-necks is great. It’s basically anything that is close or touching the front of the neck that’s a problem. Back of neck is fine.

I was more a nervous kid, an introvert. When older as an extrovert it got better. When stressed it gets worse. I also have a deviated septum, not sure if that did anything but I also know when I had extra phlegm it made things worse as well.

It’s not the end of the world. We all have issues of some kind. Try not to make anything big of it. I’ve tried figuring it out my whole life and gave up. I just live with it. Although not nearly as bad now as when I was younger. God Bless

Nov 25, 2021
I have this
by: Anonymous

I'm 25 and have had sensory issues since I was a kid and the doctor says that I have a hiatal hernia which might add to it. I can't wear any shirts that are tight around the neck and I can't wear hats, hoodie hoods, or anything that touches my ears (apart from my glasses) or I'll quite literally vomit.

I don't know if it will help your son, but I find that it helps if I stay away from heavy meals and spicy food, wear loose fitting T-shirts, and don't wear too many layers. I also find that the feeling goes away or at least gets better if I'm distracted with a different sensation. So I carry around a pack of ticktacs or mints to suck on or sqeeze my thumb

Nov 18, 2021
Maybe sensory issues
by: Anonymous

My 3 year old is like this, I can't zip his coat all the way up or put scarfs on him, if he wants a carry his coat lifts up and touches his neck and he start gagging again! He is really funny with hats, he is OK with a hood or cap but flat out won't wear a wolly hat with I think maybe because it touched his neck at the back.

I am alittle like this but not so bad news an adult.

I can't stand tight clothes around my legs, I can't bare long sleeve and won't wear a coat of I can get away with it, as a kid my mum had to buy loose necked uniform with frilly collars, because I could stand the standard school shirts as they wear far to tight an uncomfortable, I have always been uncomfortable wearing gloves, even when it protective gear, makes me feel trapped and I get overwhelmed.

I guess I have passed some of this onto my son.

Nov 09, 2021
Had this issue since I was a child
by: Anonymous

I am 32-years-old and when I was younger I couldn't stand wearing jackets that would zip all the way up past my neck. It would make me sick and gag constantly.

It became better over the years but when I was pregnant with my twins it came back with a vengeance. I had to chop my hair super short because if it touched the back of my neck I would throw up. I had to be careful when laying down because if even the pillow touched my neck I would be over. Wearing my work clothes was difficult because it was too close to my neck and I couldn't even wear jewelry.

I am better than I was before but I still have issues with clothing and accessories being close to my neck again, which is sad because I absolutely love wearing scarves.

Oct 29, 2021
Need help.
by: Anonymous

I’m a 31 year old female and I have this problem. It’s so bad during pregnancy that I literally cannot wear my hair down, cannot wash my hair, cannot have bra straps touch my shoulders, can only wear tube tops. It fluctuates, sometimes pillows and blankets bother me while I’m sleeping.

If I’m not pregnant.. I just can’t wear shirts or hair down if I have a stomach bug or pooping issues.

I don’t even know where I’d begin to pretend I can get help from this. But I cannot stand it.

Sep 24, 2021
My son is 3 years old and he is having this
by: Anonymous

Hi there,
I am writing if anyone can help. I found my son having the same vomiting issue when:
- I try to wear him turtle neck, sweater or scarf
- When is he too excited about something (I told him that we will go to the playground and most of the time he vomits before we can leave our door or in our car.
- In the morning after waking up, he said there is mucus inside his throat causing him to gag.
This happens many times/day and week.
The doctor told me to try using a nasal spray for him. I have been using it for him more than a week but there is not much progress.

I can't believe that I found this page because the doctor said his behavior that I described was so weird.

I have tried to link whatever could relate to his current situation. Firstly, I had post nasal drip during my pregnancy and experience horrible morning sickness but it went away after I give birth to him. Secondly,he was so sensitive to smell that he refused to drink my defrosted breast milk when he was about 6 months. From that day, he vomited even before I tried feeding him breast milk.

Please could you share with me some advice if you or your child experienced this at the same age?

Thank you do much.

I will keep checking this page for your advice.

Sep 23, 2021
Frequent gagger
by: Anonymous

I've had problems with gagging and subsequent dry heaving/vomiting for years (I'm now in my 20's). It strikes me after eating a large meal, and sometimes when my throat is being touched, but it also seems to happen randomly. I've found keeping my hair short helps (this also keeps it from getting in my mouth and causing me to gag.) When I do wear shirts or masks that irritate my throat I find it helpful to go to a place with fresh air and no strong smells, tilt my head back, and hold the collar/mask away while I take deep breaths until the urge to gag passes. I don't know if my issues have a medical cause. I've decided to start writing down when it happens to see if there's a pattern. Thanks to everyone who shared their stories.

Aug 28, 2021
me too
by: Madison Wilkes

i have the exact same problem, i am 16 and struggled with it my whole life, anything, shirts, my hair, blankets, pillows. all of them make me gag if i even slightly feel them on my neck and recently my doctor prescribed with an form of anxiety medicine because i noticed it began to get worse when i was more anxious and even made me throw up and it had definitely improved, i won’t say completely gone away but it definitely helped

Aug 15, 2021
Gag reflex
by: Anna

I had similar issues as child and struggled with things such as high necklines that I constantly pulled out of shape. I am not on the autism spectrum so it was not connected to anything like that. I grew out of it, but now in my fifties it is back and much worse. I have to wear my hair long enough to scrape back into a high bun or ponytail as I cannot bear the feel of it on my neck, even a tiny bit. Bed covers, dressing gown, anything can trigger it. No idea. It is worse though now I wear glasses, I am going to get prescription checked to see if it is balance vision issue as glasses make me nauseous too

Jul 30, 2021
Sensory issues
by: Anonymous

I’m 21 and I’ve had this issue for my whole life, I have ADHD so I believe that it’s some kind of sensory issue. I just tend to wear loose fitting shirts which eases the problem. I’ve noticed that in my case it gets worse at night.

Jun 21, 2021
I was your kid and i got better
by: Anonymous

So i was a child who was extremely sensitive to clothes (ill list some examples, but trust me I've been in your kids shoes) . Literally as a child if i had to wear socks i could not walk until i had gotten the seam to the very tip of all my toes, if the seam was under or on top of my toes id stop immediately to fix it. I couldn't have any shirts that touched my neck or id start to hyperventilate feeling like i was being choked to death.

As i got older (im now 24yo) some of the sensory things i got over and some i didn't. So the thing that made the biggest difference was my mom and how she'd react to it. My mom realized that these things that to her seemed trivial were a huge deal to me, and that i couldn't just ignore it so instead of getting mad she'd help in any way she could since she realized i couldn't control it and i didn't wanna be making us late cuz i had to adjust my socks.

She told my elementary gym teacher that i needed to wear breathable shoes that didn't require socks and that if he had a problem with it he could deal with the time it took for me to get my socks just right (I didn't find out about this until i was an adult but i don't remember wearing sneakers very often until i was in middle school which i didn't mind doing by then).

Before elementary school i couldn't wear pants only dresses, even in winter, my mom let me, but she always had a pair of warm loose sweats in the car just in case i changed my mind, which i would if i got cold enough. Then in elementary school i could only stand to wear huge t-shirts with loose basketball shorts. By middle school i dressed normal. I don't know why i was so sensitive to clothing, and to this day i cant turtlenecks, but i did get over everything else eventually.

The one thing that i never forgot was how my mom didn't make me feel bad, she accepted me and made sure i knew she had my back. Sorry for running on but what I'm trying to say is that in my experience is that if your kid can get better he will but no matter just show him u love and accept him unconditionally, itll mean the world to him.

I hope that was helpful.

Apr 02, 2021
Gag Reflex, no known reason...anyone look into Globus as a cause ?
by: Dave


So glad I found this, I'm not going crazy !

Started getting crazy gag reflex the other day for no know reason, after two I days I went to the hospital and they did chest X-rays and they were clear. I have no other symptoms with it except congestion once in a while. The doctor there mentioned GLOBUS and for me to read up on it. I don't have eating or swallowing issues, just the feeling of a lump in my throat and occasional gagging. I guess I have to get tested for GERD as well ? I can't even put shirts on or have anything come close to my neck area without gagging now, so frustrating. I've come to the conclusion that anxiety and stress trigger it / make it worse, does anyone have any experiences that way ? This is so debilitating *sigh*
Cheers !

Mar 25, 2021
Same issues, but also when touching my face
by: Male, 43, NJ

Hi, all, I am so glad I found this page, I thought I was nuts!! I've had this issue, same symptoms as most of you, since I was a teenager.

Things like shirts or anything touching my neck, and sometimes when I lie down in bed, makes me gag and dry heave, but ALSO if I touch my face, especially under the eyes and around the nose/nostrils, etc.

I also have a VERY strong sense of smell, I can smell things like food burning, perfumes and colognes, garbage/mold, etc. WAY before anyone else in the room does, and it makes me nauseous and dry heave and gag, especially in the mornings. If I wake up and anyone in the kitchen even OPENS a banana or takes out the garbage, I am sent running for the toilet to throw up. I can't take any food or drink or medicine until AT LEAST a couple of hours after I wake up, and even brushing my teeth triggers the gag reflex now....

This has become an even worse issue during COVID-19, because I have to wear a mask everywhere, and that often triggers the gagging and dry heaving, and that freaks people out because then they think I have Covid.

This has gotten progressively worse over the years and is much more pronounced when the seasons change and temperatures rise and drop dramatically, which sucks because I live in New Jersey, where it can be 35 degrees one day and 70 the next, like today. In recent weeks, its gotten so bad, I can't even concentrate at work or focus on eating anything, I get nauseous just at the thought of food at most points during the day, I can't even eat until dinner time usually, but at least I'm losing some weight, lol.

