Misdiagnosis Austism

My son was dx with Autism at 24 months of age. He is currently 28 months now. He has been receiving OT/Speech therapy for five months. Now he is very affection, shows joint attention, plays with other children, has several hundred words, almost typical eye contact, seeks praise, and has GREAT imitation skills. He appears to others a typical child now. My theory is he learned through OT very quickly how to regulate himself, and now he comes across very typical. He learned through speech how to use his words expressively. My question is he really autistic or appeared that way initial related to the sensory competent? Is it possible for child to be truly autistic, and with very early intervention come across typical or it is a mis-diagnosis? And in the case of SPD. I know several tricks now to get my son regulated very quick. The other day at nap he said, " Wait! Where are you going? Stop, Come back?" Now does this seem like a child who truly is autistic? If so, He is freaking amazing! He is already amazing!

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Mar 16, 2011
Misdiagnosis is common
by: Anonymous

I work with children on the spectrum and misdiagnosis does exist. With the numbers growing at such a fast rate, there are not enough truly qualified professionals to diagnose. It is hard to get the big picture with the few hours they have to do a diagnosis. Many times, professionals see a few characteristics and boom, they have Autism. I have worked with many children who had an ASD diagnosis that was questionable.

Additionally, diagnosis can be removed. I know of 5 children (at my work place alone) who recieved 30-40 hours of intense ABA services early on and later had their ASD diagnosis removed (around age 6).

Jan 31, 2011
not sure
by: Anonymous

As we all know there is a HUGE spectrum when it comes to autism. Our 10 yr old wasn't diagnosed until last year and that was from pushing on my end. He appeared typical but with speech delays, etc. He sounds like your child. But as he got older, social aspects were showing up, comprehension, some sensory issues. Kids are autistic no matter what. They may not show severe signs later on but you don't really take a diagnosis away. No cure remember?

Now our 5 yr old had earlier intervention than our 10 yr old and I think he has PDD. But he is better socially, etc. Also remember the HUGE spectrum?

Keep working with your child. Sounds like he was on the milder side. My 10 yr old is HFA and you wouldn't know unless I told you!

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