How do I get SPD diagnosed?

Early Intervention came to observe my daughter. They told me she is just "acting like a 2yr old". However, I believe there is more to it than that. What should I do? Who do I contact?

TheSPD Help Line Answers…

The bottom line is that you need to find an Occupational Therapist who is trained and experienced in Sensory Integration/Sensory Processing Disorder theory, assessment, and treatment. I have laid out the steps you need to take for assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and support in the following articles:

Step By Step Guide For SPD Parents

How To Find An Occupational Therapist For SPD

You should find what you are looking for to get started in these articles. Make sure to click on the links listed within those articles as they will take you to the specific resources you need. Also, make sure you fill out and use the Infant/Toddler SPD Checklist when you do find an Occupational Therapist. You can additionally contact a developmental pediatrician to rule out any other diagnoses.

Can you tell us what “symptoms” you are seeing that are indicative of SPD? What issues is your daughter having? What do you think is beyond the normal two year old behaviors? I say, trust your gut. If you can let us know what your specific concerns are, perhaps I can let you know if the red flags are there. Perhaps the early intervention team is not familiar with SPD? Did they in fact do an official evaluation with a variety of disciplines? What did they do while they were out there?

Let me know if you do not find what you are looking for and/or need anything further. If you can answer my questions we also may be able to help more. Be as specific as possible, ok?

Take good care.

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