Some other background info that COULD be causing or exacerbating the issues, 1) I am a 9/11 survivor and inhaled a lot of the dust and ash during the event and have been diagnosed with asthma and chronic sinusitis and rhinitis as a result. 2) I have severe anxiety and am on multiple medications to deal with it, and I am under a TON of stress from multiple sources including running my own business, family issues, financial issues, and many other things. 3) My mother had thyroid cancer and had her thyroid and para-thyroid removed years ago, but not sure if that is genetic or not. 4) About 6 years ago, I had the gastric sleeve done, and they removed like 90% of my stomach, so while I still get the dry heaving ang gagging feelings, I usually don't actually throw up, its mostly saliva or phlegm.

If anyone has had sinus or other surgery, can you please tell me if it worked? My ENT had told me there IS a sinus surgery, but its complicated and can end up making the issues worse rather than better.

For those that have figured out a longer term solution, I'd love to hear any recommendations, like a medicine your doctor put you on, or a special way of breathing to control the reflexes, or anything at all. I'm not sure if I cut the necks out of all my shirts, so hoping to find some other, longer term solutions that can help solve this issue once and for all, or at least make it more tolerable going forward.

Feb 20, 2021
Gagging when overheated
by: Anonymous

When I get overheated, I start to gag.
This usually happens when I have a mask on, put a sweater on, or have my heavy coat on before going out in the cold.

If I do not cool down, then I start to vomit.
If I cool down, remove the mask, sweater, jacket - I am fine.


Feb 09, 2021
i feel like gagging
by: kayla

omg i finally found out what my problem is I have had it since like 12, i can't even wear necklaces, I mostly wear tank tops, my mom doesn't understand, she thought it was gag reflex, so I got a pill for it but it doesn't work at all, thank you guys so much, I'm happy I found this site, I thought I was the only one, what should I tell my mom?

Jan 18, 2021
by: Anonymous

Please, all of you, go see an occupational therapist. We can help you! You are not alone or too old to make this better!

Nov 10, 2020
Problem solved
by: Eric

I am 5 months out from having my huge, oversized thyroid removed and it has solved 95% of my issues. I can wear turtlenecks, ties, my stethoscope around my neck all without gagging. Once in a great while something around my neck will bother me but I think it’s a learned response and that over time it will totally go away. I am so happy I no longer need to worry about this problem and hope you are able to find the solutions you are looking for!

Nov 10, 2020
Possible solution to try
by: Neil

Wow. I cannot believe I have finally found a page about this! I've always thought it's just a random quirk I have!

I've suffered with it since childhood and it's become progressively worse. I cant wear certain clothes that touch certain parts of my neck or even the top of my chest or side of my neck. I struggle with seat belts and the cape the barber tries to put around my neck is an absolute no-go! lol Cant wear buttoned up shirts! I couldnt have a dental x-ray done once and sometimes the slightest thing will set it off but its only when you think about it and become aware of it.

It seems to be completely psychological as even as a child my mum would just tell me to keep taking deep breaths when I feel like im going to gag and that used to work but now it doesnt.

I've read recently that the solution is to desensitise the gag reflex by brushing your tongue.


this seems intended to be a long term solution but in the meantime I am definitely going to try chewing gum as a short term fix when Im getting dressed in the morning. Literally just this morning I have had 3 new jumpers arrive that I bought. One of them is fine, one is an absolute no-go and the other is kinda in between. lol

someone also suggested that I wear a choker when im at home to force the body to get used to it which seems a little extreme and not an enjoyable experience at all so ill probably give that a pass!

Oct 10, 2020
Support Group
by: Mark

For anyone interested, I started a fb group called,
"Sensory processing disorder gag reflex support".
Please join, feel free to share your struggles and successes.

You are not alone or weird. We can find ways to support each other.

God bless!

Oct 10, 2020
by: Anonymous

So I came here to try and find some answers. My conworker who is over 40. Has this issue with his shirt touching his neck. Also triggered by smells. Anyway so my said coworker constantly has issues. Literally gages and pukes when he has a smell like a cigarette or a funky room. We work in construction so we end up in some crappy places. Mostly it’s his shirt constantly tugging on his shirt and pulling collar to relieve what would I guess be a choking feeling. He’s a great dude and stubborn as the next. He’s dealt with this issue for 44 years. Never thought there was a way to fix it. Doesn’t even know what it would be considered. So I figured I would try and find some answers for him. Appreciate any feed back.

Sep 25, 2020
Stop the gagging
by: AnonymousDave B

I fixed the problem by 95% by cutting all the collars out of every t-shirt i wear. Its the only way I can wear any shirt besides a button up.

Sep 25, 2020
I’d you haven’t yet, try this
by: Anonymous

Remembering my early years I couldn’t wear a turtle neck sweater. Necklaces or the top of my shirt that comes up to my neck would make me gag so bad. Every morning for 15 years I’d dry heave. Throwing up as soon as my alarm goes off in the morning from 7am to when I’d be needing lunch. This made me not wanna eat in the morning and yes I’d lose my appetite throughout the day. I FOUND SOMETHING THATS HELPED A LOT ALREADY. My allergies are extreme I can’t wear mascara and going outside I’ll sneeze multiple times within seconds. On days where I have to get up earlier then My body would like... I TAKE A ZERTEC D BEFORE BED. Already I’ve gained weight and within a week it was manageable. Still getting better each day.

Sep 03, 2020
Covid-19 testing
by: Sarag

Hi. Has anyone else had trouble taking a test for Covid? As soon as the swab touches my tonsils I gag so violently that the swab touches another part of my mouth and is rendered void. I just wondered whether those of us who suffer from gagging in other external ways are all the same when it comes to internal, too.

Sep 03, 2020
Toddler - Same Problem
by: Walker

I was glad I came across this page. My 2 year old just started having this problem the other day. It start when I buckles him into his car seat for his first day back at day care after being off for months. Once he was buckled in he started pulling at the straps by his neck, gagging and then threw up. It happened again the next day, but I figured it out in time to adjust the straps and distract him without throw up.

The next day, putting on a t-shirt made him throw up his entire breakfast. We switched him to loose fitting button up shirts with no pressure around his neck. We are going to continue to monitor the situation and tell his pediatrician at his next appointment. I will post updates on this thread.

Thankfully, I have not seen any other sensory issues. Touching his neck is just ticklish for him, and no other sensations cause him to gag... Yet.

Thank you all for sharing your stories and advice, it is very encouraging to hear of other people's experiences and how relief was found.

Sep 01, 2020
I gag every morning and often vomit
by: Anonymous

Every morning I put on a collared shirt and when I reach back to adjust the collar, it gets tight in the neck then I gag and vomit. Many times even if not adjusting a collar I randomly gag and vomit all between 7am and 9am. The last 6 months or so I have a weak stomach and low tolerance for foul odors or disgusting things like vomit, dog feces etc.

In the mornings if I even come close to touching my neck I gag and puke. Even brushing my teeth is sometimes a problem. I'm worried to death over this.

Aug 12, 2020
Hang In There!
by: Anonymous

I’m with ya Mark. I deal with anxiety as well and take a med for it (Paxil). Stress doesn’t help that issue. Just further tightens the muscles in your neck. I work in a professional environment as well and before a big meeting I preemptively chew gum just to head it off. It works. Try it. Praying for your success!

Aug 12, 2020
by: Anonymous

It has been quite a while since I have posted on here but some new commenters are encouraging me to let you know what helped my child. He had all the symptoms most of you have encountered and he is better now, can even wear a tie and prefers to button his shirts all the way to the top.

We found a reputable acupuncture therapist...it is the oldest medicine. She called his condition Plumb Pit Chi, basically manifesting his stress in his neck, causing all the issues you all suffer from. She performed acupuncture to relax things and in just 3 sessions he didn't need her anymore. He also has sensory processing issues making touch uncomfortable, we went to a SPD therapist and she started him on a brushing routine on arms and legs (used with autisim) and over a couple months saw marked improvement. He has no more issues, I was skeptical of acupuncture but after such a positive experience would highly recommend it.

Best of luck to you all, help is out there for you too.

Aug 11, 2020
by: Mark

Hello, the comments are very encouraging. Only because this has been terrible for me.

As a child and youth I hated things touching my neck. In recent years it's gotten worse and worse. My neck gets triggered and begins to gag when things touch it. But also, mine is related to stress and anxiety. If I get nervous in a situation (like a meeting, driving or literally anything) I begin to gag. It's embarrassing. And it progressively had gotten worse. I went to an ent. That didn't help. He just told me to talk to a psychiatrist. I've been going to counseling. That's helped.

During the Corona quarantine it's been the worst ever. Depression has been horrible. Anxiety has been terrible.

To keep myself calm, I drink carbonated drinks. I have cut the neck off all of my shirts. It looks terrible but it's more comfortable.

I will see about the solution that the previous person mentioned because this has been rough. Im a pastor and community leader(dad and husband) but I can barely function. Im thinking about stepping down from pastoring for a season to get a hold on this.

I have felt lonely, depressed and at times suicidal. Thankfully my faith has strengthened ne but it's still been hard. Community is very important in my life. I've thought about starting a fb support group to share what we do to manage it, explain it to others and to empathize with each other.
Sensory Processing Disorder Gag Reflux

I don't personally know anyone at all with this. So I may be the only one in there for a while.

Thank you all for sharing. God bless!

Apr 27, 2020
Gum Works. Try it.
by: Anonymous

I'm going to an ENT doc now and he keeps wanting to blame acid reflux. He had me go to a speech therapist who took some video of my throat. I'd recommend getting that done just to rule out any thing serious. He also said it's possible to get an injection into the nerves of your throat which I think would absolutely work as my throat had to get numbed for the video.. Not sure how long that lasts or what the side effects are (I'll find out soon and post here) but it could be a solution.

