Why does my child fatigue so easily?

by hope

My son is wound up and jumping, and making noise,has constant movement and then quickly, is so tired and even sleepy. I am concerned.

We have only extremes and a lack of ability to do school work for long periods because of fatigue.(sleepy)

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Feb 19, 2010
re: Why does my child fatigue so easily?
by: Anonymous

My 5 year old has SPD and was diagnosed a couple of years ago. He's a sensory seeker and very wound up and easily over stimulated. Part of the therapy and strategies that we have used and have been taught by our OT is jumping and bouncing (it'll bring up their system) but then paired with something calming and soothing (for example rolling and rocking on a yoga ball). However, if he's over worked his engine will drop down too much and get tired and sleepy.

You may need to find a balance for all his energy. The jumping and bouncing is great for SPD but if you're child's engine is dropping too slow after, then find something to bring him back up. For us it would be brushing teeth, chewing gum, or anything else that we know gets his engine running a bit faster. It just helps make him more alert.

Our Physical Therapist tried the Astronaut program with him...and too much of it slows him down too much that he gets so tired and sleepy. (but the right amount worked so well for him and was able to sit and focus and even sit thru dinner and read a book the rest of the evening)

Believe it or not, but eye doctor appts because of the visual work he has to do for a vision screening, knocked him out the rest of the night, he didn't wake up till 8am!

Feb 05, 2010
sleep apnea?
by: Anonymous

Have you had him tested for sleep apnea? It is very common in children now. If he snores at night or wakes up not rested, you need to take him to a sleep doctor to perform a sleep study.

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