But I can say, if you're thinking about it, you're gonna gag. If you change the channel in your brain, or choose gum / hard piece of candy, it works like a charm for me.

Hang in there!

Apr 26, 2020
by: Anonymous

Male 33 years old

This also happens to me. It started around 25 years old, and gotten worst at my 30s to now... I cant wear turtle necks which I wanted to try ever since i started watching korean dramas ahaha.. I have a long hair and every time it touches my neck especially below my chin, it makes my gag instantly and I cant control it, that i why I always tie my hair at the back, even if just 1 hair tip touching the neck below my chin, i instantly gag that my friends even think I am overreacting to something or purposely gag in response to something...

when i carry backpack for about 5 mins or so, I start to feel like gagging...

When I smell cigarette smoke or the like, i instantly gag...which makes the person smoking think I am overreacting and makes face...lols

I dont know if this is psychological or not... but it is really a relief that I am not alone although i wanted to find out the real cause and how to fix it...

there are so many comments here from way years ago but no actual solution to it.. sad... guess I have to live with it like it is a normal thing.. lols...

PInoy here!

Mar 07, 2020
Is weight a factor?
by: Anonymous

Hi. Just out of curiosity, how many people who have this could be classed as overweight? Mine got worse when I put weight on, definitely. Wondering if anyone else found the same.

Mar 04, 2020
Gagging when neck is touched
by: Anonymous

Hi I have been suffering from the same issue for 2 years now. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis secondary to damage to my vagus nerve. I am saddened that you all are experiencing this but I'm comforted knowing I am not the only one and I'm not crazy. Aside from dry heaving, nausea, and gagging when my neck is touched, I have pain and swelling in my neck. Ctscans and ultrasounds have all been normal. My doctors tried giving me bentyl to decrease the stomach spasm, zofran for nausea, and another medication to coat my stomach. I have not had any relief. I pray you all get relief from this debilitating issue.

Feb 18, 2020
So glad I found this page
by: Anonymous

Super relieved I found this page & that I'm not going nuts! 36 year old male, this problem of shirts / collars / jumpers feeling tight around my neck only started a month or so ago & I thought it would pass. No such luck though & I have zero idea why it's happening. Mine is at its worst sitting in work & when I'm driving, even the seatbelt being near my neck makes me dry heave.

A strange thing is that I've been wearing some of the clothes that seemingly cause it for at least a year

Feb 09, 2020
Simple Gag Remedy!!
by: Tony F.

I've had this since college. I've had every symptom in this forum and for me it used to be worse in the morning then go away on it's own. Recently I have it 24/7.

How long does yours last?

To the point. Remedy...

Try chewing gum. Hard candy. I don't know why but this instantly calms it and ends the constant flow of saliva when you're on the verge of gagging.

Try it and let the forum know if it works for you.

Prayers to all of you for a solution!

Dec 10, 2019
Me too
by: Jen J

Wow. I have never really liked clothing around my neck...even as a child. But it has really bothered me and has progressively gotten worse since I was pregnant. I vomited nearly every morning while brushing my teeth (I still gag and sometimes vomit) during all three pregnancies. I cannot wear a snug turtleneck..or really any turtleneck. I love to wear scarves but they can't touch my neck during the extreme cold or I will vomit. It also happens when my long hair touches the front or sides of my neck during extreme cold.

I figured I was just a freak but thought I would Google this and behold: I am not the only one! I guess it's something I will deal with, but I am glad to know that it's not just me.

Nov 24, 2019
I think I’ve discovered what’s causing my issue!
by: Anonymous

I just found out my thyroid is about four times the normal size and that my trachea and esophagus are deviated. My surgeon said my thyroid is taking up so much space that it’s pressing against nerves that send messages to the brain that I’m being choked so that any extra pressure, such as a tie or a scarf, gives enough extra pressure to make me feel like I’m being choked.

He said it’s probably been growing slowly over the course of 8 to 10 years which corresponds with the progression of my symptoms. He is thinking once it’s removed I’ll be able to wear ties and scarves without a problem.

I’ll report back after it’s removed. I’m not crazy after all!

Oct 06, 2019
by: George

I can't believe i'm finally free but i feel like i'm alive again. I'm not kidding i've never felt this good since last 2 years. Now here's the thing first of all i've never had endoscopy before so if i had that doctor would probably notice something but yeah. So apparently my 'stomach' moved away if that makes sense like something was wrong with it and believe it or not i solved it by massaging it and working out. I think it's called 'GASTROPARESIS'. Everything that was written here would happen to me as well like gagging and throwing up etc. If you do have these problems have an endoscopy or try what i did.

Wish all the best to you.

Sep 25, 2019
by: Anonymous

Also get this and also when I carry items like heavy shopping bags have to sit down and take deep breath to stop it

I find it really embarrassing

Aug 21, 2019
Must wear v-necks
by: Charles

I can't stand to have any standard t-shirt collar touching or even within 1 or 2 inches of the base of my throat. It's a shame because I have several nice t-shirts with designs I like but can't wear them because the neckline is too close to my throat. Thankfully I can wear V-neck t-shirts, not the super low ones just standard but that little "V" opening keeping it off my throat makes all the difference. Unfortunately it's hard to find many V-necks with designs I like so I usually just wear a grey or black solid. I do think they look a tad dressier than a standard t-shirt though.

I also can't tolerate any kind of tag touching the back of my neck. I have ruined a few nice shirts trying to cut the tag out with a razor blade. Interesting topic.

Aug 19, 2019
Male, 17
by: Anonymous

Hi poeple, it is very glad to see that l am not alone in this 'problem'. The common thing l see is that nobody got this thing since they were born,it is only at some age( often 15 and over ) that they find out. I actually remember the day it started to bodder me. I was 12, it was winter and l had to wear that stupid tight jumper which went all the way up to me chin. From thay day l am not able to wear any tipe of close that goes tight arround my neck. I pull the shirt like 50 times a day, and when l do it, my family thinks l am making that up and that it isn't really a problem...wish we find a way to get over this, by guys !!!

May 26, 2019
Weak gag reflex
by: Anonymous

I am sorry to hear what's happening with your child, all the symptoms I also have,

Most days it's fine, if I have a chesty cough a t-shirt near my throat will make me gag on nothing and I will throw up a lot, when you child palls the cloths away from he's throat he's needs help, stretch that top cut it will help, using v neck tops will also help.

While having this problem it won't effect their day to day life, bad cough they will throw up, being sick will be 10x as worse as they will gag on anything on anything.

Keep pens and anything out of their mouth, even chewing on a pen while working will make them gag,

May 19, 2019
Female 43
by: Anonymous

Hi there. No, there are lots of females here with similar issues. Mine started in pregnancy and I had to wear my hair up all the time.

May 19, 2019
Female, 42, it started a year ago.
by: Dal

Sorry to say that, but I'm glad to read I'm not alone in this trouble. I've been reading French forums but couldn't find anyone with the same symptoms at all.

So I decided to check in English and here I am reading all of your comments! 😳

For me, it started with a neck pain. I cannot carry my head sometimes. And it is getting worse. Doctors and specialists are unable to help or to give any advices or comments. They don't ask for any checkups. So I decided to search on my own.
It has been a year now and I cannot wear anything around my shoulder that has some weight, even light like a necklace. But sometimes it is fine. My neck cannot touch my pillow.
Luckily, summer is coming and no jackets!
Driving is getting harder and harder now.

I feel it is the nervous system that is touched as it isn't just my neck but also all around it, front and back.

And by following the routes of the nerves behind the neck, it is coherent.
I have neurological problems on my feets since they touched a nerve on my leg 4 years ago. So I cannot say why now.

But thanks to your comments, I don't feel alone anymore. I am waiting for my acupuncture appointment. Also waiting for an MRI.

What I can advise is to try to see a reiki healer. It worked on my feet pains. But I haven't tried my neck yet.

Good luck to all of you.

May 14, 2019
Am I the only female with this problem?
by: Anonymous

I used to wear a heavy chain with lots of rings around my neck.

I got pregnant when I was 16, and have had this weird neck problem ever since (28 now). When I was pregnant I had to wear tube tops. Even now, if I have gas/ stomach issues.. I have to strip my shirt off.

My first son was like that when he was little. Smells would set him off. We’d go for Chinese and every time he’d have to take his shirt off for the first 10-30 minutes we were there. Other places too. I pray it doesn’t get worse for him.

I’ve read about it affecting boys. But I haven’t seen any other women like this. Why me.

May 07, 2019
New victim
by: Anonymous

I suffer from this and decided to do a search on the issue. I am 23 years old and this started occurring only in the past year or perhaps a little longer. Whenever I put on a shirt I feel like throwing up because it’s too close to my neck when in actuality it probably is not. I’m unsure if this is physiological or what but it’s good to know I’m not alone.

Apr 11, 2019
Started Acupuncture
by: Anonymous

Hi people, as seen in the comments below, some of you all have recommended acupuncture. Will be trying it and will be giving you all an update in a few weeks to a month's time. Stay strong everybody!

Jan 27, 2019
I'm not alone!!
by: Kris

Hey yall,

I'm so grateful to know that I'm not the only person who has to deal with this insanity. I've found a number of your comments to be quite helpful and I plan on reading them all.

I'm a 35yr old male and have been dealing with having a highly sensitive neck for as long as I can remember.

I have extreme difficulty wearing anything that touches my neck, especially touching the right and left sides. No necklaces, scarves, ties, crew-neck T-shirts, bike helmets with a chin strap, etc...

Pillows cause me trouble sometimes. Beds that are two fluffy trigger my gag response due to the bedding touching my neck.

When I exercise strenuously the symptoms are exacerbated and often lead to my throwing up. I know where all the trash cans are in my gym... I love working out but have to be careful. Tank tops are a must but they are not always helpful.

The symptoms have worsened over the years. The gag reflex happened on occasion in my early years but has now progressed to a daily occurrence.

There was a point last year where I was throwing up 3-5 times per day. Often for no apparent reason. As it turned out I had bleeding in my stomach where the acid was eating away at the lining. I was prescribed a proton pump inhibitor which after one month brought my vomiting down to once per week. This is where I am now... I vomit violently about once per week (ish).

Now the vomiting is primarily set off by the gag reflex when something touches my neck.

I've tried to alleviate the symptoms by:
- eating slowly
- wearing only wide neck shirts
- quickly removing clothing when the gagging starts
- wearing tank tops at the gym
- pulling shirts away from my neck, sometimes up over my face
- not eating a lot of one type of food at one sitting
- lying down for a few minutes if I can
- thinking of something else (very hard as thinking about it makes it worse or can cause it)
- no energy drinks
- when I feel an attack coming on I try to take action before the gagging starts
- sometimes I don't fight it and let the vomiting take its course as I usually feel better afterwards

Strangely during intimate relations I have no problems at all. I love necking (tmi?).

What I want to try:
- acupuncture
- hypnosis/hypnotherapy
- reducing stress
- go on my stomach medication again

I'm hoping to find a solution to this issue, and if not at least a way to reduce the symptoms.

I think it is part psychosomatic and part physical. It may also run in families as my father and my niece have sensitive necks though neither of them has symptoms as debilitating as mine or those listed in other comments.

I feel comfort in the fact that I'm not crazy. fingers crossed we all find relief from this issue.

Jan 12, 2019
by: Jeremy P

I will be 36 in 12 days and I have had the same problem as your son since I was a kid. Shirts that touch my neck, cause a gag reflex, nothing can touch my neck and I'll gag. I had to have an upper denture done last year and I have to pull it out multiple times a day due to the gag reflex. I have noticed, over the years I have noticed it Is the most sensitive and absolute worst when my sinuses are draining or inflamed.

On days when my nose isn't running, I don't gag at all. I was also told I have sinusitis, and that explains my constant sinus issues. Have him checked for sinus problems, my gag reflex is directly tied to what my sinuses decide to do for the day.

I hope he gets help, it is so annoying to just start gagging like your choking or about to puke when there really is no reason for it.

Jan 11, 2019
Posted before but...
by: AD

Hi all,

I have previously posted on this forum explaining how I, like all of you, deal with this every day of my life. However, catching up on all of the comments I was amazed to read that someone else like me felt that this is made worse following eating and (which I have always thought is extremely strange and must just be in my head) the sensation of gagging/wanting to vomit is made worse when around others.

If I am having a 'bad day' constantly feeling the sensation and sick, I can cope with it far better if I'm alone. I WOULD NEVER be able to eat and then go for a walk with friends or family but if I went on my own I'm like 70/80% better and I fully believe that this is due to the anxiety get from the fear of gagging/vomiting infront of someone (this happened to me twice in my life and is now a huge fear/phobia of mine ever since). The anxiety of it takes over so strongly that I lose my control over it and it all goes down hill from there.

For this reason, I eat out very little and when I do I make it very clear that I will not be rushed and must be allowed to settle and calm mysels down before leaving the restaurant. Its extremely stressful for me, my wife and family.

Again, it makes me soo happy to realise that this weird and strange life altering affliction isn't only happening to me. I feel for you all and only wish the best for all of you dealing with it.... Hopefully one day we will have a one cure fits all and have rid of this once and for all!

Stay strong everyone! :)

Jan 11, 2019
I feel for everyone
by: Dave B

I am posting from my phone and had a few paragraphs wrote out when I wiped a dog hair off the screen and the page refreshed. Lost it all! So, this one will be short.

I have been suffering from this since grade school. The only way I can wear T shirts are to cut the collars out. That helps keep the shirt from touching anywhere near my neck. I get it when I'm nervous, anxious or something touches my neck. I can get it to quickly go away by taking a small drink of something or lifting my shirt up over my face.

I was telling my wife about some of the stories and I started to feel the gag reflex come up. I tried to face the stories but couldn't. She kind of laughed a little and told me I sounded like that guy talking to his wife about artist lady smelled at the grocery store and he would gagging. It made me think of it and started gagging again.

I'd like to thank everyone for all the information they shared because I thought I was the only one and didn't think they would a way to fix it. Now I've learned where I can start and what I can tell my doctor that it might be.

Btw, I'm not sure if this will help but I have protruding disks in my lower back and a protruding disk at the top of my neck at the base of my skull. And they want me to have a nerd block so I don't know of that has been caused in it my whole life or what period or if it just contributed to it.

Thanks And have a great day.

Jan 10, 2019
ruining my life
by: Anonymous

I am 16 and have had this problem for a few years now. It started when I had a rib out of place and I had to wear this brace that was way too tight and would make me gag. It was so much worse when I would carry heavy weight like my backpack.

Since the brace wasn’t working for my rib, I stopped wearing it and I hoped it would fix the gag reflex too. Unfortunately it didn’t, and everytime something is too close to my neck or even certain parts of my stomach I cannot stop gagging. Even wearing high waisted jeans or shirts with tighter collars affect me.

I am both a very serious student and a very serious athlete and this is affecting me every single day. Whenever I’m playing sports, I now constantly have to stop and tug at my shirt collar to try and relieve the reflex but I am stuck gagging on the field with everyone watching. This is seriously ruining my life and I’m scared it will never get better.

I noticed lots of comments about acupuncture but my family just switched to new insurance where not many things are covered and money is very tight in our house as it is. I tend to be kind of injury prone, already having had 3 knee surgeries and 1 hernia surgery when i was 4.

Due to this, my parents keep telling me that "doctors are not the answer to everything" and I need to just get over this but they do not understand. This happens to me a couple dozen times a day and is severely affecting my life. Please help me if you can.

Dec 20, 2018
by: April

Finally I’m not alone! I’m suffering terribly. I’ve seen a comment about the umbilical cord being wrapped around one’s neck when born, this was my case but I never had any throat problems until I was 10. At this age I was traumatised by a food incident involving my father.

Since then I’ve struggled to swallow certain foods and hate things touching my throat, always feels like there’s pressure round it and when things do touch I feel the urge to gag. I also get this sensation when I smile, talk, laugh. Not all the time but very often, most days. I don’t actually gag because I fight it like crazy as I have an extreme phobia of gagging/retching vomiting due to the mentioned food incident. Mints, chewing gum and eating used to help as my mouth was kept busy but this no longer works and

I’m truly suffering. I can’t engage with people because I’m terrified of my own body. I’ve tried CBT twice, hypnotherapy twice, I’ve had counselling and seen a psychiatrist with no joy.

Dec 16, 2018
by: Chris

I'm 44 and also have a problem. With anything touching my neck like ties or tight fit shirts.

It only lasts while I put them on after 5 mins I'm OK

Also if I start to carry shopping bags. I also start gagging. Which I hate as it's in public

Is there any cure or help.

Could it be thyroid issues?

Dec 14, 2018
I've felt this way all my life
by: Clare

I'm 66-years old and have had issues with clothing being too close to my neck for as long as I can remember. Also have had an over-sensitive gag reflex all my life.

Tongue depressors, dental tools, or even brushing my tongue will set off my gag reflex.

Even if it's cold outside, I cannot bear to have my jacket zipped up all the way because I cannot bear the sensation of it touching my throat. Necklaces, neck scarves & the like are no go for me. I've even gotten rid of some of my t-shirts because they're not loose enough around the neck area.

Until I found this site I thought it was just me that was experiencing these things.

Dec 03, 2018
There is help
by: Anonymous

It's been a while since I posted so my help comments are pretty far down the line. My son suffered with many of your symptoms and he found relief with acupuncture. I highly recommend finding a reputable place and describe your issues. Ours called it Plum Pit Chi. He had relief in the first session although it took many more to fully recover but he did.

Good luck and I hope you can get some relief.

Dec 01, 2018
Sensitive Neck - Choking Sensation, Globus Hystericus, Panic Disorder
by: Adam

Thought I was the only person in the world with this problem.

It all started about 20 years ago, had a tingling sensation within back of throat escalated into a full blown choking attack. Suffered frequent choking attacks daily for many years after. Unable to tolerate any clothing touching neck unless very soft material and have to keep an almond in mouth at all times to manage the sensation (sweets have same effect but would not have much teeth left by now) As soon as i remove from mouth the choking attack occurs.

Has overtaken my life in all aspects had so much potential but just live in hope that one day I will be cured. Have tried many things, CBT, medication to no effect.

Also unable to tolerate ear plugs or headphones and barbers cape thats how sensitive it is. I welcome any suggestion, I'm hoping to try acupuncture soon as suggested will update any developments. It really would be like being given a new life if i could be cured. Just suffering every day on the edge.

Nov 21, 2018
Thank Goodness I'm not alone
by: Anonymous

Have suffered for years with this affliction, am 47 years young. I work offshore and the survival suits for the helicopters to work just stresses me out, I have to stretch the water proof seal neck away from my neck or I end up trying to vomit. Cant wear a shirt and tie and as mentioned with others brushing my teeth or using dental floss is a daily challenge. I wont even mention the dentist..nice to be be alone in this hell lol

Sep 19, 2018
Me Too!
by: Kyle

Aaaarggghhh, I hate this!

No real rhyme or reason, comes and goes, but I get gaggy a lot, constantly pulling at collars.

Sometimes it's when I'm really hungry, or sometimes when I'm really full. Definitely more of a problem since I've gained weight.

Today after the gym I was struggling with a tank top for Pete's sake!

Glad (?) to know that I'm not alone. Sympathy for you others.

May 07, 2018
Same problem
by: Kaizen

I doesn't matter what touches my neck I feel like vomiting it started 6 days ago that's when I got sick all my other symptoms went away I can't fall asleep anymore

May 06, 2018
Me too
by: Anonymous

It happens to me also and I'm not comfortable everytime my shirt touches my neck so what I'm doing is I just pull it downward...if a shirt has a sharp tag at the back i just cut it off :)

Mar 08, 2018
DNRS - this may be your fix
by: JP

I've had a similar sensation from clothing around my neck or especially when wearing a hat - even a required hard-hat.

Often my glasses can trigger a gag response. Similar to many others' symptoms and comments, quickly removing the hat, scarf or glasses instantly reduces the feeling of nausea.

Thankfully I don't usually reach the point of vomiting, however it always feels as though it will happen if the clothing or hat is not removed quickly enough.

I believe that the DNRS - Dynamic Neural Retraining System may very well be the solution you're looking for. Check out their website and research the many "Doctor/medical profession unsolvable ailments" that it has successfully assisted so many individuals to fully recover from.

I hope this helps someone.

Nov 25, 2017
by: Hopeless

This is so weird to write... I can't believe it but I am very close to cured. Try neuro coaching! Apparently this (in my case) was almost 100% mental and I can now control it!

a hypnotist is trying to make you ignore you unconsiousness and a neuro coach makes your unconciousness work together with your conciousness. Try it out! Definitely recommend it!

Nov 24, 2017
Me too
by: Ari

I’m a 21 year old female and i have always had an issue with clothing, necklaces, scarves, etc around or near my neck. It makes me feel as though I’m going to vomit and makes me feel overheated/trapped. I am on the autism spectrum. Hopefully that helps :)

Oct 02, 2017
Same issue
by: Dan

Im a 34 yr old male and having the same issue. More common when suited up for scuba diving.

Aug 28, 2017
Consider accupunctire?
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for what you are going through. Sounds like you have multiple challenges. Have you considered acupuncture? It can help with anxiety. Sometimes like with my son, anxiety can present itself as a lump in the throat that leads to coughing/gagging and worse.

My acupuncturist called it Plum pit Chi. Check it out. You have many of the symptoms my son had, he was later diagnosed with a few severe sensory processing disorders.

Most have been relieved through acupuncture and a less known therapy called cranio sacral. He never used to talk to people, had a lisp, and couldn't wear a shirt some days. Now he has taken up dancing and was the lead in a musical!

He found relief, I know you can too.

Aug 26, 2017
by: Hopeless

I feel like I am somewhat special compared to all of you. I can never wear a fully buttoned shirt, but I no matter what I always chew gum. Besides that I can easily wear a scarf and a polo, but only if I walk and shop alone.

If i am with someone and need to communicate it suddenly gets worse, I am in no way nervous or sweating I just can't say what I want, besides that I have been told that I have severe anxiety, but I don't feel like that's true.

I get gagging reflexes and nausea constantly and persistently after I eat and it stays for 4-5 hours and usually starts after 30 mins I eat. I can not present anything in class or explain the rules of a game because I start getting nausea or gagging reflexes and feel the tension in my throat and I speak very heavy and can't talk loudly.

I have found that in situations of where Adrenalin kicks in it goes away completely and then kicks in right after the situations starts to get under control. I am 16 years old and am scared that this will ruin my life. I only started researching because I no longer believe what my mom says, that it will fade over time.

According to my mom it started when I was 6 years old and had to start school. I couldn't pronounce the word R, but more specifically when I roll the r, and it gets severe. I can't also read anything out loud.

I started not talking and became very anti-social, and no longer have friends because I am not able to have friends, I am not physically able to talk to someone. I can't have fun and I am stuck in my room, I am very very well educated but can't pursue any kind of passion because I am restricted by my "Illness".

Anyone who matches this? I have gone to dozens of psychiatrists and doctors and nothing has helped more than for a few days, it's like my body is adapting to me, trying to defeat my gagging, and when I find a way that beats my illness.... It simply finds a way to beat me back.

Please help, I live in a small country and no one can help and I fear I can't go out in the world because I am restricted to my room, I have always avoided reading out loud because I would physically puke in class, and I have tried forcing myself to puke and it is a big relief and it really makes it a lot less, but I feel like it is too unhealthy to puke to be able to do anything.

Sweets make it come instantly - steak helps. I tried something really sour and that helped but only if I carried it around.

Anyone able to help or am I alone on this one?

Jul 13, 2017
Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS)
by: CVS

When I was younger I used to have really bad nausea while my mother was getting me ready for school and while I was walking to school I would throw up most days. I couldn't have anything touching my neck or I would be sick. Teachers told my mother that I was experiencing stress and that's what was causing the nausea and they basically just told her to send me to the school psychologists and things would improve for me. Things didn't improve and I just had to get used to it.

When I got older, things improved and I had a few years where I didn't have any nausea and was able to travel around the world without any issues and was so happy at the time that whatever it was had passed and I no longer had to deal with the constant sickness. I am now 25 and guess what? You guessed it! The nausea is back and after seeing my Dr and getting several tests done and being away from work for over a month and loosing my job because of it I was referred to a Gastroenterologist who diagnosed me with Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) after so many years with on and off nausea I was FINALLY put me on 10mg of Amitriptyline and 50mg of Ubidecarenone and I no longer have nausea!!!

I hope my struggle over the years helps someone out there and I hope everyone who is suffering from this horrible illness will find their cure sooner rather than later. All the best!

Jul 10, 2017
by: AD

I can't believe that after 22ish years I've finally discovered I'm not the only one. My earliest memory of this is from primary school, where I was an angel in a play and had my costume safety pinned close to my throat. I can just remember running down the hall ripping the the damn thing away to relieve the sensation.

This has been an issue for me since then, it's ranged from not being too bad to not even being able to wear T-shirts that aren't v-necked.

I have learnt that the more I'm aware of something being close to/around my neck the worse it is. So take now for example, as I'm writing this I have a tie on (top button unbuttoned of course) an for the most part it's been OK. However, writing this (I casually thought I'd have a google about this problem while on the train) I have started tugging and listening my tie and shirt.

I completely empathise with everyone who has to go through this everyday. Worrying when the next time you have to wear a tie is coming up, trying to avoid it at all costs. I hate it, and I don't think I will ever not have an issue with it. For years I've told myself it's a phase it will pass, which to some degree it does and I can pull out the old T-shirts again, but it doesn't last. It's like there's an unknown trigger, I could be OK (never really fully OK, as I'll never be able to where a collared shirt fully buttoned) being able to wear a shirt buttoned on the next one down from the top and then one day without warning it's there again.... no reason that I know of that's caused it.

An I'm also soooo happy that I've read someone else in this thread dreads the going for a hair cut... for years I just shaved my on head because I couldn't face going to the shop and having the cape thing around my neck.

If anyone has any tips I'm all ears!

Mar 28, 2017
OMG. So I'm NOT a freak, lol!
by: Eric M

I had no idea so many people experience the same or similar symptoms as I do when faced with things around my neck/throat. I feel like I've just stumbled across other people who belong to some exclusive, secret society.

I've always had this to some degree during adulthood but it seems to have gotten worse in my 40s (currently 52). In my 20s and 30s I wore ties all the time with little problem. Occasionally if the shirt neck was too tight I'd get gaggy but for the most part it was fleeting. It's now almost impossible to wear a tie, although I do find if I wear a shirt one neck size too large I can tolerate a tie because it doesn't tighten enough to cause discomfort.

I'm in the medical field and sometimes the stethoscope around the back and sides of my neck makes me feel gaggy and I have to rip it off. Other days I can wear it around my neck all day without any issues. I've tried to identify what sets it off, or what's different on the rare days when it doesn't bother me much, but so far I've come up with nothing.

Haircuts were the worst but my hair stylist is cool withi it but I travel overseas frequently for extended periods of time and sometimes need a cut or a trim. Let me tell you, it's no easy feat trying to explain in English to a Turkish barber in Vienna whose second language is German that he can't put the paper collar around my throat.

Thank the gods for Google Translate.

I'm intrigued by the acupuncture treatment described in earlier posts. I've also wondered if hypnotherapy would work since I've always thought this strange disorder could be psychosomatic. Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only one out there who freaks out and wants to puke when things come in contact with their neck/throat. Living in the upper Midwest I sure wish I could wear a damned scarf and zip up my coat all the way.

Mar 22, 2017
Does Acupuncture Really Help ?
by: Anonymous

Hello every one ..
am from the middle east and i have been suffering from this for too long ...
it's been like HELL to me ..
so i read some comments here that said acupuncture is the solution ..
and i would do anything to get ride of this situation (i call it my demon)
so the big question is :
is acupuncture the ultimate solution for that "demon" ?
please every one who had tried it please leave a comment ..

Mar 01, 2017
10 years and counting
by: Sigh

I've suffered from this for the past ten years (22 this year) and it doesn't get better. Have not tried acupuncture but I have my doubts about the whole practice. I have not gotten to the point where earphones set the reflex off but I expect it'll happen sooner or later. Ten years ago I relied exclusively on breath mints but I am now having to rely on salty foods for fear of further health complications. I doubt there's a cure – nothing to be done but have a sense of black humour. The occasional bouts of self pity help as well.

Feb 26, 2017
Honestly I've learned to eat everything without
by: Anonymous

I can't get mine in at all. I'll have them in but the gagging will be so horrific I eventually throw up. Even having a shirt too tight around my neck will cause it.

I got my teeth romoved and dentures put in through a state funded program called Donator Dental. Since I went that route I have no choice but to go without them.

I don't let it stop me one bit. Just bought some Girls Scouts cookies. No problem. I wish I could actually have teeth but their idea of "getting dentures" is completely different than mine. To them it's just getting them, whether you have a gag problem that prevents you from actually wearing them or not.

To me I was getting dentures and if they didn't work, I'd get help til they do work. But as with most states in the US if you have a mental health illness that prevents you from working, you're screwed.

Feb 24, 2017
by: Anonymous

Can you keep them in once you manage to get them in? Try breathing through your nose while putting them in. I've always had a bad gag reflex and doing that helps me a lot when I'm at the dentist.

Feb 09, 2017
Gaggers Unite
by: Anonymous

I'm 32 n have had this problem for as long as I can remember. My biggest issue is I had my teeth pulled last year and got dentures. But I can't wear them because I gag too much putting them in.

I'm glad there's recent responses on here.

What things can I do or where do I go to get this looked at because not being able to wear my teeth has brought my confidence down to an extreme low.

Feb 01, 2017
Feeling helpless
by: Myst

Has anyone found a solution to this? My husband is in his late 30s and had been dealing with this since he was a child. It embarrasses him to no end. He can't wear tight clothing because causes him to gag, if he gets too hot he gags, etc which in turn causes him to have to strip down as much as possible or he will vomit. It happens at home out in public etc.

My heart breaks for him because there's nothing I can do for him but be supportive. I was thinking a sensory disorder (don't know much about that), psychological, etc. He was born with a heart issue and had to be in the nicu for the first 6 months of his life where they had him strapped down basically. I just want to help my husband😔

Jan 18, 2017
Oh gag me!
by: Sara

I am so happy to read that I am not alone in this issue!

During childhood and up until my late teens I was able to wear turtlenecks & choker necklaces with no problem.

When I was 17, I was hospitalized fir a week with a huge access in my throat. One the abscess healed up, I started not being able to tolerate things coming into contact with the front of my neck. Tight scarves, turtlenecks, necklaces... Anything.

Played roller derby and could not stomach having a mouth guard in. Imagine trying to skate laps while fighting off your gag reflex. It was horrible!

Jan 18, 2017
Accupunctire help
by: Anonymous

Hi Tony, my son had 2 types of acupuncture, the most effective was called taming the dragon which was 10 needles along the spine, then they were "petted" by the doctor and eventually she had me do it. That had the best results for him. Within 2 minutes he was touching his neck and so happy not to be gagging. The specialist will know what to do if you tell them your issue. Our acupuncturist is the one who said overactive Vegas Nerve as soon as I described his symptoms. Good luck!

Jan 15, 2017
by: Tony

For those that had good results with acupuncture, is there a specific type of acupuncture that is done or is it a one size fits all. Please post here or email tonyferrito@columbus.rr.com. Thanks!

Jan 07, 2017
Gag reflex
by: AnonymousBob

I am 67, and have had sensitivity to wearing anything around my neck.

About a year ago I went to Vanderbilt Voice Clinic and found I have spasms of my vocal chords during winter. The dry air, and my history of acid reflux, cause this. I take medication for it, but only during the winter into s March . ( Tennessee has mixed weather in March).

But this time of year is also when my neck sensitivity is most prevalent. And from a lot of the comments on this site, it seems that the cold dry months are worst for most of us.
As for the dentist and doctor, I tell any doctor who pulls out a tongue depressor that I will gladly open my month wide, but not to use the tongue depressor.

As for the dentist or teeth cleaning, they give me nitrous oxide (Laughing gas, which they will be glad to give you), and I do not notice any gag reflex and it reduces anxiety.

Thanks for all the comments, just had a gagging session, thought I must be losing my mind and I was the only person this effected, until I found this site.

Dec 22, 2016
Gag on everything , almost
by: Anonymous

Hi im 55 and have had this problem for 40 years , no neck ties no tongue depressors, no dentist , i cant wear ear plugs , playing football i had to cut about an inch off each side the mouth piece.

Have been called a baby or wimp by dentists until i just gave up going , getting up and going outside in the morning to go to work is nothing but gagging for 10 minutes then im fine . I had heart issues and try using a stethoscope, ha ha not happing i couldnt even have it in my ears for 5 seconds . No idea what causes it .

I know i can hardly breath through my nose ,never have been able to ,i think if someone covered my mouth i would suffocate. That might have something to do with it. And the guy with the bad teeth ,i had mine pulled out, but guess what you cant wear dentures without gagging. So what ever it takes take care of your teeth.

Dec 14, 2016
Gagged just reading all of these
by: Anonymous

glad to know there are others out there! I'm 20 years old and I'll gag if anything touches my neck or if I have something like a mouth guard in my mouth ( I played lacrosse in high school and gagged about every second while running). I also will gag if I have even I slightly stuffy nose. I found that minty gum helps as long as it's fresh and also Vicks vapor rubb seems to help

Dec 10, 2016
Gum Helps As A Temporary Fix!
by: Anonymous

I agree with everything posted below. We're not all mutants. Just our particular cross to bear :-). Most anything that touches my neck, shirts, earphone wires while on the treadmill, etc, etc. are all triggers. I think it's a physical problem that can become mental over time because you know the response that is coming. It's crazy how little the input is to create the unwanted output.

While not a solution, like one of the other comments below, I always have a pack of Trident Spearmint sugar free gum with me. I'm not sure why it works but just having something in my mouth to suck on calms the sensation. The spearmint gum has a strong scent also and that may help to open up the airway. It's peace of mind too knowing that it will help and that calms the mental aspect of it.

Thanks all for sharing your stories!

Dec 05, 2016
Same thing
by: craig

I'm 51 and suffer from shirts and ties touching my neck. But, I found for me, that is I chew on a nut, or something crunchy, I stop gagging. I know this is strange, but what do you think?

Dec 01, 2016
Vegas Nerve
by: Sherri

Please research an overactive Vegas Nerve. My son has found relief from acupuncture and Cranial Sacral therapy. I wish I could shout if from the mountain tops for all of you who are suffering.

Nov 30, 2016
Gag at the thought...
by: Tim_fc3s

Yes i have found myself gagging just thinking about something close to my throat but that is rare. I have found my symptoms are worse in the morning and that it feels like i have a lot of saliva/phlegm in my throat right around my adams apple area. Anyone else similar with that?

Nov 30, 2016
Always thought I was alone and crazy.
by: Dan in MInnesota

I have had the same symptoms as most of you. I cant wear shirts that come near my neck. Ties are out of the question. I live in Minnesota and its gets cold here, When walking my dog I cant have anything near my neck so when its below zero it gets cold fast.

I mentioned this to my Doctor and he had never heard of it. My Dad, and brother have the same problems. Other than them I had never heard anyone else having this. I do occasionally wonder if part of this is mental. Reason I say that is I can gag just thinking about putting on my shirt in the morning and nothing has touched my neck.

Anyone else gag from just the thought?

Nov 23, 2016
Over active gag reflex
by: Darkfairy1988

I have had this problem all my life. When I go to the dentist I just tell them I have an over active gag reflex right away. Which helps a lot. They just have me give them a sign and use a regular tooth brush rather then the electric one.

I mostly have this act up while trying to sleep at night. Or if I wake up hungry. I have to use two pillows, and place them like an L shape. Anyone else have trouble sleeping with this? Any pointers?

I have had this all my life. And now I have a torn shoulder so trying to use a sling is a nightmare.I gave up on the sling and took an old cami (undershirt) and made it into one that fits better.

I am glad and sad that I am not alone on this.

Nov 22, 2016
Tired of this problem
by: Anonymous

Doc sent me to a specialist. He looked in my ears, nose and throat. Then told me he never heard of this problem and there was nothing he could do. Maybe I could use some physical therapy. What a waste of time.

Nov 14, 2016
Thank goodness I found this site.
by: Sarah

Hi. I'm 41 and my experiences with this started when I was a teenager. I can't wear round-necked tshirts, could never wear a polo-neck and even necklaces are s problem if they're too short. The very idea of wearing a choker necklace puts me in a mild panic! I was always loosening my school blouse and tie so it wasn't so close to my neck.

I don't like scarves and can't have a coat zipped up right to the top in cold weather.
Things got worse for me when I was pregnant with my first child. I couldn't wear my hair down for the whole of the pregnancy; otherwise I'd be gagging and rushing to find something - anything! - with which to tie up my hair.

I'm mildly asthmatic and suffer from allergies. Rhinitis, tickly cough, itchy eyes. Usual stuff. I find my tolerance for things touching my neck is far lower when I'm feeling particularly allergic. Other than that, I can't find any triggers.

So happy to have finally googled this and come across fellow sufferers. I'm going to look into the remedies you've suggested. Thank you so much and good luck! xxx

Oct 18, 2016
There is help
by: Sherri

Tim, there is help out there, you can read my comments a few entries below yours. My son suffers and has found help through acupuncture. Also a therapy called Cranial Sacral. it sounds like you, your dad and my son have similar symptoms. He was diagnosed with an over active Vegas nerve. Google that and you will find lots of information and treatment ideas. you are definitely not alone. I was so happy to find help, I hope you can too.

Oct 17, 2016
Does anyone have a solution?
by: Tim_fc3s

Every morning when i put a shirt on i have to tug at the collar and get it away from my neck.. i ride a motorcycle to work every day and like to listen to music, for awhile i was ok with my earbuds going down the front of my shirt but lately i have to put them down my back to keep them off my neck while riding (threw up in my helmet). I can not wear a tie for my life and haircuts/dentist trips are an embarrassing ordeal.

My dad suffers from this same issue and now that i am 31 and have been dealing with it for years i feel bad when i made fun of him as a kid. I have gone to throat and nose doctors but the best they came up with was mild asthma which i probably have but highly doubt has anything to do with this. It kind of feels like i have constant phlegm in my throat also. I am glad to find out my dad and i are not alone, however it does not seem that anyone has found a solution.

Oct 11, 2016
Gag when touched
by: Spastic

I have struggled for many years with shirt collars, etc. However, along with that, I also gag if someone touches me while I am eating. I have googled this and have not found any information on it. Many times I choked on my food if someone just touches my hand, puts a hand in my shoulder, tries to hug me or sometimes my kids will try to play with my hair. Just thinking about what it feels like makes me feel like I will vomit. Is this anxiety? Is it a real sensory issue? I feel stupid for talking to my doctor about it. I just want to know if there are others like me and how you cope.

Aug 25, 2016
i really cant stand for any thing to be on my neck or around it
by: Randy

I'm 28 and I have had the same problem for a long time it only happens early in the morning and also when I get to hot it helps if I drink something really cold in the mornings and when I get hot I can't stand for any thing to be around my neck and it makes me gagg when I have to shave my face I would love to wake up one morning and not have to be gagging

Jul 25, 2016
I found help!
by: Sherri

I have posted here several times over the years, my son started having gagging issues, nothing could touch his neck etc 6 years ago. It kills me that it took me this long to get him help. He has been going to an acupuncture place and the Dr there identified his symptoms as an overactive Vegas Nerve. This is amazing stuff!

She used a technique called "Taming the dragon" which involves placing 10 needles along the spine, then "petting them" he has had this done twice and has been able to brush his teeth without gagging for the first time! He has also had Craniosacral therapy, which is a very gentle touch massage. He can wear a shirt and be in public without panicking!!! Tears of joy!! These are two awesome ladies that have helped him in just a two week period.

If you are in Sarasota FL, I am happy to share their info with you. So many frauds, these people are truly interested in healing, not money. I hope this can help you find healing for yourself. Look it up, you will see many of your symptoms are related to this Vegas nerve.

Jul 10, 2016
Bad teeth as a result of gag reflex.
by: Ray

I am 33 and have been dealing with the same issue for as long as I can remember. It is always worse in the morning and during the colder months. Even wearing a t-shirt will cause me to gag. Sometimes I can be swimming without a shirt on and I will feel like there is a finger pushing in on my adams apple and I will start gagging. It is not easy to deal with sometimes. I have found that it is worse as my stress levels are up. If I'm not stressed it doesn't happen as often but does still happen.

It is almost impossible to go to the dentist to get work done. And as a result, I have very bad teeth. If there is a way to subdue the symptoms I would encourage anyone who has a child that has this problem to seek it out, no 33 year old should have to get dentures like I will now because of this problem. There was another factor that added to my bad teeth and could of even led to this problem. When I was 12 I needed braces and rather than paying for them, my mother paid the dentist to shave everyone on my teeth on the top. He took up to 1/8 of each tooths width, so now they are so fragile that I can drink water only and they will break, that issue combined with the horrible gag reflex that prevents me from going to the dentist for work is the reason I now need a upper denture which I can't afford. So I am walking around with broken teeth until I can afford them, it makes no sense paying $3000 for filling or crowns when I can get the rest of my upper teeth pulled and a denture plate for $1500.

Sorry to go on, but my point to all that is, please don't let your kids or yourself to have to go through what I am now going through. Please help them anyway possible.

Jun 19, 2016
I Have Found Relief
by: Anonymous

Dear kindred souls who suffer from bad gag reflex,
Earlier this year there was a post from someone who said that acupuncture had helped lessen their gag reflex episodes, so I thought I would try it. I had nothing to lose & had tried so many other things that didn't help. I found an acupuncturist that charges $40.00 for the first session & then you can pay on a sliding scale based on what you can afford. I started with 2 sessions a week for three weeks, then 1 a week for a couple of weeks & am now down to 1 session every other week....because IT WORKED!! It will take a couple weeks worth of sessions, but you will soon notice that you are having less episodes. I haven't had an episode for about 4 weeks now!!! I can't tell you how wonderful this is!! Please, if you haven't tried acupuncture, make an appointment ASAP & please give it 4-6 sessions for it to really kick-in. My wish is for everyone who suffers from a bad gag reflex to find lasting relief. Please try it & come back & leave a comment here.

Jun 16, 2016
25 female suffering
by: Anonymous

I've been suffering with this mostly with the gag reflex and no being able to stand anywhere being close to my neck like shirts or collars or tops. Strangely I can wear a scarf :/

Anyway over the years seems to be getting worse
Dentist is a bit of a mission, was good while I had a dentist that completely understood but she left the practice :(

But it does seem to be worse than I remember sometimes even if I smell something really bad or see something disgusting I start to gag which of course makes me vomit. Unsure if it's related of course or that part is all in my head.

Mar 17, 2016
@ Found help!
by: Anonymous

Dear Found help! Thank you for sharing this good news with those of us that suffer from this disorder. I'm happy that your son has found relief! I've heard a lot of good things about acupuncture but never thought to try it. I have a friend who personally knows someone who does acupuncture, so I'm definitely going to check into it! If it does (or doesn't) help me, I'll post my results on this site.

Mar 14, 2016
Accupuncture is working
by: Found help!

My son has been battling this off and on for 5 years. Seems to start when he gets a cold with a cough, then the gagging, clothes can't touch neck etc. I took him to an acupuncture apt and they did Japanese acupuncture and gave him ear tacks to help with his anxiety. The Dr said the lump in the throat is called Plum Pit Chi and if you can prevent that from starting all the other symptoms can be relieved. My son was not as extreme as some of your stories, he never vomited but came close. We are a month in and so far his anxiety has calmed down, he hasn't had the lump in his throat and he is able to wear regular shirts all day long without gagging. This is something to look into, the ear tacks worked immediately and his anxiety has reduced. It is working for him, hope this can help you all too.

Mar 11, 2016
Nice one, found you other people
by: Alice

Had to google this because I don't know anyone else with it! Amazed to find this! I cannot have anything on my neck or in my throat. The minute something is, be it a collar or skivvy neck, scarf, or something that went down the wrong way, that's it. I just throw up! Not much else in the world phases me, but man! I'm at a loss to explain this,or like other people, how to resolve it?

Feb 10, 2016
Just when I thought it was getting better
by: Anonymous

My son is 13 now and hadn't had any issues for over a year. He got a cold and had a lot of chest congestion which made him cough...a lot. He then started back with the gagging, and even threw up once. Added to this is what I would consider to be a panic attack. When he coughs he gets scared and starts to cry afraid he is going to make himself throw up, then rips off his clothes, and starts pacing and sweating. It is so sad and frustrating as a mom, I can't do anything. All Children's wanted to do sound therapy which basically was listening to static through head phones, that was all they had to offer. I can't believe there is no help for this!!

Feb 10, 2016
It doesnt get better for everyone.
by: Anonymous

Since i was young, maybe 5, i can remember throwing up because my shirt was too tight. Now, at 32, i cant where dress shirts that fit me, have to be larger in neck or i cant button up top button. T shirts get extra stretched out in the neck on purpose , seat belt goes under armpit, etc, or else i will throw up. My gag reflex is weak, the list of scents that make me gag is long as well. Everything has to be unscented when comes to soaps etc. Doctors did blood work , said nothing is wrong with me( VA doctors) who knows? I walk around shirtless unless going somewhere its needed.

Jan 11, 2016
I'm so glad.I
by: Anonymous

I have this and I'm in high school so it make my life a living hell. If any one has a way of solving this, thank you. (I can't live with "It gets better")

Dec 23, 2015
Now I know it's not just me!
by: Andrew

So after 33 years of struggling with this issue I decided to google it and see what appeared.. So many of these posts pick me exactly,

I can't stand anything touching my neck, I pull at collars and trying to wear a business tie is like pure agony. I can't wear headphones and I've all but given up the dentist.

Everyone just tells me it's in my head and I hate the fact I have to make up stories when I get a hair cut just so they leave the cape loose..

It's good to know I'm not alone.

Dec 22, 2015
It gets better!
by: John Watkins

I used to have severed gag reflex issues when I was a child. As I grew older (especially since I turned 18) I tried purposefully putting myself in those situations and just "dealing with it" as a last ditch effort to get around it. It for the most part worked. I now snowboard every year and have no issues with the strap on the helmet. And I am a firefighter and only have an Issue with my facemask for the first minute or so. Good luck guys (:

Sidenot my captcha code was triage... found that funny considering the profession. :P

Dec 20, 2015
Gag reflex, vomiting & cold/dry weather
by: Anonymous

I was surprised to find so many others with this same issue. I thought I was the only one. It started out with gagging at my dental appointments & not being able to wear turtlenecks when I was in my 20's. As I have aged it has gotten worse (I'm now 52). One thing I have noticed over the last several years is that except for at the dentist, I usually don't have the gagging & vomiting issue until the weather starts to get cool & dry. I live in the Midwest, so that usually starts around October & lasts through the winter, which can be up to 6 months. I am constantly pulling on my shirt collars, and if I'm wearing a coat I have to rearrange the collar of that as well. I also can't zip my coats all the way up, and forget about a scarf! Even my hair touching my neck can set off an episode of the gagging & vomiting. And it doesn't matter if the clothing or my hair touches the the front or the back of my neck - I have the same reaction. I've never checked into these issues because I figured I would be told it's all in my head. If anyone ever comes up with a solid reason for these issues, please post on this website! Thank you!

Dec 18, 2015
by: Anonymous

im 56 and have this same thing going on im a keen free diver but have great trouble with a tight wetsuit and hood . even worse when i try to use a snorkel

Nov 09, 2015
I am in the same shoes.
by: Anonymous


I am 22 years old and I have been fighting with the same issue. I was like this since 1-2 years old. If something touches my neck, I have to vomit.

I have been thinking about it for long years and tried to figure out the reason behind it, and I came to a conclusion in my case.

I was born with umbilical cord around my neck. My father was born the same way and he has the same issue.

Is it possible that your son was born with the cord around his neck, too?

Sep 21, 2015
Strong Gad
by: April

I am hoping that someone is still reading this page. My now 3 year old son is having this problem and I have no idea what to do..... It started last Sept and he literally vomited for 6 months. We thought there was maybe something stuck in his throat but xray showed nothing. We have been on every acid reflux med available and we even had the scope down his throat. The scope did show mild Acid Reflux and they diagnosed with Acid Esophagitis but she said was still baffled at the vomiting all the time. The day we left the Dr office we walked into restaurant and as soon as food was mentioned he vomited everywhere. There are 2 triggers he associates with gagging and vomiting and that is food and clothes (mainly shirts and jackets). It seems to be worse in a crowded space like a ball game. He will be fine all day and we can go to a restaurant or my daughters volleyball game and he is vomiting within minutes. He starts by gagging and then he always vomits. It seems once he vomits he is better for a while but he has to get it out. Winter time is a nightmare at our house because he cant wear winter jackets without vomiting every morning. My daycare has sent him home a million times and he is fine just the gagging. I have no idea what to do or how to fix this but I am desperate and so glad to hear I am not alone.... NEED HELP!!!!!!

Mar 19, 2015
gagging away
by: Anonymous

I too have this problem. It started when I was in high school. I also gag if I wear ear plugs. I thought it was all connected through ear, nose, and throat. Doctors have never found a cause. Going to the dentist is hell also. It has rarely resulted in vomiting but heavy dry heaving is the norm.

Mar 13, 2015
Same issue
by: Sarah

I have the same issue and nobody seems to be able to diagnose this. When I was 11 I became ill with a high fever on January 1st 2006 (remember that night vividly). I woke up in the middle of the night and had the instinct to put my hair up in a high bun and take of my pajama dress that was touching my neck. All of a sudden, I could not stop gagging. I tried water and medicine and nothing stopped it. I was like that for about 2 months: bedridden, could not wear clothes so I had to miss school, couldn't eat or do anything because I would have 'gag attacks'. Everyone thought it was in my head so my parents took me to see pyschiatrists who diagnosed me with OCD/PANDA Syndrome and prescribed me some medications that I took for about 3 months.

The medications seem to help as I could start wearing tank tops and light cardigans (so I could finally go back to school) but soon after the medication stopped working and I was left at a point where I still can't wear scarves or crew-neck style shirts/sweaters (which is particularly difficult as I am in my 2nd year of college in Boston so the cold gets to me easily). It felt as if I would get hit with this 'sickness' in waves: a few days/weeks/months I would be ok but then out of nowhere it would hit me and I can't focus on anything else aside from preventing the gagging for starting because I can't miss class or work.

This past summer I had numerous blood tests and an endoscopy done but they all turned up negative. My doctor thought it might be set off by food but its never one specific food that sets it off. I can't explain it well and no one seems to understand what I am going through. I tried OTC anti-nausea syrup but my body became used to it after a while and it lost its effect. My doctor prescribed my Odanestrone sub-lingual tablets which have been helping (as I only take them when I feel like the gagging sensation is getting to strong to control).

I am afraid I will get used to these too and then I will be back to square one. Stress also seems to exacerbate it a little more so drinking a lot of water and getting rest has started to help calm down the episodes from occurring.

Mar 06, 2015
26 years old and I have this problem
by: Chris, Dry Ridge ky

Very odd, I stumbled upon this article by typing "I vomit when a shirt touches my neck" in a last ditch effort to find out what causes me to vomit. I have not yet told anybody as they may think I'm crazy but i thought it was odd that i got this every time i wear my carhartt hoodie. Thus is the problem I'm about 99% sure

Feb 20, 2015
come and goes
by: shane

Ok so I've had this disorder since I was a kid sometimes like now it's bad and sometimes it won't do it for years. When I think about it is when it really goes nuts. Just now I started to look it up and haven't gotten far on it but it's driving me crazy. Throwing up sometimes cause of it. It's weird to my friends and coworkers to see me talk about it. It seems ok when others are around but still kinda feel it and have to pull my shirt and jacket away from my neck. O yea I'm also 30 to and like I said I've had this since I was a kid. I also had brain surgery when I was 8 and I'm starting to think mate that's where it could have started. Now that it's winter and only 17° out side I'm seeking help by researching this now. Hopefully if I find something I'll post it on this web site.

Dec 08, 2014
by: Anonymous


Sep 23, 2014
It will get better
by: Sherri

My son who is now 12 has gotten much better with the gagging. Hopefully it is something that can be cured with time for your child as well. He can now sleep with a shirt on, doesn't gag as much anymore. He is still sensitive to tags, and his toes have to be able to wiggle in his shoes. Overall he is so much better. He too has a weak gag reflex and oral sensory disorder. You should see him at the dentist...a whole ordeal every time, tears and all. best of luck to you and your child.

Dec 12, 2013
Own experience
by: Jordan

I'm 19 and have experienced this myself for roughly a year now, with me I find that it is linked with anxiety and in that case I started getting used to unbuttoning my shirts and not wearing ties etc. If this happens to be the case for any of you I recommend seeking medical help for anxiety and researching the condition, it may just be that you can train your children or yourself to start getting used to it again one step at a time. I hope this is remotely helpful.

Nov 15, 2013
No sensory diagnosis
by: Anonymous

Hi, my 2 year old son was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis type 2 a year ago. He started with prednisone, they added a new med and have since been weaning the steroid.

Lately he is having that same issue! If he looks straight up he will gag! He gags in the bath when I wash his neck, he even gags with an open front shirt if it has a collar! It's driving me crazy! This is the first place I found that speaks of this issue.

Jun 11, 2013
trouble with clothing on the neck.
by: Anonymous

We have the same issue with clothing touching the neck. This is said to be part of the sensory issue, but it can also happen if one has a swollen thyroid as would be seen in an underlying thyroid condition. While that may not apply to many of our kids, it may be some of them. www.stopthethyroidmadness.com is helpful for sorting out if this issue applies or not.

What else helped us was to purchase only clothing that did not touch the front of the neck. This usually means loose t-shirts, or collared button neck shirts that he can keep unbuttoned.

One of the things I've learned with sensory is I had to let go of thinking he should wear particular styles or types of clothing. I let him choose what is comfortable and that's usually track pants, t-shirts, basketball shorts, things like that. No turtlenecks, scarfs, or buttoning his winter jacket to the top. I have to leave the top button undone. And when it comes to formal occasion we can manage dress pants if I let him feel all the fabrics and choose one at the store he can tolerate. Try it on there to make sure. Same with the dress shirt or whatever item it might be.

My child gags easily and for us it's his tongue. the back of his tongue is so sensitive.

Mar 06, 2013
Thankful not to be alone in this
by: Sherri

My 10 year old gags every morning and it is getting worse. It used to be every few days, now it is every day, he usually takes his shirt off first thing. It used to be controlled if he drank water or ate something right away but that doesn't work anymore. Now he chews gum, barely eats breakfast because just looking at it gags him. I have not heard of SPD. Thankful not to be alone.

Feb 16, 2013
by: Vicki

My 4yr old son is the same he gags every morning when getting dressed, he hates any thing arround his neck, can't have jackets or cardigans zipped up , he gags at the thought of it!! Then today we went out to a muddy woods with the dogs and was gagging at the squelching of our wellies in the mud??? Never had this before is this a medical problem....

Apr 12, 2012
I Understand
by: Seth

Hey, I am 18 and I have the same issues as your son, and the best thing you can do about the shirts is have him try them on before all the clothes before taking the tags and such off so you can return them or if he is with you have him try them on. Also neck ties give me a HUGE discomfort and I'm assuming it has or will in the future cause your son the same issues. I wear my neck ties loose and looks kind of sloppy and bear and grin it when I have to adjust it for pictures and such, although I NEVER button the top button with any of my shirts. I hope this is somewhat helpful and insightful for you.

Feb 07, 2012
Gag Reflex
by: Anonymous

My son is 10 and this has gag reflex is terrible in the morning when he first wakes up. He walks around with his shirt collar pulled up over his face. I have no idea what is causing this. My husband thinks it has something to do with the dry air from fireplace?? I had thought about possible tick or something but not sure if this is something to consult the physician on or if this is a mental issue. Any suggestions?

Jan 18, 2012
My son has the same issues
by: Anonymous

My son has mild SPD and also has some of the same issues as yours with not liking anything too close to his neck and tags. I would suggest getting tag less shirts or cutting the tags out and not buying shirts that have a small neck hole. It also might help if he just wore collared shirts and left the top buttons unbuttoned. Good luck!

Sep 20, 2014
annoying toooooooo much
by: afzi

i have also this problem for these days i cant wear any thing which is touching in my neck and neck base feeling a heavy weight

Feb 04, 2022
Same problem here
by: Osian

I haven't dealt with this all my life but it's definitely becoming a problem for me not long ago before turning 18 I went to the doctors and they told me I have subconscious anxiety tbh makes sense, they gave me a prescription and it helped but it didn't make a big difference. I was throwing up everytime I walked out side and felt I'll meeting with people inside my house, but recently I've been able to go to my girlfriends for the first time, and I didn't throw up and to be honest I'm quite proud of myself and I hadn't felt like throwing up at all, up until now where no matter what touches my neck I want to throw up it's a nuisance and I want to get rid of it now any suggestions please?

Mar 03, 2015
son's strong gag reflex, baffling
by: Nanay of 2

My 5 year old son's strong gag reflex baffles me all this years. Like one parent here in the forum he is at worst in the morning. He has not dressed himself yet and he is already gagging. sometimes I haven't started cooking breakfast and he is already gagging. He would get a drink but the worst is if he has something in his stomach he will throw up!We've been dealing with his vomiting since he learned eating table food. We thought his vomiting is just associated when he is sick. But in his short years I think he threw up more than I did in my 40 years! He used to love eating all kinds omelet but when he turned 2.5 years he swore off on eggs, even now just the sight of it makes him puke! And peanut butter. When he smells it in any food he will not eat it. It so hard watching him like that (and much more when so many times he is hugging the toilet bowl while vomiting). I know from the beginning this is not normal and no one can give me answers. Mostly being brushed off as "he JUST have a strong gag reflex"

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